  • Report:  #954332

Complaint Review: The Half Time Hustler - El Dorado Hills California

Reported By:
Helen - Los Angeles, California, United States of America

The Half Time Hustler
4154 Arenzano way El Dorado Hills, 95762 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Good people will help friends or even strangers in need, especially someone really in need. For a (borderline) sociopath do they ever feel a sense of obligation to those that extended a hand or do they just feel entitled to whatever they can get? A true con artist can pull off the con without others ever knowing.
The world evolves around their needs and desire to manipulate, con, and cheat. The problem we face when treating sociopaths is that they have an inability to learn from their prior mistakes. Unlike you or I who feel guilt, remorse, shame, sadness, regret and a host of other feelings, which fuel us to make better choices for the future...sociopaths lack such depth of emotion so they have no motivation for change. As far as they are concerned, their behavior causes them no discomfort.
Ralph Sanders aka Sean Sanders is an ex con arrested by Sandford University Detective Tim Ferecceri  convicted twice for thief forgery and burglary, and battery of other crimes has severed 15 years in prison twice at San Quentin and Cochran State. One would think every one deserved a second chance to live a crime free and productive life style after making such horrible mistakes.
To the contrary, Mr. Sanders as a master con artist release from a prison just a few years ago has intensified his sociopathic behavior to off the charts. Some how he was able to rent a house in the affluent community of Serrano and set-up and elaborate scam claiming to help Juveniles at Risk by fraudulently fund raising on behalf of under privileges and trouble kids. Ralph is known to con restaurants local businesses and churches into donating money, food and coupons under false pretense while abusing the generosity of the givers for his own lavish life style in the foothills.  The sociopath even had the audacity to create and post a video on his website The Half Time Hustler (http://www.halftimehustler.com/videos.htm) to further entice naive citizens into supporting his cause. Indeed he is a Hustler of hardworking folks money!
In the Serrano Community, the imposter masquerades to his neighbors as being a basketball player for the Sacramento Kings and The Golden State Warriors, showing off expensive Mercedes and BMWs and designer clothes.
Since the economy went into the tank and donations from small business, churches have run dry, the Half Time Hustler has now set his eye sight on his neighbors. His daily scam on the honest hard working folks in the El Dorado Hills community is so prevalent that community has put-out a SCAM ALERT on him.
This Sociopath will go door to door with his three year old daughter in tow asking to borrow money. His typical con-line goes like this, My wife just drove off to work and I just realized my wallet was accidently left in her can you please loan me about $20.00 to $50.00 so I may purchase some food for my daughter?
Once you have open your wallet for him, he usually returns two days later, and ask for a donation to make the $9000.00 need to make funereal arrangements for his brother who supposedly pass away from HIV.
Be very careful with this man as he is very conning, manipulative, and possible very dangerous, make sure you keep him away from your home and family.

209 Updates & Rebuttals

Ralph Sanders' Victims Inc. STOP the Psychopath

United States
LIES. He Will NEVER Stop.

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, August 31, 2021

Are you a victim of the dangerous criminal serial scammer con-artist, Ralph Sanders? 

Contact us:  [email protected]

It is time this psychopath is put in prison where he belongs! It's time for victims to take a stand, come together and NOT allow this malicious CON ARTIST, CONMAN, RECIDIVIST, SCAM ARTIST, CROOK, PREVARICATOR, DECEIVER, HYPOCRITE, CHEATER, NEFARIOUS, DETESTABLE, REPREHENSIBLE, DERELICT THIEF Ralph, Rafael, Sean, Shawn, Christian, Malik, or whatever name he is going by these days, to get away with his lies and atrocious criminal acts toward kind and innocent people!!

Don’t believe a word he says. He only knows how to lie. Don’t let him convince you of anything especially giving him keys to your home or car, buying a car and don’t give him any money to borrow!!! YOU WILL NEVER SEE IT AGAIN! He will say he will pay because he’s "not a criminal", but HE IS just that, a CRIMINAL who learned nothing after serving 15 years in CA hardest and most violent crime prisons. He plays his wicked games until gets what he wants and then he will turn on you and just like he says, “You have awakened the Beast!”  He will take everything from you, but that doesn’t have to happen, because his past victims are here for you.

Do you need help? Do you feel alone? Are you embarrassed and can't believe the position he put you in? You’re not alone.  There are many victims here waiting to guide you in the right direction. Victims who have walked in your shoes and understand what you are going through. You do not have to be silent anymore.                                            

Please Contact us @ [email protected] 

Website: Under Construction. 

His victims are fed up and have united.  Determined to STOP this career criminal and put him back behind bars where he belongs. Along with his middle school teacher wife, Lauren Sanders.   

Lock um’ up and toss the key so no one else can be added to the victim’s list and has to endure the malicious and conniving acts of this monster and his monstress. 

Contact us now before anymore of your money is gone or you are left with nothing. Join us in taking this psychopath down! 

Contact us at:

[email protected]

Report Attachments


United States

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, August 21, 2021

Are you a victim of the dangerous ex-con and serial scammer, Ralph Sanders? 

Contact us:  [email protected]

It's time this psychopath is put in prison where he belongs! It's time for victims to take a stand, come together and NOT allow this CON ARTIST, CONMAN, RECIDIVIST, SCAM ARTIST, CROOK, PREVARICATOR, DECEIVER, HYPOCRITE, CHEATER, NEFARIOUS, DETESTABLE, REPREHENSIBLE, DERELICT Ralph, Rafael, Sean, Shawn, Malik, or whatever name he is going by, to get away with his lies and atrocious criminal acts toward kind and innocent people!! Contact us @ [email protected]  Website: Coming soon- Under Construction.  Let's unite and take him DOWN!!! Lock him up and throw away the key!

Ralph Sanders' VICTIMS!!

United States
Ralph, Malik, Sean, Christian, Shawn, Rafael Sanders

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, August 06, 2021

YOU WILL NEVER LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES! You just continue to lie and steal.  YOU AND YOUR LOSER WIFE, Lauren! Both of you should be in prison! 

Are you a victim of the dangerous ex-con and serial scammer, Ralph Sanders? 

Contact us:  [email protected]

It's time this psychopath is put in prison where he belongs! It's time for victims to take a stand, come together and NOT allow this CON ARTIST, CONMAN, RECIDIVIST, SCAM ARTIST, CROOK, PREVARICATOR, DECEIVER, HYPOCRITE, CHEATER, NEFARIOUS, DETESTABLE, REPREHENSIBLE, DERELICT Ralph, Rafael, Sean, Shawn, Malik, or whatever name he is going by, to get away with his lies and atrocious criminal acts toward kind and innocent people!! Contact us @ [email protected]  Website: Coming soon- Under Construction.  Let's unite and take him DOWN!!! Lock him up and throw away the key!




[email protected]

United States
Ralph Sanders' Victims

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, July 07, 2021

Are you a victim of the dangerous ex-con and serial scammer, Ralph Sanders? 

Contact us:  [email protected]

It's time this psychopath is put in prison where he belongs! It's time for victims to take a stand, come together and NOT allow this CON ARTIST, CONMAN, RECIDIVIST, SCAM ARTIST, CROOK, PREVARICATOR, DECEIVER, HYPOCRITE, CHEATER, NEFARIOUS, DETESTABLE, REPREHENSIBLE, DERELICT Ralph, Rafael, Sean, Shawn, Malik, or whatever name he is going by, to get away with his lies and atrocious criminal acts toward kind and innocent people!! Contact us @ [email protected]  Website: Coming soon- Under Construction.  Let's unite and take him DOWN!!! Lock him up and throw away the key!

Ralph Sanders' Victims

United States
Ralph Sanders Victim?

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, July 04, 2021

Contact us at  [email protected]

It is time Victims take a stand.  It is time this monster is held accountable.  It is time he is off the streets and in prison where he belongs! Please contact us and don't be scared anymore.  The more victims that come forward, the more the FBI will take initiative to DO SOMETHING!! #ralphsandersvictims #SendRalphSandersBacktoPrison 

Ralph Sanders' Victims

United States
Victim Help

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, July 04, 2021

If you have been a victim of Ralph and Lauren Sanders please contact us at:

[email protected]

Let's put these serial con-artists AWAY for good!

Ralph Sanders' Victims

United States
OMG, Ralph Sanders, YOU are the poster who uses fictitious names and slanders your VICTIMS!!!!!

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, July 04, 2021

OMG, Ralph Sanders, YOU are the poster who uses fictitious names and slanders your VICTIMS!!!!! You did it to me and all the other victims.  

Your victims have said they would meet with you publicly, so you can plead your innocence and show your proof that will clear your name and be done with all this.  This would be the perfect opportunity for you to do so, HOWEVER Mr. Sanders will NOT respond to our invitation. THIS PROVES YOU'RE GUILTY!!! Why won't you meet with us and show your accusers and your community your innocence. Bring your attorneys you say you have and get all this cleared up! Sanders, what are you waiting for???


United States

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, August 17, 2020

If you have been a victim of Ralph and Lauren Sanders please contact us at:

[email protected]

Let's put these serial con-artists AWAY for good!


United States
[email protected]

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, August 17, 2020

If you have been a victim of Ralph and Lauren Sanders please contact us at:

[email protected]

Let's put these serial con-artists AWAY for good!


United States
[email protected]

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, August 17, 2020

If you have been a victim of Ralph and Lauren Sanders please contact us at:

[email protected]

Let's put these serial con-artist AWAY for good!

Ralph Sanders' Victims

United States

#12General Comment

Fri, June 12, 2020

If you have been the victim of Ralph (Rafael, Raphael, Sean) Sanders, please contact [email protected] ASAP.  We are here to listen and help. You are not alone!!

Thank you,


(Ralph Sanders Victims Unit)

Northern, CA


Ralph Sanders Victims

United States
Help is Available

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, June 11, 2020

If you have been a victim of Ralph or (Rafael, Raphael, Sean) Sanders, please contact us at [email protected] ASAP.  We are here to help!



El Dorado Hills,

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 04, 2016


SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016  KIM ~ we've met.  I know you think your neighborhood is safer and happier without Ralph Sanders.  I'm sure it is.  That's great for you, and I'm happy for you.  However, even though Ralph has left your neighborhood, your sick neighbor George has continued to harass him, and brutally harass me. This is what I just wrote in response to yet ANOTHER attack on me by George. This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.   He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.   The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report.

Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.   I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.   Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.   These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  

Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.   Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.   Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.  

During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.   Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  

In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.  

George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.   Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.    But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.   I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :) 

Judith You've never wanted to talk to me about what's really going on inside George's house, and I really don't care if you don't want to talk to me now either.  Ralph wanted me to forward this to you, I did it out of courtesy to him.   The truth is, after a death threat I received, I visited the FBI in Phoenix, and found that George did spend 10+ years in a mental hospital for shooting his ex-wife.   Do whatever you want with that information, and the information I obtained from the DA Investigator that it was NOT Ralph who wrote the RipOff reports on me.  It was George. I don't care if I never hear from you again, in fact don't even bother to respond.  You've got your life, I've got mine, I've moved on...but George refuses to.  Now he's suing me, dragging me AGAIN through the court system for monies he imagines I owe him.  He's sick and certifiably insane, but he's your neighbor, not mine.  Good luck in the future. Judith!!!


El Dorado Hills,

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, April 26, 2016


 KIM ~ we've met.  I know you think your neighborhood is safer and happier without Ralph Sanders.  I'm sure it is.  That's great for you, and I'm happy for you.  However, even though Ralph has left your neighborhood, your sick neighbor George has continued to harass him, and brutally harass me. This is what I just wrote in response to yet ANOTHER attack on me by George. This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.   He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  

The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.   I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.   Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.   These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  

Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.   Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.   Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.  

During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.   Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.

  If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.   In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.

  George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.   Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.    But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.   I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith You've never wanted to talk to me about what's really going on inside George's house, and I really don't care if you don't want to talk to me now either.  Ralph wanted me to forward this to you, I did it out of courtesy to him.   The truth is, after a death threat I received, I visited the FBI in Phoenix, and found that George did spend 10+ years in a mental hospital for shooting his ex-wife.   Do whatever you want with that information, and the information I obtained from the DA Investigator that it was NOT Ralph who wrote the RipOff reports on me.  It was George. I don't care if I never hear from you again, in fact don't even bother to respond.  You've got your life, I've got mine, I've moved on...but George refuses to.  Now he's suing me, dragging me AGAIN through the court system for monies he imagines I owe him.  He's sick and certifiably insane, but he's your neighbor, not mine.  Good luck in the future. Judith!!!


El Dorado Hills,

#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, April 22, 2016

 lls - (USA) SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 21, 2016   ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT !!!! GEORGE SEMEIL’S COVER HAS UNFOLDING DAILY AND HE IS EXPOSED AND BEING INVESTIGATED BY THE FBI!!! AUTHOR: THE COMMUNITY OF EL DORADO - (USA) SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 21, 2016   #15 REBUTTAL Owner of company GEORGE THIS IS RALPH SANDERS AND I ADMIRE JUDITH'S LETTER AND SHE IS HONEST AND ASK YOU TO GO AWAY. I WOULD LIKE YOU TO PLEASE DO THE SAME WITH ME GEORGE ....JUST LIVE YOUR LAST DAYS IN PEACE!! AUTHOR: Ralph Sanders - (USA) SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016  KIM ~ we've met.  I know you think your neighborhood is safer and happier without Ralph Sanders.  I'm sure it is.  That's great for you, and I'm happy for you.  However, even though Ralph has left your neighborhood, your sick neighbor George has continued to harass him, and brutally harass me. This is what I just wrote in response to yet ANOTHER attack on me by George.

This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.   He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.   The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report.

Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.   I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.   Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  

These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.   Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.   Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay.

The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.   Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.   During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.   Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.  

If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.   In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.  

George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.   Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.    But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  

I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith You've never wanted to talk to me about what's really going on inside George's house, and I really don't care if you don't want to talk to me now either.  Ralph wanted me to forward this to you, I did it out of courtesy to him.   The truth is, after a death threat I received, I visited the FBI in Phoenix, and found that George did spend 10+ years in a mental hospital for shooting his ex-wife.   Do whatever you want with that information, and the information I obtained from the DA Investigator that it was NOT Ralph who wrote the RipOff reports on me.  It was George. I don't care if I never hear from you again, in fact don't even bother to respond.  You've got your life, I've got mine, I've moved on...but George refuses to.  Now he's suing me, dragging me AGAIN through the court system for monies he imagines I owe him.  He's sick and certifiably insane, but he's your neighbor, not mine.  Good luck in the future. Judith!!!


El Dorado Hills,

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, April 10, 2016


SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016  KIM ~ we've met.  I know you think your neighborhood is safer and happier without Ralph Sanders.  I'm sure it is.  That's great for you, and I'm happy for you.  However, even though Ralph has left your neighborhood, your sick neighbor George has continued to harass him, and brutally harass me. This is what I just wrote in response to yet ANOTHER attack on me by George. This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  

He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  

The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  

I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  

Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.   Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  

Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  

Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.   During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  

Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  

In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use.

My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  

Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.    But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith You've never wanted to talk to me about what's really going on inside George's house, and I really don't care if you don't want to talk to me now either.  Ralph wanted me to forward this to you, I did it out of courtesy to him.   The truth is, after a death threat I received, I visited the FBI in Phoenix, and found that George did spend 10+ years in a mental hospital for shooting his ex-wife.   Do whatever you want with that information, and the information I obtained from the DA Investigator that it was NOT Ralph who wrote the RipOff reports on me.  It was George. I don't care if I never hear from you again, in fact don't even bother to respond.  You've got your life, I've got mine, I've moved on...but George refuses to.  Now he's suing me, dragging me AGAIN through the court system for monies he imagines I owe him.  He's sick and certifiably insane, but he's your neighbor, not mine.  Good luck in the future. Judith!!!


El Dorado Hills,

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, April 05, 2016

  #1 REBUTTAL Owner of company I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL ,RE- POST THIS , EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERS - (USA) SUBMITTED: Wednesday, March 30, 2016  s? #5 REBUTTAL Owner of company I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL (RE- POST THIS ) EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERS - (USA) SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 28, 2016   Updates & Rebuttals #1 REBUTTAL Owner of company I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL (RE- POST THIS ) EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERES - (USA) SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 27, 2016   I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL ,RE- POST THIS , EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERS - (USA) SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 25, 2016   Either post facts, or stop posting at all. AUTHOR: Judith - (USA) SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016 This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.   The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.   During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.   Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.   But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith  


El Dorado Hills,

#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 30, 2016

 s? #5 REBUTTAL Owner of company I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL (RE- POST THIS ) EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERS - (USA) SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 28, 2016   Updates & Rebuttals #1 REBUTTAL Owner of company I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL (RE- POST THIS ) EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERES - (USA) SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 27, 2016   I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL ,RE- POST THIS , EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERS - (USA) SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 25, 2016   Either post facts, or stop posting at all. AUTHOR: Judith - (USA) SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016 This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  

The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.

 Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay.

The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.   During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.  

If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.   Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.

  George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.   But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith  

Ralph Sanders

El Dorado Hills,

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 19, 2016

 USA) SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 25, 2016   Either post facts, or stop posting at all. AUTHOR: Judith - (USA) SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016 This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.   During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.   Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.   But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice . Judith.

Ralph Sanders

El Dorado Hills,

#21REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 19, 2016

 LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.   During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.   But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith Respond to this report!  What's this? #3 REBUTTAL Owner of company I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL (RE- POST THIS ) EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERS - (USA) SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 28, 2016   Updates & Rebuttals #1 REBUTTAL Owner of company I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL (RE- POST THIS ) EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERES - (USA) SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 27, 2016   I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL ,RE- POST THIS , EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERS - (USA) SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 25, 2016   Either post facts, or stop posting at all. AUTHOR: Judith - (USA) SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016 This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.   During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.   Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.   But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith  

the community of El Dorado Hills

El Dorado Hills,

#22REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 16, 2016

 I, RALPH SANDERS REPOSTED THESE REBUTALLS BECAUSE I WANT TO SHOW READERS WHO GOOGLE ME THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS SICK MAN AND ALL HIS ATTACKS ON MY IMAGE AS A BOOK AUTHOR!!!! #67 REBUTTAL Owner of company GEORGE SEMEIL APPEARED IN COURT TODAY WITH ONE FAKE WITNESS....COURT CONTINUES ON JUNE 5TH....STAY TUNED FOR MORE OF MR SEMEIL'S ATTACKS ON AUTHOR RALPH SANDERS AUTHOR: The City of Cameron Park - () SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 Ralph Sanders is still putting up with George Semeil's game and will pray that he will start to see the true light of what he is doing to harm others success.  Everybody is living their life but George F. Semeil.  Rebuttal’s on this site are very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil.  This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Paul Remington, (his boss for 60 days) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below) George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance.

Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Paul Remington from Maximus, Inc. (see Paul Remington URL below).       1)     The Fraud 2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case 3)     Interesting Thread 4)     Con and Liar 5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison 6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily 7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends 8)     The Hilarious Show Continues 9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed 10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler 11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders 12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House 13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims 14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat 15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK 16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist 17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate 18)  Libel 19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious 20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife 21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover 22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph? 23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph 24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued 25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph 26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life? 27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims 28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man 29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals 30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior 31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph 32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask 33)  I Am A Victim 34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive 35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully 36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected 37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative 38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man 39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders 40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar 41)  A Victim Sacramento USA 42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It 43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph   These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at: [email protected] -----  Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity.  Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness. I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.   -

After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.   Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil. All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed. While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!   It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993). Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993) [1]  UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT [2]  No. 91-55064 [3]  1993.C09.44877 <versuslaw.com> [4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993. [5]  GEORGE F. SEMEIL, PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT, v.
MICHAEL O'CONNOR; ET AL., DEFENDANTS-APPELLEES. [6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding [7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges. [8]  MEMORANDUM [9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part. [10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend. Patient Population: All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions. The majority of the patient population consists of: Mentally Ill InmatesMentally Disordered OffendersPatients who have been found Incompetent to Stand TrialPatients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  

In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."   This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage. I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.   If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.

 First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure. He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was.

This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior. Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.   I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late. We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******"

This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath. In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts!    -------

- Mr. Semeil- You would be surprised who I am and that I live very close to you. Just to let you know, many of us (several are listed below) are teaming up against you to shut you and your fingers down. Oh, and just to let you know, the detectives are very aware of your recent rebuttal concerning Ralph's dog in your neighbor’s garage. I can't believe you are putting your roommate Concetta (I believe her name is) in a situation where she will also be held accountable to answer in court. Ralph Sanders Being Attacked:(((link redacted))) Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g Author Casey Jones Topix: (((link redacted))) Remington Paul -Maximus, Inc.: ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396 Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126 Erin Ladang: .ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291 George Denied in Lawsuit Against Maximus, Inc: (((link redacted))) ME, RALPH SANDERS


El Dorado Hills,

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 07, 2016

  AUTHOR: Judith - (USA) SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016 This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.   During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.   But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith


El Dorado Hills,

#24REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 29, 2016

  Updates & Rebuttals #1 REBUTTAL Owner of company I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL (RE- POST THIS ) EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERES - (USA) SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 27, 2016   I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL ,RE- POST THIS , EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERS - (USA) SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 25, 2016   Either post facts, or stop posting at all. AUTHOR: Judith - (USA) SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016 This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.   During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.   Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.   But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith  


El Dorado Hills,

#25REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 27, 2016

  I AM RALPH SANDERS AND I WILL ,RE- POST THIS , EVERYTIME I GET ANY RESPONSES FOR REBUTTALS ON MY RIPOFF REPORT UNDER MY NAME WHEN PEOPLE GOOGLE ME SO THEY KNOW THE TRUTH!! POST AND PASTE !!! AUTHOR: RALPH SANDERS - (USA) SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 25, 2016   Either post facts, or stop posting at all. AUTHOR: Judith - (USA) SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016 This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.   During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.   Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.   But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith   Respond to this report!


El Dorado Hills,

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 25, 2016

  Either post facts, or stop posting at all. AUTHOR: Judith - (USA) SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016 This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.

 I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch."

Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings.

After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.  

During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.

 In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  

Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.   But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith  

the community of El Dorado Hills

El Dorado Hills,

#27REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, February 22, 2016

  ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT !!!! GEORGE SEMEIL’S COVER HAS UNFOLDING DAILY AND HE IS EXPOSED AND BEING INVESTIGATED BY THE FBI!!! AUTHOR: THE COMMUNITY OF EL DORADO - (USA) SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 21, 2016   #15 REBUTTAL Owner of company GEORGE THIS IS RALPH SANDERS AND I ADMIRE JUDITH'S LETTER AND SHE IS HONEST AND ASK YOU TO GO AWAY. I WOULD LIKE YOU TO PLEASE DO THE SAME WITH ME GEORGE ....JUST LIVE YOUR LAST DAYS IN PEACE!! AUTHOR: Ralph Sanders - (USA) SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016  KIM ~ we've met.  I know you think your neighborhood is safer and happier without Ralph Sanders.  I'm sure it is.  That's great for you, and I'm happy for you.  However, even though Ralph has left your neighborhood, your sick neighbor George has continued to harass him, and brutally harass me.

This is what I just wrote in response to yet ANOTHER attack on me by George. This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch."

Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  

Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.  

During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  

In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.    But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith You've never wanted to talk to me about what's really going on inside George's house, and I really don't care if you don't want to talk to me now either.  Ralph wanted me to forward this to you, I did it out of courtesy to him.   The truth is, after a death threat I received, I visited the FBI in Phoenix, and found that George did spend 10+ years in a mental hospital for shooting his ex-wife.  

Do whatever you want with that information, and the information I obtained from the DA Investigator that it was NOT Ralph who wrote the RipOff reports on me.  It was George. I don't care if I never hear from you again, in fact don't even bother to respond.  You've got your life, I've got mine, I've moved on...but George refuses to.  Now he's suing me, dragging me AGAIN through the court system for monies he imagines I owe him.  He's sick and certifiably insane, but he's your neighbor, not mine.  Good luck in the future. Judith Respond to this report!  What's this? Respond to this report!  


El Dorado Hills,

#28REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 21, 2016

  #15 REBUTTAL Owner of company GEORGE THIS IS RALPH SANDERS AND I ADMIRE JUDITH'S LETTER AND SHE IS HONEST AND ASK YOU TO GO AWAY. I WOULD LIKE YOU TO PLEASE DO THE SAME WITH ME GEORGE ....JUST LIVE YOUR LAST DAYS IN PEACE!! AUTHOR: Ralph Sanders - (USA) SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016  Rachel ~ we've met.  I know you think your neighborhood is safer and happier without Ralph Sanders.  I'm sure it is.  That's great for you, and I'm happy for you.  However, even though Ralph has left your neighborhood, your sick neighbor George has continued to harass him, and brutally harass me. This is what I just wrote in response to yet ANOTHER attack on me by George. This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report.

Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  

Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.  

During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  

In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use.

My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.    But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith You've never wanted to talk to me about what's really going on inside George's house, and I really don't care if you don't want to talk to me now either.  Ralph wanted me to forward this to you, I did it out of courtesy to him.  

The truth is, after a death threat I received, I visited the FBI in Phoenix, and found that George did spend 10+ years in a mental hospital for shooting his ex-wife.  Do whatever you want with that information, and the information I obtained from the DA Investigator that it was NOT Ralph who wrote the RipOff reports on me.  It was George. I don't care if I never hear from you again, in fact don't even bother to respond.  You've got your life, I've got mine, I've moved on...but George refuses to.  Now he's suing me, dragging me AGAIN through the court system for monies he imagines I owe him.  He's sick and certifiably insane, but he's your neighbor, not mine.  Good luck in the future. Judith Respond to this report!  What's this?

Staff Writer

Boca Raton,
United States of America
Ralph Sanders and Judith Richey’s Lies and Scams Debunked:

#29REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, February 18, 2016




Ralph Sanders and Judith Richey’s Lies and Scams Debunked:

On February 4, 2016 Judith Richey and Ralph Sanders falsely posted that the editor in chief  “Caribbean News Now - apologies to Mr Sandtf” at Comment #16. ripoffreport.com/r/The-Half-Time-Hustler/El-Dorado-Hills-California-95762/The-Half-Time-Hustler-Ralph-Sanders-aka-Sean-Sanders-Juveniles-at-Risk-Ralph-Sanders-aka-S-954332#comment_31

Our newspaper categorically denied Ms. Richey and Mr. Sanders’ claim in an article published on February 12, 2016 caribbeannewsnow.com/topstory-No-apology-29297.html

In a bizarre twist to an already bizarre story laced with lies and innuendoes Judith Richey posted a lengthy diatribe on Friday, February 05, 2016 at Comment # 15 REBUTTAL Individual responds  Titled “Either post facts, or stop posting at all” AUTHOR: Judith - (USA) ripoffreport.com/r/The-Half-Time-Hustler/El-Dorado-Hills-California-95762/The-Half-Time-Hustler-Ralph-Sanders-aka-Sean-Sanders-Juveniles-at-Risk-Ralph-Sanders-aka-S-954332#comment_31 Nothing could be farther from the truth as our newspaper have received numerous e-mails from readers which all seem to contradict every allegation Ms. Richey has falsely posted on this blog.  As responsible law abiding journalist, we have forward some of the very sensitive e-mails to law enforcement agencies as the investigation into Ralph Sanders and Judith Richey accelerates. To get a preview of Part three of a five Part Article on Ralph Sanders and his coconspirators, we have decided to publish one of Judith Richey’s e-mails, seeking revenge against Ralph Sanders dating back to 2012, which was almost a year prior to Ms. Richey ever meeting the person she is now accusing of duping her into going after Ralph Sanders. In the e-mail below you will read Ms. Richey’s e-mail to the Sacramento Bee describing Ralph I Sanders as a child molester. It is very important to note, Ms. Richey and Ralph Sanders will attempt to manipulate the readers of this blog, into believing that the e-mail was written by a supposedly mental patient out to get Ralph Sanders, when in reality the Server Logs from Yahoo and MSN/Hotmail/Live .com e-mail client will prove them to be pathological liars.

{ From: [email protected] //

To: [email protected] //

Subject: Ralph Sanders

Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 08:51:23 -0800

Good morning Ms. Gilbert-Diggs ~

My name is Judith Richey, I currently reside in Anthem, Arizona and I have had dealings with Ralph Sanders back as far as 2007/2008.  I contacted Bobby Gilmore yesterday to try to express my concerns, but her response was confusing.  She said "we will call you if we want to talk to you" ~ which does not seem very "child protective".  I would have at least expected a professional reply and some details (such as my name and phone number) being recorded.  Since she didn't appear to be interested, I will write out the details of what I know and hand the issue over to you.

When I met Ralph in 2007/2008 (not sure of exact date) I was living and working in Seattle, Washington.  I flew down to Sacramento to meet him and for the next year I was in contact with him, visiting Sacramento twice and having him visit Seattle once.  Eventually he was returned to prison and I lost contact with him.  I only knew he was in prison because his (then) girlfriend found his cell phone that I'd purchased for him and listened to my messages and then called me to tell me he'd been returned to prison.  I believe her name was Jill - but I'm not sure.  She was very kind and we talked in length about our experiences with Ralph.


At that time Ralph told me that he had been imprisoned because by dating "Jill" (I can't remember her name) he had come into contact with her son, who was under the age of 16.  He told me that he'd had court orders to stay a certain number of feet away from minors.  And he told me that this all stemmed from his apartment incident with the young girl (explained two paragraphs down).


However Ralph's behavior was extremely disturbing in the time I knew him.  He was working for a "Juveniles at Risk" program ~ which he represented to me as a $60,000 a year job.  However when questioned, he admitted he had no experience dealing with juveniles at risk - only the fact that he'd been to prison himself and he understood these kids.


There were many times when Ralph would call me while he was at work (which I later discovered was to hide these conversations from his girlfriend who then lived on the same block he lived on) and he would put me on speakerphone while he spoke with the young boys in the program.  After the first speakerphone conversation I refused to speak with him at work again - he (on speakerphone) started telling the young men how "hot" I was, etc.  I was very uncomfortable with this kind of conversation, but even more upset about the example given to these young people - the disrespect and degradation of a woman accompanied with laughter and encouragement from Ralph to the young boys to continue with questions about what I looked like, how tall I was, how much I weighed, whether I had any "hot" daughters, etc.  He was hiding his ankle bracelet from the juveniles, however he told me his boss knew about it.


During the time that I knew Ralph he told me a long story about his first marriage - he told me that he was married in his first prison to a very sweet young woman he'd met prior to incarceration, against her parent's wishes.  When he was paroled, they moved in together to an apartment complex.  Eventually, as his story goes, the police were called because he made advances on a 14 year old (I believe she was 14, but it could have been 13 or younger) and the mother of the young girl pressed charges.  The story got a little jumbled after this ~ he had some long concoction about playing basketball in Brazil and then coming back to the United States (he then divorced the first wife) and trying out for the Sacramento Kings and being placed on their reserve list.  He had always represented to me that he was a former Sacramento Kings player, and in fact ran around constantly with a current Sacramento King who I believe was not from the US and had the first name "Elijah".

Towards the end of my contact with him, he also admitted to trading foot rubs in prison for sexual acts with other prisoners.

Being the mother of three teenagers, I was disturbed that an organization called "Juveniles at Risk" would employ someone who had a history of inappropriate contact with minors.  I sent the following to the local Sacramento Bee:

Hi Ryan Lillis ~

 You have a huge problem in Sacramento that someone should report on.  Currently "Juveniles at Risk" employs a double felon who may be required to register as a sex offender.  He is currently in jail on a parole violation - his name is Ralph Innichina Sanders.  And, to make things worse, his boss knows about this.  This should never have been allowed to happen, that a felon with a sex offender bracelet around his ankle is allowed contact with minors.  Even if he doesn't have contact with children under a certain age, he is not qualified to mentor anyone.

 If you check the Placer County Inmate Roster, you'll find his name.  

 This story should be made public, and this man should not be employed by Juveniles at Risk.

 I would prefer to remain anonymous; however you can call me if you need further information. 


Judith Richey


In August 2009 Ralph called me from SeaTac Airport ~ he'd flown into Seattle hoping that I would take some pictures of him because he wanted to get into "modeling" and he told me had a contact in LA who just needed more photographs of him.  I was extremely irritated because I was in the middle of packing my house up for my move to Arizona, but since he seemed sincere about mending his ways and making an honest living, I drove him to two different locations and produced a professional set of photographs for him.  He told me that as soon as he landed his first modeling gig, he would send me $1,000 - in payment for the shoot and partial payment for the $4,000-$5,000 he owed me, which I'd loaned to him over the period of 6 months back in 2008.  He told me that he wanted to move to Arizona with me and live in my house and that he would "go straight" and not contact other women.  I told him I was not interested and returned him to the airport for his flight home. Unfortunately, Ralph had asked to use my laptop after the shoot and prior to me bringing him back to the airport - and he'd left his email account open.  Imagine my surprise when I opened an email that pointed to a link to the entire portfolio of his wedding in Hawaii to Lauren, who was visibly pregnant in the photos.  I had no emotional connection with Ralph, however I was very concerned that his wife had no idea of his behavior.  So I sent her the following email:

Lauren ~

we need to talk.  You probably don't want to talk to me, but it would be in your best interest and in the best interest of your baby.  

If you want to shut your eyes to what is happening, I'll go away and leave you alone - but you will regret it down the road.  

The reason for this email is that as soon as Ralph left my home, fraudulent activity showed up on my credit card.  Additionally, he currently owes me $5,000 and has made no attempt to repay it. While I am not making out right accusations, both of us know that Ralph has a history of illegal activity regarding money.

My phone number is 206.321.7400.


Ralph and Lauren's response to this email was the threaten me with a restraining order if I ever contacted them again.  Happily I agreed to their request and washed my hands of both of them. Imagine my surprise when he called me on Christmas Day 2012 to say "hi" and then sent me a picture of himself next to his book "Half Time Hustler".  I immediately sent him a text saying "that is my photograph on the cover of your book Ralph."  His response:  "No it isn't."  My response: "I have the digital negatives to prove it."  His response:  "Well maybe it is your picture."  I said "No 'maybe', Ralph, it IS my picture, and I see that you have also used one of my photos on your website.  And you have used those photographs without payment and without permission from me.  I am a professional photographer, and that is how I make a living."  Putting one of professional photographer’s photos on your book is unlawful, you need to pay me for those images and get a written release to use them."  Of course he didn't remember offering to send me $1,000 when he got his first modeling gig (which he probably didn't get), so to get rid of him I sent him an amount I believed was a low-ball price - $500.00 for the release of all of the photos from the shoot that he had never paid me for.  I sent him an invoice, and also requested repayment of the two loans I had made to him.  His response was that since the loans were three years old, they had disappeared...which is ludicrous, but it is how Ralph operates.  During the conversation on Christmas Day, Ralph told me that he was divorcing Lauren and that he needed money to move to Scottsdale, AZ where his sister lived.  And of course could I loan him some money.  I refused and told him to pay me for the images and then basically go away.

But once again he told me that he was working with Juveniles.  I was shocked that this was happening again ~ but since I wanted nothing to do with Ralph I went about my life.

Since Ralph had agreed to pay me back the monies he owed me, and had reneged on that promise ~ I filed a small claims court action against him...which is currently pending. My point in all of this....Ralph is a habitual liar, a double felon and by his own admission to me, a sex offender.  He should not be allowed within 1,000 feet of ANY juvenile.  And by closing your eyes to this situation, it's a set up for another disaster with an innocent juvenile, caused by Ralph Sanders.  He should be publicly noted as a sex offender, if indeed he is (which he says he is), and the neighborhood he lives in should be advised.

Sorry for the long history lesson, but this is the scope of what I know and these words/email can be used in any way that will bring Ralph's involvement with children to an immediate stop.


Judith Richey



Staff Writer

Boca Raton,
United States of America
Exposing Ralph Sanders and Judith lies and Scams

#30REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 14, 2016

On February 4, 2016 Judith Richey and Ralph Sanders falsely posted that the editor in chief  “Caribbean News Now - apologies to Mr Sandtf” at Comment #16. http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/The-Half-Time-Hustler/El-Dorado-Hills-California-95762/The-Half-Time-Hustler-Ralph-Sanders-aka-Sean-Sanders-Juveniles-at-Risk-Ralph-Sanders-aka-S-954332#comment_31

Our newspaper categorically denied Ms. Richey and Mr. Sanders’ claim in an article published on February 12, 2016 http://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/topstory-No-apology-29297.html

In a bizarre twist to an already bizarre story laced with lies and innuendoes Judith Richey posted a lengthy diatribe on Friday, February 05, 2016 at Comment # 15 REBUTTAL Individual responds  Titled “Either post facts, or stop posting at all” AUTHOR: Judith - (USA) http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/The-Half-Time-Hustler/El-Dorado-Hills-California-95762/The-Half-Time-Hustler-Ralph-Sanders-aka-Sean-Sanders-Juveniles-at-Risk-Ralph-Sanders-aka-S-954332#comment_31 Nothing could be farther from the truth as our newspaper have received numerous e-mails from readers which all seem to contradict every allegation Ms. Richey has falsely posted on this blog.  As responsible law abiding journalist, we have forward some the very sensitive e-mails to law enforcement agencies as the investigation into Ralph Sanders and Judith Richey accelerates. To get a preview of Part three of a five part Article on Ralph Sanders and his coconspirators, we have decided to publish one of Judith Richey e-mails, seeking revenge against Ralph Sanders dating back to 2012, which was almost a year prior to Ms. Richey ever meeting the person she is now accusing of duping her into going after Ralph Sanders. In the e-mail below you will read Ms. Richey’s e-mail to the Sacramento Bee describe Ralph I Sanders as a child molester. It is very important to note, Ms. Richey and Ralph Sanders will attempt to manipulate the readers of this blog, into believing that the e-mail was written by a supposedly mental patient out to get Ralph, when reality the Server Logs from Yahoo and MSN/Hotmail/Live .com e-mail client will prove them to be liars.

{ From: [email protected] //

To: [email protected] //

Subject: Ralph Sanders

Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 08:51:23 -0800

Good morning Ms. Gilbert-Diggs ~

My name is Judith Richey, I currently reside in Anthem, Arizona and I have had dealings with Ralph Sanders back as far as 2007/2008.  I contacted Bobby Gilmore yesterday to try to express my concerns, but her response was confusing.  She said "we will call you if we want to talk to you" ~ which does not seem very "child protective".  I would have at least expected a professional reply and some details (such as my name and phone number) being recorded.  Since she didn't appear to be interested, I will write out the details of what I know and hand the issue over to you.

When I met Ralph in 2007/2008 (not sure of exact date) I was living and working in Seattle, Washington.  I flew down to Sacramento to meet him and for the next year I was in contact with him, visiting Sacramento twice and having him visit Seattle once.  Eventually he was returned to prison and I lost contact with him.  I only knew he was in prison because his (then) girlfriend found his cell phone that I'd purchased for him and listened to my messages and then called me to tell me he'd been returned to prison.  I believe her name was Jill - but I'm not sure.  She was very kind and we talked in length about our experiences with Ralph.


At that time Ralph told me that he had been imprisoned because by dating "Jill" (I can't remember her name) he had come into contact with her son, who was under the age of 16.  He told me that he'd had court orders to stay a certain number of feet away from minors.  And he told me that this all stemmed from his apartment incident with the young girl (explained two paragraphs down).


However Ralph's behavior was extremely disturbing in the time I knew him.  He was working for a "Juveniles at Risk" program ~ which he represented to me as a $60,000 a year job.  However when questioned, he admitted he had no experience dealing with juveniles at risk - only the fact that he'd been to prison himself and he understood these kids.


There were many times when Ralph would call me while he was at work (which I later discovered was to hide these conversations from his girlfriend who then lived on the same block he lived on) and he would put me on speakerphone while he spoke with the young boys in the program.  After the first speakerphone conversation I refused to speak with him at work again - he (on speakerphone) started telling the young men how "hot" I was, etc.  I was very uncomfortable with this kind of conversation, but even more upset about the example given to these young people - the disrespect and degradation of a woman accompanied with laughter and encouragement from Ralph to the young boys to continue with questions about what I looked like, how tall I was, how much I weighed, whether I had any "hot" daughters, etc.  He was hiding his ankle bracelet from the juveniles, however he told me his boss knew about it.


During the time that I knew Ralph he told me a long story about his first marriage - he told me that he was married in his first prison to a very sweet young woman he'd met prior to incarceration, against her parent's wishes.  When he was paroled, they moved in together to an apartment complex.  Eventually, as his story goes, the police were called because he made advances on a 14 year old (I believe she was 14, but it could have been 13 or younger) and the mother of the young girl pressed charges.  The story got a little jumbled after this ~ he had some long concoction about playing basketball in Brazil and then coming back to the United States (he then divorced the first wife) and trying out for the Sacramento Kings and being placed on their reserve list.  He had always represented to me that he was a former Sacramento Kings player, and in fact ran around constantly with a current Sacramento King who I believe was not from the US and had the first name "Elijah".

Towards the end of my contact with him, he also admitted to trading foot rubs in prison for sexual acts with other prisoners.

Being the mother of three teenagers, I was disturbed that an organization called "Juveniles at Risk" would employ someone who had a history of inappropriate contact with minors.  I sent the following to the local Sacramento Bee:

Hi Ryan Lillis ~

 You have a huge problem in Sacramento that someone should report on.  Currently "Juveniles at Risk" employs a double felon who may be required to register as a sex offender.  He is currently in jail on a parole violation - his name is Ralph Innichina Sanders.  And, to make things worse, his boss knows about this.  This should never have been allowed to happen, that a felon with a sex offender bracelet around his ankle is allowed contact with minors.  Even if he doesn't have contact with children under a certain age, he is not qualified to mentor anyone.

 If you check the Placer County Inmate Roster, you'll find his name.  

 This story should be made public, and this man should not be employed by Juveniles at Risk.

 I would prefer to remain anonymous; however you can call me if you need further information. 


Judith Richey


In August 2009 Ralph called me from SeaTac Airport ~ he'd flown into Seattle hoping that I would take some pictures of him because he wanted to get into "modeling" and he told me had a contact in LA who just needed more photographs of him.  I was extremely irritated because I was in the middle of packing my house up for my move to Arizona, but since he seemed sincere about mending his ways and making an honest living, I drove him to two different locations and produced a professional set of photographs for him.  He told me that as soon as he landed his first modeling gig, he would send me $1,000 - in payment for the shoot and partial payment for the $4,000-$5,000 he owed me, which I'd loaned to him over the period of 6 months back in 2008.  He told me that he wanted to move to Arizona with me and live in my house and that he would "go straight" and not contact other women.  I told him I was not interested and returned him to the airport for his flight home. Unfortunately, Ralph had asked to use my laptop after the shoot and prior to me bringing him back to the airport - and he'd left his email account open.  Imagine my surprise when I opened an email that pointed to a link to the entire portfolio of his wedding in Hawaii to Lauren, who was visibly pregnant in the photos.  I had no emotional connection with Ralph, however I was very concerned that his wife had no idea of his behavior.  So I sent her the following email:

Lauren ~

we need to talk.  You probably don't want to talk to me, but it would be in your best interest and in the best interest of your baby.  

