  • Report:  #403337

Complaint Review: Texas Department Of Family And Protective Services (Bryan College Station) - Austin Texas

Reported By:
- jewett, Texas,

Texas Department Of Family And Protective Services (Bryan College Station)
P.O. Box 149030 Austin, 78714 Texas, U.S.A.
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On October 30 I took my baby to a Pediatric Associates in Palestine. I was told that there was something about his white blood cell count, that more blood work needed to be done. I then boarded medical transportation and went home. A few hours later an officer from the Leon County Sheriff's Department, along with with cps came to my home. My husband asked if they had a warrant, and was told no, so he refused to open the door. The officer then threatened that if he didn't open the door that he would break it down.

So, being a rental property my husband reluctantly opened the door. I went to my landlord's house hoping that she could help me, and they then entered her home without permission. They told us, my landlord and some other people that he had meningitis and would be dead within hours.

Several times the CPS worker grabbed me, trying to take my baby from me, saying that he belonged to the state now. We were told to follow them to Bryan St. Joseph, but they then led us on a high speed chase to Madison St.Joseph Health Center, where we were met by two Madisonville officers, after a report was made that we had been chasing them.

After about an hour of waiting and worrying, we asked one of the officers to go inside to check on him. He then returned and told us that they had gone. Dr. Little and two registered nurses checked him out, said he was fine and seen no need to even check him for meningitis.

Several days later I was told that he had an infection and was in a hospital at an undisclosed location. This makes four kids they've taken from me because of the fact that my husband is a low-risk sex-offender after taking a plea bargain. Which was caused by a quarrel with some members of my family. I was also on probation for one year, due to a plea bargain, for bodily injury to a child, after babysitting some troubled kids.

All of this happened in 2003. Also based on the fact that I draw a disability check, and that I was in resource classes in school. I've never been told that I couldn't have more children, yet they continue to take them away from me. Most of the things they say about us in their documents are lies. With our last son, we both tried our best to do the things that they asked us to do, including separate. Even though when we went to court, they always lied, and twisted things around, saying that we hadn't.

On the final court date, both mine and my husband's attorneys told us that they never had a reason to take him, and no grounds for termination. Everyone agreed that we had done no wrong, except for one case worker who had been assigned to our case a few weeks before, whom neither my husband or I had ever even met. Yet the judge still terminated on us. Conveniently for them, the case worker we had dealt with for the previous eight or nine months, whom we believe honestly thought we were going to get our child back was no longer employed by the agency.

Since they took him, they've brought false charges against me and had me jailed for retaliation. Which they're using in order to refuse us from seeing our baby, calling it aggravated circumstances. Now, in court on the 5th of December 2008, they say that he was hospitalized for a urinary tract infection and E-coli. Which he took antibiotics for and has since gotten better. They try to make it out as if my husband and I done this to him, but I know that kidnapped him, he was perfectly healthy.

I've spoken to several doctors, and all of them told me that if he'd had E-coli, that it would have killed him very quickly, especially had it gone untreated for several days or more. A few days after they took him from us I seen a doctor to get checked for E-coli, and was told that I didn't have it. Now here it is, over 2 months later and they are making little to no effort toward at least placing him with anyone that I've suggested to them. We want our baby home but we would at least like to know that he is somewhere that he is being taken care of and not living out of some CPS office somewhere. Please help, we're worried that our baby isn't being properly cared for.

Our story is a very detailed and ongoing one, but we have had our civil and constitutional rights violated so many times, in every single case.


jewett, Texas


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