  • Report:  #32553

Complaint Review: The Internet Treasure Chest - Newport Beach California

Reported By:
- Irwin, Pa,

The Internet Treasure Chest
610 Newport Center Dr - Suite 1450 Newport Beach, 92660 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Boy, were we SUCKERED!! We ordered ITC's package and even upgraded. Spent $130.00 for garbage!!!

Their Video and CD sounded inviting & promised so much for such a little investment. Well I placed my call because the Video said they had support 24hr/7days a week. Wrong they only answer calls from 6:00a to 8:00p Pacific time - M-F. Mark their representative told me the package that I bought was just the basic (even with my upgrade) and it would look like a 2 year old designed it and that I would also need to purchase a Merchant Account for $395.00 to $595.00 to accept payments from my customers for this package. He suggested that I purchase their Fast Track Program. Investing an additional amount that ranged from $999 to $2995. Well at that point I was still reeled in thinking if I had already spent $130 for the package I received and going to have to invest more for the Merchant Account, maybe it would be better to let them design my web page with one of these Fast Track Programs.

Fortunately, it was late Friday and about time for Mark to go home. We still at this point had not activated our account. My husband and I decided to toss this around over the weekend. WOW what a LIFE SAVER that was!!!

Thru searching the web I found RIP-OFF, Discussion Boards and The Better Business Bureau. Boy, was I surprised with what I found. Bad reports after bad reports, hundreds of them. Not a good sign when you are thinking of investing your retirement fund in this business to get started.

Monday came I called Mark at 800-220-6066 ext. 199. Special Note: do not hang up or leave a message, he will sooner or later answer your call. It is worth the wait to talk to a live person and note the 800# is not costing you a dime.

Well, just for fun I started my conversation as if I were a potential buyer asking questions about the different Fast Track Programs. At this point he was very friendly, he thought he was going to make a sale. I asked if I could see a list of all the different products for sale at their warehouse, including product names. Guess what, not available. He wanted me to invest thousands with only seeing the small amount they make available on their CD.

I asked for e-mail or web addresses of current clients. At first he said to check the Video & CD, but then reluctantly he supplied me with three. I had no luck with two but was able to get into one, but no way to contact them.

I asked him for ITC's business license, he said he couldn't find it and I asked him if he could locate it. He put me on hold, after a long hold he came back and said there was nobody there with that information. I wonder why??? Not a good sign!!! You could now hear the nervousness in his voice.

I at this point told him of all the bad business reports that I had recovered over the net and asked him if he had checked out his company. He said he had but the complaints only consisted of problems with clients getting their money returned for their 30 day return policy and they were working on this problem. You could at this point hear the defensiveness in his voice. I informed him that this was not the only bad business reports reported on this company, that there were hundreds of them and that all these people could not just be talking a line of bull.

I could hear the nervousness returning to his voice when I confronted him about National Fulfillment. Then asked him about their affiliation with Lease Comm/Themewear Corporation. He said that yes they were affiliated with ITC. When I told him that they went bankrupt he said he was not aware. I wonder if he was telling the truth or just trying to cover his butt.

I also confronted him that I had used several search engines to check to see how many ITCTV users were there. I found about FIVE. I told him that for the hundreds or thousands of packages they have sold over the TV/net I found that to be a rather small amount of current users. His excuse to me was that I wasn't using the right search engines. I used search engines that were included in the brochure that they sent to me in my package. His response was that they sent out old information in my package, that their search engines change regularly. Note: you can check this out yourself by using your search engines and searching http://www.itctv.com.

I ended the phone conversation by telling Mark that I was returning their package and that this phone conversation was being disconnected. I hung up at that point. Would you believe it but not 2 minutes went by and my phone rang, it was Mark, he said we had been disconnected, I told him no I had disconnected from him when I told him we were done. I asked him why he was so interested in me. His response to me was he could tell by all the research that I had done that I would make this web site work and make lots of money, I had just been misinformed. I have call waiting and was receiving another call and just wanted to play with him some more and asked him to hold. When I went back he was no longer there.

Well, I have rambled on because I am completely disgusted with ITC's poor business habits. They fail to tell you of the hidden cost of this package and their poor display of their web site offered. By the way I found one of their clients with a counter on their site, they had 407 hits since 9/18/01. How much money do you think this unfortunate client of ITC has made on his/her web site and how much do you think ITC took him/her for?

My suggestion to you is be very careful when investing your money with any company. You can be very easily reeled in by these so called fast and easy money gimmicks. Check them out to the fullest. Stay clear of ITC unless you want to throw your money out the window. They will be gladly standing under that window to steal your money as it drops.

One final note of warning, thru my investigation I found that ITC will debit your credit card unworthily, be sure to contact your credit card company right away & inform them of the problem so they can note your account, if any charges occur you will have the edge you need to dispute these charges. Also be sure to send your package back certified return receipt. Your return receipt will show that they did get this package back and you will have the proof you need to get your credit back on your credit card.

A special thanks to all of you that have taken the time to file these reports without you I would have been Ripped-Off!!!