If you want to shut your eyes to what is happening, I'll go away and leave you alone - but you will regret it down the road.  

The reason for this email is that as soon as Ralph left my home, fraudulent activity showed up on my credit card.  Additionally, he currently owes me $5,000 and has made no attempt to repay it. While I am not making out right accusations, both of us know that Ralph has a history of illegal activity regarding money.

My phone number is 206.321.7400.


Ralph and Lauren's response to this email was the threaten me with a restraining order if I ever contacted them again.  Happily I agreed to their request and washed my hands of both of them. Imagine my surprise when he called me on Christmas Day 2012 to say "hi" and then sent me a picture of himself next to his book "Half Time Hustler".  I immediately sent him a text saying "that is my photograph on the cover of your book Ralph."  His response:  "No it isn't."  My response: "I have the digital negatives to prove it."  His response:  "Well maybe it is your picture."  I said "No 'maybe', Ralph, it IS my picture, and I see that you have also used one of my photos on your website.  And you have used those photographs without payment and without permission from me.  I am a professional photographer, and that is how I make a living."  Putting one of professional photographer’s photos on your book is unlawful, you need to pay me for those images and get a written release to use them."  Of course he didn't remember offering to send me $1,000 when he got his first modeling gig (which he probably didn't get), so to get rid of him I sent him an amount I believed was a low-ball price - $500.00 for the release of all of the photos from the shoot that he had never paid me for.  I sent him an invoice, and also requested repayment of the two loans I had made to him.  His response was that since the loans were three years old, they had disappeared...which is ludicrous, but it is how Ralph operates.  During the conversation on Christmas Day, Ralph told me that he was divorcing Lauren and that he needed money to move to Scottsdale, AZ where his sister lived.  And of course could I loan him some money.  I refused and told him to pay me for the images and then basically go away.

But once again he told me that he was working with Juveniles.  I was shocked that this was happening again ~ but since I wanted nothing to do with Ralph I went about my life.

Since Ralph had agreed to pay me back the monies he owed me, and had reneged on that promise ~ I filed a small claims court action against him...which is currently pending. My point in all of this....Ralph is a habitual liar, a double felon and by his own admission to me, a sex offender.  He should not be allowed within 1,000 feet of ANY juvenile.  And by closing your eyes to this situation, it's a set up for another disaster with an innocent juvenile, caused by Ralph Sanders.  He should be publicly noted as a sex offender, if indeed he is (which he says he is), and the neighborhood he lives in should be advised.

Sorry for the long history lesson, but this is the scope of what I know and these words/email can be used in any way that will bring Ralph's involvement with children to an immediate stop.


Judith Richey







Consider the Credibility of any person who supports Ralph Sander’s Criminality.

#31REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 12, 2016

Judith Richey spend some time and study Geography, History and Caribbean- Latin America culture. This should help you and the other functional illiterate idiot understand people from that part of the world are not easily intimidated by grey noise, neither do they run and hide under a rock when scammers and extortionist like you invoke the name of FBI in an attempt not pay your debt.

Moving forward you will be held accountable in a court of law for the debt owed, plus separate litigation against you for all slanderous and defamatory postings. Feel free to visit the office of the FBI again and file another false report claiming you have been threatened.


United States of America
It’s rather stupid for the two to keep waiving the FBI banner thinking they can intimidate a person with superior intelligence

#32REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 12, 2016

If anyone needed additional proof of the complete and utter psychopathic insanity of Ralph Sanders and Judith Richey, they need to look no further than this latest posting.


It’s rather stupid for the two to keep waiving the FBI banner thinking they can intimidate a person with superior intelligence. Considering Richey and Sanders sending slanderous e-mails to a person who despises both scammers for being dead beats and extortionist, the real question here should be Who are the real mental patient? As the BS continue to enhance litigation against them. The man I know as George, will never try his case in the court of Ripoff Report, but will for sure try his case in a court of law, where the power of Subpoena is alive and well. There is history to show all those to include major cooperation’s who invoke the “Mental Patient” defense against him have failed miserable, when the rubber meets the road, Ralph Sanders, and his new coconspirators will also fail.

Ronald Regan favorite quote when he was chasing down bad guys in Middle East was “Run you can’t hide”



Gig Harbor,
Andrea Sandoval ([email protected])

#33REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 12, 2016

Who are you Andrea Sandoval?

First it was a "gentleman" called Jamette Bois ([email protected] // ), now it is a "woman" called Andrea Sandoval ([email protected] // ) who thinks it's their civic duty to send me email links of weird little "news stories" from a gossip rag called "Caribbean News Now!.  What someone living in Washington State has to do with Caribbean News is beyond me...but obviously this is George F. Semeil in drag hiding behind "a Caribbean News Now contributor" and supported by his crony Barry Randall, who fancies himself an investigative reporter.

Like I said before, Andrea and Jamette, SHOW YOURSELF.  If you hide behind fake names and fake email addresses, then you are George Semeil in drag.  And everything written is just a lie.  My name is Judith Richey.  I know my life in detail, having lived it, and I can give you a few facts that no gossip rag can ever prove or disprove with legal documentation.

FACT #1:  I did not open a photography business until 2009.  It was incorporated as an LLC in Arizona state in 2010.  It was called Judith Richey Photography.  I have zero knowledge of any business by the name of "Eye for an Eye", in fact no Google search can even locate the name of a company using this title.  An "eye for an eye" is biblical reference that is very horrible - it's a law of retaliation that allows someone with an injury to inflict the same injury on the other person.  That would be the most horrible name for a photography company imaginable!  Readers, check the facts yourself.  If someone can prove that a company was incorporated at ANY time with this hideous name, and that I was the owner of such company, show me the paperwork.

FACT #2:  I operate under a country-wide photography company, I am not a free-lance wedding photographer.  I have no contact with couples in the money arena, the parent company collects the funds, writes the contract and always sends two photographers to every location.  There is no "Tammy Ackerson", there is no lawsuit in 2009, which is easily proved by producing court documents, and it's illogical that a non-existent person ("Tammy Ackerson") would sue me for ripping off 7 clients when the total number of free-lance weddings I've ever photographed is under 5.  

Fact #3:  I have never opened a studio in Arizona.  There are no "unsuspecting scammed couples" that exist.  Show me one ounce of paperwork showing that a person has been scammed in Arizona, with proof of a photoshoot contract, poor photos, or whatever "proof" you seem to have.

Fact #4:  I have never filed a frivolous wage claim in Maricopa County courts.  Show me the paperwork, show me the case file, show me the details and show me proof that I "hold a grudge" against the family and continue to "harass" them.  In fact, the sister of the family I used to babysit for shows me as a fantastic photographer on her LinkedIn page.  That's not something a sister would do to a family that is being "harassed" by a photographer.  But again, show me the proof of the court documents.

Fact #5:  It is a criminal offense to "hire someone to physically hurt a person" in the united states.  That's called a contract to put a hit out on someone.  I have never, nor will I ever attempt something so stupid that I could end up sitting in a jail cell because I was asked to vacate a residence!  Again, there is absolutely zero proof of this ridiculous accusation, the reader can contact the Howell Conant (son of the famous Grace Kelly's photographer) to debunk this myth.  

If there are any further lies publishe about me, under ficticious names such as Jamette Bois or Andrea Sandoval, the reader can rest assured that the article was written by George Semeil, and posted by Barry Randall, a hack living in Texas who somehow has a vested interest in what happens in the Caribbean.  It's laughably ridiculous...and even funnier, every time one of these articles are posted, Jamette or Andrea somehow know my email address and send me a link to the article.

Guys - I don't care what your little free newspaper cooks up as lies!  You are wasting your time and you look like idiots making all these accusations that you can't prove and can later be sued for slander for even printing.  Keep on digging...

Caribbean News Now! Reader

Havana ,
Alden McLaughlin MBE says "what"????

#34Consumer Comment

Thu, February 11, 2016

 Carribean minister McLaughlin is not laughing at the slanderous article written on Mr.Sanders and Ms.Richey. He is investigating Barry Randall and stated "this is not the first time Mr.Barry has been chastised for spreading incorrect information. What would a hack like Mr.Barry, living in TEXAS, know about the Caribbean concerns anyway? Obviously George Semeil in drag. AGAIN! Go play in your garden, you angry little man.


What is your name, Mr. Editor?

#35Consumer Comment

Tue, February 09, 2016

Hey Mr. CNN Editor...Since you would like to vaguely claim that "we" didn't issue an apology, then what is your name?   LEGITIMATE Editors sign their names. Fraudsters like George Semeil PRETEND to be editors of weird little gossip rag magazines somewhere in Antigua and post stories full of ridiculous speculation and lies. 

Tell me ONE good reason why a free newspaper in the Caribbean would care about an insignificant woman in Gilbert Arizona? A woman who has never traveled to these islands once and has never done one thing to harm or malign these beautiful places?  Why would they make up slanderous lies about extortion schemes that never occurred?

George, we all know you wrote this "We never apologized" and it's laughable that now you are pretending to be an editor!!  Please start taking your medication again!  You are losing your grip on sanity, frightening your neighbors and raising the eyebrows of local mental health professionals and FBI agents.  It is time to stop.

You have even indicated that Barry Randall, a small newspaper editor of CNN is MI-6...now seriously, do you really think anyone believes that?  Answer: NO. Not one person believes Barry Randall is MI-6, and not one sane person believes you are CIA or ex-CIA.

Sorry George, but the FBI does not lie to citizens who have received death threats because they somehow angered you. More importantly, CIA agents do not risk their badges by shooting their ex-wife while high on drugs!   

Keep digging yourself into your silly little hole, it's comical to watch you sputter and curse and monitor your neighbors with cameras.  But please stay INSIDE your house and away from our children.  You are not safe around anyone right now!!


the community of El Dorado Hills

El Dorado Hills,

#36REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 08, 2016

  SUBMITTED: Friday, February/ 8/2016  Rachel ~ we've met.  I know you think your neighborhood is safer and happier without Ralph Sanders.  I'm sure it is.  That's great for you, and I'm happy for you.  However, even though Ralph has left your neighborhood, your sick neighbor George has continued to harass him, and brutally harass me. This is what I just wrote in response to yet ANOTHER attack on me by George. This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  

In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.

 Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.  

During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.  

If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  

Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.    But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :) 

Judith You've never wanted to talk to me about what's really going on inside George's house, and I really don't care if you don't want to talk to me now either.  Ralph wanted me to forward this to you, I did it out of courtesy to him.  The truth is, after a death threat I received, I visited the FBI in Phoenix, and found that George did spend 10+ years in a mental hospital for shooting his ex-wife.  Do whatever you want with that information, and the information I obtained from the DA Investigator that it was NOT Ralph who wrote the RipOff reports on me.  It was George. I don't care if I never hear from you again, in fact don't even bother to respond.  You've got your life, I've got mine, I've moved on...but George refuses to.  Now he's suing me, dragging me AGAIN through the court system for monies he imagines I owe him.  He's sick and certifiably insane, but he's your neighbor, not mine.  Good luck in the future. Judith Respond to this report!  

Refuse to Beleive Ralph

United States of America
Ralph Sanders you cant full the power of Subpeona

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 07, 2016

Ralph Sanders at some point Subpoena power will come into play, and the IP and MAC address will show device name and IP geolocation with the actual author and from were all these posts originate from. Please adhere to my e-mail and cease all contact with me.

Real Editor in Chief CN Now

Cluver City,
No Apology

#38REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 07, 2016

Posted by the Real Editor in Chief CN Now

 Caribbean News Now has not apologized and never will apologize for anything contained in its recent article about Ralph Sanders, which was fully researched and entirely factual.

 Further, at no time would we ever publish an apology written by a functional illiterate who cannot even spell his own name correctly.


El Dorado Hills,

#39REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 07, 2016

  Either post facts, or stop posting at all. AUTHOR: Judith - (USA) SUBMITTED: Friday, February 05, 2016 This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  

I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  The reader can draw it's own conclusions

about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his,

Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to

question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the

US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my

fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th

Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.   During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that

letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding

behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do

not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be

Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.

 You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.   But please stop the vendetta against people who just want

peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith      


Los Angeles,
Consider the credibility of any one who would align themselves with, or support such an unscrupulous character?

#40REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 07, 2016

The rules of impeachment allow a Plaintiff to attack the credibility of any witness even a witness called in support of that Plaintiff’s position. A Plaintiff may use any evidence to impeach the credibility of a witness. Especially now that a potential defendant is admitting by their own posting on the internet a “Quid pro quo” exist with a known scammer and a pathological liar.  

Secondly, if the Caribbean News Now had apologized, as the fraudster has posted in this forum, the article would have been taken down or edited to reflect that statement. More articles are scheduled in coming days to debunk yet another fraud perpetrated against regional news editor.  

Consider the credibility of any one who would align themselves with, or support such an unscrupulous character?

Can Judith Richey and Ralph Sanders afford a good lawyer?


United States of America
A Police report was filed by Supermarket store manager on Dec.14, 2015 Against Ralph Sanders.

#41REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, February 06, 2016

Mr. Sander’s just days after you criminally trespass on private property a violation of California Penal Code 602 PC which prohibits trespass at a gated community in your attempt to intimidate the spouse of a law enforcement officer soon thereafter, then subsequently dispatching a maroon color SUV type vehicle with male a Hispanic and some bimbo BIATCH impersonating a cop or federal agent the next morning with a license plate and registration connected to a Rocklin California Address caught on numerous homes surveillance videos, driving back and forth in front of my aunt and uncle’s house, is a god sent for their county prosecutor.

Conspiracy to commit kidnapping, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1201(c) carries a life time in prison. Additionally in the state of California, Penal Code sections 207, 208, and 209, A conviction for kidnapping can result in a term of imprisonment for up to three, five, or eight years in state prison.

If you think for one minute our family will be intimidate by your criminal and intimidating tactics think again Ralph Sanders. We are determine to purse you and anyone who foolishly supports your criminal behavior to the gates of hell.

It appears while the only forum available to Ralph Sanders and Judith Richey for peddling their disinformation is on Ripoff Report, a five part article scheduled to expose the fake International Basketball star and his new found coconspirator is about to hit the major media.

On top of that, the fun is just about get started in the court rooms... and my uncle, Ralph Sanders’ supposedly mental patient is guarantee to prevail.

Thank you so very much Mr. Sanders for providing us of your whereabouts and an Intelligence bonanza on your criminal activities.



Who are you "Nan"?

#42REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 06, 2016

 If you are truly a real person, not a fake name "Nan" that George has cooked up to hide his own identity, then reveal yourself with first AND last name. Tell us the police case number for the incident you allege happened. Tell us why you just "happened" to be at a supermarket and watched this happen start to finish. Tell us why you didn't immediately call the police when you saw sharp objects being placed under a tire, or air let out of a tire. A police report will have the date of the incident and your first name, last name, address and an official police report number. If you can not prove these things, then once again a frivolous report was filed here in RipOff, designed to discredit Ralph Sanders and Judith Ruchey , and written in George Semeils trademark language , which confuses past and present verbs, brings up past question în his language such as bonanzas for "local authorities" and vague references to the FBI, who he greatly fears will actually intervene and return him to the mental hospital he belongs in. So show yourself Nan. Give us credentials. Give us your Full name. Police report numbers. . Details. No more shadowy innuendo. Otherwise you are George in drag.

Ralph Sanders

El Dorado Hills,

#43REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 06, 2016

 Rachel ~ we've met.  I know you think your neighborhood is safer and happier without Ralph Sanders.  I'm sure it is.  That's great for you, and I'm happy for you.  However, even though Ralph has left your neighborhood, your sick neighbor George has continued to harass him, and brutally harass me. This is what I just wrote in response to yet ANOTHER attack on me by George. This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..." I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report. Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch." Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently. It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings. After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him. As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay. The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.   During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.   Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.   If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.   Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use. My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.   George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.    But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.   The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :)  Judith You've never wanted to talk to me about what's really going on inside George's house, and I really don't care if you don't want to talk to me now either.  Ralph wanted me to forward this to you, I did it out of courtesy to him.  The truth is, after a death threat I received, I visited the FBI in Phoenix, and found that George did spend 10+ years in a mental hospital for shooting his ex-wife.  Do whatever you want with that information, and the information I obtained from the DA Investigator that it was NOT Ralph who wrote the RipOff reports on me.  It was George. I don't care if I never hear from you again, in fact don't even bother to respond.  You've got your life, I've got mine, I've moved on...but George refuses to.  Now he's suing me, dragging me AGAIN through the court system for monies he imagines I owe him.  He's sick and certifiably insane, but he's your neighbor, not mine.  Good luck in the future. Judith


Either post facts, or stop posting at all.

#44REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 05, 2016

This "Hypocrisy at Play" was again written by Mr. George Semeil.  I am aware of his grammar errors and his style of writing - and I know this because I have emails in the past from George Semeil where he asked me to correct his grammar before posting rebuttals, since Spanish is his first language and English his second language.  He wanted the rebuttals to appear as though they were written from someone else, because his style of writing was so easily identified.  He confuses past and present tenses such as the sentence which begins "So she cook up a bunch of lies..."

I have not cooked up any lies.  I worked for Mr. Semeil in his vendetta against Ralph Sanders, and I did so under the mistaken impression that George was ex-CIA Agent.  He showed me fake credentials when I stayed at his home, and he frequently boasted of "strolling the halls of Langley".  He described his "under cover" work at a firm called Maximus, where he lied by stating that he was fired because he was a whistle-blower to the mountains of fraud on Maximus' part.  In fact that was not the case at all, Mr. Semeil was fired because of his constant harassment of other employees.  Interestingly, there is a RipOff report written on Maximus with one of George's trademark "fake" names - Jackie.  The reader can draw it's own conclusions about the validity of that report.

Maximus employees who complained about Mr. Semeil are:  Michele Anaya, Bridgett Robinson, Ernestine Holmes, Crystal Cantu, Cecelia Galindo, Daniel Peroza and Donis Lopez.  Mr. Semeil's rant against these employees contain his trademark accusations similar to the items he has posted about me, such as "sleeping with almost every male worker", "loaded with excessive relationship baggage", "small time drug dealer" and "corrupt, lazy and master snitch."

Mr. Semeil also posted three false and very damaging reports on me, Judith Richey, on RipOff report in an attempt to enrage me and encourage me to keep assisting him with his strange fixation on a former neighbor of his, Ralph Sanders.  He told me that he had the IP addresses that proved that Mr. Sanders wrote those posts, which he does not have.  I continually asked him for those IP addresses, and he was unable to provide them.  I later enlisted the help of Robert Leach, DA Investigator for  El Dorado County in order to secure these IP addresses.  My business "Judith Richey Photography" was so damaged by these statements that I was forced to shut it, my LinkedIn and my facebook pages down permanently.

It was only after Mr. Semeil gave me false and very damaging information about my second lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, and only after I was reprimanded sternly by the US Bankruptcy Court judge, that I began to question the legitimacy of Mr. Semeil's advice.  I faced $13,000 in fines and attorney's fees because of my lawsuit against Ralph Sanders, which Mr. Semeil pushed and bullied me into filing.  Ralph Sanders graciously forgave those debts incurred by him while using a California lawyer Kristi Hernandez, who he hired in order to protect himself against what I had filed.  These are facts that can be verified by the reader.  Note that I use actual names, verifiable information and my actual name when filing this rebuttal.  Mr. Semeil continues to hide behind ficticious names to do his damage, never actually reporting as himself, and never presenting any facts or proof of his crazy postings.

After this close call with the US Bankruptcy Court, I cut all ties with George Semeil.  It is true that I, at that time, stated that I no longer had the desire to attack Ralph Sanders.  I also no longer had the desire to communicate at all with Mr. Semeil, who was a destructive and hateful man, dishing out false information and using threats and intimidation to accomplish what he wanted.  Days after I cut ties with George Semeil, I received a death threat from a New Jersey phone number, where a man read me a long diatribe about my "white trash" behavior and the promise that I would pay for what I had done to George's partner Concetta Manzano."  The man went on and on, and I finally hung up on him.

As a side note, both my fiance and I absolutely adore Concetta.  We have never disrespected her, nor will we ever disrespect her.  She is welcome in our home and in our lives for however she would like to stay.

The next day, my fiance and I went to the local chapter of the FBI because we were concerned about the death threat.  We provided the FBI with the phone number of the caller.  We dealt with an agent, Marilyn Sheffield (another name that can be verified), who pulled a large file on Mr. Semeil and verified that he had been a patient in a mental hospital called "Atascadero" and that he had attempted to shoot his first wife while high on PCP.  Again, this can be verified by researching Semeil vs. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).  Again, I am using facts and correct names, and verifiable information.  

During the course of my correspondence with him, Mr. Semeil posted on RipOff (on January 20, 2015) a confidential email regarding a young woman Lana who had loaned Mr. Sanders money.  I know that it was Mr. Semeil that posted it, because I have an email showing that I had forwarded this to Mr. Semeil, while stressing that Lana had given this to me to keep confidentially.  I broke my word to her, and immediately this confidential email was posted on RipOff under the ficticious name "J Baraga".  I am ashamed that I broke Lana's confientiality request that she made to me.  But there is only one person I sent that letter to, and that was George Semeil.  Thankfully, RipOff Redacted Lana's email address, so as to make this information unavailable to her family.  She later testified on the stand in front of Judge Vicki Ashworth (another verifiable name) that Ralph had not molested her sexually.  Because of this, and because Ralph Sanders continues to repay the debt he owes Lana, there is no case for Robert Leach (DA Investigator) to pursue.  This is not a sign of Mr. Leach's incompetence, as has been hinted at, it is simply that there is no case to pursue.  

Because I have cut ties with Mr. Semeil, on Friday January 29, 2016 a report suddenly surfaced from "Nan" - a person I do not know and suspect is again Mr. Semeil hiding behind a fake name - with yet another set of up cooked up lies about me personally.  It even included my picture, which was lifted from my fiance's facebook page.  

If any of these allegations are true, I would like names of the persons I have allegedly attempted to extort money from.  Note that no real names exist in this January 29 diatribe.  Note that it is vague "ex-employers", "ex-landlords" and "ex-boyfriends."  Interestingly, Mr. Semeil mentions himself as the mental patient that I allegedly attempted to "extort monies from", while providing no proof.  In a crazy twist of facts, Mr. Semeil himself sent me a threatening letter on January 9, 2016 demanding approximately $1,100 in funds from me for "loans" that do not exist.  He states that he had made multiple attempts to demand this money from me, when in fact no such multiple attempts exist.  There is no record of any loan documents from Mr. Semeil, this letter is pure extortion and revenge for my refusal to participate in any further schemes on his part to send Mr. Sanders back to jail.  A copy of his threat is included for the reader's benefit.  

Sadly for Mr. Semeil, the only thing his latest threat exposes is that he was so eager to take Ralph Sanders down that he offered to pay the process server in California because I refused to spend a dime of my own money persecuting another person.  Note Mr. Semeil's trademark spelling errors such as "Injection (should be Injunction) Against Harassment" and "money loan (should have been "money loaned") to you"  It also admits that he was so deeply involved in the US Bankruptcy Court case against Mr. Sanders that he actually paid a paralegal to draft pleadings for me, pleadings I did not use.

My purpose in writing this rebuttal is to ask Mr. Semeil to stop posting lies about people who will not cooperate with his vendetta against Ralph Sanders.  Currently I am on the list of persons who will not cooperate, so Mr. Semeil has begun to attack me.  

George, this is a request on my part for you to stop spending your time writing things that damage people's lives.  You have destroyed my photography business.  Now you want to sue me.  You have made up lies about Ralph Sanders that you can not back up with facts and names of actual victims.  Why do you care about me so much that you need to lash out at me?  Why do you care where Ralph works or lives?  Let people get on with their lives, and let the police and investigators handle any injustices, which they are equipped to do, without your involvement.  Work in your beautiful garden.  Volunteer in your community.  Live out your days with peace.  Learn to meditate to channel your hatred into love and compassion.  

But please stop the vendetta against people who just want peace and goodness in their lives.  I am one of those persons.  I have moved on, I have forgiven the injustices, I live a happy and productive life, I love my children and my partner and I have no wish to hurt you.  I just want you to leave me alone.  Please.  

The past is the past.  The future can be whatever you choose it to be.  I choose love.  I am asking you to do the same.  Practice love, it's such a rewarding and peaceful choice :) 




editor in chief CN Now

Caribbean News Now - apologies to Mr Sandtf

#45Consumer Comment

Thu, February 04, 2016

to the readers -

The Carribean News Now would like to extend their deepest apologies to Mr. Ralph Sanders after an unfortunate article was posted recently alleging very incorrect and inflammatory statements which, when investigated, were determined to be false. The paper also extends its apologies to Ms. Richey, after it was discovered that there was not a shred of credible evidence to the accusations against her either. 

The Carribean News Now has recently come under heavy scrutiny and has been likened to a "gossip rag" which destroys the notion that journalism is an honorable profession. It is articles such as the one referenced above that bring shame on our newspaper and we are seeking to bring our loyal reader base factual information that they can trust and respect.  Alden McKaughlin, minister of Education told the sitting Net News publisher that Net News Desmond Seales and Carribean Net News managing editor Barry Randall were part of a "reckless group spreading gloom and doom."  He later went on to state that "the members of the public don't buy the paper any longer because it is just filled with negativity"...and that "the Net News is a tabloid, not a newspaper."

Sadly, a simple check of facts revealed so many untruths in the jaforementioned article as to render it totally unbelievable. Mr Sanders does not own property in the Carribean and in fact has never visited this area of the world. There are no formal police reports detailing the destruction of "well-to-do white women's" cars, there is no testimony that Mr Sanders lied about being an off duty police officer, nor is there any connection between Kevin Johnson, mayor of Sacramento and Ralph Sanders, other than a random picture snapped over 5 years ago. 

While it is unclear as to why a small publication such as ours would care about a random woman in Arizona, again the paper could not establish any factual truth or paper trail as to the allegations of extortion on Ms Richey's part, nor could it verify that Mr. Sanders paid Ms Richey any money, ever, for any reason.  In fact, Ms. Richey continues to cooperate with the FBI and Bob Leach, DA Investigator for El Dorado County. As part of their investigations, Mr Leach has turned over the IP addresses of the authors who have accused Ms. Richey of outlandish and unsubstantiated claims.  Finally, it cannot be substantiated in any way that Mr. Britt is "a drug dealer" - in fact he holds down a prestigious job with an Arizona firm. 

Barry Randall has been reprimanded for publishing such a spurious and unconfirmed article.  He extends a public apology to Mr Sanders, Judith Richey and Mr Britt for any harm caused and wishes them success and peace.  

warm regards from our beautiful community!



United States of America

#46REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 03, 2016

Ralph Sanders also claims to own a mansion in The Bahamas, boasting to his many victims of regular travel to the Caribbean and that he is well connected to the who’s who in the region.





El Dorado Hills,

#47REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 30, 2016



New York,
United States of America

#48REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, January 29, 2016

This is a woman with a mountain of emotional problems, she has a history of turning on every one she comes into contact with if they don’t submit to her extortion schemes from ex- employers, to ex-landlords, to ex-boyfriends. She possess an ownership attitude that everyone owes her something.  Apparently the gentleman she claim to be mental patient send her packing after she try to extort monies out of him. So she cook up a bunch of lies and create a video posted on You Tube thinking she could intimidate her victim into backing down from collecting on money owed. Can you imagine a person can go such great length to post a slanderous and defamatory video defending a notorious career criminal, child molester and master manipulator who continues to prey on innocent women?

This video is a BONAZA for the legal minds in California and great opportunity for the FBI and other law enforcement officials to finally take down this notorious criminal and con-man and his co-conspirator.

BTW Ms. Richey the FBI is prohibited by law to tell anyone even if they know someone is working or cooperating with any federal agencies in a clandestine or confidential manor. Thank you for being so stupid!!!!

Please visits the link below to Read more about Judith Richey:


Report Attachments


Los Angeles,
I can understand and appreciate why Rip off Report will not delete reports

#49REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, January 28, 2016

I can understand and appreciate why Rip off Report will not delete reports. By doing so, always presents fact-checkers and truth seekers with an opportunity to go back and review the actual facts and debunk liars like this notorious con man who thinks he can lie is way out of being exposed.

Mr. Sanders, you seem hell-bent on accusing just one person of engaging in cyberbully and harassment against you. So far no one to include Rip off Report have hold your feet to the fire, and demand you present compelling and verifiable evidence, be it by electronic means or otherwise, that one person is responsible for everything negative posted in this forum about you.

Assuming we wanted to believe your accusations, there are still a lot of unanswered questions to the reports below. (1) Are you telling us your supposedly mental patient posted these comments slandering Mr. Laird of the Mercedes Benzes dealership,@ Rip off Report #8, Report #1095777 below, when the research shows the person you keep blaming for your soon to come demise, does not know or have any relationship with Mr. Laird.  (2) Oh I almost forget, you want every visitor to this forum to believe one purportedly derange person is responsible for convincing three money hungry publishers to shut down promotion & distribution of your books which is an encyclopedia of lies and innuendos?

1 REBUTTAL Individual responds

Ralph Sanders Posted These

AUTHOR: Rob Laird - ()

8, Report #1095777

SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 22, 2013




{Ralph Sanders’ past postings always contradicts present and future postings}

(3) To add insult to injury, court employees and investigators thru-out the region have flagged you Mr. Sanders as person with an extensive history of frequently and fraudulently filing with the courts doctored documents created in photo shop or other multi-media software, then later retrieve the same false documents with the court stamp and present or publish them as authentic documents to support your lies.

(4) Ripoff Report 9, Report #1095765 posted by a young man alleging you scammed him out of $700.00, Do you want the readers believe this was done by your “Crazy George” too?

1 Author of original report

ralph is still a snake

AUTHOR: maurquice - ()

9, Report #1095765

SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 25, 2013


(5) In the latest bizarre twist to an already bizarre story, the author to the Ripoff Report posted below on May, 05 2015, (Seeking Subpoena for Identity of Authors)

1 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Seeking Subpoena for Identity of Authors

AUTHOR: Judith - (USA)

SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 05, 2015

POSTED: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 Case Name:* Ralph & Lauren Sanders *Case Number:* 2013-25491 I will be seeking a subpoena for the authors/IP addresses for this Ripoff Report. The case noted above will be heard on June 2, 2015 in Sacramento California at 9:30 am, 501 I Street, 6th floor, Courtroom 35, Dept C.


I was told in an interview with past employers, landlords, and ex- lovers this person is an opportunist suffering with a severe case of reciprocal altruism supported by other personality disorders, and was previously extremely vocal complainant in relation to allegations that you Sanders had defrauded her the US Bankruptcy Trustee has apparently suddenly changed her story after several years. In an extraordinary about-face, this person apparently flushed her integrity, meta-ethics and normative ethics down the toilet, and now says, “I have no desire to attack Ralph Sanders”. Posted on Rip off report on Saturday, August 08, 2015 @ report Consumer Comment #8 http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/The-Half-Time-Hustler/El-Dorado-Hills-California-95762/The-Half-Time-Hustler-Ralph-Sanders-aka-Sean-Sanders-Juveniles-at-Risk-Ralph-Sanders-aka-S-954332#comment_19

According to reliable sources, close to some older Sanders’ victims, this person attempted to extort large sums of money from these very nice people in exchange for continuing to pursue her complaints against Sanders. As part of her extortion scheme, this person is known to frequently intimidates the already victims of the con-man by bragging, that her current boyfriend-living-lover is a drug dealer who has been shot twice while engaging in illicit activities, with strong ties to Oakland California street gangs.

When the old folks refused to pay, a slanderous campaign was launched against them via telephone to another Sanders victims which has been cooperating with law enforcement in their investigation against Sanders. In fact the older couple did report to local law enforcement of receiving a threatened and intimidating phone late last summer with the call showing the persons caller ID. It should also be noted the person with zero integrity allegedly accepted $500.00 from Sanders to stop cooperating with law enforcement. (Hope the good guys take a serious look at California Penal Code Section 971).

At the end of day all those who foolishly wave the FBI banner as intimidation and to further mask their criminal threats and extortion schemes, should keep in mind all investigations are conducted reciprocally. I can guarantee with certainty, United States Code (U.S.C.), section two & Section 1001 of Title 18 will be meticulously enforced, if such threatened investigations ever becoming a reality.


New York,
United States of America
I overheard Ralph claiming to be an off duty police officer with the Folsom Police Department when he was confronted by the Store manager.

#50REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 26, 2016

Browsing thru this Blog one can tell for almost 6 months there was almost no activity by any one.

Then I noticed Mr. Sanders went on the attack on December 27, 2015@ General Comment # 6 blaming a George for being exposed for his numerous scams. Most people who knows him, will tell you Ralph Sanders thinks everyone will buy his BS.

Mr. Sanders, every one is getting tired of your innuendos, speculations without any verifiable electronic proof, that one person is responsible for what is going here. I for one don’t buy it, For your information, I was present in front of the supermarket on Dec14, when you was confronted by the store manager for your transgression against very scared lady shopper, and overheard you claimed to be an off duty police officer with the Folsom Police Department.

I know you will respond by blame it all on your whipping boy “Crazy George”,

Addressing your threats of circulating 70 of your frivolous book “Break Loose”

How is that possible considering when I visited the publisher’s web site @ nextcenturypublishing.com/?s=Break+Loose&post_type=product

Under the Books Tab type in the search box “Break Loose or “Halftime Hustler” and the results will be, “No products were found matching your selection”. This validate the books are not being promoted, printed, distribute or supported by the publisher. It also means Sanders which has in his procession a small quantity of books, less than 20, which he purchased at the first release back in November, is now prohibited from ordering any additional books from the publisher.

It appears you have yet to understand and lean what are the consequences for attacking, a well-groomed, battle-harden worrier with over 35 years of combat experience in the Art of War!!!





Los Angeles,
Ralph, & Company “come on down you are the next contestant on the Price is Right”

#51REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, January 25, 2016

Ralph do you have an ounce of common sense? Why are you alerting a supposedly mental patient in advance the FBI is about to pay him a visit? You keep giving up your tradecraft by threating and using you text book intimidation tactics which is always ignored as desperation on your part.

 Its customary when some people can’t pay their debts or extort monies out of those they deemed to be stupid, waving the FBI banner is the only way to scare them into submission. Ralph, & Company “come on down you are the next contestant on the Price is Right”


El Dorado Hills,

#52REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, January 25, 2016

 George now attacks Ralph by responding as another fake person in his last Rebuttal telling a story up about flat tires and a false story of yet another victim. George Semeil ....EVERYONE IS TIRED OF YOUR GAMES AND POSTING PICTURES OFF PERSONAL WEBSITES AND ADDING THEM TO MAKE YOUR STORY TELLING SOUND AS IF THIS IS ALL REAL. Man you really are sick and have an obsessed heart on destroying my life and others. Lets see what Hollywood is doing with BREAK LOOSE .....AND the third book that's going to for sure have you in a lot of trouble. Man I feel sorry for your attempts in trying to stop Ralph's latest book Break Loose ....but its all a blessing. Once the FBI....come knocking at your door and asking have you ever been in Atascadero state prison Hospital, let's see if you can fool these intelligent men that God will use to stop you from harming other peoples lives! The FBI and other local investigators are interviewing Judith and others. Keep writing and giving yourself away, adding additional evidence against you, stalking people's lives with made up stories and a sick imagination you need medication for. One day you will be soon be fingerprinted and all this harm on others will cost you another trip back to the state Hospital for life. George- you made a HUGE mistake in trying to sue Judith for $1100.00 dollars all because she turned on you once she figured out who you really were. The continued threats and harassment has hit the front desk of the FBI and local authorities in AZ and So Cal, now that you have showed Judith a fake badge saying you work for the CIA, talk about a fraud, it's a major crime posing as a retired agent. Let's see how your neighbors on your street and the community feel about what you have been doing. 70 Break Loose books have been sent out to your gated community with a letter of the destruction you have caused on the Sanders family and Judith and all the others you continue to play your delusional sick games on. Man you better start praying or repent and ask for help as you need to stop but we all know you won't because you have mental issues we know. In 3 days there will be a close up interview explained on your rebuttals and how you do it. It's time to fight back and put a warning out to the community that cyberbullying, stalking and harassment will not be tolerated by anyone, most especially when it's at the hands of Mental patient that is supposed to be supervised by the State Mental Health Dept. of California!!! Terry!

Report Attachments


One Might Have Expected By Now KARMA Would Give RALPH INNICHIES SANDERS The Proverbial Stoning.

#53REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, January 22, 2016

Ralph Sanders is nothing more than the P.T. Barnum of Scams: a hustler who thrives on the maxim that “there’s a sucker born every minute”.

The only people who think Sanders is who he claimed to be are the suckers to whom he repeatedly sells the Brooklyn Bridge, and swampland in the Florida Everglades as beachfront property to.

Given his delusions of grandeur, one could well imagine Sanders has an infamous and unrepentant record of iniquity; therefore, one might have expected by now KARMA would give him the proverbial stoning.

Instead late last year, on December 14, a woman customer at a supermarket in Folsom, California, complained to store security and police that a man had either disabled her vehicle by letting air out of her tires or was blocking her exit from the parking lot.

Text Box:  
Ralph Sanders
The man was reportedly identified by Folsom PD as 49-year-old Ralph Sanders. After all, this is a man who takes diabolical pride in boasting of being successful, when in reality law enforcement in the region have received numerous reports/complains of Sanders lying in wait for unsuspecting women in shopping mall, hotel and casino and Gym parking lots, disabling their vehicles and then pretending to be in the right place at the right time to help them. He will continue to wait for the owner/driver to return and follow them onto the roadway, pulling next to them pointing to the deflated tires and offering help as a Good Samaritan.

The point is that, some people seem drunk with wonder as they hang on every deceptive word that proceeds out of the mouth of Sanders.

Mr. Sanders please explain why you fled under the cover of darkness from the rental house in El Dorado Hills last August, and according to investigators on your trail, “Mr. Sanders must be going to some lengths to remain hidden, with not even a new utility connection in his or his wife’s name”?.



Report Attachments


Folsom ,

#54Consumer Comment

Fri, January 15, 2016



Los Angeles,
Break Loose SHUTDOWN by third Publisher:

#55REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, January 14, 2016

Self-publishing takes money (sometimes quite a lot) on the part of the author, because the publishing company has to be paid for everything, often including a minimum book order.

The question is who paid for their services on Sanders’ behalf since Sanders is always broke and no job?  Because as victim I would think there is a strong possibility that Sanders has scammed yet another victim into paying for the costs involved.

After an in-depth investigation of Sanders by the publisher of “Break Loose” another of Sanders lies and hallucinations, the company delisted and cease publishing and distribution of this frivolous piece of garbage resulting in no presence of such material on Amazon.

It should be noted, just a few years ago, this guy dishonestly claiming non-existent associations with nationally known sporting and educational organizations and others. In fact, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) had to cancel a planned series of promotional videos because of fraudulent claims made by Sanders that he “starred” in them.

A Gumshoe, criminal investigator with the El Dorado County District Attorney’s Office, has taken a particular interest in Sanders and his ongoing questionable activities, but apparently finds himself unable to proceed further for the time being after Sanders fled under the cover of darkness from a rental home in El Dorado Hills this past August.

Why is this man continuing to try and make people believed he is an author and self-help expert is beyond comprehension?


El Dorado Hills,

#56General Comment

Sun, December 27, 2015


Judith Richey

Gilbert ,
"Judy" is a fake name

#57Consumer Comment

Sat, August 08, 2015

 I am Judith Richey. I did not write the report with Ralph's picture in orange. I, in fact, received a query from "Judy" this past week trying to hunt down (and smear) my new website. Whomever is doing this - stop it now! Life is too short and my priorities are God, family and spiritual growth/acts of kindness. I have no desire to attack Ralph Sanders, I am not going to post negativity online or be a part of hurting anyone. Christ exhorts us to forgive. I have forgiven and moved on. If there is a negative report that hints at my name, I did not write it. Rest assured, the author is NOT me. I am sad about the hatred in the world. Hate is a powerful emotion, but love trumps it. Practice LOVE.


A sneak preview of Ralph Sanders new book!

#58Consumer Comment

Mon, July 27, 2015

His new book looks promising, the cover alone has truth to it.

Ripoffreport Report Image


Ralph Ssanders has a new book coming out!

#59Consumer Comment

Mon, July 27, 2015

Looks like there will be some truth to this book!

Ripoffreport Report Image

Mad Dogs & Englishmen

New York,
Server Logs Don't lie

#60REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, May 12, 2015

Ignorant master con artist Ralph Sanders and his coconspirator Karin Knapp is unaware their Server Logs don't lie. We are now in possesion of the electronic mother load on these two fools. While lying and mantpulative Ralph Sanders does not owned a pot to piss in, Ms. Knapp does own property and a bank account.



Seeking Authors/IP addresses of authors

#61Consumer Comment

Tue, May 05, 2015

  Case Name:* Ralph & Lauren Sanders *Case Number:* 2013-25491 I will be seeking a subpoena for the authors/IP addresses for this RipOff Report. The case noted above will be heard on June 2, 2015 in Sacramento California at 9:30 am, 501 I Street, 6th floor, Courtroom 35, Dept C.

Ralph's #1 supporter!

El Dorado Hills,
Please God, DON'T let it stop !!!

#62Consumer Comment

Thu, February 12, 2015

Oh Ralph I beg of you (and your fake God), PLEASE keep it coming!  I can't decide which I enjoy more - laughing at your ignorance or counting the money rolling into wallets due to your stupidity.

I know I speak for all your "victims" when I say that we are truly torn. While we appreciate the money you've sent our direction because you don't understand what the words "copyright" or "slander" mean, we are also deeply indebted to you for the comedy you've brought to our collective lives.  And now with one of your signature idiotic moves, the comedy show continues.  Do you realize that you literally gathered a large sum of cash into a garbage bag and threw it over your former neighbor's fence shouting "happy Wednesday" with a bullhorn when you foolishly posted a protected document from Dog Ear Publishing on RipOff Report, complete with the disclaimer prohibiting its use?

And seriously, Ralph, we are genuinely confused about why someone's mortgage information makes them a criminal, because we can't find any record of your neighbor stealing, molesting or scamming people the way you have.  If that's all you can dig up, you need a sharper shovel. Just be really careful you don't fall into that grave you're attempting to dig.

Personally, I have only one regret, and that is that I wish you would treat all of us the way you've treated your neighbor because he's getting rich off your stupidity. If I make up some s*** about myself and send it your direction, will you post it publicly and make me rich too?? 

