  • Report:  #222134

Complaint Review: Teleteria / Jay Servidio - New York New York

Reported By:
- Dallas, Texas,

Teleteria / Jay Servidio
575 Lexington Ave New York, 10022 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased what I thought was an online adult toy store and when it was completed it was this turnkey website. When I brought this to his attentions I had no choice but to accept the turn key website.

After his claim of how much money I was going to be making, I was skeptical but accepted. I paid by debit $1000.00 on 8/14/2006 and then again 8/22/2006 I paid $1300.00 that includes 3 months of mandatory hosting.

I was immediately alerted when I was not even able to access my site at all so I called him to get the run araound for about 2 days until finally he gave me a user name and a passcode to only access the site as a member. So because of this and an immediate problem with the merchant that he was recommending I searched and found another hosting company and merchant to replace and he would not even answer the merchant nor hosting company.

So because of this I decided to dispute the charges with my bank. And because of the contract I signed and the no refund policy I was denied my dispute efforts.

To make the best of a bad situation I tried to at least get the site going so that I could at least make some kind of revenue and cut my losses. Right? Wrong because to this day I have not one customer at all. I would understand the no refund policy but I have a real problem with the who misleading and fraudulant acts of Teleteria. Such as the so called search engine optimization they charge $1500.00 for.

I have since then hired a webmaster to kinda help but this all together. She searched numerous different veriations of my sites name www.pornsexhotel.com on Dog Pile Search Engine to only come up with one direct longging of the actual web address on Yahoo search and that was it. He claims it outs your site out 1500 search engines and directories for the period of a year. That is fraudulant cause Dog Pile is combination of all the search engines and no it was not there.

I had previously agreed to pay for a seach engine to optimize my site and refused to pay until I was to getting some kind of revenue. He claimed that he was going to sue me if I did not pay him $1500.00 .

I sent Jay Servidio a money order for $750.00 which he insisted on a money order. I told him at that time I would send the remaining in one month when my site was making some revenue so that I could better afford it.

I admit that I am a newbie to all of this although I do know computers well I was new to the adult turn key websites. That is the what he thrived on to take advantage of me and rip me off. I was told that I was paying for a original site that he would design just for me and Jay Servidio would also host this site for $100.00 a month ( which is redickulas high for hosting) but I figured that I would get a server and host my own in a couple of months so I went along with it for now. I did recieve a ftp code by email to get to the ad panel of the site but to this day have not gotten in it because he has changed the passcode. So that he is in control. I asked him for the ftp access or ad panel access and he has denied me that information saying that I owe him money for the search engine so he can not give me access to the site I bought and have already payed for. I should have gotten a hard copy of the site which I have not. He has now taken down my site for what he claims I owe him $750.00 for the remainder of the search engine fee. I am sorry but I thought when you purchased a site you owed it. I should still own it correct?

I also looked up the domain name I own www.pornsexhotel.com on the www.waybackmachine.com this is the internet archive machine of website and domains ,pictures ect. Here is the link for you to look at http://web.archive.org/web/*/pornsexhotel.com/* What I found confirms that he is a rip off and a thief he has been selling the same site over and over as an original.

The exact same site pictures and all except for maybe the background color, was exactly the same as mine with even the same domain name. So I am asking how is this con artist and thief getting away with ripping people off such as myself and many many other's? Yes, he is a fraud for sure. He is resaling the same site over and over and when the owner would get tired of not making any money and quit giving him money. He waould then turn and resale it all over again to the next unknowing victum.

I also hooked up with his merchant www.paycom.net. Paid $750.00 to register with visa. Sent it directly to the agent not to visa. I now believe they are working together inthis whole fraudulant opperations do to the fact that I sent an email asking if I was going to get a refund for my $750.00 because of the fraud of his client Jay Servidio with Teleteria and explained to him how he was a rip off. With only a resonse from him was he was going to be out of the office for the Thanksgiving holidays (a form e-mail) which he did not respond even reciept of my email or refund request.

I am wanting to know if anything can be done to stop this man from stealing peoples money? I am willing to submit all of my info to make sure that he is jailed. I did keep every email between him and I. Please direct me on any action I may take to get justice. Thank you for your time.


Dallas, Texas

1 Updates & Rebuttals


You got into something that you didn't understand. You took the word of an idiot, who turned around and sold you a bill of goods.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 26, 2006

That wouldn't be so bad, if this whole fiasco cost you an hour of time and 50 cents for a phone call. You could write that off and walk away. But, from your story, it looks like months of time and thousands of dollars. Do you want to know the worst part? The idiot made something and delivered it to you. Plus, you signed a contract. The cops usually end up calling that kind of thing a business deal gone sour. That makes it a civil matter. Like small claims court. At best, you could go in and have your day in front of Judge Judy. Something like that. How much are other people making by selling toys on websites? You don't know, because you didn't check it out. There's so much that you don't understand about internet commerce. You jumped into the freakin' deep end of the lake. You have no idea what to do. For example, you don't auto-submit to 1500 search engines. You only need the top 3. And, you don't auto submit anything. Next, you need to realize that you pay to get traffic. Google adwords. Plus, you need to make a good site. Backlinks from page-rank 4 sites. Plus, you need to run google adsense. And, you need to get with yahoo and do the same thing. Google these things and spend a day reading. Meta tag optimization. Keyword analysis. Search engine optimization. Page ranking. Pay per click. Affiliate campaigns. I could give you a list of a dozen more things. But, once you start, you'll quickly see what you need. Plus, on top of all this crap that you have to do just to get people to come to your site, you still have to run the business side of it. Boxing up all the dildos and the anal lube and sending it all out. Plus, you gotta handle the merchant account nonsense. The list just goes on and on. Can you make money in the adult toy business online? Maybe. Maybe, if you got 50 grand, and two years of time to build your traffic. Maybe after all that time and money, you can finally start to see some kind of an income that you could live off of. The keyword is maybe. Remember, there are a million other people hustling off lotions and g-spot vibes. You're not alone, not by any means. The thing is, you didn't figure out any of this before you dived in and started spending money. Here's my advice. Forget the idiot. You followed this dumbass long enough. He's of no value. Get some books (library) and find out what you're up against. Don't follow any more assholes. Figure out this whole e-commerce thing for yourself. Then, if you still feel like you have the time and the money, get back in it again. Personally, I think that you're wasting both time and money. But, that's me. I only go with winning situations. At best, e-commerce is a long-shot. Have you thought about sex toy parties? It works like Avon, except your hustling vibrators door-to door. Women get together in groups and check the stuff out right there in person. If ten ladies each spend $100, you got a grand. At a 50% markup, you made $500. Do 2 or 3 of these a week, and it turns into 50K. Now, that you can do in 90 days. The investment is low. All you need to learn is how to sell the products and how to put together the groups of women and couples who will look at your display. The stuff kind of sells itself. It's not like running a life-insurance scam, or anything. For my money, that's what I'd be doing.

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