  • Report:  #571157

Complaint Review: Telereach - Internet

Reported By:
Anonymous - Internet, Nationwide, United States of America

1947 North Gessner, Suite 610 Internet, United States of America
(713) 956-8700
www.TeleReach.com, www.TeleReachjobs.com
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I'd also like to share my personal experience as an employee of TeleReach.
My first contact was from their Recruiter. I was most impressed to learn of their business model and their initial desire to build a strong 'at home' opportunity.

I did not seek out TeleReach. In fact, their recruiter approached me, obtaining my contact information from a secret shopper website. 

Their recruiter and I spoke at length about TeleReach, the business model, history, as well as the president's desire and achievements. He shared with me a little about her personal development journey and his developmental walk as well, including his close relationship with a well-known author in the PD industry.

Encouraged by what the recruiter shared, and mostly so to learn that the hard work and belief in growing a small business thirteen years ago to the model that it is today reflects what many dream of, especially parents who want to participate  in the activities of their school aged children. I was excited to say the least and felt blessed in many ways to have an opportunity to work with a company whose philosophies parallel mine. 

Their human resources key person was my next TeleReach contact, another great experience. How dynamic she is, and I learned that she as well as the recruiter have been with the company since day one. She was able to navigate and expedite my training date which further inspired me. I left our session very excited to be a part of the TeleReach family.

The following Monday morning at the teleconference meeting (my first introduction to TeleReach Corporate), I became confused.  Their production manager lead the meeting, and at first I wasn't sure if I was 'in' the right meeting as I was rather surprised to hear some of the unprofessional and frankly inappropriate things she was saying. As I listened, she called out names of the new hires to introduce themselves. I couldn't help but wonder why she was making fun of new people, as if she didn't know we could hear her comments.

After the introductions, the production manager referred to the meeting agenda, particularly client standings. The undertone in her voice, what first sounded like disappointment (in callers not making their 'benchmarks'), turned quickly to a very uncomfortable session in what can only be described as punishment. To say that this would not have been my first choice in a companywide 'meet and greet' is an understatement.

As the training day progressed, working with the trainer, waiting for the trainer and trying to wrap my brain around the first couple of images I had of TeleReach, versus what I was experiencing, led me to be somewhat concerned. Still hopeful, albeit less excited, I decided to give us all the benefit of 'newness'. 

The declaration from my trainer, that she 'didn't actually sign up for this position' and she 'really didn't know how she got roped into it' ran through my head as a red flag. Towards the end of my first day of training, while on a 'meeting' website along with other trainees lead by the trainer, the production manager IM'd her repeatedly. Several times the trainer responded that she was actively in training and to 'watch her cursing' as we all could see the screen. I will not expound on the rest of the IM conversation between the production manager and the trainer. I will however add that another red flag raced through my head.

Day one of training ended with a lot of information to absorb, both professionally and otherwise. I questioned why, if we were scheduled to be 'at work' for training from 8:30am to 5:30pm, our training class spent the better part of the day waiting for the trainer to return.

Why was it that when the trainer was training us, she was consistently interrupted by IM's of other trainee's that were now dialing and needed help? Help, which actually was well founded as I've since experienced, was not covered nor addressed in training, and was vitally important to the everyday job description for callers.

What happened to the one on one training with Sr. Callers we were promised?

Why we were as 'newbies', constantly beat up by the production manager and at times our trainer for not delivering the numbers set for us, when in fact we were not given the training that was promised?

Why promise we would get all the support needed to be successful, yet when asking a question or two regarding a system function or something as vitally important as to the call result choices on the data base system, we were 'scolded' for not 'referring to the client guidelines' and other such ill warranted behaviors?

It appears to me that TeleReach hires very competent, successful, seasoned professionals whose tenure with the company is very brief. 

Measuring the market, model, and the overall opportunity that TeleReach offers potential employees, with the positive and friendly experiences one shares with the recruiter and human resources person, I imagine that many start with the company as excited as I was.

In a very short period of time I become confused and discouraged questioning why I was being told 'you probably aren't a fit' when in fact I, like so many others are a great fit or frankly we would not have spent the out of pocket money, time and personal investment in becoming a part of what we believed to be a "team".

There appears to be a huge breakdown in what I believe to be a once fabulous system. 

It appears the president at one time worked very long and hard to grow TeleReach to where it is or, where it was before now; frankly a model of desperation.

Desperate people have desperate behavior. That behavior is exhibited by those that do not want to take responsibility and in turn bully others.

Don't we learn as we work with others that coaching is much more productive than managing? Where is the coaching in any of the meetings and/or trainings?

Why are 'newbies' put on 'notice' when the company does not provide the training that was promised?

Should a new hire should be privy to the information that the production manager doles out in meetings, i.e., threats, obvious fear of client loss and the constant employee barraging that is peppered with passive-aggressiveness?

As a seasoned professional I am fairly quick at identifying numbers. On reflection in first seeing TeleReach's client numbers, overall caller numbers, training information regarding how the company cannot 'handle' all of the clients they have, the hire/loss ratio, and factoring the exorbitant cost incurred with this, it appears that some sort of resolution needs to happen and quickly, but as others have written here, the company is not about resolutions.  

Due to their marketing, the company is attracting some of the best professionals in the nation and losing them quickly. This just doesn't make sense when the recruiting and initial hiring phase of TeleReach works hand in glove to bring to their table a wealth of achievers who enter and exit in head spinning numbers.

Why is it that this experience now feels so contradictory?

Jobseekers beware!
I am a single mother and have enjoyed very successful virtual employment in the past. I did my due diligence on TeleReach, or so I thought.

I passed up other opportunities while jumping through their hoops, all to find out that I was misled and debunked!

Don't let this happen to you!

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