I could go on and on...but I hear the cork popping on the champagne over in El Dorado Hills and honestly I'm laughing so hard that it's difficult to keep writing.

Ralph Sanders Supporters

El Dorado Hills,

#63UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 03, 2015

Geroge Francis Semeil-
We know that Jesus was tempted by the devil being lead up to a high mountain by the spirit in the wilderness to be truly tempted by the devil. He had just fasted forty days and forty nights, afterwards he was hungry.  When the tempter came to him, he said, "If you are the son of God, command that these stones become bread". We all know that Jesus was very strong and responded back saying to the devil "It is written. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God". George, We love you man and want the best for you because God said love your Neighbor as yourself and pray for those who slander you and harm you. It's not as easy to do as it seems to read it coming from the word of God. Although God himself tempts no one (James 1:1)





From: GFS [mailto (((REDACTED)))]

Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 11:50 AM

[email protected]

Subject: Re: Ralph Sanders "Break Loose" & "The Half Time Hustler" Publication

 January 20, 2014

Via US Mail, Facsimile & Electronic Mail (e-mail)

With Proof of Service Attached:


Dog Ear Publishing

Attn:  Miles Nelson Owner,   

4011 Vincennes Rd

Indianapolis, IN  46268

E-mail: [email protected]

This e-mail and its contents is only intended for Mr. Miles Nelson of Dog Ear Publishing 4011 Indianapolis, IN  46268. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution to Ralph Sanders and his representatives or associates is hereby prohibited


Dear Mr. Miles:

Please find attached my letter to Dog Ear Publishing Re: Ralph Sanders “Break Loose” & “The Half Time Hustler” Publication

Thank you


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient's and may contain confidential or proprietary information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, immediately contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

Report Attachments

J Baraga

New York City,
New York,
A new victim of con man Ralph Sanders has step forward

#64REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 20, 2015

There is a true saying in Public Relations - any time one must explain themselves over and over it can only mean that person is in real trouble. These videos posted on You Tube recently are a long awaited legal bonanza for some people I know who will no doubt bury Ralph Sanders and his co-conspirator’s a*s in legal paperwork for a long time to come, mark my words!





Sander has now taken to You Tube to disseminate his lies and continue his attacks on his victims. Don’t be fooled by the video posted on You Tube “Ralph Sanders Break Look Report Exclusive” and “Ralph Sanders Break Loose Live” which depict him driving up to a gated community showing off in a BMW with his customized license plate “BRK LOOSE”. This is just a scam to entice and persuade new "marks" into believing he is successful, wealthy and owns a home in an affluent community of Serrano. The reality is Ralph Sanders does not own a Pot to Piss In, he does not own a home in Serrano as he frequently boast, but has newly rented a house on Beckett Street. Not surprisingly, this new group of neighbors are trying to get this con man out of their community too.

Additionally Ralph Sanders is no author. This con man can hardly write two intelligent sentences strung together in his native English without making major grammatical error (See attached one of his incriminating emails send to a young 24-year old victim that he scammed $10,000 from just recently. And then give dupe the victim with a copy of a phony promissory note down load from the internet to hold as a promise to pay).


In fact, Ralph Sanders is simply a highly manipulative career criminal and a copyright violator, currently being sued in an Arizona for copyright violations and his refusal to pay the photographer who took the picture on the front of his book "Half Time Hustler" for her work.

In fact Sanders even hit this website by unauthorized use of their copy right LOGO) Ripoff Report) in one of his videos, which he was forced to take down. Everywhere he goes, and everything he touches comes away dirty or victimized.

Here are the emails sent to victim name Lana:

{ Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 07:40:48 -0700 Subject: Ralph


From: [email protected] To: (((REDACTED)))


This letter is serious and no playing around. Last week my Boss Mr. Scott moved his program and it is shut down for a couple of months because of personal reasons that is not anyone b usiness. ...or need to explain to you or anyone else. Second of all, I am not doing so well with finance sense George wants to continue to hurt and attack my fundraising department. It had hurt me in in a great deal and put me behind my car payment and oth er bills including no insurance now on my car.

You have no clue in what these evil people are doing to me. George sent out over 500 emails to local businesses that supports my funding every month and now these companies are not giving any longer. He is at tack ing JAR! We are in the process of a serious legal battle for civil court.

Third of all, I k now you don't want to hear this and think it's a game or a lie and will attack me also with your b i t t e r n e s s . Wh e n t h i n g s p i c k u p a n d I s a l e b o o k s p e r s o n a l l y t o p e o p l e I w i l l c o n t i n u e t o p a y y o u t h e " B E S T I C A N " dealing with survival on my end to k eep my water and heater and a roof over my head.

I understand that you have things and bills to tak e care of also;....BUT I CAN MAKE WATER COME FROM A EMPTY LUCKY POND!

Fourth of all, You have a choice to tak e me to small claims court in Sacramento and do what you do best ..or just hold on for me to get things together so I can continue to pay payments. But I want you to k now that tak ing me to small claims court will hurt you in the end because I will ask the judge if I can pay you only a 100.00 bucks a month because I can show the judge proof that I did the best I can under all my issues with NO EMPLOYMENT plus other things. So I advise you to wait on the Lord and trust me when I say I am having a serious issue with this sick man. It's no joke. This letter is serious and there is no con behind it.

I could not pay the tire bill yesterday and found a way to borrow from Peter to pay Paul. I will not continue to do that and be pressured by your emails saying you will do something. About this. I already check ed with a Attorney and he said the most you can do if you are a vindictive person is to tak e me to small claims court. I will bring my copys..of all I have payed you and it's a lot belive that! And the judge will belive me lana.You can use this letter if you lik e ad proof. I am nicely letting you k now my deal in what's going on lik e a real man would do with running out on my obligations.

Romans 2: 1-7 No weapons formed against me shall prosper.

Please understand. I will try and pay you something this month on the 30. It's a struggle and I want to pay you but it's hard times.

Mr. Sanders

With respect!}

{Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2014 18:58:55 -0700 Subject: Ralph

From: [email protected]

To: (((REDACTED))) Lana,

I'm not ad clever as you are trying to day I stole your wallet and just to remind you that you lost 5,000 buck s that night and I did pay 256.00 for the room I did not ask you for! Remember Lana ...All the emails have dates and times on them."I brought up the gambling first as you can see ....or anyone else can see in the courts.

You are trying to back up what I said in my email with a twisted response. Everyone mak es mistak es and you k eep with me and I did not want to date you at all!!! I said just friends Lana. You are starting to get jealous because I won't be with you because you are just to young for me. Sorry "WE LOST YOUR CASH FLOW WE GAMBLED" I have to day that I am being a man of my word and can say you loaned me cash and I I have proof I payed you over 1,000 back . And now you are tripping of a late payment I am willing to help with our cash flow we lost that night and morning in Tahoe??? How could you lie and tell my friends down town I have tak en from you and owe you all this cash. I told your friend we did have sex because but did not want to look lik e a player because I am still legally married and that's not right. I made a mistak e being with you. I payed my debt back and show proof of it anytime.

But my cash you help me lose and you said it in your mail read it over for yourself Lana!!! You also lied about me not mak ing a payment in 3 months..When your email states that! And I have two very close friends that will show up to say you are a lie! Woman lie all the time and belive me I have just as much pull in Sac as your so called friend who wants to get on your pants. Let's not go there for the Christian card you pull all the time. Just lik e the time last year you went behind my back and was at that bounty hunters office and talk ing mess and telling him I stole from you with false things think ing because you are a woman he will run to your help. Cry wolf I would call it.

Well ...let's get something right here.

1) I owe you nothing any longer.

2) I payed you over 7,000 bucks

2) I still owe on the rims for 700.00

3) we both lost 3800.00 buck s gambling

4) I said we both are responsible for that debt and you try to put it all on me.

5) I k now you can lie and say you where all of a sudden forced to go there and watch me gamble. You think anyone would belive that?!

6) I am k ind to pay the 4,000 -the 235.00 for the room I payed for= 3785.00 total your debt you say I owe.

Email never lie Lana. I am admitting I owe you cash and never said I would not pay at all. You need to help me pay this bill because it's part of your lost and you were drink ing with me and gambling with me and slept with me.

I k now you will denied it because you are very secret to your religion cat mak ing others think you are a virgin and deep down a freak!! And a con woman!!

P's ..This is the truth and no lie.

If I'm judging you..then I'm sorry but your emails are full of lies and deceit.

God bless your mouth to tell the truth. Me, Ralph }


Additionally, Mr. Sanders sent this text to Lana, in an attempt to intimidate her into silence about his scams:

"You keep bothering me there will be a RipOff.com report on you with my real name and nothing fake and I will tell my story with you and it's not slander...so watch your mouth you and your friend!!!! I'm not f******,,playing. Shut.. up before I m ake you a child molester tomorrow on line. You have pulled yourself into this game and...You can't make me pay something I don't have financially GET IT? I don't want to hear one more word out of...Lana...hear me out clear....I did nothing wrong just a l ady from my past wanting part of my profit in my sales...but God shut that down with her evil ways and my books are being published else place...:) His POWER IS AMAZING HE TURNED A BAD SITUATION INTO A BLESSING :) she lost and what now on her end...NOTHING!! SHE SHOULD GO AWAY NOW..BUT GEORGE WILL KEEP HER BLIND...BUT WHEN THE BOOK IS OUT IT'S PAY BACK TIME EVERYTHING.. WILL BACK FIRE ON EVERYTHING AN..."


Ralph at his finest. Threatening an innocent young woman with "making her a child molester online "if she doesn't stop asking for her money back Threatening to tell her "religious" friends that she is no longer a virgin. Blaming his neighbors and a photographer for all of his trouble, when she knows that these two people have already been seriously maligned online at RipOff.com. 

Santa Monica Victim

Ralph I Sanders What Are You Gonna Do When They Come For You?

#65REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 03, 2014

Ralphs Sanders you are more than welcome to continue with your extortion racket, No one is afraid of your intimidation, bullying and vague threats to silence all those you have wronged. Nor is anyone buying your psychobabble make believe Christian biblical phrases or the mental patient bull-crap supported with doctored/Photoshop documents your corrupt wife Lauren created.

How foolish you are to send intimidating text messages to a 24 year old woman victim threatening to expose her as child molester on Rip-off report, if she refused to remain silent. More importantly the last time I check, it was Ralph Sanders who is trying to avoid a gantlet of victims he scammed, now that all your victims are no longer afraid and are coming out of shadows to tell their stories to law enforcement, What Are You Gonna Do When They Come for You?

Ralph – 

There is an entity, besides God, who knows the Bible inside and out, has memorized every word of it and can quote a verse for every circumstance that might come his way. 

Who is that brilliant person?

It's Satan. Satan knows the scriptures inside and out, but no matter how much he quotes the words, his existence never improves or changes. He never modifies his behavior because of what has been written. And he certainly is incapable of doing anything to improve the world. 

Ralph, go right ahead and quote scripture all day long. 

Use it as a "weapon" against others. Impress the gullible people who equate knowledge of the Bible with godliness. 

But where we, your victims, are concerned - stow it. Stop quoting words you can't and won't live. Stop making a mockery of people who actually live God's word. 

You, Ralph, in print have cursed, ranted and raved. You have whined, demanded and lied. You have slandered others. You have manipulated and bent God's words. The ONLY thing you've never done is actually LIVE the words.  You've never loved your neighbor as yourself. Or repaid debts you owe. Or spoken the truth. And those are the BASICS!!  Let's forget, for the moment "laying aside filth" - because that's too much for you. Laying aside filth means being faithful to your wife. It means no more playboy mansions and seducing gullible women. No more gambling. No more excessive spending. No more driving luxury cars you finance off other people’s credit and stolen money, Like the 24 year old woman you drove to South Lake Tahoe con her out of over $10,000.00 and then you as a 47 year old twice convicted felon forced yourself on this innocent child.  Please note all the threatened e-mails and texts you sent her to further intimidate this young victim will be posted in short order.


Stop chastising other people until you clean up your own huge, hot mess!!  You have lied, stolen, slandered, threatened and cursed - all the while quoting scripture. 

Please STOP!!!

Take the massive log out of your own eye before you comment on the splinter in your neighbor’s eye. Yep. That's a direct Bible quote. 

Write it ON your mirror so that when you are admiring your natural face (per your earlier quote), you might absorb a little wisdom at the same time. 

Or just keep us all laughing as a real skilled professional put the screws to your ignorant and criminal minded AZZ. It's up to you. 




Report Attachments


El Dorado Hills,

#66REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 25, 2014


For indeed you do practice it toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia. But we urge you, brethren, to excel still more, 11and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you, 12so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need.1 Thessalonians 4:11



George, Judith, Lana

El Dorado Hills,

#67REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 25, 2014

GEORGE F. SEMEIL, it's been 2 years and 2 months, you have wrote a book here and will not stop until you are completley satisfied, what are you looking for? how come it has been over 2 years.  We know you will respond because you have not stopped.  A 462 page book being published in a matter of days, how will you explain news media on your harrassing the Sanders family? will you still deny you are George Semeil? when there is so much evidence showing you are not what you say who you are. Break Loose will be the key in stopping you.  God said bring it on! and make it strong because no matter what you throw at Ralph Sanders he will catch any fast ball.  I think its time you should get on your knees in your office rather than your fingers on your keyboard.  Mr. Semeil, I don't want to slander you or put all your records on line for people to read because I do not want to be like those who are you that is slandering and bullying the Sanders family.  The more you post slander the more we will preach to your heart who you really are.

Lesson # 1

Gossip is common—people like to get a tidbit of “insider knowledge” about others. But is gossiping wrong? What does the Bible say about taming the tongue?

What does the Bible say about gossip and taming the tongue?


Not only is gossip commonplace today, there are people who advocate that it is positive! Robin Westen reported in Psychology Today about social scientists who have researched gossip: “In the vast majority of cases, they contend, it’s beneficial. Gossip serves important social and psychological functions; it’s a unifying force that communicates a group’s moral code. It’s the social glue that holds us all together” (“The Real Slant on Gossip,” July 1, 1996).

Is that really the case? Is gossip a beneficial and unifying force in the vast majority of cases? Will those who regularly engage in communication that destructively harms others use this “slant” to justify their continued maiming of others?

Gossip addicts

Some people traffic information so much that their identity literally becomes that of a gossip. They are addicted to hearing things about others and passing them along. When you see such a person approaching or hear his or her voice, you know that gossip is on its way!

Addicted gossipers frequently imply by their tone and choice of words that the subject of their gossip is inferior, flawed or simply unworthy of respect. People caught in this trap of gossip consciously or subconsciously parade themselves as the standard of all true knowledge and judgment. They seem driven to search out and speak of the shortcomings and failures of others.

Defining gossip

You might expect that defining gossip would be unnecessary, but in light of articles such as the one cited above, perhaps defining gossip is very necessary today! According to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, gossip means: “A person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others” and “rumor or report of an intimate nature.”

The etymology of the word gossip is rather revealing. Here is an example: “Old English godsibb—‘sponsor, godparent,’ from God + sibb ‘relative’ (see sibling). Extended in Middle English to ‘any familiar acquaintance’ (mid-14c.), especially to woman friends invited to attend a birth, later to ‘anyone engaging in familiar or idle talk’ (1560s). Sense extended 1811 to ‘trifling talk, groundless rumor’” (Online Etymology Dictionary).

So, our modern English word gossip has evolved from words that describe people in a position to know private facts about others and has come to mean not only knowing those private facts, but also spreading them around.

The 17th-century French philosopher Blaise Pascal disagreed with modern social scientists’ view of gossip. He wrote: “I maintain that, if everyone knew what others said about him, there would not be four friends in the world.”

What does God say about gossip and about taming the tongue?

God addresses gossip

“You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people,” God instructed the congregation of the children of Israel in Leviticus 19:16. Clearly God was not referring to some benign social interaction. “Talebearer” is translated from the Hebrew râkìyl, which “refers to spreading rumors or falsities about someone. It is always used in a negative manner” (Spiros Zodhiates, Complete Word Study Dictionaries, 2003). The Enhanced Strong’s Dictionary defines this word as “a scandal-monger (as travelling about):—slander, carry tales, talebearer” (2011).

Gossipers love to secretly reveal embarrassing and shameful details of associates and even friends. Furthermore, their desire to share is so great that it is “like a burning fire” on their lips—they feel they must spread the word! God speaks plainly about a gossiper: “An ungodly man digs up evil, and it is on his lips like a burning fire” (Proverbs 16:27, emphasis added throughout).

Gossip does serious damage to people

There is no need for a costly survey to find out if gossip is damaging. All people whose reputation or relationships have been damaged through gossip would have no trouble identifying it for the evil that it is. God’s Word speaks plainly about gossip. It hurts others: “The words of a talebearer [a gossiper] are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly” (Proverbs 18:8, King James Version).

James, the half-brother of Christ, explains why gossip occurs: “But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison” (James 3:8). Sadly, it seems that everyone eventually finds himself or herself the recipient of gossip and tempted to gossip about others. The tendency to gossip is part of human nature, and taming the tongue requires God’s help.

The New International Version renders Leviticus 19:16: “Do not go about spreading slander among your people.” In the New Testament, we read: “If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless” (James 1:26, NIV). These are strong words! But according to this verse, the religion of those who slander is worthless!

Those who gossip will answer for it

Isn’t it uncomfortable to think that you or I would be made to answer for every time we gossiped? Gossip is so serious that—unless we are repenting and seeking God’s help in taming the tongue—we will indeed answer for it. “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37).

The words we listen to, as well as those that come out of our mouths, indicate our inner character. Jesus said, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). How we communicate is clearly something our Creator takes very seriously. It is also clear that gossip greatly angers our Heavenly Father, just as a human father becomes angry with his children for hurting each other!

Enough to make God angry

Is gossip a sin? We have not read all of the scriptures on the subject, but what we have seen leaves no doubt that the answer is yes. And all sin carries the death penalty (Romans 6:23). While some are tempted to rank gossip as just a tiny, inconsequential sin, we have to remember that all sin is spiritually fatal unless repented of!

It is sobering to find gossip listed among other deeds or attitudes that provoke God to wrath. He inspired Paul to write: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. …

“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers” (Romans 1:18-19, 28-29).

The NIV renders the last three words: “They are gossips.” It is shocking, but also revealing, to find gossip in this list.

The Greek word that is translated “whisperer” is psithurités, meaning also “a secret slanderer” (Spiros Zodhiates, Complete Word Study Dictionaries). Strong’s Greek Dictionary uses an old word, “calumniator”—a person who knowingly makes false or malicious statements about someone—a false accuser.

How many people do you suppose would actually think of gossip alongside unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, evil-mindedness and murder? Obviously God does! Having it listed among these other obvious evils surely answers the question of whether gossip is a sin. And it shows us the importance of taming the tongue.

Character of those who will be in the Kingdom of God

Psalm 15 discusses the character required to dwell with God. This psalm has been called an “entrance liturgy” (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary), with a would-be worshipper asking the conditions for entering a relationship with God: “LORD, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?” (Psalm 15:1).

Believers today can understand the two questions of Psalm 15:1 as follows: Who is truly in God’s Church and who may dwell forever in His Kingdom?

David answers these questions by telling us to add three righteous characteristics to our lives (verse 2) and to remove three evil characteristics from our lives (verse 3). These characteristics that we are to remove include or can relate to gossip: “He who does not backbite with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbor, nor does he take up a reproach against his friend” (Psalm 15:3).

The Hebrew for “backbite” means to be “a talebearer” or “slanderer,” who does evil to a neighbor and reproaches (“shames” or “scorns”) friends (Enhanced Strong’s Dictionary and Spiros Zodhiates’ Complete Word Study Dictionaries).

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible adds: “The word ‘backbite’ means to censure; slander; reproach; speak evil of. The Hebrew word ‘râgal—a verb formed from the word ‘foot,’ means properly ‘to foot it’ and then ‘go about.’ Then it means to go about as a talebearer or slanderer; to circulate reports unfavorable to others” (comments on Psalm 15:3).

So, is gossip a sin?

David’s psalm answers this question once again: Yes, gossip is a sin. And James summarizes: “The [unbridled] tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell” (James 3:6).

As a contrast, the apostle Paul tells us how to use our words for the benefit of others. He encourages us: “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. … Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:29, 31-32).

Are you surprised that God says so much about taming the tongue?

Report Attachments

We Speak the Truth

Boca Raton,
Ralph, go right ahead and quote scripture all day long.

#68REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, November 24, 2014

Ralph – 

There is an entity, besides God, who knows the Bible inside and out, has memorized every word of it and can quote a verse for every circumstance that might come his way. 

Who is that brilliant person?

It's Satan. Satan knows the scriptures inside and out, but no matter how much he quotes the words, his existence never improves or changes. He never modifies his behavior because of what has been written. And he certainly is incapable of doing anything to improve the world. 

Ralph, go right ahead and quote scripture all day long. 

Use it as a "weapon" against others. Impress the gullible people who equate knowledge of the Bible with godliness. 

But where we, your victims, are concerned - stow it. Stop quoting words you can't and won't live. Stop making a mockery of people who actually live God's word. 

You, Ralph, in print have cursed, ranted and raved. You have whined, demanded and lied. You have slandered others. You have manipulated and bent God's words. The ONLY thing you've never done is actually LIVE the words.  You've never loved your neighbor as yourself. Or repaid debts you owe. Or spoken the truth. And those are the BASICS!!  Let's forget, for the moment "laying aside filth" - because that's too much for you. Laying aside filth means being faithful to your wife. It means no more playboy mansions and seducing gullible women. No more gambling. No more excessive spending. No more driving luxury cars you finance off other people’s money, Like the 24 year old woman you drove to South Lake Tahoe con her out of over $10,000.00 and then you as a 47 year old twice convicted felon forced yourself on this innocent child.  Please note all the threatened e-mails and texts you sent her in an attempt to threaten and intimidate this young victim will be posted in short order.


Stop chastising other people until you clean up your own huge, hot mess!!  You have lied, stolen, slandered, threatened and cursed - all the while quoting scripture. 

Please STOP!!!

Take the massive log out of your own eye before you comment on the splinter in your neighbor’s eye. Yep. That's a direct Bible quote. 

Write it ON your mirror so that when you are admiring your natural face (per your earlier quote), you might absorb a little wisdom at the same time. 

Or just keep us all laughing. It's up to you. 


Report Attachments



#69REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 23, 2014


You have allowed Ralph to be a doer of God's word over the two years of your attacks (including recruiting a couple others to act on your behalf under false pretenses) You are all  deceiving yourselves by thinking you are doing the right thing. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror. For he observes himself, goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.

George, we must be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath, for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God! James 1:19


George F Semeil- It's a blessing you are writing blogs on the Sanders family for over two years because what you are helping the spirit of satan accomplish is a twisting of blessing out of his eviil and your doing. :)  May God allow you to see your actions and know that the more satan uses you to attack Ralph, the more he will endure the suffering of the good Lord.


Scam Busters

Los Angeles,
To All Publishing House and Companies BOLO for a Fake Author Ralph Sanders

#70REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, November 12, 2014

To All Publishing House and Companies.


Prior to publishing any current or future material that Ralph I. Sanders, aka Ralph Sean Sanders submits to your company, I encourage you and your legal department/investigators to confirm the validity of every claim and every character assassination that Ralph Sanders is attempting or will in the future attempt to publish as a "non-fiction"


Ralph Sander's first work masquerading as non-fiction is called "The Half Time Hustler".  His second book has tentatively been named "Break Loose" - and is rumored to "set the record straight" about the persons and officials of the government who are attempting to bring him to justice.


So that you know who you are dealing with, Ralph Sanders is a two times convicted felon who has served time for property theft, identity theft, forgery and burglary and has come under investigation for child molestation.  He references an organization (JAR - Juveniles against Risk) that he does not work for - as obviously no twice convicted felon is allowed around impressionable teens.  Additionally he is in copyright violation with regard to the cover of the front of his book "The Half Time Hustler" and for two other photos inside of the flyleaf and on the introduction page. 


The only reason he is hunting around for another publisher is that the photographer convinced Outskirts Publishing to cease all production and distribution of the Halftime Hustler, and refused to publish his hit piece frivolous “Break Loose” after Ralph admitted to the theft of her images.  When initially confronted, he produced a bogus invoice showing that the debt had been paid - and when that did not work he attempted to convince his publisher that he had paid "cash" for the images, despite the fact that the photographer and the author live over 800 miles from each other and the photographer had a restraining order against Ralph Sanders at the time he alleges he gave her "cash".  Now Outskirts Press must spend time and money defending the copyright violation litigation, as position no publishing house wants to be part of.   Finally, if copyright infringement violation is not enough of a deterrent, the fact that the Half Time Hustler is owned by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of California, in case 13-25491 should be enough. 


Ralph's latest missive will be aimed directly at individuals such as this photographer, who he continues to harass and threaten using blocked phone numbers.  His trademark move is to verbally intimidate and threaten his victims (the majority of which were female and older folks), and this has served to his benefit in the past, as many of his victims were too embarrassed to admit they'd been taken by such a smooth con artists.  Unfortunately it is no longer working for him, and so he has decided to write a "non-fiction" book discrediting anyone who gets in his way.  He is not content enough maligning them on public "rip-off" sites, with strange fictional stories full of embarrassing lies being circulated on the internet.  Now he wants a book in print to legitimize his false claims.


If he submits any publication to you, I advise you to scrutinize and verify every claim he makes, every name he drops and every person he maligns.  I also advise you to carefully scrutinize every photograph he submits, making sure he owns the legal rights to every picture included for publication.  Just a side note - one of Ralph's tricks is to photograph employees of well-known airlines or home repair stores, wearing their employee badges and holding copies of his book.  This "legitimizes" and appears to show sponsorship of his works. 


Do not let your publishing house fall victim to this con artist as there people waiting for his “co called hatchet piece” to be publish to initiate a massive law suit against any publisher/ distributor plus Sanders and his cohorts who would dare publish and sell Ralph Sanders’s false hood.


Not so fast!

Not that fast little Ralphster !!

#71Consumer Comment

Wed, November 12, 2014

It wasn't your friend George who lifted your Facebook photo - it was me. One of your victims. One of the victims you've taken for over $5,000 - and who wonders how it is you can shop away without a care in the world. Before you so hastily blame some mythical Semeil character, think!  #1.  If your attacker indeed is a frightening mental patient, how is it he's smart enough to track down the shopping picture?  #2. Once this deranged mental patient was in possession of this photo, how is it that he was so adept at using it to your detriment??

Either Semeil/George/your former neighbor is pretty savvy and not at all a "mental patient", or he didn't do it. Or maybe both. Think before you speak, silly little conster!!  It will save you embarrassment and time down the road. 


El Dorado Hills,

#72UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 08, 2014










George, we will watch everything you try and do to destroy the Sanders family and others like Remington Paul for your false sexual harassment case file against Maximus, Inc. Case #34-2012-00118674 and we have all details of those proceedings of which all those people are still employed except you. These people are not putting up with your mental issues any longer and they are all in the process of raising $$ from those who are very aware of your attacks. You will be shocked who is helping the Sanders family and others.

We also have the full written story from Ken from the Fairfield Funeral Home regarding your alleged threats to the Sanders family. Your attacks are getting very Keep it coming and no Jeff Garcia the owner of Fidelis in Folsom will not go to lunch with you and doesn't believe it when you say you are not George Semeil because someone stole your identity. We pray for you this Sunday. Also Shane and Rachel will be pulled in court to explain their part in your sickness....they do not have a choice.

George- Investigators are also very aware of how you earn your money filing false civil cases to gain money to pay Concetta Manzana's mortgage (the lady you live with that you claim to be your wife).  

We still are praying that your rebuttals will stop now that Ralph Sanders has moved peacefully to get away from you after a year and nine months of internet bullying. You still continue to make stories and write slanderous hateful vindictiveness things on the internet. Sooner or later on God's time, you will be very exposed and He will stop you, not Ralph. Ralph will not look at this site or write on this site to entertain your fixation on his future success.  

He will simply continue to pray that you will STOP once and for all. However if you so choose to continue to write Rebuttal's be forewarned that you are providing additional evidence that this is all really you and we will be posting additional evidence that will be used against you.

Isaiah 57:14- No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.


Rebuttal’s on this site are CONTINUING to be very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil.

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Remington Paul, (his boss at Maximus) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Remington Paul from Maximus, Inc. (see Remington Paul URL below).    

1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph

44)  Mr. Sanders, I live on Beckette Dr. at the Penniman gate in El Dorado Hills, be for warned our community will not tolerate your childish and criminal behavior!!

These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at: [email protected]


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity.

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://wversuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

Mentally Ill Inmates

Mentally Disordered Offenders

Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial

Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google:http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts!


Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Remington Paul-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya, Mary Robinson, -Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/maximus-inchco/rancho-cordova-california-95760/maximus-inchco-michele-anaya-organized-crime-rancho-cordova-california-824126

George's short list of people he's attacking from Maximus, Inc.(Former Employer) and listen to what he says about them- also notice the cooincidence in Author: Sharky which is also the Alias he posts under on Ralph Sanders Rip-offs:  

Michele Anaya aka HCO s**t has slept with almost every male workers @ HCO.

Bridgett Robinson corrupt, lazy and a master snitch

Ernestine Holmes an ignorant stuck-up ghetto b**** lacking basic work place discipline.

Crystal Cantu a snitch loaded with excessive relationship baggage

Cecilia Galindo a deadbeat underperformer/dry-snitch with endless marital problems at home.

Daniel Pedroza, a small time street drug dealer and ID thief master.

Donis Lopez, small and close minded ghetto b**** trying to be recognized.


Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291


We the People

Outskirts Publishing has 86 Ralph Sanders

#73REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, November 07, 2014

Ralph Sanders please tell us why did Outskirts Publishing Company pursuant to the terms of their publishing contract with you, have terminate the publication agreement and permanently ceasing all sales distribution of your frivolous book, The Halftime Hustler.” ?

Tell us why would your own publisher has now filed criminal fraud charges against you with local and Federal Authorities?

It is true you Ralph Sanders is just an empty vessel which makes a lots of noise. You are no Author but a low life pathological liar and a street thug/conman. Now we are convince supported by overwhelming evidence the person you have falsely accused of posting on this website about you is more intelligent than you have estimated him to be.

Mr. Sanders tell us how a person you supposedly lead the readers in this forum and residents thru-out the community of Serrano into believing was from a mental hospital, can self-litigate against the most powerful company and its gang of lawyers from one of the most prestigious law firm in the United States can end up beating Harvard educated lawyers in a court of law and win three lucrative settlements back to back?

This we would hope should send a clear message to your ignorant and thuggish AZZ, your corrupt wife and all your dumb blonde undercover concubines that you bunch of idiots are the next contestants on that person’s Prize is Right Show!

El Dorado Hills Community

El Dorado Hills,

#74REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, October 26, 2014







George, we will watch everything you try and do to destroy the Sanders family and others like Remington Paul for your false sexual harassment case file against Maximus, Inc. Case #34-2012-00118674 and we have all details of those proceedings of which all those people are still employed except you. These people are not putting up with your mental issues any longer and they are all in the process of raising $$ from those who are very aware of your attacks. You will be shocked who is helping the Sanders family and others.

We also have the full written story from Ken from the Fairfield Funeral Home regarding your alleged threats to the Sanders family. Your attacks are getting very Keep it coming and no Jeff Garcia the owner of Fidelis in Folsom will not go to lunch with you and doesn't believe it when you say you are not George Semeil because someone stole your identity. We pray for you this Sunday. Also Shane and Rachel will be pulled in court to explain their part in your sickness....they do not have a choice.

George- Investigators are also very aware of how you earn your money filing false civil cases to gain money to pay Concetta Manzana's mortgage (the lady you live with that you claim to be your wife).  

We still are praying that your rebuttals will stop now that Ralph Sanders has moved peacefully to get away from you after a year and nine months of internet bullying. You still continue to make stories and write slanderous hateful vindictiveness things on the internet. Sooner or later on God's time, you will be very exposed and He will stop you, not Ralph. Ralph will not look at this site or write on this site to entertain your fixation on his future success.  

He will simply continue to pray that you will STOP once and for all. However if you so choose to continue to write Rebuttal's be forewarned that you are providing additional evidence that this is all really you and we will be posting additional evidence that will be used against you.

Isaiah 57:14- No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.


Rebuttal’s on this site are CONTINUING to be very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil.

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Remington Paul, (his boss at Maximus) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Remington Paul from Maximus, Inc. (see Remington Paul URL below).    

1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph

44)  Mr. Sanders, I live on Beckette Dr. at the Penniman gate in El Dorado Hills, be for warned our community will not tolerate your childish and criminal behavior!!

These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at: [email protected]


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity.

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://wversuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

Mentally Ill Inmates

Mentally Disordered Offenders

Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial

Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google:http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts!


Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Remington Paul-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya, Mary Robinson, -Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/maximus-inchco/rancho-cordova-california-95760/maximus-inchco-michele-anaya-organized-crime-rancho-cordova-california-824126

George's short list of people he's attacking from Maximus, Inc.(Former Employer) and listen to what he says about them- also notice the cooincidence in Author: Sharky which is also the Alias he posts under on Ralph Sanders Rip-offs:  

Michele Anaya aka HCO s**t has slept with almost every male workers @ HCO.

Bridgett Robinson corrupt, lazy and a master snitch

Ernestine Holmes an ignorant stuck-up ghetto b**** lacking basic work place discipline.

Crystal Cantu a snitch loaded with excessive relationship baggage

Cecilia Galindo a deadbeat underperformer/dry-snitch with endless marital problems at home.

Daniel Pedroza, a small time street drug dealer and ID thief master.

Donis Lopez, small and close minded ghetto b**** trying to be recognized.


Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291

Pay me

Ralph Sanders is a name dropper

#75REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, October 08, 2014

Name dropping is used to position oneself within a social hierarchy.  It is often used to create a sense of superiority by raising one's status.  By implying or directly asserting a connection to people of high status, the name dropper hopes to raise his or her own social status to a level closer to that of those whose names he or she has dropped ~ and thus elevate himself or herself above, or into present company.


Ralph Sanders is a name dropper.  Not only does he use name dropping to elevate himself, now he is dropping the names of honest, hardworking and professional law enforcement officers as friends, in hopes of intimidating his victims.  He files false police reports, then collects the officer's card when he arrives, and uses the card later to imply a connection with the officer.  He does this to intimidate persons who he thinks are not well versed in legal matters, and thus vulnerable to this tactic. This criminal even drop the names of the FBI to law enforcement officers he is attempting to intimidate.  Even after his purported "conversion" experience ~ the premise for his frivolous book "The Half Time Hustler" ~ he continues to criminally harass, intimidate and extort past and current victims. This man will never take responsibility for his deceptive and criminal behavior instead, he is h*** bent on blaming one person for exposing his scams. Those of us victims know better that Ralph is the biggest liar and manipulator to exist in our community.

In addition to this latest attempt to intimidate people, he shows up unannounced or uninvited at homes that he has been told on numerous occasions to stay away from.  He preys on older, vulnerable people and aggressively harasses them late at night.

Unfortunately for Ralph Sanders, he does not understand what is about to hit him in the face.

Teresa and Giuseppe "Joe" Giudice, stars of the reality television series "Real Housewives of New Jersey" learned their fate on October 2, 2014 as a federal judge handed down the sentences in their financial and tax and bankruptcy fraud cases. Joe Giudice has been sentenced to 41 months in federal prison for financial and tax fraud. His wife, Teresa, will serve 15 months. It should be noted the Joe Giuseppe had no prior criminal or conviction records.

Ralph Sanders engaged in the exact behavior that sent the Giudices to prison.  Hiding assets and knowingly filing fraudulent financial statements to banks and the bankruptcy court. This is an aggravated felony ~ strike three for Mr. Sanders.

Amongst other things, Sanders apparently pretends to be a professional basketball player for the Sacramento Kings and that he played for a number of European and Latin American teams, including in Argentina, Brazil, Italy and Spain, and dishonestly claiming non-existent associations with nationally known sporting and educational organizations, including the NCAA, who were provided with a false “clean” background check for Sanders by an agency he conned into representing him.

Further, Sanders is believed to deceive restaurants, local businesses, churches and fitness clubs into donating money, food and coupons under false pretenses, while masquerading as a principal fund raiser and public relations director for a non-profit organization.

Even as Proposition 36 in California modifies unjust Three Strikes sentencing, Ralph Sanders will still face enhanced penalties for this third strike.  Under Proposition 36, a defendant with two or more strikes may face twice the sentence for the offense.  Joe Guidice was sentenced to 41 months in prison, he had no prior record.  Ralph Sanders will face up to 82 months (nearly 7 years) in prison without a highly competent and aggressive attorney representing him.


The million dollar question is...can Sanders afford such an attorney during the same time as he and his hired propaganda writers is buried in paperwork defending civil litigation?   Can he afford any attorney without a job, depending on his wife's salary as a school teacher to cover not only living expenses, but $300 per hour attorneys?

I think not.

The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills ,

#76UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sat, October 04, 2014


Both El Dorado Mental Health and the FBI are on to your games and scams with writing blogs and destroying many people. You are very disturbed 51/50 and the conversations you left behind at many restaurants including PF Chang's in Roseville, Ca believe also that there is over 23 individuals you have attacked including Maximus employees you are in court with in Sacramento County. This will all hit you like a storm with a rainbow at the same time. You could of had a quiet new life in the Serrano community but chose to not take your medication and enjoy your freedom with the lady Concetta that's taking care of and supporting you. Many have been interviewed by the FBI like others and what a mess you have brought to the lives of people who are trying to take care of their families and live there lives peacefully.

It's sad Mr. Semeil, that you will be the one in hand cuffs really soon. And how dare you would tell the Sanders family you were Retired from the Government and lie about your past and have them believe you were safe to watch their daughter for 5 months when she was only 14 month old. You are Mental and people in the community are aware of your false impersonations about your so called Government jobs and places you tell your stories. We pray that God will open your heart to take your medication and stop hurting others on RipoffReport.com. 

This is your fair warning, one more comment and all the neighbors in your community will be shown all your criminal and mental health records which by the way are all public record. All anyone needs to do is go to the County Records in Los Angeles and Riverside and pull your records.

P.S. Just wanted to assure you, this is not the Sanders family making these rebutalls. You remember me, Mr. Stewart the skin doctor...and I live very close to you.


George, we will watch everything you try and do to destroy the Sanders family and others like Remington Paul for your false sexual harassment case file against Maximus, Inc. Case #34-2012-00118674 and we have all details of those proceedings of which all those people are still employed except you. These people are not putting up with your mental issues any longer and they are all in the process of raising $$ from those who are very aware of your attacks. You will be shocked who is helping the Sanders family and others.

We also have the full written story from Ken from the Fairfield Funeral Home regarding your alleged threats to the Sanders family. Your attacks are getting very Keep it coming and no Jeff Garcia the owner of Fidelis in Folsom will not go to lunch with you and doesn't believe it when you say you are not George Semeil because someone stole your identity. We pray for you this Sunday. Also Shane and Rachel will be pulled in court to explain their part in your sickness....they do not have a choice. 

George- Investigators are also very aware of how you earn your money filing false civil cases to gain money to pay Concetta Manzana's mortgage (the lady you live with that you claim to be your wife).  

We still are praying that your rebuttals will stop now that Ralph Sanders has moved peacefully to get away from you after a year and nine months of internet bullying. You still continue to make stories and write slanderous hateful vindictiveness things on the internet. Sooner or later on God's time, you will be very exposed and He will stop you, not Ralph. Ralph will not look at this site or write on this site to entertain your fixation on his future success.  

He will simply continue to pray that you will STOP once and for all. However if you so choose to continue to write Rebuttal's be forewarned that you are providing additional evidence that this is all really you and we will be posting additional evidence that will be used against you. 

Isaiah 57:14- No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.


Rebuttal’s on this site are CONTINUING to be very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil. 

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Remington Paul, (his boss at Maximus) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Remington Paul from Maximus, Inc. (see Remington Paul URL below).    

1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph

44)  Mr. Sanders, I live on Beckette Dr. at the Penniman gate in El Dorado Hills, be for warned our community will not tolerate your childish and criminal behavior!! 

These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at: [email protected]


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google:http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 


Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Remington Paul-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya, Mary Robinson, -Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/maximus-inchco/rancho-cordova-california-95760/maximus-inchco-michele-anaya-organized-crime-rancho-cordova-california-824126

George's short list of people he's attacking from Maximus, Inc.(Former Employer) and listen to what he says about them- also notice the cooincidence in Author: Sharky which is also the Alias he posts under on Ralph Sanders Rip-offs:  

Michele Anaya aka HCO s**t has slept with almost every male workers @ HCO.

Bridgett Robinson corrupt, lazy and a master snitch

Ernestine Holmes an ignorant stuck-up ghetto b**** lacking basic work place discipline.

Crystal Cantu a snitch loaded with excessive relationship baggage

Cecilia Galindo a deadbeat underperformer/dry-snitch with endless marital problems at home.

Daniel Pedroza, a small time street drug dealer and ID thief master.

Donis Lopez, small and close minded ghetto b**** trying to be recognized.


Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291




Only Hand Cuffs

New york,
New York,

#77REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, September 18, 2014

Some people lie to get attention, some lie because they are mentally ill, some lie for narcissist reasons, some lie because they are pure evil, others lie to make others think that they are worthy, while some lie to mislead, confuse and deceive, the majority criminals lie to avoid the expected punishment.

You have enumerated a plethora of financial disasters produced by this fraudster Ralph Innichina Sanders in his recent bankruptcy filing, plus his fake employment positions as Director of Public Relations and Director of Fund Raising for a youth organization, taken into account this nincompoop has been convicted for identity thief, fraud and child molestation and can’t even compose a basic sentence in English without making major grammatical errors. However he Ralph has been able to tell some people whatever he imagines will be honey in their ears, while few victims have had the courage to demand Sanders cease and decease lying.

Modern day logic demand answers as to how can any above-board organization or company will be willing hire a two times convicted felon for identity thief, fraud and a battery of other crimes to include pedophilia as their Director of  anything that has to do with money and children?

Here's how charlatan Ralph’s executing a boldface fabrication and distortion of who he really is. This man has impersonate being a member of the Sacramento Kings, even signing autographs as a Kings player while claiming he retired from playing pro- basketball for Argentina, Brazil and Italy and supposedly an actor in an NCAA 2016 March Madness commercial, which by any imagination is completely fib.

His diurnal deceits is supported by one Karin Knapp a disingenuous creative writer whom the career criminal and con man frequently introduces as his lawyer in hopes of intimidating his victims. Sanders and his phony lawyer invents their own “ignorant laws” for the sole purpose of threatening and harassment of naive potential witnesses against them in hopes they will not cooperate with authorities, even as some residents in the Serrano community have turn over to law enforcement officials video captured from their home surveillance cameras depicting Sanders dropping libelous propaganda on their front porch late at night.

Do not be fooled by the luxury cars Sanders drives, it’s all a façade to reel in more susceptible victims in his daily scams. Periodically, the same vehicles are seen park on the road-side, flashing hazard lights on, with empty gas tanks while Sanders run his trade mark scam on naïve passer byes, “I forget my wallet at home can you loan me $20.00 for gas”? As the old saying goes “empty vessels makes the most noise”. Indeed Ralph Sanders is an empty vessel.

In summary THIEVES DO NOT DEFEND THE TRUTH, thieves defend LIES! Ralph Sanders cannot defend his criminal behavior, lies and scams since all he has been accused of is the truth. Mark my words this ignorant imbecile days as free man are numbered.


The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills ,

#78REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 04, 2014





After I changed my last name as my middle name to start a new life here in Serrano in the Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca. which was a quiet place to lay low and convince the community I am normal. I do not use my real last name because when people GooGle me they will see my record and know that I am a Convicted Felon of Attempted Murder and still have mental issues. I enjoy writing blogs on this site to make me feel happy and not feel alone. Yesterday I downloaded a picture of Ralph Sanders standing in Lake Tahoe holding a shopping bad enjoying his blissful lifestyle, which I stole from his Facebook account in order to try and stop his happiness.   

I decided to use the GeoTag Attack again to try and scare him to stop exposing me for who I really am "George F Semeil."


Now that this Ralph Sanders guy who I hate with a passion has done his homework is getting in my way of hurting others, I have to stop him. I have changed his Publisher Account Password and say that I have gotten into his email account to show him and others how crazy I really am. 


If I would just have laid low and not been so jealous of others lives, I could have had a secret life still. I feel that Ralph Sanders will continue to expose more of who I really am now that he has finally got a hold of my background. I say it's Ralph because of my paranoia issues. 


It was also interesting how last week when a cop knocked on my door I thought he was there for me and I invited him in and gave him some cookies, of course with powder on the top like the movie Flowers in the Attic. I did show him my ID because I thought he was my friend and I am sure I will see him again.....Hmmmm....I really do hate my life and what I have done in my past just won't go away in my head. I have dreams of Ralph Sanders talking to my Ex-Wife Andrea Semeil, the one I tried to kill.


I do have a New IDENTITY trying to remain undercover from my Attempted Murder conviction and my mental health issues from all the prisons I have been incarcerated in. SEE MY COURT DOCUMENTS ATTACHED BELOW. I have been scamming the lady that I live with in order to be able to stay in her home.  I was also proven Guilty in 1991 of Attempted Murder with a firearm/handgun with the meaning to afflict great bodily harm to my Ex Wife Andrea Semeil.

I continue to have mental health issue of hurting others because I refuse to take my Psychotrophic Medications in over 9 years and am trying to have a normal life and need the community to see me as George Frances but I can't help myself at hurting Ralph Sanders' success and blessings because I'm really jealous and hurt that he had taken away my job of babysitting his little girl over two years ago and that was my only source of income that he was paying me, since I had just lost my job at Maximus, Inc also. I'm upset because I have a reason to be because of my mental insanity plea in court for trying to kill my Ex-wife Andrea Semeil and I can't get over the fact of having a gun and hurting her so badly that they put me in a mental hospital prison. I am hoping that I get on medication soon because I am feeling like I need to hurt myself or someone like Ralph.

I could not hold a job at Maximus because of my paranoid mental issues of not being able to get along with others, which got me fired, so I filed a law suit accusing my Boss Remington Paul for sexual harassment because I was doing a good job at work for the two years I had the job under false pretenses. I tell people in the neighborhood I am retired from the Federal Gov't, which makes me feel safe from my paranoia. But in reality, I need to realize that I am really retired from Patton State Gov't Mental Hospital Prison and I need to go back there.

I slander lots of people on Ripoff.com and will get even with anyone that's associated with my Ex Employer Maximus or anyone associated with Ralph Sanders. Look me up on Google under George F. SEMEIL and you will see who I really am. I am getting old and can't have a good life like these people I harass, so I am called by Satan to destroy them under false names, posting untrue comments in order to make outsiders not believe these successful people I want to destroy and make their lives miserable like mine. If I can't have it, they should not have it either. I have issues and can't stop. I have this sickness attacking Maximus, Inc and my co-workers there and also Ralph Sanders for over 2 years now.

Even though Ralph moved, I miss him because he keeps me alive by the hurt I make for his life and others. It makes me feel good to see him with nothing and he should hide and stay inside like I have to. I had escaped from a Mental Hospital prison and fled to South America for 4 years and had a bench warrant for my arrest and return to the U.S. I just won't take my Meds or get along with anyone in the community unless I can manipulate them into helping my cause, because I should still be in a Atascadero State Mental Hospital and under the care of a Doctor and taking my Medication. Someone please call Mental Health of El Dorado County and get me some help.

George, we will watch everything you try and do to destroy the Sanders family and others like Remington Paul for your false sexual harassment case file against Maximus, Inc. Case #34-2012-00118674 and we have all details of those proceedings of which all those people are still employed except you. These people are not putting up with your mental issues any longer and they are all in the process of raising $$ from those who are very aware of your attacks. You will be shocked who is helping the Sanders family and others.

We also have the full written story from Ken from the Fairfield Funeral Home regarding your alleged threats to the Sanders family. Your attacks are getting very Keep it coming and no Jeff Garcia the owner of Fidelis in Folsom will not go to lunch with you and doesn't believe it when you say you are not George Semeil because someone stole your identity. We pray for you this Sunday. Also Shane and Rachel will be pulled in court to explain their part in your sickness....they will not have a choice.

George- Investigators are also very aware of how you earn your money filing false civil cases to gain money to pay Concetta Manzana's mortgage (the lady you live with that you claim to be your wife).

We still are praying that your rebuttals will stop now that Ralph Sanders has moved peacefully to get away from you after a year and nine months of internet bullying. You still continue to make stories and write slanderous hateful vindictiveness things on the internet. Sooner or later on God's time, you will be very exposed and He will stop you, not Ralph. Ralph will not look at this site or write on this site to entertain your fixation on his future success.

He will simply continue to pray that you will STOP once and for all. However if you so choose to continue to write Rebuttal's be forewarned that you are providing additional evidence that this is all really you and we will be posting additional evidence that will be used against you.

Isaiah 57:14- No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.

Maybe I should stop writing blogs and Lay low!

George - You're Up!


Rebuttal’s on this site are CONTINUING to be very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc. His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil.

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Remington Paul, (his boss at Maximus) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out. I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger. No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away. Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters. For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Remington Paul from Maximus, Inc. (see Remington Paul URL below).

1) The Fraud

2) His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3) Interesting Thread

4) Con and Liar

5) The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6) Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7) Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8) The Hilarious Show Continues

9) Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11) Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12) Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13) Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14) There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15) Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16) Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17) Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18) Libel

19) Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20) Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21) Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22) Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23) The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24) Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25) Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26) Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27) Ralph Intimidates Victims

28) Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29) Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30) Ralph Criminal Behavior

31) The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32) Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33) I Am A Victim

34) The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35) Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36) Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37) Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38) Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39) Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40) Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41) A Victim Sacramento USA

42) Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43) Stick To The Facts Ralph

44) Mr. Sanders, I live on Beckette Dr. at the Penniman gate in El Dorado Hills, be for warned our community will not tolerate your childish and criminal behavior!!

These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at: [email protected]


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity.

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of. I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings. Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name! His full true name is George Francis Semeil!

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2] No. 91-55064

[3] 1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4] *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6] Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7] Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9] George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10] Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

Mentally Ill Inmates

Mentally Disordered Offenders

Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial

Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself! Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google:http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this. In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves." The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me. At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today. He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me. He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues. First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors. When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???) His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???). All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case). He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did. His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months. I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder. He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware. Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me. If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts!


Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Remington Paul-Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya, Mary Robinson, -Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/maximus-inchco/rancho-cordova-california-95760/maximus-inchco-michele-anaya-organized-crime-rancho-cordova-california-824126

George's short list of people he's attacking from Maximus, Inc.(Former Employer) and listen to what he says about them- also notice the cooincidence in Author: Sharky which is also the Alias he posts under on Ralph Sanders Rip-offs:

Michele Anaya aka HCO s**t has slept with almost every male workers @ HCO.

Bridgett Robinson corrupt, lazy and a master snitch

Ernestine Holmes an ignorant stuck-up ghetto b**** lacking basic work place discipline.

Crystal Cantu a snitch loaded with excessive relationship baggage

Cecilia Galindo a deadbeat underperformer/dry-snitch with endless marital problems at home.

Daniel Pedroza, a small time street drug dealer and ID thief master.

Donis Lopez, small and close minded ghetto b**** trying to be recognized.

Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291

Camera Lady

New york,
New York,
Ralph Sanders do you know what geotagged images mean?

#79REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, August 03, 2014

As a professional photography with years’ experience in photography I must laugh at how stupid Ralph Sanders can be. Ralph do you know what geotagged images mean?

Isn’t technology great? More and more cameras have GPS built right into them. The moment you take a photo, your camera records exactly where you took it. Almost all smartphone cameras geotag the photos they take. As a matter of fact, I would be very surprised if I found a smartphone that doesn’t do this. It would have to be a pretty old model.

Since you Mr. IDIOT Ralph’s Sanders have demonstrated how ignorant you are by taking pictures of the people being criminally harassed by you with your Smart phone Samsung Galaxy SPH-L720T using METADATA-START.

You should be aware all the pictures posted on this website by you with the sole intent to harass the older people have been entered and saved in an EXIF Data Viewer and saved on a disk. With all posting of vague threats of who were and what evidence or witnesses your have is nothing short of your typical criminal intimidation tactic which so far has been well noted by law enforcement officials. We know you will make a mad dash to your cell phone data provider and change your phone, no worries Mr. Numb Nuts we already have the carriers name and your phone number and all this information/data is open to subpoena powers.

All what is published on this site by you Ralph Sanders or your cohorts is GRAY NOISE which indicates to us professionals you are projecting the behavior of a very desperate person looking for attention which no one is giving you anymore.

The bottom line is you Ralph Sanders is a crook/criminal/child molester being exposed for your deceptive conduct by some people you foolishly and indeed underestimated. All your threats are laughable and I am sure the party being plan for your demise will be a great one for a lot people.

Keep attacking the innocent people, which I am sure very shortly you will be given an opportunity to provide evidence to support all your wild and slanderous accusations against them.

Mr. Sanders some folks just don’t intimidate easily!!!


Report Attachments

The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills ,

#80REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 28, 2014




George, we will watch everything you try and do to destroy the Sanders family and others like Remington Paul for your false sexual harassment case file against Maximus, Inc. Case #34-2012-00118674 and we have all details of those proceedings of which all those people are still employed except you. These people are not putting up with your mental issues any longer and they are all in the process of raising $$ from those who are very aware of your attacks. You will be shocked who is helping the Sanders family and others.

We also have the full written story from Ken from the Fairfield Funeral Home regarding your alleged threats to the Sanders family. Your attacks are getting very Keep it coming and no Jeff Garcia the owner of Fidelis in Folsom will not go to lunch with you and doesn't believe it when you say you are not George Semeil because someone stole your identity. We pray for you this Sunday. Also Shane and Rachel will be pulled in court to explain their part in your sickness....they do not have a choice. 

George- Investigators are also very aware of how you earn your money filing false civil cases to gain money to pay Concetta Manzana's mortgage (the lady you live with that you claim to be your wife).  

We still are praying that your rebuttals will stop now that Ralph Sanders has moved peacefully to get away from you after a year and nine months of internet bullying. You still continue to make stories and write slanderous hateful vindictiveness things on the internet. Sooner or later on God's time, you will be very exposed and He will stop you, not Ralph. Ralph will not look at this site or write on this site to entertain your fixation on his future success.  

He will simply continue to pray that you will STOP once and for all. However if you so choose to continue to write Rebuttal's be forewarned that you are providing additional evidence that this is all really you and we will be posting additional evidence that will be used against you. 

Isaiah 57:14- No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.


Rebuttal’s on this site are CONTINUING to be very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil. 

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Remington Paul, (his boss at Maximus) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Remington Paul from Maximus, Inc. (see Remington Paul URL below).    

1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph

44)  Mr. Sanders, I live on Beckette Dr. at the Penniman gate in El Dorado Hills, be for warned our community will not tolerate your childish and criminal behavior!! 

These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at: [email protected]


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google:http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 


Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Remington Paul-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya, Mary Robinson, -Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/maximus-inchco/rancho-cordova-california-95760/maximus-inchco-michele-anaya-organized-crime-rancho-cordova-california-824126

George's short list of people he's attacking from Maximus, Inc.(Former Employer) and listen to what he says about them- also notice the cooincidence in Author: Sharky which is also the Alias he posts under on Ralph Sanders Rip-offs:  

Michele Anaya aka HCO s**t has slept with almost every male workers @ HCO.

Bridgett Robinson corrupt, lazy and a master snitch

Ernestine Holmes an ignorant stuck-up ghetto b**** lacking basic work place discipline.

Crystal Cantu a snitch loaded with excessive relationship baggage

Cecilia Galindo a deadbeat underperformer/dry-snitch with endless marital problems at home.

Daniel Pedroza, a small time street drug dealer and ID thief master.

Donis Lopez, small and close minded ghetto b**** trying to be recognized.


Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291

Report Attachments

Camera Lady

New york,
New York,
Camera Lady wants her money

#81REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, July 27, 2014

This book is a sham. I'm the photographer who took the cover photo for this book, which Ralph refuses to #1. Acknowledge and #2. Compensate me for. I'm the photographer who took the photo for his website. Same thing, he refuses to compensate me. Unfortunately for him, I have the digital negatives to prove it. Read my RipOff Report for details.

Here's the deal. Why pay any money for reading about a person who supposedly finally grew up and started acting like the rest of us already act. We don't get money for being moral. We certainly don't grace the cover of a book for being moral. And the worst part is...he isn't even moral!! He's still the lying sociopath who went to jail not once, but twice...and will eventually land back for his 3rd and final time. It is quite likely that he intends to use this tenuous, self-created “connection” with various naïve people and organizations in some way in order to promote himself for the purposes of deceiving other people, in a similar fashion to a recent attempt by him to do the same with the NCAA.

(I will be posting shortly the e-mails from the NCAA denying any affiliation with Ralph Sanders and several other e-mails from [email protected] to and from his collaborators conspiring to intimidate, threatened, and harassed his victims and some older folks).

  • Too late to hurry-up and delete your Inbox, and delete items Mr. Dipshit as all your e-mails now resides in the CLOUD on one of many Yahoo servers and are subjected to Subpoena powers.

  • Notice how Ralph vindictively continues to drop the names of innocent people refusing to be dragged into his fray? You are witnessing a very desperate man telegraphing vague threats and intimidation with no legal standing by making false statements to implicate those wise enough to slam the door shut on his lying face.


  • Unfortunately, blame is like anger in that it dulls one sense of empathy. It allows a person to act in a hurtful way to another human being. It isn't the act itself, but it often clears the road. This is a small, but important point. Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior. Blame is not the act itself, but it either erodes or outright removes these inhibitions, often both. It develops a thought pattern that allows the person's emotions to override his/her self-control in order to achieve an often selfish end -- including sustaining dysfunctional patterns.

Do not buy this book. Unless Ralph was donating the entire proceeds from every sale to the "Swindled by Ralph" fund, you would be encouraging and rewarding his deceitful behavior.




The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills ,

#82REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 26, 2014


Detectives are very aware of your recent fraudulent calls to businesses and Ralphs acquaintences pretending to be an Investigator from the Fraud Dept, calling from an unknown number.  Cassandra Scott and others are in the process of filing a harassment restraining order against you because they know its you calling them and making up all the false stories.  

Good luck. 


George- We are praying that your rebuttals will stop now that Ralph Sanders has moved peacefully to get away from you and the year and nine months of internet bullying. You still continue to make stories and write slanderous hateful vindictiveness things on the internet. Sooner or later on God's time, you will be very exposed and He will stop you, not Ralph. Ralph will not look at this site or write on this site to entertain your fixation on his future success.  

He will simply continue to pray that you will STOP once and for all.

Isaiah 57:14- No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.


Rebuttal’s on this site are CONTINUING to be very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil. 

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Remington Paul, (his boss at Maximus) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Remington Paul from Maximus, Inc. (see Remington Paul URL below).    

1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph

44)  Mr. Sanders, I live on Beckette Dr. at the Penniman gate in El Dorado Hills, be for warned our community will not tolerate your childish and criminal behavior!! 

These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at: [email protected]


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 


Ralph Sanders Being Attacked: (((link redacted)))

Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Author Casey Jones Topix: (((link redacted)))

Remington Paul-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126

Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291


Report Attachments

Ralph Innichina Sanders

El Dorado Hills,
Ralph Innichina Sanders

#83REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 26, 2014

I’m Ralph Innichina Sanders and I’m the author of a self-published 134 pages of farces called “Halftime Hustler”. However, in reality, I’m a fulltime hustler and con artist, and I specialize in identity theft and scamming vulnerable women out of their hard-earned money and destroying their credit. I do this using a number of different deceptions, including pretending to work for an at-risk youth charity, even though I have been arrested for child molestation; pretending to be a fund raiser to escape paying taxes to the IRS and the State of California on moneys I received in exchange for my frivolous 134 pages of garbage; pretending to be a professional basketball player for the Sacramento Kings, European and other domestic and international teams; pretending to be the star of an NCAA promotional video, which forced that organization to hurriedly remove the video from its website; providing false information to obtain a clean background check, even though I have an extensive criminal record; and defrauding creditors out of a quarter million dollars’ worth of fraudulently obtained loans and other credit by means of a fraudulent bankruptcy filing. I falsely project to the public, I’m a married family man, in reality, I cheat on my wife, while making my mistresses believe I am divorced.  You can find me hiding-out from my victims and investigators at Copping Way or Beckett Dr.


Report Attachments

The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills ,

#84Consumer Comment

Sat, July 12, 2014

George, we will continue to watch everything you try and do to destroy the Sanders family and Maximus Inc. employees. They are not putting up with your mental issues any longer and are in the process of raising $$ from those who are very aware of your attacks. You will be shocked who is helping them. We have the full written story from Ken from the Fairfield Funeral Home showing your threats on the Sanders Family. Your continued attacks are getting very noticeable. Keep it up and no Jeff Garcia the owner of Fidelis in Folsom will not go to lunch with you as he is very aware of who George Semeil really is and knows no one stole your identity. We pray for you this Sunday. Also Shane and Rachel will be pulled in court to explain their part in your sickness at no choice of their own.

We still are praying that your rebuttals will stop now that Ralph Sanders has moved peacefully to get away from you and the year and nine months of internet bullying. You still continue to make stories and write slanderous hateful vindictiveness things on the internet. Sooner or later on God's time, you will be very exposed and He will stop you, not Ralph. Ralph will not look at this site or write on this site to entertain your fixation on his future success.  

He will simply continue to pray that you will STOP once and for all.

Isaiah 57:14- No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.


Rebuttal’s on this site are CONTINUING to be very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil. 

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Remington Paul, (his boss at Maximus) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Remington Paul from Maximus, Inc. (see Remington Paul URL below).    

1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph

44)  Mr. Sanders, I live on Beckette Dr. at the Penniman gate in El Dorado Hills, be for warned our community will not tolerate your childish and criminal behavior!! 

These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at: [email protected]


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google:http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 


Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Remington Paul-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126

Look at all the employees George F Semeil attacks on RipOff and notice its under the same Author: Sharkey which is also the same Alias Author that George goes under when attacking Ralph Sanders on RipOff Report: 

Michele Anaya aka HCO s**t has slept with almost every male workers @ HCO.

Bridgett Robinson corrupt, lazy and a master snitch

Ernestine Holmes an ignorant stuck-up ghetto bi*ch lacking basic work place discipline.

Crystal Cantu a snitch loaded with excessive relationship baggage

Cecilia Galindo a deadbeat underperformer/dry-snitch with endless marital problems at home.

Daniel Pedroza, a small time street drug dealer and ID thief master.

Donis Lopez, small and close minded ghetto b*i*h trying to be recognized.


Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291


Ripoffreport Report Image

Report Attachments

The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills ,

#85REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, July 03, 2014

Rebuttal's 1 & 3....we know this is you George Semeil. You have been talking to Author Ralph Sanders for a year and nine months. What will it take for you to Stop? We are praying for you to see what you are doing is the most evilest thing you could ever do to someone. May God give you peace.  

Rebuttal’s on this site are very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil. 

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Remington Paul, (his boss) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Paul Remington from Maximus, Inc. (see Remington Paul URL below).    

1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph

These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at: [email protected]


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 


Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Remington Paul -Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126

Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291


Report Attachments

I live on Beckett Dr. Too

El Dorado Hills,
Mr. Sanders, I live on Beckette Dr. at the Penniman gate in El Dorado Hills, be for warned our community will not tolerate your childish and criminal behavior !!

#86REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 30, 2014

Ralph Sanders you never had anything for anyone to destroy, you are nothing but a lying institutionalized ex- convicted criminal and scam artist who did Infact wake-up a sleeping giant with the knowledge and experience to crush you into dust I’ve been told. All your post with pictures of this honest and innocent man you have been falsely accusing and harassing his home is further proof the real mental patient is Ralph Sanders. I hope this person used all the technology available to connect you to the pictures taken in the same Judge’s court room who told you photographing some one particular when you Ralph Sanders have been accused of stalking and criminal harassment of the individual and his family is unlawful.  

As usual you create a façade to the public by posting a copy of Proof of Service for a false Restraining Order you filed against the innocent gentleman, which you’re paid the Sheriff’s with stolen money to serve and was subsequently denied by a very smart Judge who realized your kind. Are you calling the lady you scammed her out of her daughter’s college money a FAKE Witness? If she is a fake witness, then why did you leave a money Order for $200.00 under her door mat as a bribe? Do you real think honest people will allow themselves to be intimidated and engaged in criminal behavior with you?

Which brings me to another issue, you keep accusing one innocent person for exposing your scams which apparently has now plot a new path to your future as a free man. Please explain why there is a Restraining Order against you in Maricopa County Arizona? While at it Mr. Fake NBA, please explain why you have refused to answer the News Global Reporters’ questions and threaten to sue them if they publish and expose you as a fraud? I am willing to bet money when you lying AZZ is exposed on the National Media in coming weeks, you will say a Mental Patient is responsible too.

Don’t you think you are giving too much credit to someone you claim to be mentally ill Dr. Ralph I Sanders aka Sacramento Kings (NBA) player and retired from Italy, Argentina, and Brazil’s Basketball teams? Oh how can I forget the man who will star in the March Madness commercial for NCAA which that organization has categorically denied any affiliation or connections with the liar? Oh to add insult to injury, the man who poses as fund raiser on behalf of trouble youth panhandling $20.00 from businesses and gullible citizens without being register with the State and the IRS, Oh wow, what else, did I forget the man who presented fake pay stubs and identification to auto dealers in his quest to acquire luxury vehicles he can’t afford for the sole purpose to showing off to his potential victims.

Mr. Sanders, I live on Beckette Dr. at the Penniman gate in El Dorado Hills, be for warned our community will not tolerate your childish and criminal behavior which I was told you perpetrated on all your ex-neighbors in the Vilagio community. Our community has been very peaceful and we intend to keep it that way by all legal means necessary.

Speaking of the heat is on, well Mr. Ralph Sanders I’ve been told to wait and see how much heat you Mr. Phony NBA can handle. I concur with Stacy, you can run but can’t hide!

PS: We will be posting some additional documents later which will debunk Sanders’s continue lies to the public. The criminal idiot must have though,” It if looks like a duck and walk like a duck it is a duck” little did he know his legal problems is just getting started. Can you Ralph Sanders afford a good power lawyer?



Report Attachments


El Dorado Hills,

#87Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2014

Really Stacy (aka George) do you think Ralph Sanders believes that one person caused him to file bankruptcy? Get real...obviously millions of people in this country have filed bankruptcy and do you think all of them are being blasted on ripoff.com or other social media sites as being scam artists, con men praying on innocent people and/or ripping off the government?? It also sounds to me that if someone was trying to run and hide they would move a lot further away from a city then a 20 minute drive and would definitely not be putting themselves in the limelight like Mr Sanders continues to do nor write a book about his past and expose his past wrong doings if we wanted to continue doing them.

In addition, if you are some innocent bystander who's sister and neighbor supposedly watched Ralph's daughter in Roseville, then how could you know to go so far as to threaten him that something is about to hit him in the coming weeks? Something that multiple different alias' (aka George) do on this string of rebuttals.      

Are we also supposed to then believe that Ralph is actually paying a person whom you call a "bimbo" to post these rebuttals on his behalf? I thought he didn't pay anyone anything for their services? You can't have it both ways.   

We are posting what others have done in previous rebuttals so everyone can see what is truly going on here.  

Hoping and praying this Attacker finally gives up his obsession with trying to destroy Mr Sanders and moves on with his life. Life is too short to be spending hours and hours making up stories about what to say next.


Ralph Sanders is still putting up with George Semeil's game and will pray that he will start to see the true light of what he is doing to harm other's success.  Everybody is living their life but George F. Semeil. 

Rebuttal’s on this site are very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil. 

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Paul Remington, (his boss for 60 days) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Remington Paul from Maximus, Inc. (see Paul Remington URL below).    


1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph


These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at: (((redacted)))


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

It's clear that Ralph Sanders does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. We downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and we believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 



Mr. Semeil- You would be surprised who I am and that I live very close to you. Just to let you know, many of us (several are listed below) are teaming up against you to shut you and your fingers down. Oh, and just to let you know, the detectives are very aware of your recent rebuttal concerning Ralph's dog in your neighbor’s garage. I can't believe you are putting your roommate Concetta (I believe her name is) in a situation where she will also be held accountable to answer in court.

Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Remington Paul -Maximus, Inc.:  ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126

Erin Ladang: ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291


Report Attachments


Who do you think you are fooling with your lies

#88REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 20, 2014



Ralph Sanders:


Who do you think you are fooling with your lies? One person cause you to file bankruptcy when your list of creditors shows a list of people and businesses you and your wife intentionally defrauded long before you move up to Serrano from Antelope?. Infact you move to El Dorado Hills just to hide from the people you scammed from 2006 up to present day. Like your neighbors you scammed out of $150.00 for babysitting your daughter and then lied to cover-up your responsibilities with the same bogus story you been telling everyone, you had my sister and her neighbor baby sit for you in Roseville, while you were busy cheating on your wife Lauren with another woman and refused to pay them too.


Did my sister and her neighbor cause you to file bankruptcy as too?


The fact is every one in El Dorado Hills, Sacramento, Roseville and the entire State of California knows you are a compulsory liar, imposter, con man, crook and at best a complete idiot ignorant to technology and the law, which resulted in you paying some bimbo with monies conned from innocent people to write and post all your lies on rip-off report. Do you have any idea of what is about to hit you in coming weeks? No heads-up from me, you deserve it all, run you can’t hide!!!



The City of Cameron Park

El Dorado Hills,

#89REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 27, 2014

Ralph Sanders is still putting up with George Semeil's game and will pray that he will start to see the true light of what he is doing to harm others success.  Everybody is living their life but George F. Semeil. 

Rebuttal’s on this site are very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil. 

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Paul Remington, (his boss for 60 days) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Paul Remington from Maximus, Inc. (see Paul Remington URL below).    


1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph


These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at: [email protected]


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 



Mr. Semeil- You would be surprised who I am and that I live very close to you. Just to let you know, many of us (several are listed below) are teaming up against you to shut you and your fingers down. Oh, and just to let you know, the detectives are very aware of your recent rebuttal concerning Ralph's dog in your neighbor’s garage. I can't believe you are putting your roommate Concetta (I believe her name is) in a situation where she will also be held accountable to answer in court.

Ralph Sanders Being Attacked:(((link redacted)))

Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Author Casey Jones Topix: (((link redacted)))

Remington Paul -Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126

Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291

George Denied in Lawsuit Against Maximus, Inc: (((link redacted)))

Report Attachments

The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills,

#90REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 14, 2014


Urgent Read Rebuttal #51, Ralph’s friend tried to trap his attacker and now she is being attacked. See URL’s below. 

Rebuttal’s on this site are very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil. 

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Paul Remington, (his boss for 60 days) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Paul Remington from Maximus, Inc. (see Paul Remington URL below).   

1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph


These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital. 

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at:  [email protected]


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 



Mr. Semeil- You would be surprised who I am and that I live very close to you. Just to let you know, many of us (several are listed below) are teaming up against you to shut you and your fingers down. Oh, and just to let you know, the detectives are very aware of your recent rebuttal concerning Ralph's dog in your neighbor’s garage. I can't believe you are putting your roommate Concetta (I believe her name is) in a situation where she will also be held accountable to answer in court.

Ralph Sanders Being Attacked: http://www.scamexposure.com/scam-report/ralph-sanders-being-attacked-by-a-former-atascadero-state-prisoner-george-f-semeil-there-are-no-victims-it-039-s-all-false-author-c164497.html

Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Author Casey Jones Topix: http://www.topix.com/forum/city/santa-fe-nm/TJ0RVKDQC1ASMGQJT

Remington Paul-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126

Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291

George Denied in Lawsuit Against Maximus, Inc: http://lawzilla.com/blog/george-semeil-vs-maximus-inc/


Report Attachments

The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills,

#91REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, May 09, 2014


Urgent Read Rebuttal #51, Ralph’s friend tried to trap his attacker and now she is being attacked. See URL’s below.  

Rebuttal’s on this site are very noticeably coming from one person, George F Semeil, posing as many different Alias authors. He is being investigated for destroying people’s lives and is in fact an ex-inmate from Atascadero State Hospital and is trying anything in his power to stop Ralph Sanders success. It’s true that Mr. Sanders has had to start borrowing money from friends and associates because of everything Mr. Semeil has been doing to him over the past year and a half to pay for Attorney fees, Social Media Marketing firm fees, Private Investigator Fees, etc.  His intensions for filing for bankruptcy were to get out of debt and since then he has had to incur more debt at the direct hands of Mr. Semeil. 

This man has caused a lot of issues for not only the Sanders family, but many of their acquaintances and colleagues and many other people who George feels wronged him. Ie. Maximus Employees, Paul Remington, (his boss for 60 days) which George claimed sexual harassment charges on along with several other employees with Rip-Off Reports. (See below)

George plays multiple aliases on multiple Rip-Off Reports for not only Ralph Sanders but also anyone who he feels rubs him the wrong way he will attack and destroy with vengeance. Here are the Rebuttal Topics to show you by the anger of slandering Mr. Sanders, you will notice that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.  I won’t put the Authors names because they are all make believe characters with George Semeil’s Topics full of stalking and anger.  No one new to the site, would spend time registering and logging in under different Alias’ and start blasting Mr. Sanders with vengeance. Read below carefully and you will see the connection between the topics and dates gives George’s identity away.  Let’s not forget, George F. Semeil will never show his real name, he plays many characters.  For most of all, this Rip-off site was created by him claiming to be a lady by the name Helen (one of his many aka’s) out of Los Angeles. He also uses the same Alias on other Rip-Offs he created for other people he is also attacking, for example Paul Remington from Maximus, Inc. (see Paul Remington URL below).    

1)     The Fraud

2)     His Fraudulent Bankruptcy Case

3)     Interesting Thread

4)     Con and Liar

5)     The Con Man Took Another Step Towards Prison

6)     Our Family Don’t Intimidate Easily

7)     Mr. Sanders Continues to Deceive His Own Friends

8)     The Hilarious Show Continues

9)     Meeting of the Creditors Postponed

10) The Heat is on the Full Time Hustler

11)  Warning Sent to Ralph Sanders

12)  Con Man Ralph Can Be Headed To the Big House

13)  Scam Artist Ralph Sanders Was Photographed Scamming Victims

14)  There Are More Ways Than One To Skin A Cat

15)  Notorious Master Con Man Ralph Sanders Files For BK

16)  Ralph Sanders Is Still A Scammer And A Con Artist

17)  Ralph Appears To Be Very Desperate

18)  Libel

19)  Sorry To Hear That Mr. Sanders Is Being So Devious

20)  Ralph Sanders and His Shameless Wife

21)  Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

22)  Who’s The Real Fraud Here Ralph?

23)  The Trial Courts of Arizona on Ralph

24)  Ralph and Lauren Sanders Being Sued

25)  Erin LeDang Has Teamed Up With Ralph

26)  Is Erin LeDang Afraid For Her Life?

27)  Ralph Intimidates Victims

28)  Ralph Sanders Sick and Desperate Man

29)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Criminals

30)  Ralph Criminal Behavior

31)  The Victims Are Correct About Ralph

32)  Ralph Narcissists Can’t Differentiate The Mask

33)  I Am A Victim

34)  The Real Ralph Sanders Deceive

35)  Ralph Sanders Answer Truthfully

36)  Ralph You Have a Right To Be Respected

37)  Ralph Is Highly Manipulative

38)  Ralph Sanders A Very Desperate Man

39)  Ralph and His Wife Are Career Freeloaders

40)  Ralph Sanders is a Career Criminal and Broke a*s Liar

41)  A Victim Sacramento USA

42)  Ralphs Criminal Behavior Is a Classic Case of Fake It Until You Make It

43)  Stick To The Facts Ralph


These are the Alias’ topics from my Attacker on this site. There are many more and he won’t stop until he’s caught and put away back into Atascadero State Hospital.  

If anyone out there wants to help Ralph Sanders or if you are being attacked by this man, please email him at:  [email protected]



Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 



Mr. Semeil- You would be surprised who I am and that I live very close to you. Just to let you know, many of us (several are listed below) are teaming up against you to shut you and your fingers down. Oh, and just to let you know, the detectives are very aware of your recent rebuttal concerning Ralph's dog in your neighbor’s garage. I can't believe you are putting your roommate Concetta (I believe her name is) in a situation where she will also be held accountable to answer in court.

Ralph Sanders Being Attacked: http://www.scamexposure.com/scam-report/ralph-sanders-being-attacked-by-a-former-atascadero-state-prisoner-george-f-semeil-there-are-no-victims-it-039-s-all-false-author-c164497.html

Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Author Casey Jones Topix: http://www.topix.com/forum/city/santa-fe-nm/TJ0RVKDQC1ASMGQJT

Paul Remington-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126

Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291

George Denied in Lawsuit Against Maximus, Inc: http://lawzilla.com/blog/george-semeil-vs-maximus-inc/


Report Attachments

Bail Bonds Lady

Ralph Sanders, just like we were able to exposed your March Madness/NCAA/Pretty Bird Scam commercial, we will stay on your trail and exposed you for what you are, incompetent and foolish IMPOSTER

#92REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, May 08, 2014

As I read Ralph Sander’s make believe world to cover up his scams and lies, while trying to promote himself as respected citizen I am coming to understand how foolish this man really is.  Almost all smartphone cameras have GPS tagged photos known as geotag of the photos they take.

As a matter of fact, I would be very surprised if I found a smartphone that doesn’t do this. It would have to be a pretty old model not to show the geographical location of the picture when it was taken. Ralph Sanders how can you be so stupid, don’t you know all the pictures you have taken and posted with the sole intent to intimidate and harassed those innocent people are all geotagged images, meaning your location and time when taken and posted are hidden in the photographs properties?  Indeed you are an uneducated con man which continues to incriminate yourself beyond comprehension. You can bet we the victims of your scams are so grateful for your stupidity.

Additionally you tried so hard to make the readers believe it is one person responsible for all the facts posted on line about you, no one is buying your lies. Did you think you can scam so many of us and file a fraudulent bankruptcy and walk away Scott free? You must be living in La La land Ralph Sanders.

 As a unvarying imposter, you interject self into a legal matter of a major cooperation by calling their lawyers to voluntary information which every one at that company have been repeatedly  warned by the lawyers to ignore your criminal  and dry snitching scam.

More importantly the other persons which you manipulated to include your shameless wife, welfare mistress and a deranged wan-a-bee author dame to call the lawyers office in an attempt to provide false information have also been ignored. These people want nothing to do with your lying, imposter and criminal conspiracy.

The people that I know who are about to unleash a massive load of litigation against you and your cohorts have refused to try their case on Rip off Report web site. As the saying goes “Silent is Golden” Ralph Sanders, just like we were able to exposed your March Madness/NCAA/Pretty Bird Scam commercial, we will stay on your trail and exposed you for what you are, a very incompetent and foolish IMPOSTER.

Continue with your pestering and intimidation, they the god people don’t intimidate easily.

Considering they level of criminality and unwarranted annoyance and bullying you Ralph Sanders have perpetrated on innocent people, you should not speak of praying for any one but yourself.



The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills,

#93REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 08, 2014

George F Semeil-

You are very interesting. After talking with those individuals you claimed to convince that Ralph is a horrible person, they don't believe you. They know your background and so does the district attorney. If I were you, I know you at least have a little sense after being incarcerated, and writing all these wild and ludicrous ideas that is making a great book story and be on Dr.Phil. Then Ralph will have a great job because you are doing a great job at hiring him. :>)       


I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 



Mr. Semeil- You would be surprised who I am and that I live very close to you. Just to let you know, many of us (several are listed below) are teaming up against you to shut you and your fingers down. Oh, and just to let you know, the detectives are very aware of your recent rebuttal concerning Ralph's dog in your neighbor’s garage. I can't believe you are putting your roommate Concetta (I believe her name is) in a situation where she will also be held accountable to answer in court.

Ralph Sanders Being Attacked: http://www.scamexposure.com/scam-report/ralph-sanders-being-attacked-by-a-former-atascadero-state-prisoner-george-f-semeil-there-are-no-victims-it-039-s-all-false-author-c164497.html

Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Author Casey Jones Topix: http://www.topix.com/forum/city/santa-fe-nm/TJ0RVKDQC1ASMGQJT

Paul Remington-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126

Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291

George Denied in Lawsuit Against Maximus, Inc: http://lawzilla.com/blog/george-semeil-vs-maximus-inc/


The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills,

#94REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 07, 2014

George F Semeil-

We will continue to pray for you for all the deceitful things your heart has decided to do to others. I really know for sure that you need some help and the community and neighbors and even the home owners association are aware of your deceitful plots to harm and decieve the juvenile system in California.  I want you to know that we would like to hear from you about this game you are playing. We are starting to like your style of writing.  How was the Maximus case? It seems you made a good point to allow Mr. Sanders to have a huge team of evidence against you. Stay tuned.....    


Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 



Mr. Semeil- You would be surprised who I am and that I live very close to you. Just to let you know, many of us (several are listed below) are teaming up against you to shut you and your fingers down. Oh, and just to let you know, the detectives are very aware of your recent rebuttal concerning Ralph's dog in your neighbor’s garage. I can't believe you are putting your roommate Concetta (I believe her name is) in a situation where she will also be held accountable to answer in court.

Ralph Sanders Being Attacked: http://www.scamexposure.com/scam-report/ralph-sanders-being-attacked-by-a-former-atascadero-state-prisoner-george-f-semeil-there-are-no-victims-it-039-s-all-false-author-c164497.html

Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Author Casey Jones Topix: http://www.topix.com/forum/city/santa-fe-nm/TJ0RVKDQC1ASMGQJT

Paul Remington-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126

Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291

George Denied in Lawsuit Against Maximus, Inc: http://lawzilla.com/blog/george-semeil-vs-maximus-inc/

The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills,

#95REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 07, 2014

George F Semeil-


We are praying that you will see the light and stop hurting people that are living their lives. It seems that you are very vendictive and like to see peoples lives destroyed.

Tell me something, why would you get involved on this site making many alias rebuttals spending many hours daily writing on how to destroy and sabotage a family and their friends and most of all their image?


Please tell us what makes you create different rip-off sites on people like Ralph Sanders, he seems very famous after reading all the positive blogs and interesting things you seem to make up about him. To be honest, this whole Rip-Off site would make a good movie. Don't be surprised if you are starting to make him a very rich man. And most of all, I heard that he is almost done completing a great book on internet bullying. Stay tuned....George Semeil.  Please respond. 


Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 



Mr. Semeil- You would be surprised who I am and that I live very close to you. Just to let you know, many of us (several are listed below) are teaming up against you to shut you and your fingers down. Oh, and just to let you know, the detectives are very aware of your recent rebuttal concerning Ralph's dog in your neighbor’s garage. I can't believe you are putting your roommate Concetta (I believe her name is) in a situation where she will also be held accountable to answer in court.

Ralph Sanders Being Attacked: http://www.scamexposure.com/scam-report/ralph-sanders-being-attacked-by-a-former-atascadero-state-prisoner-george-f-semeil-there-are-no-victims-it-039-s-all-false-author-c164497.html

Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Author Casey Jones Topix: http://www.topix.com/forum/city/santa-fe-nm/TJ0RVKDQC1ASMGQJT

Paul Remington-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126

Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291

George Denied in Lawsuit Against Maximus, Inc: http://lawzilla.com/blog/george-semeil-vs-maximus-inc/

Report Attachments

He Scammed Me 2

Ralph Sanders’s NCAA March Madness /Pretty Bird Scam Exposed by News Reporter:

#96REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, May 05, 2014

Ralph Sanders will never stop lying, every word which comes out of this man’s mouth is a lie.

This con man thinks everyone is as stupid as he is by making you believe one person is responsible for him being exposed.

 Folks read the e-mail below send to representatives of Pretty Bird by an editor of a major national news outlet pursuing a story on the criminal and all the scams he continue to run on innocent people. The company base out in Los Angeles which Ralph worked 7.4 hours for, on the video he claimed to be an actor in. The master copy of the video never shows Ralph Sanders in any acting role since during the shoot word got out to the producer that he is a criminal with an arrest record for child molestation.

The e-mail shows how the NCAA also a victim of Ralph Sander’s scam drop him like a hot potato once they learn of his criminal background, There are also other organizations to include the Las Vegas and Clark County Nevada law enforcement and other individuals which have served letters on the con man demanding that he stop using the names and pictures of their employees to promote his self-publish load of garbage. Ralph Sanders are you going to accused and continue to harass the older people in your neighborhood when the Newspapers and TV exposed all your scams and criminal behavior to the entire nation and the rest of the world?

 {[email protected]

To: [email protected]; [email protected]

CC: [email protected]

Subject: Ralph lnnachia Sanders

Date: Tue, 29 April 2014 15:03:51 -0500

Steven Monkarsh/Cara Shine 

If this inquiry should have more appropriately been directed to one of your colleagues, perhaps you would be so kind as to forward it to the person concerned. 

We are currently researching a story concerning the allegedly fraudulent and predatory financial activities of one Ralph lnnachia Sanders, a convicted felon, a recently discharged bankrupt, and an alleged child molester.

As part of our research, we noticed that on Sanders’ Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/HalftimeHustler) he has posted the following item (which has since been removed following our inquiry with the NCAA. The video in question has also since been made “private”):

March 24

Check out our very own Ralph Sanders aka "Coach Halftime" in action in the Intro NCAA PSA promoting the new NCAA 2016 Academic standards via "The Talking Bench": http://www.slamonline.com/online/college-hs/college/2014/03/ncaa-promotes-increased-2016-academic-standards-via-funny-talking-bench-stunt-video/

Ralph will be starring in several of these upcoming commercials, stay tuned into NCAA March Madness Live to catch "Coach Halftime" motivating the kids and giving them some real talk! #realtalk,#halftimehustler #goteam #live - Team Sanders

According to the NCAA,they have cut all ties to Sanders who was indeed employed by them as an extra in relation to the single video mentioned, having been referred to them by an agency, believed to be yours, that also provided a “clean” background check.

Are you able to confirm that you represent Sanders and, if so, comment as to how a proper background check could have failed to reveal his extensive list of previous convictions and arrests, especially an arrest for alleged child molestation, when he is seeking to be employed as a role model for young people?


Best regards



The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills,
George - Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

#97REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 01, 2014

George F Semeil-


Detectives Are Aware Of Your Latest Scams with Ralph's Commercials - Good Try But People In High Places Like and Believe Ralph

Talk about being illiterate, your latest posting on your Rip-Off report has all kinds of grammatical errors and cuban nuances that truly gives away your identity. 

Keep talking man. We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientious to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harassing him and his family. What you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 



Mr. Semeil- You would be surprised who I am and that I live very close to you. Just to let you know, many of us (several are listed below) are teaming up against you to shut you and your fingers down. Oh, and just to let you know, the detectives are very aware of your recent rebuttal concerning Ralph's dog in your neighbor’s garage. I can't believe you are putting your roommate Concetta (I believe her name is) in a situation where she will also be held accountable to answer in court.

Ralph Sanders Being Attacked: http://www.scamexposure.com/scam-report/ralph-sanders-being-attacked-by-a-former-atascadero-state-prisoner-george-f-semeil-there-are-no-victims-it-039-s-all-false-author-c164497.html

Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Author Casey Jones Topix: http://www.topix.com/forum/city/santa-fe-nm/TJ0RVKDQC1ASMGQJT

Paul Remington-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126

Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291

George Denied in Lawsuit Against Maximus, Inc: http://lawzilla.com/blog/george-semeil-vs-maximus-inc/


Report Attachments

He Scammed Me 2

Imposter Con Man Ralph Sanders Continue to Deceive

#98REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, April 29, 2014

Ralph Sanders when are you going to lay off the lies and your con games and be a man. Your ignorance and illiteracy is so prevalent, you are now the biggest laughing stock of the entire state of California. 

Stop soliciting $20.00 from customers in front of businesses in exchange for your self-published frivolous piece of garbage book no one wants to read.

 You should be ashamed of yourself to accused one person for exposing your scams, when in fact we did our research on the compost you posted only to find out, this person is much intelligent that you stupid a*s thinks. You should check the courts records and see that this person has single handed beat a major cooperation legally and received a lucrative award. Additionally, you Ralph Sanders is so foolish, not to realize you have attacked the wrong family, which will stay on your criminal trail all the way to the gates of hell.

Ralph Sanders be a man and pay your debts, pay me and the other women your scammed, don’t attack and try to intimidate the older people in your neighborhood as way to deflect the much warranted attention you deserve for your on-going cons against naïve people.  You have ZERO credibility in the community of Serrano, no one cares or like you up there. Most people agrees you have over overstay your welcome.

Your corrupt wife Lauren will get her dues for supporting your criminal activities, by writing and post all your make believe and slanderous comments on the internet, since you Ralph Sanders is so uneducated and computer illiterate.

This is so frigging hilarious for you Ralph Sanders too keep given a so-called mental patient so much credit for being so smart.  More importantly I don’t see any one is after that person you have wrongly accused, no one is saying or accusing him or her of stealing or conning them out of their hard earned money.  You thought you could hide up in El Dorado Hills from all the victims you scammed while living in Antelope, well now it appears we the victims have formed a well lubricated machine to purse you and make sure you pay for all your dirty deeds.

Shame on you Ralphy boy, you mean a NUT is really pulling off such an effective exposé on your criminal activities?

Wow Mr. Fake Sacramento Kings, aka Basket Ball Star for Italy, Argentina, Brazil et al, driving high end cars obtain by questionable means under other people’s names less than a year after lying to the bankruptcy courts to discharge over $250,000.00 obtain by dubious means, to include all what your stole from me under false pretense is coming to bite your ignorant and swindling AZZ very soon. While at it, ask you’re deceitful and no shame wife Lauren to explain to you what does Form and General Interrogatories/Discovery means?

Just sit tight Ralph Sanders, a few of us that you have foolishly underestimated is about to show you what it means to steal, intimidate and harassed the wrong people.




The Community of El Dorado Hills, Ca.

El Dorado Hills,
George F Semeil Exposed For Criminal Behavior

#99REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, April 25, 2014

George Semeil-

We will continue to pray for you and your sickness. Its understandable why you are the way you are. I want you to know that everything is being documented. I'm sorry that you are a very bitter and angry older gentleman that feels the need to attack the Sanders family. There is a pattern showing your sickness with others you have harmed as well. In the upcoming months, I hope God has reached your conscientous to repent and turn from your evilness.

I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Ralph Sanders who does not want to slander you but would like you to stop harrassing him and his family. My name is Jodi and you don't know me but what you are doing shows continued evidence it's you. I downloaded what Ralph has politely stated below and believe every word of it.  


After my book Halftime Hustler was released all hell has broken loose. I was aware that I would face challenges due to the fact that I so openly shared so many personal things about my past and time in prison but nothing prepared me for what actually ensued.  

Within weeks, negative postings onRipoff.com started appearing. From there it has spiraled to include others such as Topix forum, Cheatersville.com, scam alerts in my residential community, and probably a host of others I am not yet aware of.  I did not understand at first what triggered this but after months of careful investigation with the help of acquaintances; I uncovered some interesting but devastating findings.  Namely, the originating author of these gossip sites is really just one person, my neighbor George F Semeil.

All of the sites are seemingly from a host of people (both male and female) whose locations vary all over the country but the reality is that it's George Semeil posing as these various people to make it seem like there is multitude of people that I have supposedly scammed.

While this is alarming, what is even more alarming is that he has not only been masquerading as miscellaneous people but that his given name, George S. Francis is not actually his name!  His full true name is George Francis Semeil!  

It's understandable why he does not want to go by his real name because when you look up George F. Semeil you will discover that he himself has many skeletons in his closet after finder out that he was in a mental hospital prison for murder.

For proof google George F Semeil v. O’ Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993).

Semeil v. O'Connor, 988 F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 02/22/1993)


[2]  No. 91-55064

[3]  1993.C09.44877 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

[4]  *fn* submitted: February 22, 1993.


[6]  Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. D.C. No. CV-89-1227-RB. Robert C. Bonner, District Judge, Presiding

[7]  Before: Goodwin, Schroeder and Canby, Circuit Judges.


[9]  George F. Semeil appeals pro se the district court's order granting defendants' motion to dismiss his 42 U.S.C. 1983 action for failure to serve process within 120 days of filing the complaint or, in the alternative, for failure to prosecute. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We dismiss in part and affirm in part.

[10]  Semeil brought this section 1983 action seeking injunctive relief and monetary damages against several employees of Atascadero State Hospital ("Atascadero").*fn1 Liberally construed, see Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21 (1971) (per curiam), Semeil's amended complaint alleges that defendants retaliated against him for filing a complaint and that being housed with inmates who are known to be infected with HIV poses an unreasonable risk of harm to his health.*fn2 Defendants moved to quash service or dismiss the complaint for failure to serve the complaint within 120 days after its filing or, in the alternative, to dismiss the action for failure to prosecute. The district court granted defendants' unopposed motion and dismissed the action without leave to amend.

Patient Population:

All patients at DSH - Atascadero are male, have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves. The majority are remanded for treatment by the superior courts of the counties of California or by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation pursuant to various sections of the California Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code. Individuals are admitted from state prisons, county jails, or are transferred from other state hospitals. The hospital does not accept voluntary admissions.

The majority of the patient population consists of:

  • Mentally Ill Inmates
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Patients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • Patients who have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Ironically, as he is busy slandering me and putting down the fact that I served time in my past (even though I openly admit this in my book) he himself served time himself!  Not in an ordinary prison though; his time was served in Atascadero State Prison (google: http://dsh.ca.gov/atascadero/) for some info on this.  In a nutshell though, the patient population consists of males who "have a mental disability, and pose a threat to others or themselves."  The majority of the patient population consists of: mentally ill inmates, mentally disordered offenders, patients who have been found incompetent to stand trial, and patients who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity."  

This made it a little clearer as to why George was spending endless hours locked up in house writing blog after blog on me.  At first his posts mainly focused on how I had a past as a con artist and how I am still conning today.  He accuses me of scamming those in my community in the name of the non-profit organization for juveniles at risk that I have worked for drama free for over 4 years prior to George. He also makes up many stories under different aliases, namely women, which I am conning and manipulating for my advantage.

I initially responded to these posts in self-defense but later realized that the more I responded, the more George Semeil wrote. He then expanded his attacks to now include my family and friends, causing undo stress to anyone associated with me.  He has called associates of mine, refusing to give his name or number, and asked about me. He poses as a police officer over the internet and telephone trying to find more bogus information about me to add to his make believe fixation on why he is trying to destroy my image.  

If they did not, hence the fact that George has mental issues.  First of all, he is rarely seen in public according to his neighbors.  When he is out, it's early in the morning where he will walk the neighborhood carrying a large stick (paranoia???)  His "wife" (who turns out to be a relative) is NEVER seen out (control issues???).  All his defamatory comments about my living high and driving nice cars stems from jealousy since he owns no property himself (living off others as he accuses me of doing!!!) and on top of that, the home that he so proudly acts like he owns does not even have his name on but rather Concetta Manzano’s name, the lady he claims that is his wife, which I doubt after investigation and is currently in foreclosure.

He demonstrates many of the characteristics of not only paranoia but also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in which a person fixates on a particular task (or person in this case).  He is also a habitual liar. He actually went as far as filing a restraining order on me for supposedly forcing my way into his home and threatening his families life and then later, second time in court, he filled again and over the month I found out his true identity. Later he became aware of this before the upcoming court date and asked the judge to dismiss the restraining order hearing because he was afraid I was going to expose who he really was. This is all a game to George as part of his sick behavior.

Not surprisingly, there was no police report made on the day of this alleged incident and also he did not file the restraining order, his "wife", Concetta Manzano did.  His restraining order was denied and on the day of our court appearance re: it, he actually lied under oath about his name being George S. Francis and his "wife" pretended she spoke very little English (his excuse as to why he filled out the paperwork for her on the restraining order). That's peculiar as we had many a conversation on her couch a year and half ago when this "nice little old couple" watched my then 18 month old daughter for a few months.  I should have known then what kind of a man I was dealing with when one month we were an hour late picking up my daughter and he called me up and cussed me out claiming I was disrespecting his "wife" and going on a tirade for many minutes.  

I knew something was wrong with this man once he snapped for me being late.

We parted ways for over a year and a half and it wasn't until October of 2012 when my book was released that I heard from him again, only this time via the internet where he has even called me the "N' word (albeit though through the fictitious name of Helen out of Los Angeles that he created his first Rip-off site on me to slander and sabotage my book and name. I started also getting personal attacks from my E-mail telling me to get out of El Dorado Hills and "RUN WHILE YOU CAN YOU B******" This man is sick and need some help before he harms more people that are not aware of his mental issues and attempted murder.  He will attack and seem like he is someone else that is believable in his storytelling...He is the real Sociopath.

In conclusion, this posting will sure to ignite more hatred and slander from George but reader beware.  Know that this is not real and is simply a twisted "game" this man is playing with me.  If you want to know more about me, please visit the many positive sites on me and my book; of course you will need to scroll down past the Ripoff.com reports and Topix forms and scam alerts! 


Mr. Semeil- You would be surprised who I am and that I live very close to you. Just to let you know, many of us (several are listed below) are teaming up against you to shut you and your fingers down. Oh, and just to let you know, the detectives are very aware of your recent rebuttal concerning Ralph's dog in your neighbors garage. I can't believe you are putting your roommate Concetta (I believe her name is) in a situation where she will also be held accountable to answer in court.

Ralph Sanders- Halftime Hustler Broadcast: youtube.com/watch?v=f3B1C3Rai0g

Author Casey Jones Topix: topix.com/forum/city/santa-fe-nm/TJ0RVKDQC1ASMGQJT

Paul Remington-Maximus, Inc.:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-Inc/Reston-Virginia-20190-5207/Maximus-Inc-Remington-Paul-Remington-Paul-is-a-Liar-and-a-Fraud-Reston-Virginia-719396

Michele Anaya-Maximus, Inc.: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Maximus-IncHCO/Rancho-Cordova-California-95760/Maximus-IncHCO-Michele-Anaya-Organized-Crime-Rancho-Cordova-California-824126

Erin Ladang: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/-erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralph/folsom-california-/erin-sylvester-ledang-has-joined-up-with-ralph-sanders-to-harass-ralphs-victims-ripoff-1016291

George's Case Against Maximus, Inc: lawzilla.com/blog/george-semeil-vs-maximus-inc/







Report Attachments

Dental office Lady

The Fraud

#100REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 25, 2014

 How can any couple making less than $90,000.00 per year combined income qualify for over $250,000.00 loans and credit and file Chapter 7 to discharge the same debt obtain under false pretense?

Report Attachments

Dental Office

His Fraudlent Bankruptcy case NO: 13-25491

#101REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, February 25, 2014

This lying scam piece of S*it wants to you believed its one person attacking him,

Well here is truth; I am a victim of his credit scam, Ralph and his wife hit my small business, a number of banks and other small businesses with fraudulent credit applications and received loans they could not afford. Since Ralph never had a job paying what he claimed he earned on those loan applications. His Bankruptcy file shows his wife Lauren as the only bread winner. The pair then deceitfully seeks protection from the Bankruptcy Courts (BK) Case NO: 13-25491 to discharge all the debts obtain illegally.


Ralph we want to know why the name of the person you claim to be attacking you is not on your list of creditors submitted on your BK filing.


Well people please find below Ralph’s list of creditors he scammed out of loans and money, feel free to contact those folks as all will tell you the same story.



Report Attachments


Interesting thread

#102Consumer Comment

Sun, February 02, 2014

So, I started at the very beginning of this thread and finally reached the end a day later (there was so much, I needed a break in between readings).  All I can say is "Drama!"  Of course, that comment was not meant for the victims or their supporters.  Sociopath rings loud and clear.  It would be fascinating to conduct a study on this individual, Ralph Sanders, or whatever his name is.  Based on what is written on this thread, he's a "spinner/fabricator/smooth-talker"  Apparently, so much so, that his wife is buying into his BS and writing under the name of Blondie.  I, also, believe that she may be portraying herself as Erin.  There are too many inconsistencies in the stories being told by Mr. Sanders.  Matthew, I believe who is an attorney from New Jersey, did ask some pointed questions, which were 100% ignored.  In fact, there was no acknowledgement of them whatsoever.


Based on everyone's comments, I began to ask myself some thought-provoking questions:


What became of that charge of inappropriateness with the minor(s)?  Did he ever get convicted or is it still pending?  I would have thought he would be listed on Megan's Law as a sex offender if that is the case, but I couldn't find anything.  Is he listed under an alias name or did he just not register in the area?


Also, it seems like the only way he pays people back is by taking him to court and getting a court to order restitution be made.  I'm sure he doesn't want to go back to jail, so he'll be making the payments.  But, in order to make the payments, means he'll have to get the money from somewhere -- other victims presumably.  Doing a full campaign of testimonies, which is not slanderous because it would be factual, could help spread the word and stop this runaway train.  Imagine a Youtube video going viral?


If people are being harrassed, why doesn't anyone get a restraining order against this guy?  With a restraining order in place, any call, text message, in-person visit, or otherwise would constitute a failure to comply and he would immediately go to jail.


Being in jail previously, and as recently as 2007 from what I read, I cannot imagine this guy having too many friends in law enforcement.  That's the thing about law enforcement....law enforcement personnel mingle in their own circle of other law enforcement personnel.  Unfortunately, one negative aspect of the position is to distrust people from the start, mainly because law enforcement is always in the line of fire, so to speak.  So, they tend to be mistrusting of others until people can prove otherwise.  What kind of affect do you think a person, who gets in trouble with the law at a young age, professes to have turned his life around, and gets in trouble again as early as 2007, is going to have on an officer of the law.  Naturally suspicious!  And why would any law enforement person want to associate with a known criminal.  That's like asking to lose credibility.  Drop all the names you want.  There is no law enforcement person who will go out of their way to help a criminal..not willingly anyway.


With all of this going on, I cannot believe his wife, which it sounds like, is still standing by his side.  It's not like these things occured 10 years ago.  By the looks of it, it's still occurring today.  Either she's dumber than a door knob, is promoting his behavior, or he has intimidated her to go along with it.  It wouldn't be the first time a spouse feared for her life, especially if he is used to intimidating others.


It sounds like this Sanders guy has worn out his welcome.  And then to try and play the "Race" card.  When all else fails, through a 'hail mary' pass.  I probably shouldn't have said that; I'm sure it will segway into one of the many religious rants that I keep seeing.  Save your breath.  Hearing it from a godly and respectable person is worthwhile.  From someone who doesn't measure up, it's just noise.


Con an liar

#103REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 18, 2014

This man is a big huge liar with no heart whatsever in what he does...he has away of making friends to use in the future when his falling apart.the money he keeps taking from people is used to create new friends to help him when he has nothing...which ne never has cause his living of people who have worked so so hard and fall victim to his scam.his latest scam is on a lady he met in the casino I hold the name back cause he threatened to tell the husband they had sex because she is demanding her $5000 he took from her.ralph your days are numbered don't think you can fool everyone....or use your silly scams to overcome what you are doing.ypu have no friends everyone you meet you steal from cheat scam and you are revolving around the same circle but it's soon coming to an end.You have turned your wife who is a school teacher who you lie she is an attorney to become a liar and protect your lies.I know for a fact everyone here can not be wrong about what you have done to them.All this money you have robbed you should have gone to school learnt how to write English grammar and learnt and equipped yourself with a skill that would earn you a living.stop hiding behind churches and looking like a believer.God is watching you......

Report Attachments

Relentless Justice Lady!!

Los Angeles,
The Con Man took another step towards prison

#104REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, December 26, 2013

 Dear Mr. Ralph “ Con Man” Sanders: Read the following ~ Real time. These clowns (the Guidices) thought they were getting away with lying too. Two of the stars of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" have been indicted on federal charges, accused of conspiring to defraud lenders and of hiding assets during a bankruptcy proceeding, federal officials in New Jersey said Monday. Teresa Guidice, 41, and her husband, Giuseppe "Joe" Guidice, 43, both of Towaco, N.J., are scheduled to make their first court appearance Tuesday. The pair, who has been stars of the television show since it premiered in 2009, could face up to 30 years in prison if convicted of the top charge in a 39-count indictment, which alleges conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, bank fraud and making false statements. "The indictment returned today alleges the Guidices lied to the bankruptcy court, to the IRS and to a number of banks," U.S. Atty. Paul J. Fishman said. "Everyone has an obligation to tell the truth when dealing with the courts, paying their taxes and applying for loans or mortgages. That's reality." The Guidance’s falsely represented on loan applications and supporting documents that they were employed and/or receiving substantial salaries when, in fact, they were either not employed or not receiving such salaries, the indictment alleges. Hmmm....I seem to remember you Ralph Sanders stating in writing on the Rip-Off Report that you and your wife were making over $150,000.00 annually...and then in court you testified you didn't have a job. "Construction" I believe you said ~ with untraceable income. So which is true? Big salary or no salary?? And how is it that an unemployed man (as you stated in court) drives an $80,000 car and vacations in Hawaii while traveling to Las Vegas, Reno and Los Angeles every week to run scams on innocent people? Read on: The indictment alleges the Guidices did not live up to their responsibilities by failing to file tax returns, falsifying loan applications and concealing assets in their bankruptcy petition. The reality is that this type of criminal conduct will not go undetected and individuals who engage in this type of financial fraud should know that they will be held accountable." Kitchen, an IRS agent, said. So who really won in court? WE DID. You took yet another step towards prison...so thank you for lying and thinking you could get away with it, as you did with all of your victims. Ponder this: the IRS is not a blond white woman who you can sweet talk and extort money from...just saying'. Orange is a really great color on you!!! Relentless Justice Lady!!


Our Family don't intimidate easily.

#105REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, September 15, 2013

This is a message to Ralph Sanders or what ever name you call your self. The people you continue to harassed and intimidate by setting fire to their front porch flower pots are my cousins. If you think conning people out of their hard earned monies and then used criminal tactics to silent those cooperating with lawenforcment think again Mr. Sanders.

West-Side Mandi

Cluver City,
Mr. Sanders Continues To Deceive His Own Friends And Supporters:

#106REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, July 19, 2013

With tougher security checks now in place at entry points within the European Union Countries, there has been a system in place since the late 80s which runs a face-recognition check against the chip in passports issued in the US, Canada, Australia, Japan and other EU and Eastern Europe area countries. Well place sources stationed at several major entry ports for flights originating from the North American Continent into those countries, were unable to find any record of Mr. Ralph Sanders ever going through passport control or ever centering into any of the above name countries from 1989 to present, far-less locating any basket ball teams in those countries which may have had interactions with Mr. Sanders. Mr. Sanders in your posted “The Half Time Hustler” exclusive video on You Tube and on other web postings you again have mislead viewers and readers into believing you were a pro-basket ball player for a number of European and Latin American countries, just as you present your self as wealthy athletic living the good life in El Dorado Hills in a million dollar mansion which every one now knows you never owned or live in but rather trespass frequently on this private property to stage your deceptive video shoot. More importantly you were ordered by the US Bankruptcy Trustee on May 20, 2013 at the meeting of the creditors for your Bankruptcy case # Case No: 13-25491-C-7 to cease promoting and selling your frivolous book which is now property of the United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of California: Why don’t you lay off the BS and lies and be a real man and start speaking the truth as to who you really are?

Bail Bonds Lady

The Hilarious Show Continues

#107REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, June 13, 2013

 May 20, 2013, I attended the meeting of the creditors as an observer just to see what this man Ralph Sanders really look like after reading on the internet about his on-going scams against women. When his case was called, this man unleashed so much drama in the court room I thought for moment this must be the Judge Judy’s court on TV. The same ole BS “I am Christian, and I wrote a book” was being played out of his lying mouth like a broken record. When ask what he does for a living Ralph said he now works in construction which I find very hard to believe. As he continue to promote his make believe book in the court, he was told by the clerk the book is no longer his property to promote or sell, the rights to his piece of garbage now belongs to the trustee. Ralph Sanders’s bankruptcy saga continues on June 24, 2013 at 1PM, take some time from the hot summer weather and enjoy his next hilarious show.

South Sac Lady

Meeting of the Creditors Postponed.

#108REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, June 05, 2013

 The Bankruptcy Trustee has postponed Ralph Sanders’s meeting of the creditors scheduled for Monday June 10, to June 24, 2013 @ 1:00pm.

South Sac Lady

The Heat Is On The Full Time Hustler!

#109REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, June 05, 2013

 To all Ralph Sanders’s victims the US Bankruptcy Trustee has extended the date to oppose his Chapter 7 bankruptcy to July 19, 2013. A second trustee meeting is scheduled for June 10, 2013 @ 1:30PM in Room 7 B. As a creditor or a victim of his scams, you can attend and ask the crook questions under oath. Please call the trustee’s office at (916) 930-2099 and tell them you story.

Show Biz Girl

Warning sent to Ralph Sanders on April 30, 2013 to cease harrasmnet:

#110REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, May 23, 2013

 Ralph the Folsom PD has your name. They know what you stole from me. They patrol my home I am not afraid of the thugs you send to knock on my door. Stop calling me. If you continue to harass me, you can add me to your list of women who will take you down so far you won't see light again. Better to think smart right now and act on the tiny bit of good grace you may still have. If you mess with me again, you will go down. Be man enough to get a job to pay your bills and stop scamming people and hide behind bankruptcy.

ER Lady

Notorious Con-Man Ralph Sanders Could Be Heading to the Big House!!!!

#111REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, May 21, 2013

 It is well known that the basic premise of the bankruptcy system is that of the "fresh start." Every debtor's goal in filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition is to be relieved of debts when the bankruptcy court grants the "discharge". However, in order to receive a discharge, the debtor must be honest and make truthful disclosures as to all of his assets and property, otherwise known as the "bankruptcy estate". If the debtor fails to do so, there may be serious consequences to the debtor, including a denial of discharge. The most common reason a debtor could be denied discharge is for making "false oaths or obtaining the debts or accounts by fraudulent means," that is, lying to the trustee and creditors. These misrepresentations and falsehoods can be contained in the debtor's petition and/or schedules, or can be made at the meeting of creditors. Denial of discharge is a very drastic remedy and, when warranted, should be used to its full benefit so that a fraudulent debtor like Ralph Sanders cannot abuse the system to discharge his debts obtain under false pretenses or by criminal means. Attached in PDF format you can see Ralph and Lauren’s Certified List of Creditors which contradicts all the lies the pair has posted in this forum. If you are a victim of their scams, you should write a complaint letter to the Bankruptcy Trustee before June 20, 2013 @ Executive Office for U.S. Trustees Office of Criminal Enforcement 441 G Street, NW Suite 6150 Washington, DC 20530 Or US Trustees Office 501 I St. Rm 7500 Sacramento CA 95814 As it is possible for a Ralph to receive a discharge, but later have it revoked. This can happen when a creditor or a trustee comes across new information from victims after the court has entered a discharge order.

J St. Store Owner

Scam artist Ralph Sanders was photographed scamming Victims!!!

#112REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, May 20, 2013

 Fortunately, many people like to give with an open heart to help others in need. Unfortunately, that means we've created a climate that's ripe for fake charity scams and scam artists. They know they can tug at our heartstrings -- and rake in the cash, goods and other services for their own selfish life styles. Scam artist Ralph Sanders was photograph by surveillance and security cameras on J Street between 23rd and 29 streets down town Sacramento on May 14 trying to scam merchants out of their hard earn money. Sacramento Police Department (SAC PD) received numerous complaints from business owners, of the con man asking for $20.00 donations on behalf of trouble kids by presenting a misleading business card identifying him self as a Director of a youth program. A few weeks earlier surveillance pick him up at a West Rossville Car wash running the same scam. Interestingly enough this highly manipulative liar/predator has been prohibited by the courts, probation and parole departments from interacting with youths. Can you imagine the man who boasts to be a successful black man owning a mansion in the foot hills with all the trimmings and toys must stoop so low by falsely fundraising on behalf of the same minors he has harmed?

Roseville Victim

There are more ways than one to skin a cat

#113REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, May 08, 2013

 Can you imagine this man boasts to be a successful black man, supposedly owning a mansion in the foothills has file for bankruptcy (Case No: 13-25491) over a $2,500.00 court judgment against him? This low-life fake and liar continues to run scams on people in West Roseville. Since Bankruptcy (BK) meetings are open to the public and any one who sign BK papers swear, under oath, that they have told the truth, let’s wait for the crook to testify under oath at his bankruptcy meeting with the trustee on May 20, 2013. Then alert the trustee’s office of his scam and have the case referred for criminal prosecution for bankruptcy fraud.

WestSide Lady

Marina Del Rey,
Notorious Master Con man Ralph Sanders has file for Bankruptcy!!!

#114REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 29, 2013

With court judgments coming out of the wood work against notorious master manipulator, scammer and con artist Ralph Sanders, Ralph and wife Lauren were forced to seek protection from the courts by filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy (BK) on April 22, 2013, as a married couple. My guess is they should be discharged from BK by early July of 2013. This will leave them open without protection from the courts for financial liabilities for the next 10 years, they will no longer be able to hide from paying for jury awarded law suites judgments and other new accumulated debts.
In a Chapter 7 liquidation case, if the debtor was in some way dishonest and obtain the debt by fraudulent means, such as by making fraudulent credit applications, or by other deceptive means for the debt in question, A court may denied or revoke a Chapter 7 discharge if the trustee or a creditor requests it, and if the debtor obtained the debt through fraudulent or by other criminal means. There are a number of prerequisites for obtaining a discharge. In addition, the following debts are not discharged if the creditor or creditors objects during the case and proves that the debt fits one of following categories:
Debts from fraud, including certain debts for luxury goods or services incurred within 90 days before filing and certain cash advances taken within 70 days after filing Debts from willful criminal and malicious acts
Debts from embezzlement, larceny or breach of fiduciary duty Debts from a divorce settlement agreement or court decree, if the debtor has the ability to pay and the detriment to the recipient would be greater than the benefit to the debtor.
You can prevent this crook and scam artist from getting away with his new scam on the US Bankruptcy courts, by alerting the Trustee via US mail, telephone or just show up at the meeting of the creditors scheduled for May 22, 2013.US Bankruptcy Court Office of the Trustee
501 I Street, Suite 3-200
Sacramento, California 95814
(916) 930-4400

An other Victim

Ralph Sanders is still a scammer and con artist!!!

#115REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, April 25, 2013

I have proof of pictures he sent claiming to live in this mansion, which he actually drove me to.
He finds women going through difficult times and "buddies" up to them. It is horribly embarrassing to admit to becoming his "prey" but he is the very best at what he does, which is scamming. He knowingly took my daughters college money and has left her with the debt. He will hurt a child and that is as low as it gets. I took him to court and he admitted to the debt as he knew that I had all the evidence documented. He has made no attempt to make his payments that were court ordered.
Erin, or known as "white girl" - do not make any comments in his defense as I have spoken to you many times and have your text messages. One minute you hate the way he has taken from you and the next minute you do this emotional turnaround. You have children, do the right thing and set a moral example for them!
I have written emails and texts where Ralph admits that he knew nothing about my business when he took the money and that it went to his own personal things. He even admitted in one of his emails that he uses "the God thing" to hide behind when he is scared.
His emails state over and over that he owes me money and that he needs to repay his debt. There is no other way to say it except that he is just a "bad person".
I expect him to respond and defend himself as any guilty person would.
Also note, and you know this Ralph, I am well protected as I work closely with police and chp and have recently alerted them that I would be writing this, so they have a security watch on me and my family.
They also have copies of all emails, pictures and texts.
You need to repay your debt!

Report Attachments

I know the Real Ralph Sanders

Ralph appears to be very desperate and could be feeling some intensive heat

#116Consumer Comment

Wed, April 03, 2013

Reading thru the comments posted on this blog, I cant seem to find any response posted by the person or persons Ralph Sanders keep on attacking. Interesting enough, Ralph appears to be very desperate and could be feeling some intensive heat. Notice how he continues to drop and published names of innocent people who dont care about his drama and existence in their neighborhood? Pay close attention to the litany of accusations in which he blamed his neighbor for a number of antagonistic events. This is Ralph Sanders; intimidation is his style for dispute resolution. Ralph will never understand some folks dont intimidate easily. Mr. & Mrs. Francis dont fall for Ralphs bull s**t, and respond to his lies on this forum, let the idiot incriminate himself while the cash register tally-up damages against him, his wife and others who help him write the slanderous and defamatory diatribes, since he himself cant write proper English.
This sociopath will keep blaming his neighbor he knows nothing about for the actions his victims have taken against him after scamming them out their hard earn monies. When he is lead-out of the neighborhood in handcuffs in coming weeks, only then he will come to realize he did infact wake up a sleeping giant!! 



#117Consumer Comment

Wed, April 03, 2013

George, I would urge you to file a libel charge against Ralph.

Ralph, people are suing you because you owe them money. Keep it clean and keep it factual...and stop either writing or encouraging these sickening attacks against your neighbor.

Just stop.


You can't change the amount you owe people any way other than paying them for what you took from them. It's so simple, a kindergartener would understand the concept.

Play nice, pay your debts, go be at peace and don't "borrow" money from anyone else.

Ever again.



#118REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, April 03, 2013

........So i'm trying to make some sense out of all these stories by a so-called mr. George Francis aka George F. Semeil ex patient at Atascadero State Prison as you will see in the first link called "Find a case Semeil vs. O'Connor" and you will clearly see that George Semeil is not only a compulsive liar pretending to be various people, but feeds off ruining others reputations and success.  George doesn't know this yet but Ralph is writing a new book called "The neighbor" he's busy right now but I assure you he's in the process of a civil lawsuit against you George for your constant harassment, calling the cops, filing false police reports, lying in court, false documents under another persons name, pulling people together to back up your slandering (most of which are fake).  I'm not just a re-bounder but a close friend of Ralph Sanders and your neighbor......    Everything is being documented against you George.... let's name a few.

1. Calling the cops out to Ralph's house.

2. Falsifying restraining orders under your wife's name so you won't be exposed by your real last name.

3. Playing 11+ characters on ripoff.

4. Knowing about the 13 donated pizzas to Ralph's party which Shane and Rachel will testify against you as witnesses.

5.  Casey Jones from Sante Fe Mexico is in contact with Ralph's present attorney who you slandered as well.

6.  Copyright infridgement on articles from Ralph's website.

7. Saying Ralph's a child molester not only girls but also boys.  I wouldn't be surprised if you tried to molest his beautiful girl when he allowed you and your wife Concetta Manzano to watch her, I believe Ralph and Lauren are starting to wonder what happened the day their little girl was acting very shy and strange the day they picked her up.

Your digging a deep hole for yourself Mr. Semeil, you have dug into Ralph's background and created a "twisted stalking character" it'll only be a matter of time before you wind up back where you came if this is how you choose to act in society.  You have slandered Erin Ladang, Casey Jones, with reguards of them being behind Ralph Sanders.  You see George this puzzle is not easy to solve by the law.  I see how your stories constantly change from one thing to another, none of which seems to correspond with one another and if Ralph was a con man like you say he is, he would be incarcerated right now, just like you're about to be...

You're a very scary man behind the computer, you're like a rat getting up early in the morning to feed off hurting other people's happiness, eating cheese.....  but every mouse runs into a trap.  Say George, let's say Ralph is conning people and all your alleged allegations are true.  What does it have to do with you?
You have never spoken once about how he has scammed you, only other people(fake).

P. S. so what he is having issues with his ex boss and maybe go out on his wife and do his thing, doesn't everyone?  Even you trying to hit on Casey Jones. Aren't you married George? the p***y too old?  I understand...... Why hate on Ralph because he can get girls?  It seems like this jealousy thing is taking over your life George, Who really needs professional help here lunatic?  You'd be surprised, a lot of the neighbors know who you are now and that you're losing your house.  Even me, i'm your neighbor but you don't know who. 

P.S. the community "especially village E has caught on to your wrongdoings against Mr. Sanders"

Report Attachments


basketball rebounder/character witness

#119Consumer Comment

Mon, March 25, 2013

Let me get this straight.  You just met Ralph, and you rebounded some basketballs for Ralph for...what was it...half an hour...and now you are not only an expert character witness to his impeccable integrity and love for the Lord, but you also just "happen" to know about George Francis, and shockingly enough you know the EXACT spelling of the alleged/fictitious Mr. "Semeil".  And somehow you found the RipOff Report and posted your weak "if you ask me" opinion...which by the way - no one DID ask you, as you are spectacularly unqualified to judge a man's character after rebounding a few basketballs for him and listening to him run his mouth. 

Would you be interested in hearing who actually DOES have an opinion that counts?  I'll tell you who counts.  His victims.  Of which I am one.  I am spectacularly qualified to judge his character.  A man who "loves the Lord" but when presented with an invoice for photography services, leaves harassing voice messages and needs an injunction against harassment filed against him to cause him to cease.  A man who decides money that he borrowed just doesn't need to be repaid because three years have elapsed.  And who then suddenly fabricates a huge debt I owe him - totally unsubstantiated and laughable at best. 

I am qualified to judge his integrity.  You, whoever you are, are not qualified.  Rebounding for a few minutes on a basketball court does not qualify you to do anything more than judge his shooting accuracy.  And not one of his victims who have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars gives two cents about how many times he can sink a shot.

It's interesting to me that the only positive character witnesses that "come forward" are people who have known Ralph less than a week.  Anyone with more time under his/her belt, and less money in his/her wallet (thanks to the con) does not have the glowing "oh how he loves Jesus" comments. 

Integrity is a very powerful word to throw around.  Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes.  The key word here is CONSISTENCY.  That means that whenever there is the opportunity to choose, A person of integrity makes the right choice.  The ethical choice.  The unselfish choice. 

A person of integrity does NOT have a string of victims, all with the same sad story of being conned.   A person of integrity does not line his pockets with other people's money.  A person of integrity, when confronted with solid evidence of a debt owed, makes it right immediately. 

I'm a huge fan of integrity.  Especially when I get to keep my own money because a person with the opportunity to exercise their integrity chooses to do so in an ethical way.

Again, I am qualified to judge.  You, basketball rebounder, are not.

I know the Real Ralph Sanders

Sorry to hear Mr. Ralph Sanders is being so devious. Not surprised though, actually Ralph is the Real Convict, Child Molester and Mental Case in need of some professional Help!!

#120REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 25, 2013

My sister was married to this piece of sh*t from1/07 to 4/07 after he was release from Prison for fraud, forgery and burglary. His real name is Ralph Innichina Sanders they got married in Reno. He was afraid his probation officer would discover he was in Reno without permission so they got married again a few weeks later in Sacramento. He stole her wedding ring and money from her house. He had her co-sign for a Mercedes and BMW when in fact she was not co-signing but buying the car. He ruined her credit. She had no idea that she was the one who bought the car. My sister was the one who paid his bail at one point of violating his probation and he assured her he would pay her back. He never did.
It was clear on his probation/parole orders that he was not be around youth.
Due to inappropriate sexual contacts with several minors, the police were called because he made advances on a 14 year old (I believe she was 14, but it could have been 13 or younger) and the mother of the young girl pressed charges.  
He also molested his ex girlfriends son who was under the age of 16. There were court orders for him to stay a certain number of feet away from minors.
My sister in fact had 4 children living with them at that time. They were between the ages of 13 and 4. She had a girl who was 8 and he would invite her into bed with them for a good morning cuddle. Very innocent! She felt uncomfortable but it was only when she was there but allowed it. There was one time though that he invited her in bed with them when he had no clothes on. My sister made sure she was not under the covers but still. Very wrong!! 
I am not surprise at all Ralph is fixating on, and attacking one person he thinks is responsible for exposing his on-going illicit activities with defamatory and slanderous statements. In Ralph sick mind his numerous victims are too stupid, intimidated and scared of him to speak out, so he idiotically focuses on an older couple he considers to be weak.
Ralph my cousin and his wife are renters for over 10 years in Southern California from the man you think you know and slander him as an ex convict and mental patient. How can this person be an ex-con and still be able to hold a government security clearance and remaining on the payroll of major US Government contractor while recovering at home from a work related injury?  Youre such a slime ball liar who thinks you are untouchable. The more you lie on the internet the more your hidden skeletons will come out of the closet. I am so happy to see how foolishly you have attack the wrong people with the right connections, know-how and resources to hold you accountable and make you pay for all those you have wronged!


Los Angeles,
Ralph Sanders and his shameless wife think they can hoodwink the readers on this bulletin board!!!

#121REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, March 24, 2013

To Ralph Sanders and his shameless wife who thinks they can hoodwink the readers on this bulletin board into believing only one person is pursuing Ralph because that person is jealous of his achievements and publishing a book is pure nonsense and demonstrates how Ralph is refusing to accept responsibilities for his present actions. First of all, let me establish the fact in my opinion and others Ralph has nothing for any person to be envious of. Why would any sane person be invidious of person dancing around an imminent arrest warrant? As this electronic discussion and court records have shown, Ralphs life is a faade. This is a man who believes his own lies by giving the appearance of being successful while engaging in a predatory life style against gullible and innocent people particular women.
He projects an appearance of being religious but never practices what he preaches. It is mind boggling for any one to understand a person claiming to be so godly can disrespect and defamed women he conned out of their monies in a public forum? Ralph havent you heard the old saying a real man never kiss and tell?
I am not a sophisticated or highly educated person I am proud to have graduated from Morning Star High school in Inglewood California but understand right from wrong and respect for the law. I started this blog with the help of my 15 year old son on October 12, 2012 after becoming very angry at Ralph for harassing and refusing to pay my bed-ridden 80 year old uncle who wrote the original manuscripts of his frivolous book The Half Time Hustler.
At the time, it never enter into my mind what the ripple effect of my first post might be which apparently has snow-balled and reveal so much about Ralph Sanders and the innocent people he has hurt.
Comment #88 posted under the pseudonym Carson is a classic case of Ralphs Modus Oprendi which is to invoke religion and god while accusing the guiltless or those he deemed to be weak. Since my original postings last October, I am beginning to understand how manipulative, sick and evil this man is; he blames every one but Ralph for his problems, in his sick and undisciplined mind he has the right to lie plunder harassed, intimidate and threatened any one who speaks out or try to recover monies due them.
Speaking of the JAR foundation, which Ralph boasts he championed in helping youth at risk is another lie and front this un-rehabilitated criminal frequently used to elevate his status as being law abiding. The truth is court records show Ralph was ordered by the court to stay a certain number of feet away from minors due to his past inappropriate behavior with a 13 year old youth.  (see comment #5 @ Report # 1026182). 
My advice to you Mr. Sanders is to live up to your responsibilities by paying your debts, stop lying and scamming people. Take off the mascara of being successful and get a real paying job like what rehab ex cons do after leaving prison. Only then you might earn some respect!!
PS: I hope the people you have slandered all over the Internet sue the daylights out of youre criminal azz!!!


"Don't judge a book by its cover."

#122Consumer Comment

Sun, March 24, 2013

I agree with you, "Don't judge a book by its cover."  Now that you have met Ralph and listened to him, watched his eyes meet yours, and seen what a talented, amiable, admirable man he can appear to be; you, TOO, understand how a truly gifted con man can con even the best of us.  Your letter reaffirms that I am not the only good-hearted, smart person to be fooled by Ralph.  Thank you for that... 

Because, when your heart melts and you reach into your pocket to help this man you trust or you allow yourself to believe his story that he loves you and is divorced and free to start a relationship - and later, you learn that you have been conned - you are left with different feelings; shame, doubt in your own judgement, anger, hate.  And - at this site - you can see all these different feelings. There is only one way to heal: use your experience to make sure he cannot con others.

Although I do not know you - just as I do not know anyone else who has written at this blog (excepting Ralph), we all have one thing in common.  And now - you too - have joined this long list of people who believed Ralph.   However, take advantage of what we couldn't - and read how he conned us - and don't you be his next victim.  Then - our experiences and the trouble we have taken to write - in our different voices - will have been worth it!!! It  is - for you - we have written.


Who's the real fraud here?

#123General Comment

Sun, March 24, 2013

I met Ralph the other day at the Sports Club, I had approached him and asked him about an acquaintance whom we both knew and after the discussion he asked me to shoot hoops with him.  I told him "i'm not very good but i'll rebound your shots" and as i'm throwing the ball back to Ralph countless times watching him make shot after shot I had asked him how long he'd played the sport for and he answered, "my entire life".  He had told me about a book he had wrote called Halftime Hustler and about how he went to prison for a few crimes and was kicked out of his basketball league because of it.

He had also told me about his JAR foundation to lead youth away from crime, about how he found the lord's guidance and about a man who goes by George S. Francis but who's real name is George F. Semeil, verbally harassing Ralph and his family making very nasty comments on the internet under multiple fake names all having to do with Ralph's past and how he's still a criminal, but clearly George has some skeletons in his closet if he has to use fake names on the internet and his wife's name(who turns out to be a relative of George) on all his legal paperwork.  If you ask me, all I see is a man who's lost his mind with jealousy over someone else's success.   Ralph is truly a man of integrity and we need more role models like him to reach out to our youth, I would gladly reinstate him into his basketball league if I could so he could continue to pursue his passion.  I for one am honored to have met Ralph and that he was willing to share his life story with me, and keep one thing in mind when you read negative comments from people who haven't even read the book, we've all heard the phrase don't judge a book by its cover....       

Victim #28

El Grove,
The Trial Courts of Arizona in Maricopa County has issued an Injunction against Ralph Sanders aka Sean Sanders

#124REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, March 06, 2013

The Trial Courts of Arizona in Maricopa County has issued an Injunction against Ralph Sanders aka Sean Sanders to cease and decease Intimidation, Harassment and Threats against one of his victims.
The INJUNCTION AGAINST HARRASMENT further warned Mr. Sanders a known flamboyant con man who regularly intimidates his victims by leaving them barrages of threatening and slanderous voice messages in hopes they will not seek legal recourse to recover monies embezzled from them under false pretenses. The court ordered Mr. Sanders to refrain from further harassment of the Plaintiff.
The protection order although issued in the State of Arizona is enforceable in any state, to include The State of California:
Its about time this deceitful and evil man who uses god as his cover to hurt innocent people be held accountable for all his misdeeds.  I encourage every person who has been wrong by this career swindler and sex pervert to join up and make sure Ralph Sanders aka Sean Sanders face a judge in your county.
Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff is known as the worlds toughest Sheriff with a no-nonsense approach when comes to handling of criminals in his jails. He runs a daily chain gang draping his prisoners in pink underwear and jail issue stripe black & white jump suit. I am ready to bet very soon, Ralph Sanders aka Full Time Hustler will feel right at home and comfortable wearing pink underwear in one of Sheriff Joes 100 degree tent jails.

AZ Lady

United States of America
Ralph and Lauren Sanders are being sued in Maricopa County Arizona

#125Consumer Comment

Fri, March 01, 2013

Ralph and Lauren Sanders are being sued in Maricopa County Arizona for ripping off a photographer.  On the day they got served Ralph did not hesitate to engage in his Trade Mark tirade of intimidation, threats and slander via e-mail to his victim.
In his threaten e-mail the idiot broadcast his intentions of filing Bankruptcy in hopes to escape paying his debt. What the fool failed to realize is BK protection is only good for about 90 days until the BK is discharge.
From that point he is prohibited by US Bankruptcy Court rules from filing a new BK petition for 10 years from the date of last discharge.
To all those planning to sue him and Lauren just wait for a few months, and then file. They will never be able to escape any judgments for 10 years, it will ruin their credit and their wages or assets if they own any can be lien or garnish!
It appears the process servers are going to be very busy this summer.


United States of America
Erin Sylvester Ledang aka Erin A Ledang has team up with Ralph Sanders to Harass Ralphs Victims:

#126Consumer Comment

Thu, February 21, 2013

Blondie we know you are Erin Sylvester Ledang of Roseville. I went to court last Friday with the people your criminal boyfriend Ralph Sanders has been harassing threatening and intimidating. In fact I was a witness and Ralph try to intimidate me right in the court house.
You were not in the court house, and you are making comments base on what Ralph Sanders and his wife Lauren wrote and told you to post.  You and Ralph Sanders are extremely foolish to brag that he won in court. How can Ralph claim victory when he spend over $2000.00 for a dumb-truck lawyer who appears so incompetent that the Judge allowed an untrained legal person to object to his unprofessional conduct as an attorney and end up waiving the $480.00  filing fee for the plaintiffs?
If the Judge did not believe the Plaintiffs he would have never waive such fee. Since you mention perjury, stay tune and you will see who will be changed with perjury. You can bet your ignorant a*s Ralph Sanderss legal troubles are far from being over. He will need to scam more money from dumb blondes like you to defend what is about to hit him in coming weeks and months.
Did you know this Judge has a history and numerous complaints against him for not issuing restraining orders to victims of harassment and threats? Go see for yourself @
Ralph just got lucky this time around; the next time which I am sure it will be very soon.  Mark my words I can guarantee you his luck is about to run out in an unprecedented way.
I will alert the people you and Ralph continue to harass by posting their names on this blog. I hope they go back to court and file a second harassment petition against Ralph, this time adding Erin Sylvester Ledang, and Lauren Sanders as a defendant since she did the writing for the comment you just posted.
Since you have chosen to join up with a known criminal and continue to harassed and intimidate older law abiding citizens consider your self fair game and causality in the war against Ralph Sanders criminal behavior.
By the way Erin, in one of your e-mail posted at comment# 60 you stated We got into a physical altercation and police were called for a bruise he made on my face by pushing my face and slamming my head against his car window. The police came to the hotel we were staying and questioned us.  I did not file charges are you going back on your own statement or are you just a habitual liar like Ralph Sanders aka Ralph Innichina Sanders?  Can you explain why there is a domestic violence report at the LAPD on Ralph?
Erin, just remember It is ok to loose a battle but winning the war is always the objective?

Report Attachments


George S. Francis and Concetta Manzano are Behind this Site and lying under oath in courtrt

#127REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, February 18, 2013

On February 15th, 2013, George and Concetta Ralphs neighbors, the ones writing all on this as all different pen names went to court to hear a restraining order and they were denied.  Of course, we know lying under oath will not get you anywhere.  George played his own attorney and tried to bring up the ripoff site the judge saw through his lies and false reports and paperwork in court.  This couple should be arrested for purgery lieing under oath and submitting false documents that they falsly represented as evidence in court with the help of their vendictive witness Vicky Fitzgerald.  Vicky lied in court making false statements when she claims to  Christian woman. In upcoming days, I will post these court documents and these documents do not lie.  Poor Ralph has had to pay attorneys instead of paying back debt he owes me as a friend.  I dont understand why this man is saying Ralph is violent or threatening his family when he has ne er been a violent person, not even in prison.  If you have anything to say about Ralph well now you have no reason to talk on here cause you said it in court and it was denied by the judge and on record. In the future you will be held accountable for lying under oath. Im pissed off that you brought my name into this argument and posted my name without my consent and slandering my name on this site and threatening me with intimidating phone calls right after you lost in court.  PS Stewart is a cop in contact with me and your being investigated. Remember Stewart from this site?  Keep calling cause your phone calls are being recorded for you and Vicky.  Your liars and starting to feel like you guys are criminals.


kenneth whatts

United States of America
Is aron Ledang afraid for her life

#128Consumer Comment

Tue, February 12, 2013

Victims Conned and threatened by Sean Sanders:
 Ralph Sanders is playing the position of laying low, why? Because not only has he taken reports that people posted on him and flipped them around without consent, but also has threatened numerous of people for exposing his lies from playing in the NBA, Owning his own house/cars, writing his own book someone else wrote and basically whatever you can think of. I tell you folks, this man reminds me of Dr. Evil from the movie Gold member; As a matter of fact, he should have played the part being his head is bald, all he needs now is a kitty right; somebody get Ralph kitty.
Post #63 Title: Im Not a Victim, with 3 kids! I'm his friend
Erin Ledang did not post comment #63! This message was posted by Ralph Sean Sanders written by his wife Lauren because you see Ralph being worse than the boogieman himself does not want the truth to unravel about all the harm he has caused his community. However, the truth will be revealed. I personally know Erin Ledang and she confirmed that #63 message was a flaw, a flaw that only Ralph would commit. He has threatened this womans life, her kids and other people in the EDH area. This man see's no limit. Erin is scared for her life and the safety of her kids so she does whatever Ralph asks her to do. This pervert keeps calling and sending txt messages to not only Erin, but other women as well giving the same story saying he will pay them back like OJ Simpson paid Nicole Simpson. Lie after Lie most of the few people that are backing or defending Ralph on the Ripoff site is Ralph himself!!!
That being said post #60 and #62 is complete true statements made by Erin Ledang. Ralph stop bullying, threatening, and twisting peoples message. Your disorder sociopath has done more than enough harm. Keep in mind all the threats to people of all ages that this man could possibly be very dangerous. If the big bad wolf comes your way builds your house with bricks. Let the wolf huff and puff till he is no more and call the police on this desperate man.
Court documents revealed the case numbers CV-0055726 & M-CV-0055060 Defendants: Erin A. Ledang; and Ralph Sanders. 10. M-CV-0055726. M-CV-0055060 & M-CV-0055726

Northern California Coll.Service vs. Ledang, Erin A., et al Appearance Required. Complaint is not at issue - Need responsive pleading, default or dismissal as to Defendants: Erin A. Ledang; and Ralph Sanders
Ralph Sanders and Erin Ledang are being sued for unpaid credit accounts which Ralph forced Erin to open fraudulently. What is incriminating in this case, is the pair made false and misleading statements on their applications
with the sole intent to defraud the lending institutions. Ralph was not making the money he claimed on the credit applications while Erin was on welfare and living off food stamps.
More to come on the full time hustlers scams:

Mike &amp; Cathy Jenkins

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
Victim and Witness Intimidation

#129Consumer Comment

Sun, January 20, 2013

Intimidation of victims and witnesses undermines the functioning of the justice system by denying critical evidence to police and prosecutors. This long-standing problem also erodes confidence in the governments ability to protect citizens. Victim and witness intimidation has usually been associated with organized crime and domestic violence cases.

However in this form I see intimidation is developing new characteristics as its occurrence increases in fraud, financial crimes.
There are documented evidence in this forum that can be easily proven in a court of law communitywide intimidationacts by Ralph Sanders is very prevalent intended to foster a general atmosphere of fear and noncooperation within the neighborhood or the community with lawenforcment.
Double Nickel you stand correct in your assertion this dirty bag has indeed incriminating himself!!

Double Nickel

United States of America
The more you bluster Ralph, the guiltier and more pathetic you appear to everyone.

#130Consumer Comment

Fri, January 18, 2013

I don't have a bone to pick in this fight but will add my two cents comment.
Ralph, I served 8 years in federal prison for marijuana trafficking at the Texas Mexican boarder. Ive been out for 11 years now and work as cross country truck driver. Life is not perfect but I make do with what I can legally earn to support my wife and two handsome boys.
When you walked out of the gates of the California prison where you were confined, you were given a second chance in life to walk a strait line and never look back. Reading from the comments posted on this blog it appears you have pissed off or wronged a lot of people. It does not matter if its one or a thousand persons that are after as stated in (comment #44) you need to start making amends by apologizing and sticking to the truth.
Comment # 69 from Matthew from New Jersey (Will the real Ralph Sanders please answer truthfully!) gave you an opportunity to come clean which could have shut down this on-going discussion had you follow his advice.
Portraying your self as a victim of malicious attack by envy neighbors or those you had business or romantic relationships with is not going to accomplish any positive results in this on-going saga. Ralph you must admit of making vague accusations without providing any tangible evidence to support your claim against people you continue to attack.
For example at Ripoff report #995112 you attack and defamed a photographer for trying to collect her hard earn money from you. As the saying goes money is the root of all evil the entire conversation on this blog is about money some one is alleging you owed or try to obtain under false pretense.
 A few old saying goes like that. The more gasoline one pours on the fire the more it burns or the more your beat the s**t the more it smells. My advice to you is to stop incrimination your self with every line of text you post on this blogRemember the old propaganda posters during World War II Loose lips sink ships ? Take Matthews comment #69 advice put out the fire and burry the s**t otherwise you could be heading back to the Big House!!!!!

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
Halftime Hustler/Ralph Sanders

#131REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, January 18, 2013






(1) In one of your comments about my little girls party and the Pizza we got free

(2) The Gardner Victor you had do my grass in the back yard

(3) Asking his wife the "Cops" wife that is for 20$ for gas

(4) Walking in the community asking for donations for my brothers death of HIV "ONLY on the street.

(5) you put are car plates on line and all 3 of them that we drive.

(6) different churches we go to in this house we stay in. Because the cops wife told you.


It's a plane give away that it's you and you even hate me so much that you want me in prison and away from my family .... You are a undercover racist man and it's costing us a lot of cash to stop you and now I can't pay my Ex-Boss and anyone else because you have came into my personal life and twisted and destroyed my book image and I had to take my website down and not pay the the fee for the new year because I'm so afraid that you will take pictures off my website and use it for Ripoff.Com. You are a very dangerous man George and what was I thinking to let you and your wife watch my little girl. We have never had any issues here in serrano until you found out I was a EX-Con and wrote a book and talk about my past and what landed me in prison and you thought this would be good to let your Racist attitude attack me.









A Victim

United States of America
Ralph Sanders is a Sick and Desperate Puppy!

#132Consumer Comment

Fri, January 18, 2013

Ralph is very desperate man. Notice how much explaining he does blaming his victims for his own predicament. He no longer threatens to sue for Slander with lawyers any more, now its Bounty Hunters coming to crash down on peoples door. Intimidation, threats, blackmail and harassment is Ralphs method of operations to shut down his opponents.
Ralph why would you telegraph in advance to people what you are planning to do? Now that you have posted on Ripoff.com who you will be sending to some of your victims house to harassed and intimidate them dont you think your element of surprise is gone?
What if the people you are planning to intimidate and harassed with your so-called Bounty Hunters send your posting to the police? What if they get their guns ready?
As you refer to other people as SATAN, in your long diatribe, what do you call your self? Do you consider your self a SAINT after ripping off and hurting so many innocent people?
If you are making $50.000.00 and your wife is making $80,000.00 as you claimed then why cant you pay back the people you have wrong? Why are these people still after you for their money?
I hope the folks you refer to in your neighborhood keep their guards up for your Bounty Hunter and make sure he lives their door steps on a stretcher!
You are one sick and desperate man in need of Mental Health Treatment.

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
Halftime Hustler/ Mr.Sanders

#133REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 17, 2013

You are so funny man and I really am getting a kick out of this conversation and sitting at my desk just waiting on your response. I new you would write back right a way because I know who you are and it brings me a joy to preach to your heart an mabe you migh see or feel the conviction of your painand sorrow for what you are saying. How are you today? Are you retired from flying planes and acting like you are part of law inforcment calling others I know and trying to convince them to file a police report? If this is true how come you are te other one responding? Let's not forget to look at the dates and names if the people you play. You know what's so cool about this slander ...... My book is getting so much out there and you are helping me sale it Satan! I love you but hate the spirit in you that keeps the twisting of your father Satan. I'm sure you can Goolgle this verse and see that you are in Danger of hell fire. " I will write it out for you ok" In John 8:29 Jesus say this: "YOU ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, AND THE DESIRE OF YOUR FATHER YOU WANT TO DO. HE WAS A MURDER FROM THE BEGINNING, AND DOSE NOT STAND IN THE TRUTH BECAUSE THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM. WHEN HE SPEAKS A LIE ,HE SPEAKS CROM HIS OWN RESOURCES FOR HE IS A LIAR AND THE FATHER OF IT" do you know what this verse say? Darkness and light have nothing in common Satan. You see I don't hate you because it's not in my heart to hate or slander or go off. I Enjoy life and accept that I will be attacked because of my story and I will hav upset fans out there that will just plane hate! When some one is talking about you; that means you are doing something right! You wake up thinking of me and I'm on your mind and so I think I will give you a little feed back of conversation because I see you are hurting and mabe I can help you? Can I please help you see your direction to hell and offer you to REPENT for your sins? You are at home now and I'm at my desk getting your mail and the Lord lead on my heart to give you a ear to talk to becaus you are Lonley Satan. You don't work and I think I will post your house info on line that your wife own in her own name..... How about it? I will pray on that first because what would Jesus do in this point? I should live those who lie and hate me but at times it's hard and I have to sometimes fall short of his Glory and Repent! Tell me something Satan?

(1) how come you don't own your house in your name? (2) how come is it only in your suppose to be wife's name? (3) how come you ask me for work before when you was watching my little girl? (4) how come you out a dead Attorney from years ago on your letter to me to stop responding on line ... This Ripoff.com if it's not you Satan? (5) should I post your letters of restraining orders... ? (6) should I show your true colors ? (7) the picture I have of you should I post it? (8) should I post a couple of E-Mails from my good friend coming from you and working AKA and OLGO and Ann Action AKA Satan? It's likely you are one person and I think I will even post the NORRA REGIS Mail saying get out of the community when you first started this site two months ago? (9) or should I just wait until the BOUNTY HUNTERS COME TO YOUR DOORS ....? They can get all in to your game Satan because it's there job.

You speak of my family and "SHE" makes over 80,000 a year and I make over 50,000 add it up Satan we can stay any place we want to an it's sad you are 13 months behind your morgage an what happen? Can you get a loan? You are on the verge of a crash Satan. Everything in are home we own and payed for ...




Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
Halftime Hustler/ Mr.Sanders

#134REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 17, 2013


First of all, it's amazing how you use twisted lies to make me look like a criminal and a danger now to others. I am very impressed by your false lies and still trying to bring people forward to say I owe them something or make a police report. There is always someone who will play the light and play the dark side of this world we walk in. Tell me something Satan? What do you think of when you wake up? And how do you feel? You seem very unhappy and with no job because of your age and feel Lonly and lost.

I'm sorry to say this but I could not help but to see my own picture on this above post from you. Let's see, ... I don't need to hide who I am and my full name is on this site and it seems I'm the focused person being Attacked over your ways to make this site from a lady name Helen out of La and put my Address and phone number up top.... This is because Satan you are my next door (ACCUSER & SLANDER) the Bibke say keep your Slander hateful fan close to you because soon or later he will see the mercy of God through the light sourrounding the dark.

Speaking of my old job with Vicky that runs Party Program in Folsom is twisted lies and just a way for you to make others feel like I'm a criminal. I know she sent you that picture and she has about 30 of my pictures that she kept on my office wall when we had a fall out 6 months ago and I left the job because we kept fighting about a payment plan of payin her back payments on a bill a year ago from her credit card I was given authority to use to go to La to receivUe funding and things did not work out the way they should due to the person not wanting to give us 30,000 for are program.

 (Yes are program because I was a Chairmain Of The Bord)and all you have to do is look up above and see my business card and proof of my payments completely payed back before this new year. It's funny Satan because I hav been talking to Vicky and she always act like nothing is going on and she wants no part of this drama she calls it! I sent a letter to "Her and you Satan "

To stop what you are doing and you both continue to twist and lie and slander my family and post pictures and false rumors on this line of Ripoff. Com to have anyone speak up that may have a small issue with me from the past to make my life hard and "TRY" and stop my work to support my family and continue to do the good work God has allowed me to walk in. I don't think Vicky is aware of your posting ( Her Work info on line like this) I text her yesterday and told her and she stated back in her tex "What are you talking about"!

Well Satan you seem to push me to go to a really good friend to "Trase " all computer info from where you are sending this info. He is a Bounty Hunter friend of mine and enough is enough .... He read my book and love my story and yes he knows that I work with youth because he speaks to are program and I was in his offie yesterday and he is reading the site and (ALL Of IT) !! "He said there is a guy out there that have a Hard on for me". We are not worried about Vicky my EX-Boss from PARTY PROGRAM because we already went to court For a ( small claims issue dealing with what I owe her from work related issues)

we have made a contract in court for me to make payments plans to continue are friendship and get this issue behind us. I gave her a 200.00 money order dated last month after Christmas and even visit her house and we talked on catching up on my payments and she would help me promote my book "HalfTime Hustler" the story of my life. She text me yesterday and have no clue why her Program and work info is on line! It's so much lies and slander twisted here that it's hard to write out on this site.

I will try my best to say what I think all this is coming from:

First of all, I am a person that have been in prison for 11 years .

(1) I am vey blessed to be where I'm at today and to have a great life. (2) I have a great job as a funraiser for JAR young youth. (3) I still work there and always have over 4 years. (4) I have a good website and had no issue with it until last week I have taken it down because Satan was taking pictures off it and posting them on this Ripoff.com site. It will say No payment because I have taken it off. (5) I have been out of prison over almost 10 years and 4 years ago I was fighting a case that was dropped for false accusing me of taking documents home from my job as a sales man at a dealership that was a misunderstanding because I was on probation at the time and could not be allowed to have documents in my car coming home from work and I was driving a friends car at that. So they thought it was stolen. This was all cleared up but will still show te arrest codes. Remember Satan if I was guilty of this dealin with TWO STRIKES I would be in prison right? (6) I am making good cash with lots I book signings every place around California. I will send pictures to show Satan a lie and slander of my image. (7) I have nothing to prove to you Satan or Judith that have taken the picture she said and Vicky that already have a written document to pay her payments.

SATAN YOU ARE A LIE! You stay next to me on the same street and have slander me over two months now after my book published to sale. I won't say your name or put you out there anylonger because I have some one else taking care of it. He is a "Bounty Hunter" thank God some people know the truth and all your twisting and sick points of taking advantage of Vicky and my old girlfriend Judith that taken this photo on my book is not the issue here . It may be to them but; you hav brought them into this by calling people and convincing them to go to this site and make it seem I have stolen from them and make them feel like I'm a "Danger" and threaten them and that they should go to te police and file a report.

What kind of person are you man? How come you like to do this and try and destroy a person and talk about his family and say so many evil things like what you have done on this whole site? You will continue to Harrass and send your reports every day mornin and night.... You seem to have so much time on your hands man and if te readers of this site are smart you should call me and I will tell you who is doing this! My number is up top at the start of this site. Feel free to call me anytime.

Well, I would write more but have to get to work and make a living and will send pictures later on all my success because pictures never lie! So whoever you are show yourself Satan and stop staying behind that tree and come out and call me or come over to my house and tell me your issue and why and what makes you feel like you have to slander me And hate me me much. Because no one is NEVER going to come forward and say I robbed them of anything. We wills stay in this home and NEVER move so continue to slander and do what you do best with your time Satan because you are goin to be gone soon!

May God allow you to catch up to your thoughts of why you must keep doin this and bringing people down and stress and drama and gossip and twisting things and putting people's info and jobs on this site to make the readers fall into the lie. Tell me something? What do you want from me? Talk to me? It's ok I don't bite at all and not a danger to anyone.... I'm a fly if you check my prison records. You are welcome to respond I will talk with you so please talk with me and tell me your real name .. It's ok just know that I want to talk a little on this site and help you not hide that's all.



New york,
New York,
Ralph and his wife Lauren are career free-loaders

#135Consumer Comment

Thu, January 17, 2013

Ralph and his wife Lauren are career free-loaders. They move to the affluent neighborhood of Serrano showing off Mercedes and BMW vehicles obtain by deceptive or fraudulent means. They furnished their rental home with monies swindled from other women Ralph was having sex with.
The pairs method of operation is to give the impression of being successful while scamming, every one they come into contact with. Lauren is known to have contact several women demanding they stop having sex with Ralph.
She even con a gullible and bipolar lady into believing that she and Ralph were divorced just to be able to scam more money from the poor woman.
These people have no conscious or morals they live beyond their means and like to show-off material things to their friends and are ready to do whatever it takes to reach their objectives.

Beth W

Vacaville, CA,
United States of America
Ralph Sanders is Career Criminal and Broke ASS Liar!!!

#136Consumer Comment

Thu, January 17, 2013

If Ralph is making so much money selling his self-serving distortion as he claimed, then why is Goggle showing The domain http://www.halftimehsutler.com is currently suspended due to NON PAYMENT
This only means, Ralph is lying about his book sales, he is broke, and a lot of would be victims are now on to his con games.
Sit tight folks, the next shoe is about to drop!!!

Report Attachments

A Victim

United States of America
Ralphs criminal behavior is a classic case of "Fake it 'til you make it"

#137Consumer Comment

Tue, January 15, 2013

First and for most if you have electronic communication of Ralph making threats or attempting to intimidate you, I encourage you to file report with your local police department. There is evidence of Ralph using low-life scumbags proxies like him to threatened, harassed and intimidate his victims. Please do not let your guard down when dealing with this career criminal and master con artist who pontificate gods words when ever he is confronted for his crimes against innocent victims. The words Defamation and Slander and the name of a lawyer who no longer represent him are very common in his intimidation tactics.
Not to let the cat out of the bag, currently there are a number of law enforcement agencies actively and aggressively pursing Ralph. His Wife Lauren is a willing and active partner in his scams and crimes but pretend not to know what he is doing.
Most of the comments posted on all the blogs in defense of Ralph are written by Lauren. Some one said she is a school teacher, can any imagine what this supposedly school teacher is teaching our kids?
Ralphs criminal behavior is a classic case of "Fake it 'til you make it" which directly asserts that the action you're going to take is not about changing who you are, but how you look to others. In that process he gives a false impression of being successful in order to entice more victims.
His book of lies published with embezzled money is plastered all over the internet to give the impression he is making money. To the contrary no one is paying attention or buying this volume of mendacity which Ralph has priced as high as $33.00. It should be noted, most famous or well known authors usually priced their books at a much lower price than the Half Time Swindlers price. More importantly if Ralph is making so much money selling his diatribe of lies as he claimed, then why The Half Time Hustler website is shut down for non payment? (See attached pic of host message).
The only true thing about Ralph Sanders, akas Sean Sanders, Sean Black is that he sat in prison cell for almost 15 years to plan and execute his get rich quick scam on susceptible citizens particular women. In his sociopathic thinking his victims are liars. He will spin, lie, con, plunder threaten, intimidate and even murder if need be to cover-up his criminal tracks.
For a man who frequently uses the words of god to give the impression he is a born again Christian, Why is he having sex with so many different women and visiting the Play Boy mansion a house of fornication, when he claimed to be a married man living with his little girls mother Lauren and attending church ever Sunday? (See attached pic at Play Boy Mansion).
The non-profit organization, Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y.) located in Folsom California discovered Ralph as non-paid volunteer fund raiser, had printed business cards presenting him self as the groups CEO and Chairman of the Board fired him last April, but soon realized he had embezzled a considerable amount of money.
Vicky Fitzgerald is Founder; Program Director of P.A.R.T.Y [email protected]
 Please contact her and she will link any one pursing Ralph with the appropriate law enforcement agencies.
Visit the links below for additional comments on the Ralph Sanders.

Report Attachments


United States of America
The victims are correct

#138Consumer Comment

Tue, January 15, 2013

I currently have an issue with Ralph Sanders using my photographic images to profit from them, without obtaining a legal release and without paying for the photos.  My complaint is noted separately in another RIPoff Report. 

What I do find interesting is that Ralph contacted me today and threatened me via text.  First he told me he was going to "post pictures of my family" unless I took the pictures of him down and removed the comments I'd posted in my initial RipOff report.  I told him he was free to post my pictures, as they were publicly posted by me on my blog. 

Then he made vague threats about him "having a lot of people that like me and might post you a talk here as there..." (whatever that means).  I asked him "Are you threatening me?" and he replied, in writing, "Yup!!" 

Today he posted a long novel in response to my complaint alleging all kinds of things.  sex, free flights, stolen credit cards, lovers, sins, evil....etc.  I have no idea where all of those stories came from, but the point is that Ralph continues to attempt to threaten and humiliate people if they don't do as he says.

He has now added defamation of character to his robbery of my images. 

Ralph, I am not intimidated by your tactics.  My personal and business successes speak for themselves, and none of your words can change that.  I stand by what I have said, the theft of my images for your personal profit is something that can be proved digitally.  I have the files.  They are dated and time stamped.  There is no discussion, slander, intimidation or threats that can change those things.

In fact, the more you bluster Ralph, the guiltier and more pathetic you appear to everyone. 


Nova Scotia,
United States of America
Narcissists can't differentiate between their mask and their true self

#139Consumer Comment

Sun, January 13, 2013

Narcissists can't afford to be vulnerable at all--especially not to themselves. Remember, they need to believe the lie. So they make up a fictitious false self who is everything the narcissist is not: the entitled, superior, inflated, and grandiose self fed by the narcissist's fantasies and what they can squeeze out of sources of narcissistic supply.

Their superficial charm can be enchanting. For such figures, however, there is no substance behind the romantic gestures, which only serve to feed the narcissist's own ego.

Narcissists are known as manipulative in a charming way, entrapping their victims through a faade of understanding into suspending their self-protective behaviors and lowering their personal boundaries. Closely related are the way imposters like Ralph Sanders are able to make people fall in love with them to satisfy their narcissistic needs and to maintain the faade of being successful to potential victims.

A Victim

United States of America
I am a victim!!!

#140Consumer Comment

Fri, January 11, 2013

Oh my God I feel used by this man he rip me off for a lot of money then have sex with me under false pretense? Ralph told me he was divorced which I am now finding out was not true, as I am learning he still lives with his wife Lauren, she could be very well be knowledgeable and support his scam on other women. I will love to see both of them in hand cuffs.


2855 Club Drive,
United States of America
The real Ralph Sanders will continue to Deceive!!

#141Consumer Comment

Mon, January 07, 2013

Matthew I appreciate your honest analogy of the comments posted in this forum and putting forth some legitimate questions Ralph Sanders must answer.
As numerous people continue to work in investigate some of Ralphs assertions, we are finding it very difficult to verify his four year degree graduate date from San Jose State University in California which he claimed in comment # 4. 
In addition we are learning from at least 18 of his victims their reasons for not reporting Ralphs scams to the police were due in part to intimidation, black mail and threats to do great bodily harm to them and their families.
In the next few hours or days, one of Ralphs major spin doctors will attempt to critic all your valid questions.
As usual she will spin, deceive, and even threaten you with litigation. At some point you will be astonish to learn who the two spin engineers are!!


New Jersey,
United States of America
Will the real Ralph Sanders please answer truthfully!?!?

#142Consumer Comment

Sun, January 06, 2013

     First, let me say that I am an "independent observer" to this fascinating thread, and have no connection to any of the parties and do not otherwise have an agenda here.  However, with that being said, I do have some objective, legitimate, and reasonable observations. Also, I have some pertinent comments and questions and an invitation addressed to Mr. Ralph Sanders.

     I think that both sides of this dispute have made some legitimate points in their comments and replies.  However, as an attorney by trade, you are trained to look for key bits of information when assessing things, and Ralph's side of the story just doesn't seem to add up in all respects.  It is obviously true that someone (or possibly multiple persons) of a very vindictive nature have something against Mr. Sanders by making these postings.  Whether these feelings are borne out of jealously, hatred, or because this person/persons have really been wronged and taken advantage of remains somewhat unclear.

     However, there seem to be multiple persons who are basically alleging the same suspicious patterns of conduct.  Furthermore, many of these same allegations have never been directly addressed by Mr. Sanders.   So, I would like to take the time to direct several questions and inquiries to Mr. Sanders himself, and ask him to respond directly with clear and truthful answers.  I suggest Mr. Sanders, that if you are really the victim of a smear campaign as you allege, you will have no problem providing truthful answers to these questions, and these truthful answers can go a long way towards proving your innocence and otherwise vindicating you and your reputation.

     Inversely, your continued refusal to answer such questions will probably go a long way (in the other direction) towards discrediting you.    So here we go ( in no particular order):

1.  Are you currently married?  If so, have you ever been unfaithful to your wife?  If you are not currently married, the allegations of you pursuing other women are more or less baseless and inapplicable...

2.  Have you ever engaged in any type of fraudulent conduct since being released from prison? If yes please explain...  

3.  If you have lived a clean and honest life since being released from prison, as you allege, why was it necessary for you to retain the services of a criminal defense lawyer recently?  I see that you endorse this gentleman in your video and claim he helped you out of a "serious situation"  Could you explain this "situation" in detail please?

4.  Have you ever used another person's or companies' credit or charge account to make any type of a purchase?  I am not concerned as to whether or not you allegedly had permission to do so or not, if you didnt make any such purchases then it is a non issue...

5.  Have you ever been discharged from a position of employment for the misappropriation of funds, the unauthorized use of a charge card or account, or any other conduct involving dishonesty or misrepresentation? (such as exaggerating your position of employment, your salary, your length of employment, etc?) If yes, please explain.

6.  Have you ever asked another person or persons to co-sign a loan or any type of charge account for you?  (As alleged by "Jillian" and others...)  If yes please explain...

7.  Have you ever been named as a Defendant in any type of a civil suit alleging the failure to pay or repay a debt or a bill, or for any type of conduct involving unpaid money, fraud, deceit, etc?

8.  Have you ever held your self out or otherwise identified yourself as a professional basketball player?   Have you ever played professional basketball in the US or a foreign country?  (not in a summer league, or for a tryout, but for a legitimate professional team in a professional league) If yes please provide details...
9.  Have you ever approached any of your neighbors, friends, or colleagues for financial help or assistance in the form of cash or a personal loan?  If yes- please specify who, when, how much, and whether or not you repaid them and how you repaid them?

10.  Please provide accurate and updated numbers for the most recent sales figures of your book.  I would also suggest that you, if you have nothing to hide, provide redacted copies of recent tax returns in order to legitimize your personal income once to these people once and for all.

     Again, Mr. Sanders, please do not ignore this, and please do not take it personal.  I have no connection to ANYONE associated with this thread or this website.  I am merely an interested observer with a suggestion on how to bring this dispute to an end.  If you really have nothing to hide and are the victim of a smear campaign, you should have no problem truthfully answering these questions and thus putting these allegations to rest once and for all.  

     I like to consider myself an educated consumer, and I utilize rip off report often in this regard.  This is how I coincidentally ran across this most fascinating thread.  I am simply trying to make a credible suggestion as to how to bring this dispute to a close.  Answer the questions, then get a good lawyer and sue all these people for defamation, slander, and libel.  
     Alternately, your refusal to truthfully and sincerely answer these questions in detail will do nothing but further the suspicions of so many who have already made so many terrible and damaging allegations against you.  These same people, if they have actually been wronged by Ralph Sanders and are reading this, why not sue him civilly for fraud, failure to repay loans, etc.  And if Ralph has used charge accounts and credit cards without permission or authorization, as has also been alleged, why haven't the victims called the police?

     Happy New Year to all. I am waiting for you to answer these questions and hopefully put this to rest once and for all.  Thank you Mr. Sanders.  

     Sincerely, Matthew in New Jersey.     


New york,
New York,
Ralph you have a right to be respected, but you must earn it first!!

#143REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, January 04, 2013

Every day in America thousands of inmates are release from prisons to begin a new life after long periods of incarcerations.  The main issues with those inmates are what have been done to prepare them to live healthy, productive, law-abiding lives? All of us have a stake in seeing that the inmates make a safe and successful return to their communities. However some inmates choose to continue with the same criminal behaviour that lands them behind bars in the first place, while others struggle to be productive citizens.
Those who choose the right path of becoming productive members of the community deserve much respect and support from all of us for at least trying to stay on the right side of the law.
However those who continue with the same pattern of deception to acquire material things they can afford, and think they can bully law-abiding citizens through intimidation and lies from exercising their rights to free speech should be prepare to deal with the consequences for their actions.
Reading from the long diatribes in this forum, Ralph Sanders wants us to believe he changes his life in a prison cell where he find god and he is living a crime free life style. To the contrary, his actions after leaving prison have leave a trail of financial disaster in his wake, and are very prevalent with the number of victims now filing police reports of being scammed under false pretences.
All the threats of litigation and his alleged charge of defamation and slander posted by his underwriters are his text book signature to silent his victims using his common weapon of blackmail and intimidation.
Ralph you have a right to be respected, but you must earn it first!!


United States of America
The Art of War by Sun Tzu:

#144Author of original report

Thu, January 03, 2013

The Art of War by Sun Tzu:
It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.
Ralph you should have studied the Art of War before attacking the wrong people. We will win the war!!


2855 Club Drive,
United States of America
Ralph is a highly manipulative career criminal !!

#145Consumer Comment

Thu, January 03, 2013

18 U.S.C Section 1512: prohibits any one from tampering with a witness or victim of a crime by attempting to coerce, manipulate, intimidate and making threats against the potentials government witness and their families.
California law also prohibits disturbing the accounts of a witness can therefore interfere with a criminal prosecution or a civil case as well as being punishable by law in an effort to protect the credibility of the justice system.

It does not matter how many times this flimsy dame Erin can be forced to retract her story against Ralph Sanders. There are numerous credible victims already cooperating with law enforcement. I can assure you Ralph Sanders legal battle for his freedom is just getting started.
Ralph is a highly manipulative career criminal with the zeal to show off he has arrived on the summit of financially success. He is unable to get a steady and good paying job to support his delusional life style, therefore his only way is to con scam and plunder money under false pretenses from gullible people particular women.
When the last chapter is written about Ralph Sanders aka Sean Sanders he will go down in the history books as Americas Dumbest Criminal!


United States of America
I'm not a Victim with 3 Kids. I'm his Friend.

#146Consumer Comment

Thu, January 03, 2013

This personal email above with me and my friend Ralph was posted without my consent.  If I wanted my personal story out there, I would do it-- if I was a real victim. First of all, I previously was talking to Olga and David (their AKA names) about my relationship with Ralph. We were luring these people in to see if we could gain more information on who these slandering people were. Defamation of character is a serious offence in the state of California. Its amazing how gossip sites can seem to sabotage peoples character. We are not here to judge or criticize any of the commenters personal lives.

Lets just clear things up and present the facts of the real Halftime Hustler.  Thank you for promoting the book.  Sales have increased at Barnes & Nobles and Amazon.

HALFTIME HUSTLER can be ordered today at halftimehustler.com.  Check it out.

  • Ralph book signing at Mesquite restaurant in Folsom, Ca. was successful, not a flop. Ralph has had many successful book signings since.
  • Sadly, Ralphs brother did die of HIV in LA March 2012. Ralph did do fundraising in his neighborhood for funeral expenses.
  • Ralph did play semi-professional basketball  (LA Summer Pro League, Sacramento Summer Pro-League and many other places.) Read Halftime Hustler, the book, on sale now.
  • Is he a Sociopath??? Nah! His feelings and emotions are genuine. He has one of the biggest hearts and thats what makes him so appealing to all types of people.  He has been giving his books away to some that he feels need it and wants it but doesnt have the money.
  • Did Ralph rob churches, restaurants, local businesses?  Nah! He has a lot of connections all over and people easily donate for his companys cause because it is for Juveniles At Risk (JAR) Sac, Ca.  This proves that Ralph has been working hard and active in the community of Sacramento if EVERYONE knows him, as stated. 
  • Name Dropping? YES.  He knows many people and excited about the opportunities and people he has been affiliated with in the community which directly correlates to his fundraising efforts.
  • Did pass the IRS test?? YES! He was thoroughly investigated and cleared of all wrong doing from his boss Mr. Greg Scott ,CEO of JAR.
  • Narcissist Behavior?  Yes. He does like nice cars and clothes.  If youve been to prison for 13 years and made it out un-institutionalized, what kind of car would you drive?  I think a convertible Mercedes sounds like a perfect fit for a man that loves and enjoys his freedom.
  • What's wrong with Tall, attractive, articulate, well-spoken, friendly and appearing to have a luxurious lifestyle? Sounds like jealousy. Is it his fault that people automatically assume his is a professional basketball player, he is rich or that he is famous?  Hes going to turn that perception into reality once his book becomes a movie coming soon in theatre near you.
  • Is Ralph a role model in the community? Yes. He has been very generous with his time and serving the community by working with youth and adults to help change lives and spread his love of GOD.
  • Has Ralph been out of prison over 9 years? And completed his parole and probation successfully? YES!!
  • Is Ralph attending different churches? Yes.  Is it wrong to attend many different churches?  He is attending church regularly, isnt that the important thing? He also give motivational speeches and testimonials to spread awareness of his spiritual journey.
  • Is Ralph a good father and family man? Yes.  His daughter is happy and he treats her like a princess. 
  • Was Ralph the Chairman of the Board for P.A.R.T.Y.  Yes. P.A.R.T.Y.(Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth) is a non-profit organization which helps prevent teens from the common risk-related problems such as: texting while driving, drinking
    and driving, drinking and doing drugs. 
  • Ralph never presented himself as the CEO of P.A.R.T.Y.  He was well-aware of his own title, since it was on his business cards.  He has payed back all money that he used in his fundraising efforts on the corporate credit card. He appreciates the opportunity to work with Vicky the Director of P.A.R.T.Y.  and thankful for his friendship with her.

    In conclusion, this site is intended to sabotage peoples character and motives of living in the community.  Sometimes people can be disillusioned, nosey, busy-bodies, and fearful of someone that stands out and doesnt blend in with everyone else in the neighborhood. Its understandable that people are curious but everyone deserves the right to privacy. He doesnt feel the need to let his neighbors know his personal business. 

    So, we have determined who has been writing these twisted and untrue comments.  It is someone that has been trying to get him to move out of the neighborhood and now persecuting him using defamation of Character to hinder his success.

    Defamationalso called calumny, vilification, traducement, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation a negative or inferior image. This can be also any disparaging statement made by one person about another, which is communicated or published, whether true or false, depending on legal state. In Common Law it is usually a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone other than the person defamed (the claimant).[1]

    Happy New Year and God Bless America.  You have been exposed and rebutted with the evidence above proving you are wrong in your perceptions of the Halftime Hustler.  Ralph and I are no longer participating in this battle. Dont Hate the Player, Hate the Game! 

Visit Halftime Hustler.com to find out more information about Ralph Sanders and to order his amazing story of how he found God and changed his way in a prison cell. Halftime Hustler, the real-life story of Ralph Sanders.

Report Attachments


United States of America
I'm Not a Victim, with 3 Kids! I'm his Friend. Part 2

#147REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, January 03, 2013

A picture says a thousand words...

Report Attachments


United States of America
I'm not A VICTIM, with 3 kids! I'm His Friend

#148REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, January 03, 2013

This personal email above with me and my friend Ralph was posted without my consent.  If I wanted my personal story out there, I would do it-- if I was a real victim. First of all, I previously was talking to Olga and David (their AKA names) about my relationship with Ralph. We were luring these people in to see if we could gain more information on who these slandering people were. Defamation of character is a serious offence in the state of California. Its amazing how gossip sites can seem to sabotage peoples character. We are not here to judge or criticize any of the commenters personal lives.

Lets just clear things up and present the facts of the real Halftime Hustler.  Thank you for promoting the book.  Sales have increased at Barnes & Nobles and Amazon.


  • HALFTIME HUSTLER can be ordered today at halftimehustler.com.  Check it out.
  • Ralph book signing at Mesquite restaurant in Folsom Ca. was successful, not a flop. Ralph has had many successful book signings since.    
  • Sadly, Ralphs brother did die of HIV in LA March 2012. Ralph did do fundraising in his neighborhood for funeral expenses.
  • Ralph did play semi-professional basketball? Yes (LA Summer Pro League, Sacramento Summer Pro-League and many other places.) Read Halftime Hustler, the book, on sale now.
  • Is he a Sociopath??? Nah! His feelings and emotions are genuine. He has one of the biggest hearts and thats what makes him so appealing to all types of people.  He has been giving his books away to some that he feels need it and wants it but doesnt have the money.
  • Did Ralph rob churches, restaurants, local businesses?  Nah! He has a lot of connections all over and people easily donate for his companys cause because it is for Juveniles At Risk (JAR) Sac, Ca.  This proves that Ralph has been working hard and active in the community of Sacramento if EVERYONE knows him, as stated.  
  • Does he do Name Dropping? YES.  He knows many people and excited about the opportunities and people he has been affiliated with in the community which directly correlates to his fundraising efforts.
  • Did he pass the IRS test?? YES! He was thoroughly investigated and cleared of all wrong doing from his boss Mr. Greg Scott ,CEO of JAR.
  • Narcissist Behavior?  Yes. He does like nice cars and clothes.  If youve been to prison for 13 years and made it out un-institutionalized, what kind of car would you drive?  I think a convertible Mercedes sounds like a perfect fit for a man that loves and enjoys his freedom.
  • Tall, attractive, articulate, well-spoken? Sounds like jealousy. Is it his fault that people automatically assume his is a professional basketball player or that he is famous?  Hes going to turn that perception into reality once his book becomes a movie in theatres all across the country.
  • Is Ralph a role model in the community? Yes. He has been very generous with his time and serving the community by working with youth and adults to help change lives and spread his love of GOD.
  • Has Ralph been out of prison over 9 years? And completed his parole and probation successfully? YES!!
  • Is Ralph attending different churches? Yes.  Is it wrong to attend many different churches?  He is attending church regularly, isnt that the important thing? He also give motivational speeches and testimonials to spread awareness of his spiritual journey.
  • Is Ralph a good father and family man? Yes.  His daughter is happy and he treats her like a princess. 

Was Ralph the Chairman of the Board for P.A.R.T.Y. Yes. P.A.R.T.Y.(Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth) is a non-profit organization which helps prevent teens from the common risk-related topics as texting while driving, drinking and driving, drinking and doing drugs.  Ralph never presented himself as the CEO.  He was well-aware of his own title, since it was on his business cards.  He has payed back all money that he used in his fundraising efforts on the corporate credit card. He appreciates the opportunity to work with Vicky the Director of P.A.R. T.Y.  and thankful for his friendship with her

In conclusion, this site is intended to sabotage peoples character and motives of living in the community.  Sometimes people can be disillusioned, nosey, busy-bodies, and fearful of someone that stands out and doesnt blend in with everyone else in the neighborhood. Its understandable that people are curious but everyone deserves the right to privacy.  He doesnt feel the need to let his neighbors know his personal business. 

So, we have determined who has been writing these twisted and untrue comments.  It is someone that has been trying to get him to move out of the neighborhood and now persecuting him using defamation of Character to hinder his success.

Defamationalso called calumny, vilification, traducement, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation a negative or inferior image. This can be also any disparaging statement made by one person about another, which is communicated or published, whether true or false, depending on legal state. In Common Law it is usually a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone other than the person defamed (the claimant).

Happy New Year and God Bless America.  You have been exposed and rebutted with the evidence above proving you are wrong in your perceptions of the Halftime Hustler.  Ralph and I are no longer participating in this battle. Dont Hate the Player, Hate the Game!  

Report Attachments

Beth W

Vacaville, CA,
United States of America
Ralph Sanders is a master con man and Fraud

#149REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 02, 2013

Read Ralphs comments at # 12 Just to let the readers know, I am dancing with Lawyers right now and will see that you will be accountable for what you started to bring harm on my family and the fear of my little girl. I have NEVER Stole, Taken, OR Con any one out of ANYTHIN Ralph what do you call what you did to the single mother of three? 
For the record, Ralph was never the Chairman of the Board or in any leadership position at P.A.R.T.Y. He was an unpaid volunteer. When the management realize Ralph was misrepresenting himself to the public as CEO of the organization and taken account his criminal record, the founder fired him and filed a police report for embezzlement and fraud.


2855 Club Drive,
United States of America
An other victim of Ralphs scam s speaks out:

#150REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 02, 2013

Part 2:

He promised to pay me back a million a one times.  He has had a million excuses and problems with his job and getting money to pay me back.  It was always that if I help him he will be able to pay me back.  He ask me to marry him more than 20 times and told me and my kids we were moving in together and he was going to be their stepdad.  There was plenty of excuses and manipulation going on. 
I also know of some other women and people that he did the same manipulation to. 
  There is a woman named Kathleen Woods who works at Sutter Roseville as a nurse.  I think she also works in Folsom for a plastic surgeon.  She financed his White convertible BMW.  He told me it was repo-ed when he was at a grocery store.  I heard her on the phone with him and she is angry with him.
  Their also was a book writer, psychologist that was helping him. Her name is June. She is an older woman. She was very upset with him and their were contacts notorized and signed but the deal ended.
  He then went and found another writer named Yvonne who was connected throught the Michael Wise office.  She wrote then book that he has out now.  She called me and told me that the were dating and in a sexual relationship.  At the time, we were looking for houses together and had my kids thinking we were moving together.  He was cheating on me with her.  He said he got a restraining order against her.
  He was fired from his job with P.A.R.T.Y. which is a non-profit organization, he was chairman of the board.  He misused the corporate credit card and used it for an extragant trip to LA. His boss filed a police report against him.
  He also had trouble with his boss at JAR and is blackmailing his boss to continue working there.  He told me that he has sexually harrassed him and others. They had some trouble with a black mercedes.  He let Greg Scott use it and make payments.  They had lots of problems and were threatening eachother over this.
I have voicemails and all my text messages from the past years I tried to document what was going on in our conversations.  I have signed documents from him that he owes me for some items. I dont know if anything here is missing. I have documents, pictures, details and witnesses to all this.
He has been threatening me and came to my house tonight.  I told him to leave or I would call the police. He then had some guy call me and threaten me. They said they would get a restraining order on me if I go to his house.  I never even knew where he lived.
This is embarrassing and humiliating that I did all this and played into this man's scheme and lies. I was just trying to recover what I lost and make things better and right and give him a chance to pay it back as a friend. I contacted lawyers and got assistance from the courts. I couldnt find a way out. I hope now that I can get some resolution to this matter. Most all these bills have been in collections for a year. Prior to meeting Ralph, I had only a Sears credit card for my washer and dryer and perfect credit. Now my credit is ruined because of him. I refuse to pay for all his tuff he promised to pay me and conned me into buying for him. Saying it was for us and our new place together when we moved in together.
Let me know if you need more information.  I will let you know if I missed anything. 

Report Attachments


2855 Club Drive,
United States of America
An other victim of Ralphs scam s speaks out:

#151REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 02, 2013

Part 1:

From: Erin LeDang <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 1:24 AM
Subject: Ralph Sanders
I'm sending you my story and my history with Ralph Sanders because I am hoping to help other victims like myseslf and get back what he owes me.  I want to speak up for justice and the wrong he did to me and others in his path.
I will just go over the facts without explanation at this time: 
From the very beginning, we met August 29th, 2009. 
  About 2 weeks after we met, he got me to do instant financing for furniture and accessories at a furniture store going out of business in Sacramento, off Arden. It was $4,500 and delivered to the address in El Dorado Hills.
  He then got me to join ACN, under Romacio Fulcher. They swindled me out of more than a thousand for nothing in return.
  He said he lost his wallet and had me pay for $300 bill for the night out at clubs.  Promising to pay me back.
  He had me buy him a coat and shirts by opening a Nordstroms credit card account for the purchase.  He later used this card for gas and trip to Los Angeles for his book to get published.
  We went on an LA trip and he was extremely disrespectful with other women.  He threatened to leave me there standed. We got into a physical altercation and police were called for a bruise he made on my face by pushing my face and slamming my head against his car window. The police came to the hotel we were staying and questioned us.  I did not file charges.

  He had me trade-in my vehicle that was paid off for an Escalade at Future Ford on Madison Avenue in Sacramento.  I told him I would not qualify and I didnt want to do it and I wanted to change my mind but he forced it and said it was too late.  I tried to get my car back and they didnt let me.  It was a bad deal and screwed me over.  Someone fixed my credit report and changed it so I would qualify.  I sent for a copy of the report and it was not filled out by me.  They just messed with me.  He was on a temporary sales license and they laid him off within a month. Detectives came in looking for him.

  He invited people to go out and charge up the bills and said he would pay the bill and had me pay for $300 bill. Promising to pay me back becase he didnt have his credit card.
  He also had me open a JC Penney account and buy him shirts, ties, and a coffee pot.
  He had me buy him outdoor furniture at Emigh's Hardware for $1500 on their credit.
  Outdoor furniture at CA Backyard on their credit.
  He had me buy him groceries a few times.
  He got cash for gas money.
  I got his dying brother groceries in LA and gave his brother cash for his electricity.
  I paid for a flight to LA and back that he said he would pay for.
  He had me buy him a king size bedding set.
  He had me buy him a massage chair at RC Willey for $2500.  He was having back surgery and needed it for recovery.
  Outdoor furniture at Sears on my Sear credit card for less than $500.  Then he went without my consent and bought $1600 in clothes for his daughter and a leaf blower.  He had the employee look up my card and charged it and forged my name.  He admitted this to me.
  He had me pay for his mercedes to get it out of the shop.
  He had me pay for his cell phone bill.  Then the next day or so, he authorized another payment with my card without my knowledge or consent. Total of about $300
  He also had me pay for outskirts publishing but I agreed to the paypal payments that he was supposed to pay.  It accidentally took all the money at once.  I tried to get it back but he wouldnt let me get it back. That was for about $1500.

Report Attachments

Beth W

Vacaville, CA,
United States of America
Is Ralph Sanders a successful person as he claimed to be?

#152Consumer Comment

Sat, December 29, 2012

Notice how Ralph Sanders boast to be a successful person, living the good life in the foot hills and driving luxury vehicles?
What Ralph did not mention in his comments, is how did the money came by to purchase all these luxury items to include home, patio furniture and a massage chair.
Ralph also did not mention the money to publish his book of lies aka The Half Time Hustler and all the expense for trips to Los Angeles to include hotels, and even clothes for him self and his daughter came from one of his major scams perperatuted on a naive single mother of three.
Not compromise on going investigations; I will refrain from mentioning names of his victims. But in coming days we will blow the lid off the sucker and exposed him for who he is, a common criminal and master scam artist.
Happy screw-up 2013 Ralph, the cell block awaits you!


2855 Club Drive,
United States of America
Reasons Women Stay with Lying and Cheating Men!!

#153Consumer Comment

Fri, December 28, 2012

Many people find it hard to understand why a woman would choose to stay in a marriage or a relationship with a man who continues to lie and cheats on her, or who has a history of criminality and extramarital affairs. Here are the primary reasons:
(1)  Religion: Some wives believe that divorcing a cheating husband is against the law which states for better and for worse.
(2)  Children: Most women find it hard to leave a cheating husband just for the sake of their children.
(3)  Fear: Most women simply do not want to be alone and once they get use to a particular lifestyle and acquitted with a particular man, give him their trust and accept him whole heartedly, leaving such a man for any reason becomes a fear and this kind of women simply believe that been with such man is even better than been without a man.
(4)   Second chance: When we talk about humans, we should always try to remember that we are dealing with imperfect beings so most women consider this and believe that a cheating mate will change if forgiven and given another chance.
These are not the only reasons women remain in relationships with liars and cheaters. There are other reasons, too -- reasons that make sense only to the woman involved. However when a woman cover-up or supports a known con man in hiding his on-going criminal conduct, she is equally responsible for the crime and must be prosecuted.

Beth W

Vacaville, CA,
United States of America
Most Atheists are more ETHICAL

#154Consumer Comment

Wed, December 26, 2012

I believe most atheists are more ETHICAL and honest than most other people of religious commitments. Also they have a better chance of getting into heaven if such a mythical place exists.
I very seriously doubt there is a heaven. There has to be a god with a sense of humor, just look at all the hypochristians walking around spouting out their hate, scams and arrogance.
There is a great difference between faith and religion too. Religion is a man made money racket to make people god fearing and behave but it is a waste of time.
Now come of your closets and bash me for having an opinion instead of praying for me and helping me see your light. A very dim light as are most of the believers I have encountered.

Mike &amp; Cathy Jenkins

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
Any thing goes

#155Consumer Comment

Mon, December 24, 2012

This con man and his wife will go to great lengths to cover-up their scams by trying to extort and intimidating of their victims.


New york,
New York,
Suddenly, everybody everywhere wants to become a big time author!!

#156REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 19, 2012

Suddenly, everybody everywhere wants to become a big time author. That in itself is fine as publishers play an important role in bringing to life what begins as a series of thoughts and imaginings in the minds of the authors. Now with the device of self-publishing, authoring a book is made even easier. However, good publishers will always be in demand; they are known for producing good quality books which have been expertly edited and exposed via marketing campaigns backed by years and years of experience.

There are numerous publishers who produce good quality work that epitomizes professionalism and quality. There are however several Johnny-come-latelys who demand to be recognized as published authors. They have the autonomy to self-publish anything thing they want no matter how lowly the quality and, and they can cut and paste words together to make what they think is a good book. That good book is quite often is a figment of their own imagination and remains within the peripheries of their mind whilst their work gathers dust on the shelves unsold. Self publishing perhaps has not assisted the uninitiated.

They will inevitably have to face the embarrassment for bypassing the well established publisher in favor of putting out works that has not passed through the fire of good editing. What must be paramount in the minds of all new authors is that as enticing as writing and publishing a book might be, it is not an easy task for one who has not mastered the art of writing and achieved a sound level of formal education.

As in all aspects of life, there are con-men and women and this is so even in writing. There are those who emerge from nothingness and blatantly and unashamedly demand to become well known for their self-published rushed and unedited transcripts put before the public on a platter of desperation. Some of them become authors overnight to tell only one story, their own sordid one-sided uncorroborated testimony of lies.
Indeed, their agendas are shrouded; but beneath it lay the relentless desire to punish those who have dared to double-cross them. Some of them come professing Christianity, pedaling their ware as if on a mission from God himself, as if God is ever mocked!


Nova Scotia,
United States of America
The Proof is in the Pudding!!!

#157REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 16, 2012

Any company or organization that will hire a person unable to compose a few lines of texts without making major spelling and grammatical errors as their Director of Public Relations leaves the door open for questions about the leaderships moral and ethical conduct. 


2855 Club Drive,
United States of America
Debunking Ralph's Lies and Fraud:

#158REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, December 15, 2012

My sister was cleaning out her desk draw last week and voila there comes Ralphs business cards from two different employees.
Notice on both business cards posted to the left of my comments, Ralph makes believe position as Director of Public Relations, is significant. The only problem with his executive positions for both organizations is that State and Federal Tax filing does not reflect Ralphs executive positions, and competitive pay scale or salary industry wide.
More importantly on the AMC business card, right under his title of Director Public Relations, Ralph list him self as Former pro-basketball player Can you please tells us Ralph which pro basket ball team you played for?
While both of Ralphs business cards do debunk his lies, it is more important to note, this guy served time in State Prison for fraud and false pretense. It is very likely this scam artist in his desperation to live the good life in the foot hills, and driving luxury cars which he cant afford may have engaged in fraud  by submitting fraudulent information on his credit application to his landlord, loan companies department stores etc?
More importantly could it be those two unscrupulous organizations might be part of Ralphs scams by verifying his fraudulent information to creditors as being current and accurate?
This is just a small taste of juice things to come, such as Ralphs CDC housing records, and batch of e-mails to several women. Stay tune we are far from done with the con man!!!
 Have a great week Ralph...

Report Attachments


United States of America
My experience with Ralph: suggestions and solutions

#159Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 13, 2012

I have already written about my experiences with Ralph.  What I did not say about myself is that I have a PhD in Clinical Psychology.  My education and years as a therapist have caused me to focus the majority of my adult life on human behavior and its causes, solutions, and repercussions.  

Ralph did not know these things about me when he met me at California Family Fitness and told me that he was divorced and asked for my number.  He did not know these things about me when he called me up at 10:00 pm from the Casino wanting to get together that night at "my place or your place because, "I  just can't get you off my mind."  He didn't know these things about me when he called back 5 minutes later saying the same things and didn't remember he had just called me "because I've called so many numbers that I just can't remember who I called."  

I don't believe that Ralph would have been different however, if he had known.  Because once he did learn what I did, he continued to lie about his parents, convictions, and marriage without any signs of guilt.  When he asked me to co-sign a note for his daughter's bedroom set, everything I had begun to suspect was verified.  When someone lies constantly, goes out on his wife, and tries to get money from you; you don't need a degree to suspect that this "born-again Christian" is trying to con you. 

I do believe in God and His commandments about lying , deceit, adultry, and stealing from others.  I also believe in forgiveness.  And, I admire those who rise above their faults and truly change their lives.  However, I came away from my experience with Ralph ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that he never stopped conning people.  And, I worried that I was the only person who knew, until I stumbled onto this site.

If Ralph is truly a sociopath and a narcissist personality disorder - as others have suggested (he is not my client and I have not diagnosed him), then he would not be able to change his basic approach to others.  However, if he is simply acting as he was taught to act growing up, then he truly can.  I would suggest, as Stewart has already suggested, to attempt to resolve the differences between him, his nieghbors, and those he hired.  And, Ralph, you might begin by asking forgiveness from your wife - followed by others you have not been honest with. Then, you will have given them the choice to forgive and move on.  I truly wish for God's grace to each and everyone who has contributed to this site.


Beth W

Vacaville, CA,
United States of America
Fact Checking Casey Jones of Santa Fe NM

#160REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 12, 2012

Did some fact checking on this Casey Jones from Santa Fe NM and indeed she is a piece of work. I did visit over the phone with Jeff Belle and his wife Carmen and it appears they are victims of his very angry woman claiming to be a Christian. This woman has a history as a gold digger looking to catch well to do men, once rejected she turns on them with lies. Like Ralph Sanders she is trying to peddle her lies for profit.
Speaking of Mr. Sanders, I was told he was observed by the same people he attacked taking pictures of their vehicle on Monday Nov.12. since this fool has left a digital trail while committing his scams and harassment, It will be interesting to see what he does with the photographs lets no forget Ralph has frequently boast to have a high ranking person working for DMV whom he claimed can run any ones license plate for him.
The criminals plot thickens!


New York,
United States of America
Renting a room in one's home is not Crime

#161REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 11, 2012

Excuse me! I dont seem to see any relevance in the comment posted by Ralph and his new hired gun Casey. Some one offering a room for rent on their home is not a criminal.
So what is the point here? One thing I know for sure, Italian people are old school, and they do not take to the internet to fight those who attack their families.
As the saying goes in the old country It is always calm B4 the storm!!!

Beth W

Vacaville, CA,
United States of America
What a bunch of BS

#162REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 10, 2012

Wow the con man is working hard and has duped some one which claimed to be Woman against Con man.
Just yesterday we visited Chetta and she gave us the scoop on Ralph Sanders, as it turns out Chetta used to baby sit for Ralph, and as the story goes. Ralph refused to pay her even after her husband went after Ralph for the money. For all I know Ralph could have given you these folks phone number and you help him cook up the scam to defame the same people Ralph already scammed.  Regardless what Ralphs defender like Casey Jones can write, in the eyes of lawenforcment thru out Northern California he is a criminal and they are working had to make sure he does not hurt any more good people. This church and god BS will not fly.
I will refrain from saying any more, since the matter against Ralph Sanders is with lawenforcment and the lawyers.
I would make sure the people youve have join up with Ralph to harassed know of you and unwarranted your comments. I hope their lawyers will subpoena you to testify on behalf of the conman This will be the show of they year, a woman claiming to be working against con man is now aiding and abetting a mast con artist.
Let me guess, you consider your self to be a godly woman as well.
Holy Cow what is this world coming too? I must search and find this Jeffery Belle and hear what he has to say about you. 

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
Half Time Hustler/ Ralph Sanders- Proof that my neighbor George S. Francis is the real SCAM

#163REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, December 10, 2012

This is God's way of showing all readers of this sight that hate that is put out by someone will always be brought to the light. My neighbor George S. Francis has tried his best to slander my well being, my family, and my success and will continue to do so. Not only has he made it obvious that he is posting under false names and identities making racial comments but he has taken as far as contacting outside sources to sabotage me. I have included some information for anyone that reads and contributes in this sight to see the real truth behind this gossiping. This woman is a well recognized for her involvement in scandals and con artists and has written two books and owns a website on this subject and has taken the time to investigate these false accusations about me and this is what she has discovered after being contacted by George.WOW!! After obtaining this information I know that everyone can plainly see that this man is a fraud and I will no longer contribute or involve myself with these false pretenses. Every dog has its day and returns to its vomit Matthews 5:7. 

On approximately November 29, 2012, a gentleman named Carlos called me about Mr. Ralph Sanders.  Carlos has been in contact with me for over a year, concerning "Dr." Jeffery Belle, a convicted felon and con artist.  I am the founder of a website which helps victims of psychopaths.

During the time I have known (via phone and e-mails) Carlos, he has refused to give me his last name and his phone number is always "blocked", except for one time when his number showed up as #916-941-9016.  When I pulled up this exact number on Google, I found an ad for renting out a room in Serrano or El Dorado Hills, CA for a Concetta "Chetta" Manzano dating back to 2007.

After numerous discussions with Ralph, we determined that "Chetta" is really George S. France's wife and that George MAY actually be "Carlos".  At first, Carlos implied that Mr. Sanders might be a victim of "Dr." Belle and I was deeply concerned about this possibility.  So I sent Mr. Sanders an e-mail stating my concern.  But during a recent phone call from Carlos, he asked me to "GO AFTER" Mr. Sanders, which meant that I should try to find all negative or incriminating evidence against him.  When I refused and stated to Carlos that I found nothing about Mr. Sanders which was false....in fact, I found evidence that
Mr. Sanders was truly a blessing to juveniles and our society.  Carlos yelled at me and hung up the phone.  I have had no further contact with Carlos, except to state that when he found his testicles, then he may
contact me again.

with kind regards,  Casey
 Casey Jones, author of the book "And the Angel Rocked Me"
Founder of www.WAC-M.com
Women Against Con Men

The Room I have:

- Location: El Dorado Hills, CA

- Date Available: 08/01/2007

- Monthly Rental: $700

- Floor Level: 2nd Floor

- Contract: 1 Year

- Deposit: $400

- Private Bathroom: 1.5

- Kitchen: Yes

- Furnished: Yes

- Flooring: Carpet

- Room Size: 400 - 500 Sq. Ft.

- Room Condition: New

- Total Bedrooms In The House: 1

- Utilities Included: Gas, Heat, Hot Water, Electric

My preferred roommate:

- Gender: doesn't matter

- Age: doesn't matter

- Ethnicity: doesn't matter

- Smoke: No

- Drink: doesn't matter

- Quiet: Yes

- Pet: No

- Occupation: doesn't matter

- Usually Get Up At: doesn't matter

- Usually Sleep At: doesn't matter

- Hobbies: Doeson"t matter

Modified: 07/27/2007 18:27:13

  Additional Note:

The home is loacted in beautifull gated community of Serrano.. with golf course, close to movies, shops, and many other extras. PHone: (916-941-9016 or 916-941-6147

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
Halftime hustler/ Ralph Sanders

#164REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 09, 2012

You are trying your hardest to attack me and you are deeply a racist person I can see in your heart and you will be face to face with me soon! You have twisted my Mail to make up stuff to look like I'm having sex with girls at the Gym and now a mail that say nothing at all.... You should of lied a little more in it! And for your info CDC is not allowed to post things or go into my past on me doing time because it's called Dischared from CDC. George S.Frances you have no clue and I will be posting something very important for you to sleep on soon ... I'm working on it after church today. I'm only doing this so people and you will see why you are doing this twisting false lies of your evil and hate. Ps. First I thought I was a criminal ... Now you got off that and starts saying I'm a cheater and tryin to hav sex with girls at the Gym and a girl in a E-Mail and now going into the 1980 and so on what are you trying to prove and yes this is a form of stocking and you will get something in the mail for Christmas!

A Saint can only take so much of the devil!


Beth W

Vacaville, CA,
United States of America
This man will never stop lying

#165REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 09, 2012

This man will never stop lying as he pretends to be a holy man. He is a married man leaving with his wife Loren in a rental house in the foot hills. She supports his parasitic life style while he cheats on her. Why are some women so nave is beyond comprehension?
This man sends my girl friend numerous e-mails trying to hook-up for sex.
Read one of his insincere e-mails below. There are a host of other e-mails to other women which I will post later.
 { Subject: Ralph Sanders

> From: [email protected]

> Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 05:59:29 -0800

> To: >

> Hello,

> had a great book signing and lots of people there for sure! I am headed out to the Bay today at 11:00 and I would love to get you a book and meet with you tomorrow and I have brought 50 of them yesterday... They are only 25.00$ and we could meet up and talk and plan for the ext great Book signing on the 29 of December I have down town. Hope to see you soon been thinking of you all night, if you know what I mean lol. I'm up early because I could not sleep. Might go and get coffee at Peet's or something.... Take care I miss you so much!

> (916) 367-3974 cell


> Me,

> HalfTime!

> Sent from my iPhone}
My brother is a retired correction officer, and he was able to get Ralphs CDC prison records which is very disturbing and open a new can of worms as to why is this man being allowed to work with kids?
I will be posting some of his CDC records and let you guys be the judge on this guys character.
PS: Ralph rewind back to the late 80s, remember the young lady you forced your self on and get her pregnant, well she was our dear little sister!!

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
Halftime Hustler/Ralph sanders

#166REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 09, 2012








United States of America
Money Money Money!!!

#167Author of original report

Sun, December 09, 2012

This piece of feces burned so many people; he cant even figure who is after him. As usual he picks and prey on those he deemed to be weak. I hope those he continues to attack sue his scamming a*s and make him pay for the rest of his life.

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
HalfTime Hustler/Ralph sanders

#168REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 08, 2012

George S.Frances "Carlos"

I am getting just like Stewart and I understand his point. The Devil can really push a human being from staying humbled and keeping his or her integrity! I'm sure you read as a kid and some time in your life how the Bible talks on "Job" and his attacks from Satan! Job Chapter 1:6 " Now there was a day when the sons of Gid came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. V. 7 the Lord said to Satan, from where do you come?

Satan is more than just a prosecutor! He opposes the will of God (Yahweh)! Satan was the lie from the biggening and still lies and twister all things to a lie for others to fall prey for his own con. It's sad because he ( Satan) will never change and come to God for repentance. The Good thing is that you can change George! Your slandering is so twisted from the Garden of Eve too today at Roseville gym. Let me say this with true "Character". You are right I was at the Gym and working out and always do work out and stay fit in shape. Yes ..... It's a small world and the more Satan opens his slander the more God showes me Favor. It's the two girls that there mother or Aunt stay righ (across the street from you) . Those two girls and one guy walked up to me and said "Hey.... Really nicely.... Are you the guy that stay strode the street from my Aunt"? I was a little confused at first because she did look "Familiar" and she starts saying across the street from George..... OMG! I said ok.... Now I remember and yes your Aunt is very nice and she helped me one day With 20 bucks and I gave it back to her. I told those girls and her Boyfriend not to tell George I was talking with them because myself and George are fighting right now and please do not say my name at all for any conversation. Well.... This is why because Satan the sleeping Giant will awake! George why are you allowing the people across the street from you to be involed in your sickness? You need to get help man and I'm starting to feel that you won't stop until action have been taken to stop you! We have spent are Christmas savings to make sure you will stop this slander and lies. You still play all the roles in people to fool open minded people who look at the site!

2 Corinthians 11:15 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light!

Job 4:8 "Those who plow slander and trouble with lies and deceit of iniquity and sow trouble Will "REAP" the same trouble" I see that you are doing whatever you can to try and stop my book sales and my Job with youth. And false statements twisting the truth to your sick slandering. I don't have a heart to slander and lie about you George but, it's very easy to let all people know on this site who you are and that you started this sick twisted site under a false name and push the numbers to build a false image of who I am today in my life! [ I have meet a person that know you very well And I will be posting the letter you sent me last week to my address to show readers you are the Attacker and the worker of Satan.

John 8:44 "The god of this world" is Satan .... The small "g" George! V.44 say..."you your father the devil, and the desire of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and dose not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him! When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it."

Sinners desire to do what is evil. Only a supernatural act of grace can redirect a person's will to do right and a desire to do good to others. Mabe George you need prison to wake you up like it did me!? I am harmless and have a harmless life. It's easy to be happy and successful in Jesus.

I will be posting some info for you Stewart .... That wJay George will hav to answer to all his lies he won't be able to back up. By the way my book is doin great and God is allowin me to speak everyplace for his will and grace.

This site dose not fear me or move me to be full of anger. George you are one of my biggist fans and wish you could be a Author of a book of your life. I have all the E-Mails and the other things to post on this site really soon ... When I find the time because I'm going to enjoy my day it's the season to be thankful!

I forgive you of your slander and anytime you want to pray walk down to my house and we can pray together for whatever is making you feel this pain and suffering to do this.

" Halftime Hustler"


United States of America
There are Questions than Answers

#169Author of original report

Sat, December 08, 2012

Stewart your comments Back Off!  This is the only time I'm going to tell you sounds like intimidation, extortion, and threats to victims and potential witnesses in an on-going investigation. Are you going to try and intimate my 67 year old aunt a person your Ralph tried to con out of her money too?
By the way my aunt and my uncle are locked in a legal battle with a corrupt mortgage company and have stop paying on their mortgage like many Americans have a right to do. Are you going to publish their names and home address signifying they are behind on the mortgage payments too?
Since you have opened the door for questions, please tell this forum how long ago did your infallible Ralph found religion? By all accounts from numerous victims, as recent as three weeks ago, Ralph was attempting to have sex with two women he meets at 24 hour fitness in Roseville. During this same period he attempted to scam my aunt and others out of their hard earned money.
Go ahead and keep on attacking victims of this con man, It would not surprise me to lean at some point that you could very well be a crew member on Ralphs ship of deception. 


Nova Scotia,
United States of America
Stewart would you by any chance related to the idiot Donald Trump

#170REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, December 07, 2012

Stewart would you by any chance related to the idiot Donald Trump the leading proponent of the theory that President Obama either was not US citizen or may not have been born in the U.S? Ignorant people like you who never took the time to read and under the history of the United States colonies and territories always consider your selves to be superior to any one with an accent.

I am sitting up here in Canada laughing at you and your con man for under estimating the intelligence and capabilities of your chosen enemies. Are you aware you may have awakened a sleeping Giant?


New york,
New York,
Stewart is laughable

#171REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, December 07, 2012

What can never be disputed in this discussion is at some point competent law enforcement investigators will conduct an objective investigation into Ralphs alleged criminal conduct; particularly in the neighbor hood were he lives. They will knock on all doors, and leave no stone unturned due to Ralphs extensive criminal history.
Knowing how a large number of residents and people thru-out the region despises this man, the Stewarts and others trying cover up for him will indeed become laughable!

Beth W

Vacaville, CA,
United States of America
One thing that is prevalent on this blog

#172Consumer Comment

Fri, December 07, 2012

One thing that is prevalent on this blog is the on-going intimidation and threats of law suits against people excising their rights to free speech in exposing the ever day deceptive conduct of a known career criminal. Ralph Sanders and his cohorts in their haste to cover-up all his dirty deeds, scams and disrespect to people they know nothing about will go to great lengths to create the perfect illusion in hopes the truth will remain hidden from the public.
Reading the credible comment posted by the Jillian from Roseville on Dec.3, 2012, demonstrates and confirms Ralphs ongoing Modus Oprendi (M.O) and what many of his victims are too timid or embarrassed to reveal.
In all fairness to Ralph, he is neither the first nor the last person to be incarcerated for making stupid mistakes at an early age in life. We as responsible citizens owe all the Ralphs a helping hand in becoming productive citizens after their release from confinement. However, it is equally important for Ralph to demonstrate to society he has taken charge of his moral and ethical conduct and not slipping into the abyss of criminal activity.
Apparently Ralph has ignore the generosity and all helping hands extended to him by many and opt to follow the same old negative path he is accustomed too, which is lying, cheating, and plundering those he judge to be weak, and less street savvy.
More disturbingly Ralph and his supporter Stewart, which has been identify thru covert electronic means recklessly attack innocent folks they consider to be feeble and unable to fight back. It should noted, no where on this blog did the victims Ralph has illegally publish their names and home address have posted any rebuttal to his accusations. Meaning, there is not one Iota of physical or electronic evidence any where on this blog or residing on Ripoff Report servers to prove the innocent people you have deliberately attack did infact published any derogatory comments about you.
Looking at the flip side of this equation, Ralph and this Stewart have left a trail of evidence by posting their actual names, geographical location and most importantly their electronic signatures on Ripoff Report servers.
I encourage the person or persons, Ralph Sanders and his not so undercover supporters have attempt to intimidate and violated their privacy by posting their names and home address on this blog without probable cause to file a complaint with your local police or sheriffs office against Ralph for harassing, intimidation, and threats. Secondly hire a civil lawyer and file a law suit against this criminal. We know Ralph does not own a pot to piss in, but I was told his wife works for the school district with a good salary which can be subject to wage garnishment.
In the next two rebuttals or fames on this blog I will post why most legal minds seem to favor the foregoing Ralphs victims legal argument in a court of law against him and his supporters for violating their privacy! Ralph you and this shameless Steward have proven your ignorance considering yourselves to be superior to those not born on American soil. Steward would you like the phone number for US immigration to call and have a US citizen deported? Is that same tactic you and Ralph used for not to paying the Mexican gardeners, the baby sitters etc? You idiots are a small potatoes and biggest joke I have encountered in a long time.
You should have taken time to read Why Ripoff Report will not release author information at the foot notes of this blog.  Mr. Hustler no one is asking for your prayers, you might consider praying for your self, you are going to need a lot of that in coming weeks and months!!


El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
I had intented to let this go..

#173Consumer Comment

Fri, December 07, 2012

However, George likes to continue to attack me...and is starting to piss me off.  BAD KARMA is not the b***h, George, it's you who is the B****!  You illiterate ignoramus.  Do you not have anything better to do in your pathetic life?  Pretending to be different people, as if it is even believable.  Apparently, you do have one person on your side.  Unfortunately, that individual thinks the rest of the world is stupid and that idle threats are going to have some tangible value.  Nothing out of your mouth has led me to believe that any crime has been committed.  Here is a guy opening up about his past.  If he chooses to write about his life and how it has evolved over the years...AND people want to read about it, then who are you to stand in his way?  I see Mr. Sanders as a guy who is doing something constructive with his life.  Maybe you need to be doing the same because, from the sound of it, you have your own problems.  By the way, when was the last time someone checked your documents.  Do you know, if you become enough of a menace to society, you could be deported back to your home country?  Poor Chetta.  Yeah, I did some of my own research on you and your home address.  Here is some friendly advice...Back Off!  This is the only time I'm going to tell you!!

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
Halftime Hustler/Ralph sanders

#174REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, December 06, 2012

Matthews chapter 7: 1-23 all readers read about who Jesus say who George S.Frances is. Right "Carlos"!!! We know who you are and keep up the slandering of Ralph Sanders. We are praying for you man. I am starting to feel sorry for you and your anger and unsaved hear brother.

May the Lord bless your calling soon because it seems you are unhappy with your life.



United States of America
How Criminals Profit from their crimes

#175Consumer Comment

Thu, December 06, 2012

We always hear that "criminals are not allowed to profit from their crimes." How do the authorities make sure this doesn't happen? If a criminal writes a book about his crimes, who gets the money? What if he sells his personal items, which may have increased in value due to his notoriety? What if he writes a book, does a TV appearance, or is interviewed for a newspaper or magazine story many years after he is released from prison? And what about Ralph Sanders? Since he was convicted of several crimes, could he keep the profits from his make believe The Half Time Hustler book of shame?
More importantly it is the unequivocal intention of the people of the State of California that all persons who suffer losses as a result of criminal activity shall have the right to restitution from the person convicted of the crime for losses they suffered.
Restitution shall be ordered from the convicted person in every case in which a crime victim suffers a loss regardless of the sentence or disposition imposed, unless compelling and extraordinary reasons exist to the contrary. I encourage all the victims of Ralph Sanders scams to contact the

California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Office of Victim & Survivor Rights & Services
P.O. Box 942883
Sacramento, CA 94283-0001

And report his unlawful activity to profit from his past and continue crimes.  


2855 Club Drive,
United States of America
A Ex Con hide behind God to fool his victims and the law

#176REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 04, 2012

Ralph Sanders, aka Sean Sanders, Sean Black Jr.is trying to hide behind God to fool his victims and the law. What Mr. Sanders fail to realize is that the world is not big enough to hide behind and try to fool God. I am no religious fanatic and dont profess to be a snake oil sales man as the subject con man.
To all the Ralphs flunkies attempting to hoodwink the public into believing Ralph is a change man please stops insulting our intelligence. People are not as stupid as the Robbie and Stewart might think we are.
Ralphs scams of preaching god words and hiding behind underprivileged kids is nothing new, Two years ago or more, while Ralph was taking advantage of poor Mexican gardeners forcing them to work in his back yard without pay, and others he scammed out of money and services provided, Ralph also professes to be a godly and church going man too, while utilizing the poor and disadvantage kids as part of his cover to unleash even more scams on gullible people.
No one in this forum has attack Ralph Sanders as his flunkies claimed. Ralph in his criminal ways and thinking created this condition by himself. Every citizen who felt they are victims of a scam perpetrated on them by this ex convicted career criminal and con artist is entitled to exercise their rights to free speech protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions and state and federal laws, without fear of reprisals by this bully.
The last time I check, BAD KARMA is a b***h!


United States of America
The Truth about Ralph Sanders

#177General Comment

Tue, December 04, 2012

I have read the hateful comments attacking Mr. Ralph Sanders.  Although, I have only known Ralph for a short time, I have personally been extremely impressed with a man who is so willing to talk and write about his criminal past.  And more importantly, his present relationship with Christ and how God has turned his life around for the better.

God often uses our greatest 'test' to become our greatest 'testimony' for Him.  We are even told in scripture that sometimes God allows us to sin, so that we will find our way back to Him.

Here are just a few of the facts concerning Mr. Sanders:
1. Ralph honestly admits his mistakes
2. He went 'public' with a book chronicling each and every crime and his time in prison
3. He has never hidden anything from his past
4. He is now a Youth Minister and spends his life helping juveniles at risk

And for all the above facts, Ralph is now being attacked. I would like to ask the people attacking him one question...."Just what are you doing that is of benefit to society, except for waste your time and energy spewing forth hatred?" 

The people attacking Mr. Sanders need our prayers, forgiveness and pity.
blessings, Robbie

Report Attachments

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America

#178General Comment

Tue, December 04, 2012

Ralph is a honest and good man that changed his life around. You guys need to make up and not fight. I am your next door Between man. You guys know who I am and stop acting like kids and enjoy your Christmas Holidays


Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
HalfTime hustler/Ralph sanders

#179REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, December 04, 2012


I have to say this person really have it out for me and my success! Wow!! How come you are so full of rage and hate over nothing? You made this site and have the readers think its a woman name Healen out of La. The more you right the more you will find yourself answering to the reason you are doing this. ( we both know why you are) it's like the Devil attacking Job in the Bible or Jacob and Esau something you won't understand because you are the man with a hurting bitter heart! This site has became more of a "HOAX" and far away from telling the truth and accurate. (1) first we all know this is the same person writing all the time. (2) you said my book was a scan and not real when you first started this site! (3) now you realize it's real and for sale and starting to say its lies and to high to sell! I think I will post a couple of pictures to show my critics of one of my boLsok signings ext week in La! Don't forget my friend that (Drama sell books) you have really helped me make a lot of sales on this site. Thank you for your help. It's funny because .....(4) you had the IRS call my job and they talk with my owner and he told them I work for him as a funraiser and I talk with them as well.. You are a funny guy and need help man! How come you spend so much time trying to stop my income and my book about my past and destroy my image? That will never happen and when God is on your side it's dander to mess with his children my friend. (5) everything you said is all from my book and Vedio you saw and who knows what's next.... I think you will order my book and start saying things out of that because your heart is so far from being saved and repented that who knows what you will do and say "NEXT"! You really contradict yourself with false statements making speculations and saying I had moved in my home in the Foot Hills and set up a scam claiming to work for youth and having a book out! ( well what do you say about this and the false statements?) now you are wondering how much honest cash I'm making over my book and ..... Yes lots of people are loving my book and come to think of it I will start having the readers of my books respond to your make up Ripoff Site of lies. You will meet me in person sooner than you think. And just keep up the goOe od work and your con you are blowing the more you speak out of your mouth! Anyone that have a little faith in God will see righ through you and all the people you play on this site Sir! May God find you under a FIG TREE waiting to come to Jesus and change your wicked ways. We forgive you and your ignorance on my Job, Book, Success, faith, and most of all, slander of person! It takes a changed man to no respond in a negative way with anger to say peaceful things after so much drama you have put on line for the world to read. Be wise and turn to Jesus he is so sweet and loving and kind and forgiving.

I had a full day of work and a huge book signing coming up. Marry Christmas and happy Holidays ... Let it go and enjoy your Holidays ..... Ps I am not running for Governor or Prsident Aboma! Remember he already won!!

HalfTime hustler.


2855 Club Drive,
United States of America
In The sick minds of sociopaths like Ralph, their victims are always liars

#180REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 03, 2012

This is the problem with sociopaths like Ralph, their victims are always liars. This man professes to be a Christian pontificating god words in all his comments but yet continue to lie.
His finger prints recently obtain thru covert means reveal this person has an extensive criminal history in Southern California even prior to the 1991 arrests and conviction for fraud while attending Foot Hill College.
While the average sale price for best seller books authored by celebrities, and other important figures averages from $9.99 to $19.99 on the book market, this sick and conning individual thinks people are so stupid that they will spend $25.52 of their hard earned money for a pile of garbage.
It is very important to note Outskirts Press published Ralph's book of lies, their most expensive package is $1099, which includes editors, cover, ISBN, etc.  For such a cheap price may we should all pass the hat around and publish the true facts about this criminal.

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
Ralph sanders/ Halftime hustler

#181REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, December 03, 2012

First of all,

It seems every time I get a response to this site ( it tells me on my phone and I start to read it) I am really starting to get a kick out of this site and see all the jealous people that wish they could come forward and talk about there past and ( put it in a book from something that I have out on line for the works to read and see) lets not forget that I am the one who wrote the book and the truth is in it.... All you have to do is buy it and read The truth and you will learn something you need to know) Second if all, whoever you are saying half the truth about me and the only reason you know some things about me is because all you have to do is read my Website and watch my vedios!

Your statements along about my child, Wife, divorce, cash flow,borrowing, or whatever .... I OWE YOU NOTHING! Even "even if I did know you and ask you for help". So why don't you stop judging people and hating on my success and letting this website RIPPOFF SITE take you the wrong way. There is one man doing all this and if you read the site carefully and read my book you will get the clue. I have to work and have no time for a busy body and all of the site under my name is being investigated for law suite ... So if I have done nothing wrong to you or whoever [ taking, stealing, robbing or anything to get out of you in a manner of false information] Go and get a life and get your head out of this site!

Don't you have better things to do than slander a person that is now successful and doing the righ thing? Yes this country is full of hate and try to down a person over something that happen in 1991 when I was in college. I wrote about it in my book and yes I have taken from others back then and it happen on campus and I was young and stupid and thought is was the thing to do! So all I have to say is that I will pray for your success Jillian and see that you find Jesus and stay a way from the Gossip and hate and pray for my success to continue to progress. For the record... It's not Tax Evation!! It's forgery by the way. Look at my website and order the book whoever you say you are. God bless and may you find peace!

HalfTime/ Ralph Sanders


United States of America
My experience with Ralph

#182General Comment

Mon, December 03, 2012

I met Ralph at California Family Fitness about three months ago.  He said he was divorced and asked if I wanted to get together for coffee.  He called a couple nights later at 10:00 PM and said that he had been thinking about me and couldn't get me off his mind.  He asked if I wanted to get together at his place or mine.  I said that I couldn't because I was ready for bed.  

Five minutes later he called again and repeated, "I've been thinking about you and just cannot get you off my mind.  How about we get together at your place or mine."  I replied, "Do you realize that you just called me five minutes ago.  He said, "Oh - I've been calling so many numbers that I forgot who I already called. After I recommended that he was wasting his time calling me since I am not interested in one night stands, he asked if we could get together for coffee the next day.

I was not surprised when he did not show at the agreed upon time.  However, when he called and asked me to go for coffee a couple of days later, I agreed after he stated that he didn't remember asking me before and that he was sorry.  I was curious how this very fit, good-looking, well-dressed, articulate man who paraded his faith, book, web-site, and charitable deeds could act in such unreliable ways. 

When I met him the next day, He was very amorous and really did not want to talk. He did tell me that his mother was an interior designer and his father had a PhD in clinical psychology and was an officer in the military. (His web site stated that his mother was a single mom and that he didn't know who his father was.) He also said that he went to jail for tax evasion.  (The news papers on his web site reported that he he went to jail for conning students at Stanford into trusting him, and then robbing them - as well as other crimes - as fraud.)

The last time I talked with him he asked if I would go with him to buy his daughter a new bedroom set and co-sign the loan.  He told me a long story about how he gave away his daughter's outgrown crib to neighbors - and - because he had gotten divorced, he had had to sell his BMW and take a loss - so he was short of money at the moment.  I told him, "No."

I realized that Ralph had never really stopped conning people -  it's just that he used God and Jesus as his newer con.

I was very glad that I was not conned by Ralph, and I am glad that all you on this site have written your own personal experiences so that others might not be cheated.  However, what I learned has made me VERY SAD for the millions of Ralphs in this country who have not been give equal opportunities to grow up in loving homes with good nutrition and educational opportunities so that they might also live the American Dream - in an honest, moral, and ethical way. 

There are too many multi-millionaires, billionaires, and politicians who con the American people every day.  They take people's homes, their jobs, and their pensions and leave whole cities bankrupt and the country in debt.  They have outsourced American jobs and stashed their billions in the Caymon Islands and Swiss bank accounts. They have stolen people's opportunities to live the American dream.  And, their cons are legal - because they make the laws. This does not justify what Ralph has done - however, if he had been given equal opportunities in this country - his gifts might have fully flowered into the human being he was meant to be. 


2855 Club Drive,
United States of America
Ralph your days as free man are numbered !!!

#183REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 27, 2012

The way I see it, Ralph continues attacking people he considers easy prey to intimidate and push over.
In this depressed housing market with crooked banks trying to scam home owners, there are lots of folks who intentionally stop paying their mortgages due to fraudulent activity perpetrated on them during refinancing or questionable loan modifications.
To publish innocent peoples home address on this blog and alleging they have not paid their mortgage for 12 months validates how low of a scam bag Ralph is. Your attempt distraction will not stop us from pursing a criminal and a scam artist like you.
One thing you can bet on for sure Mr. Ralph Sanders is the unprovoked people you attacked will be in their homes long after you leave the neighborhood at the back of a police car in hand cuffs.
Your days as free man are numbered Ralph!


El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
I Don't Need To Be An "Intellectual"

#184Consumer Comment

Tue, November 20, 2012

....Let me repeat the title:  "I don't need to be an intellectual."  I only need to prove intelligence beyond a reasonable doubt, which is something you have, yet, to do.  Even after I tell you how easily identifiable you are, you still try to submit entries under different names.  That has nothing to do with a "second language;" that is just plain stupidity.  Your entry from "Nan" was fabricated.  Russian people don't speak that way.  If words are going to be switched around, each foreign nationality speaks the English language similar to the way they speak in their respective native country.  But....when you translate it through Google Translator, it does show incorrectly, and with exactness.  So, what other methods will you try to leverage to suppress a man's right to do something positive.

You are a broken record.  You repeat the same thing, over and over (and under different names).  Be careful when casting stones in glass houses.  I'm sure you have plenty of skeletons in your own closet than to be passing judgment on someone else.

Apparently, you have some built up anger that could be (or have been) handled in a more productive manner.  The more you say (and the tactics you use) are diminishing any credibility you started with.  But once you started attacking me, someone who was trying to steer this in a more positive direction, you really began to show your true worth.  'Wannabe Intellectual?'...HAHAHA...You probably call anyone who shows a sign of intelligence, an Intellectual.  But like I said, I don't need to be an Intellectual.  I only need to be smarter than you...And I have already proven that.

So...what else do you have?  Since your 'cause' is becoming stale.  Tell me, were you the original "Leonard," too?  The more you write, the more "Hate" I see extending from your character.


2855 Club Drive,
United States of America
Facts or Fiction

#185REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, November 18, 2012

Let us take a look at the comments in this forum that juxtaposes facts about this individual in such a way as to illuminate beliefs the individual would deny. Concerns about facts verses fiction are paramount and must be examine as follows:
(1)   Did Ralph Sanders served time in prison after been convicted for a number of felonies to include financial crimes? Answer is yes!

(2)   Did Ralph Sanders re-offend and was re-arrested for similar and additional crimes after his release from prison? Answer is yes! 

(3)   During his two tours of duty with California Department of Corrections at San Quentin and Corcoran State Prison why was he housed in Secure Housing Unit (SHU)? You do the math on that one!

(4)   Was Ralph Sanders re-arrested in Sacramento in 2005 convicted in Sacramento Superior Court case numbers 95M07479 on June 16, 2006 for two counts of the California Penal Code Sec. PC 496(A) Possession of known stolen property over $400 and V C Section 10851 Thefts and Unlawful Taking or Driving of a Vehicle? Answer is yes!

(5)   Did Ralph Sanders misrepresent him self as a member of the Sacramento Kings basket ball team and sometimes say his on contract with an Argentinean basket ball team?  Ask any who knows him at 24 hour fitness in Roseville, local grocery stores, restaurants, churches, and almost every one living thru-out the Sacramento area that have come in contact with him, and they will say yes!

(6)   Did Ralph Sanders authored-write/published/distribute, promote and retail his make believe book of lies and attempt a book signing at Mexquite Mexican Restaurant in Folsom which end-up being a flop? The answer is yes!

(7)    Does Ralph Sanders have a history of name dropping of law enforcement personnel as his reference and friends when he is attempting to intimate and harassed his victims? The answer is yes!

(8)   Please read a copy of one of his e-mails to my sister he tried to pick-up at 24 hour fitness in Roseville. His e-mail routing , IP and MAC address is being withheld for now:
{ Ralph Sanders" [email protected]
Friday, October 12, 2012 6:10 PM
I have very close cop friends and your mail is being traced and we will find out who this is and where this is coming from! I have a family and called the cops already and made a report and a (your E-mail stated that "your kind is not wanted around Serrano) me and my wife find this very much a threat and needed to report your mail to the police... Even the captain of the Sacramento police department! Jim Cooper commander security division. Yes he is black and you and your comment on your your kind is a slander of prejudice" and watch your self bud! I believe you saw my Vedio on line on my Book and use it to show your colors and yes I work with youth and know a lot of cops and on the phone right now showing my next door cop friend your mail and we already called Jim Cooper captain! 
Mr. Sanders
Sent from my iPhone}
While the WANNABE intellectual Stewart is calling people ignorant and that they need get educated, one should pay close attention to Ralph Sanders an American born who cant even master his own native language of English comprehension. Read Ralphs comments and tell me who really needs to go to school.

We might not write perfect English, since its our second language but rests assure we will not be bullied or intimidated by an ex-con to keep quite about his transgression against my aunt and all the other people he has taken advantage off.
In Summary while Ralph is trying to hoodwink people in believing his so-called book is on sale at Amazon, Author Central a company which obtains sales data from Nielsen BookScan, together with giants like Create Space and the Expand Distribution Channel show zero sales on the Half Time Hustlers volume of lies.
Ralph I will for sure call the innocent people you have continue to harassed by posting their names and addresses on this blog and let them know what youre just done. Indeed youre fool to mess with these people!!


New York,
United States of America
My Sister

#186REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, November 18, 2012

 ?? ?????, ??? ?? ??????? ??????? ? ????????? ????????, ?????????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ???????????? ??
We know that you are a married man with a baby, please keep my sister to stop chasing her

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
HalfTime Hustler

#187REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 18, 2012


Thank you very much for your honesty my friend with your response! I have approached George S. Frances two days ago and he went off on me trying to make me think he is not the one but, knows everything on the site and yelling at me and saying I will need a lot of Attorneys to get myself out of trouble. It's really funny because ( George S.Frances is 12 months behind his house payment and it's public records to find out. Just look and google the address and find out yourself. I remember he said he was a respectful HOME OWNER here in Serrano over 10 years and now his house is so far behind monthly payments he will have to get out soon. Why is that George? Let's not forget the drunk lady across the street was always going to jail and getting herself into trouble and you brought up her name and house on this site and it's none of my issue what she had with me because of my SKIN. George everyone can't be tall smart nice , loving, caring, forgiving and gental as HalfTime Ralph Sanders! I am so blessed the devil can't touch me and this site is a huge sale for my book so keep it up and going wild. Order the book because it's a great story. Stop your slander on your Street on people like the lady across the street and how she never liked me and all your hate. She haven't lived here in two years and you are funny with this site that it's starting to make me laugh. How come you can't pay your bills Mr. France's . Not Mr.Stewart!

Please tell us why you are full of anger and bitterness? We can pray for your hurt and pain over losing your home. Your wife is a nice person and I can't believe she is allowing you to make up a site like this and run with it. Or mabe she is frighten of you and feel like you might hit her. You never come out side or your wife at any time and I was shocked to see you standing in front of your Garage watching a other person make a sale on a car. How come you can't mind your own buisness and just continue to stay inside? That's why when I drove to you and you started yelling at me trying to turn the tables around saying why did I POST your address on line! Yup, we now know its you Mr.Frances and most of the site is you and it's sad you can't be a man and stand on your own feet and come out of the bushes and be honest why you really don't like me. I had a great opening on my first book signing last week and sold a lot of copy's and you better get one befor they sale out buddy. God bless you and I will pray that you and your wife find a way to keep your home. Sorry to hear and see what you guys are going through. You Are forgiven for your slander and I have to say everything in the dark will soon come to the light. God bless your spirit to turn from hate and humble yourself in the Lord.


El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
It's like peeling back the onion, one message at a time!

#188Consumer Comment

Sat, November 17, 2012

Well, either you've taken a couple of writing classes since your last post, or someone else is writing the rebuttals now.  At least something is progressing in a positive way.  It's very frustrating to read bad writing from someone portraying themselves to be scholarly.  Of course, if all of those responses are from members of the same family (pretending to be different people), then all of you need to go back to school.  And don't do it in El Dorado Hills because you are wasting the teaching resources that can be utilized by other students who want to learn.

This whole thread is entertaining, at best.  I don't know how anyone could actually read all of the entries and get any value from them.  You've turned a consumer site into a three ring circus because of your personal vendetta against an individual; not against his book (which is on Amazon by the way), but against him.

And I think it's particularly funny that you reference IP Addresses and MAC addresses as a viable source to obtain individual information of people posting on this site.  While that is true, there isn't a magic button to give you that information right away.  It would take days to track down the information from sources who have the authority to track such information.  It also comes with an expense.  Unless there is some high profile criminal case, no one is going to expend the money or resources.  Stop acting like you know something about network infrastructure.  Trying to talk like a "big man" from some third party information you heard one day.  The truth is, your post shows you are ignorant and have no clue.  And, you apparently don't read well, either.  Otherwise, you wouldn't be making incorrect assumptions...The part that made you look like an A$$.  And just so you know, that same IP/MAC address information can be tracked to public computers, too, even from people who are not in authority positions.  But I'm sure you already knew that....  ;)

Secondly, think about this....Even if there was a small thread of hope for you to bring about a lawsuit for slander, a counter suit could be filed against you (which is a legal right to do).  Based on this thread, there's more chance the charges on you would stick, since you were the instigator with the personal attacks.  You initiated this whole thing.  What do you have really?  A bunch of hearsay and personal opinions.

You are way out of your league to be touting some of the things you are pretending to be knowledgeable about.  It's clear that your education and your experience do not support your cause and contribute very little to what you have to say.

Mike &amp; Cathy Jenkins

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
Correction To WANNABE intellectual Stewart is a Joker

#189REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 17, 2012

Just like a street address determines the recipient of a letter, an IP address (short for Internet Protocol address) is used to identify computers and other devices used to connect to Internet, IP addresses is usually assigned geographically, meaning that there is often a correlation between an IP address and a real-world location. More importantly Media Access Control addresses (MAC address is every bit as important as an IP address. Any one posting on comments on any website no matter where they are located is giving away their IP and MAC addresses.
Using subpoena powers, I would hope the innocent victims their names and home address appears on this blog, should seek out the true identity of all the folks which have posted factual comments about this con man and legally hold his feet to the fire.
Of course getting such information can take some time, but remember the statute of limitations in California to purse litigation for slander, defamation, harassment, and cyber stalking ranges from one two years from the date of the actual event.
To sum it up, this WANNABE intellectual Stewart joker appears to be the same woman most folks think is in denial her husband is a con artist and cheats on her in night clubs around Sacramento. Maybe she is just part of the elaborate scam to free load on restaurants and gullible people.  Oh by the way next time you walk into any restaurant to eat, make sure you have money, most eateries are getting tired of the same old line Oh I forget my wallet at home.
Here is a reminder Ralph, the lady who used to live in the single story house right across from your rental house on Arenzano, remember how much you intimidate and harassed her?   Did you know she had nieces and nephews? Well Mr. Fake Sacramento Kings we are not afraid of your BS!

Mike &amp; Cathy Jenkins

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
This WANNABE intellectual Stewart is a Joker

#190REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 17, 2012

Just like a street address determines the recipient of a letter, an IP address (short for Internet Protocol address) is used to identify computers and other devices used to connect to Internet, IP addresses is usually assigned geographically, meaning that there is often a correlation between an IP address and a real-world location. More importantly Media Access Control addresses (MAC address is every bit as important as an IP address.

Any one posting on this website no matter where they are located is giving away their IP and MAC addresses.

Using subpoena powers, I would hope the innocent victims this sociopath has posted their names and home address in his comments seeks the true identity of all those who have posted factual comments about this con man and legally hold his foot to the fire.

Of course getting such information can take some time, but remember the statute of limitations in California to purse litigation for slander, defamation, harassment, and cyber stalking ranges from one two years from the date of the actual event.
In Sum, this WANNABE intellectual Stewart joker appears to be the same woman most folks think is in denial her husband is con artist and cheats on her in night clubs around Sacramento. Maybe she is just part of the scam to free load on restaurants and gullible people.

Oh by the way next time you walk into any restaurant to eat, make sure you have money, most eateries are getting tired of the same old line Oh I forget my wallet at home.


United States of America
A Man With No Integrity

#191REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, November 16, 2012

You are reading lies posted by an ex-convict whose ethics and honesty are very much in doubt by many!


El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
It's Stewart....Not Mr. Stewart.

#192Consumer Comment

Fri, November 16, 2012

Who is the spin doctor?  It certainly isn't me.  I am the same person commenting with the same name.  I don't have to pretend to be multiple people to make it look as if I have a number of supporters backing me.

It is so apparent by the way you write.  El Dorado Hills folks are a bit more educated than to have everyone writing the same way.  People have individual writing styles and most of the individuals who have responded seem to have the same writing style.  My point is....be one person and state your case.  Stand behind your words.  By trying to portray there are multiple people on your "side," it's diluting any value in what you have to say.  Trying to deceive the readers makes you a shyster, too.  A bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

It's obvious you have built up anger and resentment, but don't start attacking me because I see through your deceptive tactics.  I don't have to be a spin doctor to redirect the attention; you are doing a fine job by making yourself look foolish.

Most of your statements are generalized and you don't have factual information to back up what you are saying, except your friend the gardener.  You talk about everyone else in the neighborhood feeling the same way, yet, you falsify people's names as if they are real individuals leaving comments on this site.  Who's being "ghetto"....and immature....and irresponsible....and childish....and common....and dishonest....and fake.  You're like the busy-body neighbor, Mrs. Kravitz who is so preoccupied with everyone else's business, that her thinking is limited (one-dimensional) and she thrives on being the victim and spreading her misery on everyone else.

So....{Mr.} Frances (if that's even real), stop spinning your own deception.

Mike &amp; Cathy Jenkins

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
Don't shoot the messenger

#193REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 10, 2012

Mr. Stewart appointing your self as spin doctor to attack and distort the truth using grammatical errors and misspell words as a cover to shield a petty criminal and an imposter from being exposed is troubling. Any decent human being with integrity and respect for the law would adhere to the old saying Don't shoot the messenger
As a home owner in Serrano for over 10 years, I can attest to our caring, compassionate and friendly neighbors were every one respects each other and get along well. More importantly the folks in our neighbor hood could care less if their neighbors came from a far away distant planet or who they sleep with, or what color skin is.
Prior to Ralph Sanders and his wife renting a house into our community, this neighborhood had always been peaceful and conflict free. It appears this is no longer the case up here, since Mr. Sanders has chosen to unleash his ghetto personality on honest law abiding hard working folks.
What is so disturbing about Mr. Sanders behavior in the community is his ability to operate in such petty fashion while insulting the intelligent of every one he has came into contact with. From the poor hard working Mexican gardeners, the baby sitters, the grocery store employees, the car wash managers and gullible home owners he has scammed or has refused to pay for services provided.
The comments posted in this forum about Ralph Sanders are factual. This man projects an image of being wealthy and well connected to influential people. He frequently drop names of law enforcement officials, and play the race card when confronted with his lies and on-going scam.

Ask any one who lives, work or hang-out in the El Dorado Hills, Folsom, Roseville, and thru-out the Sacramento area about Ralph Sanders, and they will tell you this imposter has always claim to be pro-basket ball player for the Sacramento Kings.
The sociopath and ex-con could have quietly move into our neighbor hood and remain unnoticed only if he had keep to him self, instead he chooses to showed up at home owners doors uninvited and present himself as some of one of high importance with the sole intent to perpetrate his scam on people he knows nothing about.
In summary the diatribe published in this forum by the spin doctor identify as Mr. Stewart  is an attempt to try and get rid of the messengers which is a tactical move; while Emperor Ralph Sanders continues with the self-delusion that he is untouchable.
This validates the neighbors contention that Ralph Sanders and spin doctor Stewart have under estimate the intelligence and capabilities of their chosen enemies. 


El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
Do you really know what parsimoniousness means?

#194General Comment

Fri, November 09, 2012

I'm beginning to wonder who is really the victim and who is the liar!?

To the previous post....you mentioned that Mr. Sanders is, for all intents and purposes, "show-boating" with lavish vehicles and lifestyle, yet you say that his neighbors in the community are tired of his parsimoniousness, which means frugality.  How can one be frugal and be living lavishly at the same time?

Secondly, I have personally heard of stories concerning Mr. Sanders and the Sacramento Kings.  However, the stories I heard were not that he played for the Kings, but that he trained with them (Summer Camp), and was not considered for the team.

Mr. Sanders is a charismatic individual and he has that personality that people are drawn to because he is so open and lively.  Unfortunately, whether stereotypical or not, people see him as a ball player.  It would be very understandable (and natural for that matter) for people's minds to fill in the gaps where they may not have been listening to his words, more mesmerized by his character and the potential to be part of his inner circle of friends and acquaintances.  Heck, he is almost famous and knows many famous people.  I believe, at times, people hear what they want to hear because it is another piece of the puzzle that helps that individual define themselves to his or her own friends; that feeling of importance.

Now, I am not saying that Mr. Sanders is perfect.  Come to think of it, who is these days?  However, he is a person with a certain style.  If that style does not suit you, then do not find things like this to keep re-engaging yourself.  Stay clear and find other things to preoccupy your time.  Out of all the posts, I surmise three people are actually real.  It does not include me or "Leonard" (who may also be a fabrication of someone's jaded behavior).  Some of the posts start out very eloquent, describing a sociopath.  This same description can be pulled from any applicable web page.  The interesting thing is that the verbiage following the intelligible context is broken and contains misspellings and/or poor grammar.  Maybe it is just obvious to me because I review a considerable amount of documentation, but it is quite amusing.  Moreover, it occurs on most of the posts.

There are more important things to worry about in this world.  If you do not like Mr. Sanders or his style, then do not involve yourself in these situations.  It only breeds deeper anger and animosity, which fuels other non-productive behaviors.  It is not worth the additional stress, the unhappiness, consuming energy that would be best utilized for your own family in a positive, constructive manner.  You stepped into this web site and started the attacks.  I bet it has consumed a good portion of your thoughts over the last several weeks that cannot be considered constructive or improving the well-being of life and happiness.  Appreciate the things you have; do not get wrapped up in this type of behavior.  We get it....you are not happy!  People deal with unhappy situations every day.  Move passed it.  There is enough negative that life throws our way than to purposely augment it with additional strife and angst.  Apparently, you know each other, so maybe have a conversation to resolve the issue.  If money is owed, come to an agreement on how much and when it will be repaid.  If work needs to be finished, then come up with what was expected, what can be done, and the period to expect.  Once resolved, if the relationship is not salvageable, then each of you go about your business, but be cordial.


United States of America
Every body knows Ralph is a liar and Scam Artist

#195Author of original report

Sat, November 03, 2012

Every one in Sacramento, Roseville, Folsom and El Dorado Hills etc is on to Ralphs scam. Its a matter of time B4 his lying a**gets locked up again for fraud, forgery, false pretenses and embezzlement.
This imposter has been convicted and sentenced to prison twice; this time around I hope they drop the three strikes law on his scamming a**. He is a show-off driving luxury cars while misleading honest and hardworking folks into believing he is a professional basketball player for the Sacramento Kings.
The truth to the matter this is one broke liar, who barley can afford to pay his monthly rent at the house he rents in Serrano. How can he claim to be successful?
Most of the neighbors he scammed are just tired of his lies and parsimoniousness. They even signed a petition asking the HOA to kick him out of the community!

Report Attachments


New york,
New York,
How sociopaths blame their victims

#196REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, October 27, 2012

There is enormous excellent research out there, how sociopaths blame their victims, and make themselves blameless.

In their minds, they often perceive their victims as being "out to get them", so they have to "get them before they get you", as they say. Most perpetrators, who are convicted, literally try to portray THEMSELVES as the victims, even though they are the perpetrator. Some of them believe it to a degree, many of them don't really believe it, but simply use it as a manipulation tactic.

The advanced perpetrator and sociopath will try to make themselves appear utterly blameless, and this will be reflected in their "contracts" which say they are not responsible for anything, and are 100% blameless.
If anything goes wrong, its never even a shared blame, to them, 100% of the blame always goes to the victim. It does match completely with the sociopathic personality disorders.

Sadly, Antisocial and criminal personalities lie as a lifestyle. Their lies range from daily excuses and promises to complex schemes and scams that are based on a series of lies and deceptions. Like Ralph some even go as far as invoking Christianity and the name of god.
Some criminals (antisocial personalities) develop a set of lies/deceptions to con and steal from others, as weve seen in the media recently. Criminals develop false identities, companies, money schemes, check forgeries, etc. In my experience, Antisocial Personalities have no remorse, empathy, guilt, or concern for the victims of their lies: their personal situation is their only priority.


Nova Scotia,
United States of America
This man is a habitual liar

#197REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, October 27, 2012

Jealous of what? A disgrace and broke fool, always begging strangers to loan him $20.00 for gas Ralph have you any shame? You entire life is base on lies. Stop using god name in vain!


United States of America
This is no book its a scam:

#198REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, October 25, 2012

Ralph I see you have finally taken your lies to an all time high. I will stop by the folks home you mentioned in your diatribe this weekend and informed them of your slanderous post against them.
You are so desperate to cover up your lies and scams; violating the law in pursuant of your quest is never a problem.
More importantly if you dont owe the Mexican gardener any money as you claimed then why all of sudden you called him last week after almost a year and half offering to pay him very soon? You should know that other Hispanics you hired to work in yard also complaint of not being paid.
It appears you are so desperate to cover-up your dishonesty and sociopathic behavior, any one is fair game to you. Speaking of lawyers, I encourage you to seek a good criminal and civil lawyer; you are going to need a lot of legal help in coming weeks.

Indeed youre not only a liar and scam artist, but a petty and small time fool!

Report Attachments

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America

#199REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 25, 2012


Defamation of character is harmful and slanderous.

Just to let the readers know, I am dancing with Lawyers right now and will see that you will be accountable for what you started to bring harm on my family and the fear of my little girl. I have NEVER Stole, Taken, OR Con you out of ANYTHING. There is only one reason this is going on like this; and that person will have to see himself to GOD and why he is

taking the time early in the morning to get on his computer and say false things to add to this Gossip site to cause more slander and hate on my SUCCESS in life! yes...I have to say on the response of the comment from the former Kings Player. Its mind boggling after 6:56 in the morning I was bible reading as always and see on my phone the devil wakes up (early) to attack my character like job in the bible. you said it; "it is amazing how paradox a man can wake up and have so much hate on his heart I will keep you in prayer that you will wake up and MEDITATE IN THE WORD AND KNOW THE MEANING OF TRUE FRUITS Joshua 1:7

Then you can be prosperous in your words and actions. I don't know you to judge you or have any room in my heart to harm you! Come to think of it; "if I new you" I would not slander you! You speak on COMPASSION and Emotional "Insight. Jesus say; IN MATTHEW 7:1 "JUDGE NOT THAT YOU BE JUDGED" The devil likes to accuse and destroy the faith of a strong person in God. He is a Lie and a coward on the children and faith of God's people. he dose not stand in the truth or walk and talk in

the truth, Yes my full time Job is staying faithful in his Word...EPHESIANS 6:10 "PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD, THAT WAY YOU CAN "BE Able TO STAND AGAINST THE WILES OF THE DEVIL". there are laws we need to obey and

follow in this world. I am very convinced that [GORGE S.FRANCES] My next door Enemy is playing the characters of: (1) Helen; who he wants me to think started this site out of LA. (2) Cathy; from LAS VEGAS HOW [GORGE S.FRANCES POST] MY



I, RALPH SANDERS HAVE A FULL TIME JOB AND WORK FOR (JAR) troubled youth in the Sacramento city. I have been there over 4 years and my roll and job duties are plane and clear on my website. "or" go to JARISSUCCESS.COM Yes I have a book out and well "PUBLISHED" and ready to order. (AMAZON.COM) You are welcome to order it [GORGE S. FRANCES].





  Let me share why this could be going on;

About 4 years ago I meet gorge walking my dogs and he only stay 4 houses a way from me across the street from some friends that are close to us. Gorge is almost as "DARK" as I am and very close to being a black person but he is CUBAN AND HIS WIFE IS CUBAN AS WELL. We needed a babysitter because are little girl was only 8 months old at the time and we

have taken a liking to them and people are very quite in this community. He is a high strong person in his 60ish and dose not work...or his wife at that. They where in need of cash and we where in need of a Babysitter...we pay them for 3

month's 700.00 on time and owe them nothing. He use to ask me for a job and I shared what my duties are with Churches, Resturants, Company's and how I am a fundraise for the youth (JAR) program. A couple of months after the first 8

months of knowing Gorge I walk down to his house to ask about my back yard and how I can get my grass green like his and that the dog's where tearing up my back yard. "Gorge S Frances ask" are you renting the house. I said yes, and he walked me down to my house and he always seem unhappy and upset over little things and just foolish as I would say. He talked me into getting this (MEXICAN GUY NAME VICTOR) and had him do my back yard and charged me a lot for his service and he did a good job. We had a issue for a while because my little girls mother did not like the Job and the sprinklers where not working

right and we payed him later until he fixed them. I see this labor Mexican guy time to time and we have no issue with what happen after 4 years ago. One day Gorge S.FRANCES CALLED ME WHEN I WAS IN LA AND STARTED CUSSING ME OUT THAT I

DID NOT PUT THE TOOLS HE HAD ME BORROW BACK ON HIS FRONT DOOR BEFORE MY FLIGHT LEFT TO LA! He was screaming and yelling at me that I could not get a word in. he was saying things like F..you and I will beat...your a*s..and that I lied to his wife about dropping it off. Cuban people can really let you have it when they are mad or upset. It was a small issue and we never talked after he started writing this site after he saw that I have a Book out and the next door

friends between us that are really good friends with us is a "COP" and his wife is friends with my baby's Mom. well over the last two years we have not spoken to [GORGE S. FRANCES] and over this time he would always drop off fruit and grapes and things that grow in his back yard to the "COP" and his wife. I borrowed 20.00$ one day last year in November and she must of told him because how would he know this! And My brother did die of HIV and it was in March when he passed a way and I was doing DONATIONS FOR HIS DEATH AND EVEN HAD IT POSTED AT THE CAR WASH DOWN THE HILL AND ASK ARE

FRIENDS NEXT DOOR TO DONATE. Well [GORGE S.FRANCES] twisted that info like I am scamming and asking people for Donations under false pretense and found out things like (FREE PIZZA WE GOT FOR ARE YOUTH AND MY LITTLE GIRLS BIRTHDAY) two weekends ago. Sorry Gorge but you where not invited to the party. [GORGE S. FRANCES WAS TALKING TO MY 'COP" FRIENDS WIFE BEFORE SHE WAS WALKING OVER AND "HE" GORGE....ASK WHATS ALL THOSE CARS OVER THERE...SHE SAID 'YOU ARE NOT INVITED" AND 'RALPH' HAVE (8 BOXES OF FREE PIZZA AND TO BAD YOU



cars in the garages and was fearful after the posting of my face and address and other pictures he has put on sites!


  George s.Frances did not know anything about my past and I am sure a 100% in the name of Jesus that he is doing all this and he thought it would push me a way from my home and family and make me look like a cheater! He ran what he saw on my Website and slander me from his heart because he feels he can and most of the time (BUSY BODIES ARE DOING THINGS LIKE THIS) I have not Judged you after all this hate you have done to me on line gorge. If I was in anyway harmful and

full of danger and big as I am...and after doing all that time and coming out a Saved, Calm, peaceful, Generous, hard working man giving back and putting myself out there on my website talking about my past mistakes....Why would I go

around taking from others? I will pray for you and your wife that the holly Spirit would allow you to see what you have done that is so wrong in Gods eyes. Someone is always watching us Mr. Frances!

Just like you are watching me, he is watching you.

There is one chapter I want you to read Gorge and it's very important and not to late!

You have NOT injured me at all Gorge. I forgave you just like Jesus forgave me. MATTHEW CHAPTER 7

          "Jesus said by fruits you will know them and watch out for those who are in sheep clothing but, are ravenous wolves. V.15 say "you will know them by there fruits. You have put a site up to try and bring harm to me and my family.. They

forgive you as well. (In chapter 5 of MATTHEWS) V.43 "you shall love your NEIGHBOR and love your ENEMY and bless those who talk about you and curse you and say all kinds of things about you and PERSECUTE you and SPITEFULLY use you

for My name sake" V.43



Halftime Hustler

 P.S.  My book can be ordered by going to my website-HalftimeHustler.com.  Enjoy!


United States of America
The smooth talking swindler frequently mislead his victims into believing his is a change man while masquerading as Christian and pro-basketball player for the Sacramento Kings

#200Author of original report

Mon, October 22, 2012

Jesus certainly warned against false doctrines and those who teach them and in every New Testament epistle there is some warning about this very thing. It is important to recognize that the Bible says these false teachers could even come from within the church. Impersonators masquerading as Christians are most certainly a reality in the world we live in today. Bankers can identify counterfeit money quickly because they handle real money often enough. Those who truly study the Bible and understand it within its true context can identify the phony impersonators with little effort.

Ralph Sanders aka Sean Sanders the ex con arrested by Stanford University Detective Tim Ferecceri and convicted twice for thief forgery and burglary, and battery of other crimes want his victims to believe he has change and is now a Christian. Since being release from San Quentin and Cochran State prison after serving almost 15 years, Ralph continues his scam on several churches, posing as a Sacramento Kings Basketball player. Once he scammed his victims, Ralph promulgates defamatory stories about the leaders and congregation of the churches as liars insisting the victims dont practice what they preach therefore he no longer associates with them. He does the same to discredit neighbors he has scammed in the past to other neighbors.

The smooth talking swindler frequently mislead his victims into believing his is a change man while masquerading as Christian and pro-basketball player for the Sacramento Kings. It is very important to note, Ralph Sanders aka Ralph Sanders Jr. was rearrested and convicted in Sacramento Superior Court case numbers 95M07479 on June 16, 2006 for two counts of the California Penal Code Sec. PC 496(A) Possession of known stolen property over $400 and V C Section 10851 Thefts and Unlawful Taking or Driving of a Vehicle.

 This impostor enhances his rip off game by asking potential victims to visit his web site and view his video supposedly about a book he has written. The truth to the matter is the video is a contrivance and the web page is only a design showing a book cover with no book published or on sale at Amazon and other book stores. This is just another elaborate act of deception by this fraud in an attempt to further hoodwink honest and hard working folks into giving him money under fall pretenses.

Report Attachments


Nova Scotia,
United States of America
Ralph, continue to drop names of innocent people

#201REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, October 14, 2012

Ralph, continue to drop names of innocent people as responsible home owners confront you about your daily scams.
Currently I am in the Nova Scotia attending to my sick grandmother but should be back in California in a few weeks. I can assure you, an investigation will be conducted by the proper authorities and you can bet all businesses, churches or individuals you have contacted and accepted donations from on behalf of Juveniles at Risk will be interviewed to include the Pizza shop which supply you 13 Pizzas for your daughters birthday.
Just a quick FYI: The Mexican gardener you rip off and trying to slander is well known and respected in the Serrano community. He is the landscape maintenance specialist for all our prosperities in El Dorado Hills, Folsom, and Roseville.


New york,
New York,
As a black woman and a home owner in Serrano

#202REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, October 14, 2012

As a black woman and a home owner in Serrano and Boca Raton Florida the posting by Leonard Phony US is extremely ignorant racist and hurtful. Any one who lives in Serrano for a period of time knows well enough such comments does not reflect our community.
I know who Ralph Sanders is and the scams he has pretreated on gullible home owners in the foothills, business and churches in the valley. The issues addresses in this forum are factual and warranted, and we should never allow those with hidden and racist agenda to sidetrack the real issues affecting our beautiful community.
Knowing Ralph Sanders method of operation as a con artist, he could be the one responsible for posting such hateful commentary to project an appearance folks up here in the foothills are racists.
Mr. Sanders, we dont care what color your skin is, who you sleep with or from what planet you come from, we care only about our neighbors and business owners you have scammed.

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
This is "Halftime"

#203REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 14, 2012

Hello George (Andrea),

Why if you are my next door neighbor are you saying you live in Halifax?  It's amazing after a year of silence you speak out.  I will pray for you and the gardener you had do my backyard almost two years ago.
You have manipulated the situation and tried to have this guy charge me extra so you would get a percentage.  It's funny because I see him from time to time and we speak to one another; I owe him nothing. 

It's obvious that this is you since I have only dealt with one gardener and that was from your referral.  Why cloak yourself as someone else to be hateful and try to slander me?  If you have an issue with me, come and talk to me like a man.  I have tried several times to speak with you but you wave me off.  Over the four months that you watched my daughter I paid you regularly the $700/month;  I owe you nothing but you on the other hand, still need to give me back my daughter's belongings from the time I had your wife watch her.

May you find peace in your life. 

P.S. I'm not going to be vindictive and put your address and personal info online like others on this site have done to me. 


United States of America
Ralph Stop Lying you will never change !!

#204REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, October 14, 2012

Prior moving to the Fort Worth area, I live in Serrano on Borgata St. in village E. I remember the tall dark skinned African American who was always dapped in the Sacramento Kings athletic ware while driving Mercedes and BMW cars. Most of my former neighbors are good decent folks who will offer a helping hand to any one whenever need be.
Wow I am shocked to learn this guy is just an imposter conning his way into peoples homes and abusing their generosity. I hope he gets whats coming to him soon!


Nova Scotia,
United States of America
Name-dropping is one of the many traits sociopaths like Ralph Sanders

#205UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 14, 2012

Name-dropping and threats of legal action are many of the traits sociopaths like Ralph Sanders will use in an attempt to hoodwink and intimidate their victims whenever their cover is blown.
Ralph Sanders Modus Oprendi as a classic sociopath is name dropping of important and influential people and some times even used the names of honest people working in law enforcement when-ever he is confronted by his victims.
As a pathological liar, in his quest to support his parasitic lifestyle laced with an intentional, manipulative, selfish, and exploitative financial dependence on others, this person will go to great lengths to appear as a victim to those not familiar with his unscrupulous and manipulative behavior.
In is his pathology Ralph claims to be a successful Black man, a Christian which is the envy of other people. The truth to matter is Ralph is con man known to have taken advantage of many churches and ever day honest and hard working folks in the Sacramento area by posing as a member of the Sacramento Kings basketball player. Please Mr. Sanders tell us how many churches in the Sacramento area you no longer attend and why?
Most of the home owners in the El Dorado Hills, Serrano community were mislead to believed him, until one little old lady was smart enough to check the Kings roster on line and could not find a Ralph Sanders aka Sean Sanders on the list.
This con artist is known to exploit Mexican day labors conning them into working at his rental house at Serrano to do gardening and yard work and then refused to compensate them for their hard work.  If this man is as successful as he claimed to be, then why must he go door to door begging people for $20.00 to put gas in his expensive vehicle?
It is unimaginable for the leaders and owners of a non-profit organization would hire this con man as their principle fund raiser when there are so many red flags pertaining to this persons character.  We intend to review Juveniles at Risks IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ in coming days.

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America

#206REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, October 14, 2012


I did not want to go this far with checking in with the Law and going to the police department to file a police report for Slander and Harassment on my job and in my community with people. Now I am feeling very threatened for my family's life and safety. Perfection will be needed due to the fact you have posted my address online, my phone number, the cover of my new book, and personal articles that are under copyright law. These articles, & cover of my book are posted by you without my consent.... ( I know who you are, the cops have traced your email and yes you stay very close to me.

I remember the day when with my little girl and asking for donations. You will not get away with this. You have doused my family and myself to lose sleep, going through depression, and worried over the fact we are in danger! I want to tell you this is a hate crime and just a matter of time you will see the true light to not do this to people period! It's unconstitutional to speak about another person in a defaming, slandering, destructive, and threatening manner. You have violated my personal life on the Internet, harassing emails, and text messages. This is because I'm a successful black man. You have used my personal book to slander me using my past to try and chase me away.

Ralph sanders

El Dorado Hills,
United States of America
Mistakes from the past can make you a better person today.

#207REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, October 13, 2012

I don't know who you think you are but after looking into some things and researching you and checking out some things in higher places with connections you will say you are sorry for your judgement call on my future and success. Yes I have a past and it's out there with a Book called Halftime Hustler and I'm sure you saw the Video. You should order my book and read it because if you have any kind of wisdom you will look up to me rather than put me down through your distorted twisting my truth into slanderous & false statements. I am a Born again Christian and have a 3 year old little girl that is smart and beautiful just like her mother my wife who is beautiful and smart and a StandFord graduate and PHD degree and myself a college graduate as well with a basic 4 year degree in business from San Jose State! We work very hard for a living. My wife is a teacher and I work with youth in the Sacramento city called (JAR) all you have to do is Google "JARISSUCCESS.com or just go into my contacts on line for my book info.... Halftime hustler.command check it out! I don't do crime or hurt kids or peoples parents or respond to your own issue you may have with me through gossip or hate crime! I stay at (((REDACTED))) in Serrano and if you are a real man come over with your parents and confront me on this scam you are talking on. Whatever you prove or point out to me to be a scam or anything false in my work I will prove you wrong. Your words in your mail are very harsh and I'm praying that you will be ( slow to anger, thinking, judging, and most of all hate) I won't go there with you and came a long way to get where I am today with hard work! I have been out of jail over 10 years and life is great. I have a great book out on my last mistakes and how Jesus became part of my path to make right choices and remain true and real in my foot prints of life! I am very known and do know lots of people in many places like La Sac, and other states. I won't let a unsaved person as yourself send me a hateful mail saying I'm going back to prison and that I stole from your parents .... Whoever that may be.

If I did do something wrong as I did do wrong in the past I would remember it for sure so there you go! Show me yourself and maybe there is a understanding we might come across to make sense out of this. I am a Funraiser for JAR program and if it's anything to do with asking for funding in the community and you think it's a scam then call my partner the (owner) of JAR! And if you feel I have accepted a donation from your parents and that it's a scam call me and I will return the donation. God bless and be wise whoever you are. This is what I tell my Roseville kids I coach on the weekends and yes I am a coach at that!!

Peace and please don't mail me unless it's an apology.

Thank you, Mr.sanders

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
First time

#208Consumer Comment

Sat, October 13, 2012

 with you 100 % Stacey on this one, trash from pony

Report Attachments


How Trashy

#209Consumer Comment

Sat, October 13, 2012

There are no words that can describe what a pathetic rebuttal the subhuman from Pony said


YOU Are to Blame

#210UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 13, 2012

Rule #1 - If a N***** knocks on your door, DON'T answer it.

Rule #2 - If that same N***** breaks in, shoot his black a*s.

If every American followed those 2 rules, there wouldn't be any crime or n****** left in California.

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