Irwin, Pennsylvania

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Internet Treasure Chest TV ITC TV

5 Updates & Rebuttals

The Internet Treasure Chest - Newport Beach, California - Uneducated Rebuttal Attack


Wed, October 23, 2002

In response to the rebuttal from William - Redmond, Washington. I am not going to lower myself to an attack on you personally like you did to me. I have higher standards than that. Let's get several of your comments cleared up. #1 I do not live in a trailer park, I own my house and a very nice one at that. #2 I do not watch late night TV, I just happened to catch ITC's info-mercial early one morning. #3 I have never played the lotto. #4 As for the affiliation of The Internet Treasure Chest with Lease Comm/Themewear this was confirmed by one of ITC's representatives. #5 How would you know whether I have $59.00 to my name or not? I only mentioned that I was going to invest some of my retirement money into this company before I found out about the bad name that ITC carries. #6 I am very aware of what it takes to run a profitable business. I own and run my own business and have been for 10 years, it's doing very well, thank you!!! #7 I never said I was going to make millions or even expected to with ITC's package. I would have found your rebuttal interesting if you had something to say about what I had investigated and reported about ITC. Your rebuttal was just a vicious attack on the submitter with no true defense of ITC. I find that you calling me trailer trash with only $59.00 to my name and that all I was capable of doing was weed removal, howdy neighbor service, plant service, chimney sweep, pet sitting or doggie dudie removal a bit childish. Maybe someone needs to knock you off your high horse and bring you back down to the world of intelligent speaking people that actually have something to say!!! Denise Irwin, Pennsylvania

The Internet Treasure Chest - Newport Beach, California - Uneducated Rebuttal Attack


Wed, October 23, 2002

In response to the rebuttal from William - Redmond, Washington. I am not going to lower myself to an attack on you personally like you did to me. I have higher standards than that. Let's get several of your comments cleared up. #1 I do not live in a trailer park, I own my house and a very nice one at that. #2 I do not watch late night TV, I just happened to catch ITC's info-mercial early one morning. #3 I have never played the lotto. #4 As for the affiliation of The Internet Treasure Chest with Lease Comm/Themewear this was confirmed by one of ITC's representatives. #5 How would you know whether I have $59.00 to my name or not? I only mentioned that I was going to invest some of my retirement money into this company before I found out about the bad name that ITC carries. #6 I am very aware of what it takes to run a profitable business. I own and run my own business and have been for 10 years, it's doing very well, thank you!!! #7 I never said I was going to make millions or even expected to with ITC's package. I would have found your rebuttal interesting if you had something to say about what I had investigated and reported about ITC. Your rebuttal was just a vicious attack on the submitter with no true defense of ITC. I find that you calling me trailer trash with only $59.00 to my name and that all I was capable of doing was weed removal, howdy neighbor service, plant service, chimney sweep, pet sitting or doggie dudie removal a bit childish. Maybe someone needs to knock you off your high horse and bring you back down to the world of intelligent speaking people that actually have something to say!!! Denise Irwin, Pennsylvania

The Internet Treasure Chest - Newport Beach, California - Uneducated Rebuttal Attack


Wed, October 23, 2002

In response to the rebuttal from William - Redmond, Washington. I am not going to lower myself to an attack on you personally like you did to me. I have higher standards than that. Let's get several of your comments cleared up. #1 I do not live in a trailer park, I own my house and a very nice one at that. #2 I do not watch late night TV, I just happened to catch ITC's info-mercial early one morning. #3 I have never played the lotto. #4 As for the affiliation of The Internet Treasure Chest with Lease Comm/Themewear this was confirmed by one of ITC's representatives. #5 How would you know whether I have $59.00 to my name or not? I only mentioned that I was going to invest some of my retirement money into this company before I found out about the bad name that ITC carries. #6 I am very aware of what it takes to run a profitable business. I own and run my own business and have been for 10 years, it's doing very well, thank you!!! #7 I never said I was going to make millions or even expected to with ITC's package. I would have found your rebuttal interesting if you had something to say about what I had investigated and reported about ITC. Your rebuttal was just a vicious attack on the submitter with no true defense of ITC. I find that you calling me trailer trash with only $59.00 to my name and that all I was capable of doing was weed removal, howdy neighbor service, plant service, chimney sweep, pet sitting or doggie dudie removal a bit childish. Maybe someone needs to knock you off your high horse and bring you back down to the world of intelligent speaking people that actually have something to say!!! Denise Irwin, Pennsylvania

The Internet Treasure Chest - Newport Beach, California - Uneducated Rebuttal Attack


Wed, October 23, 2002

In response to the rebuttal from William - Redmond, Washington. I am not going to lower myself to an attack on you personally like you did to me. I have higher standards than that. Let's get several of your comments cleared up. #1 I do not live in a trailer park, I own my house and a very nice one at that. #2 I do not watch late night TV, I just happened to catch ITC's info-mercial early one morning. #3 I have never played the lotto. #4 As for the affiliation of The Internet Treasure Chest with Lease Comm/Themewear this was confirmed by one of ITC's representatives. #5 How would you know whether I have $59.00 to my name or not? I only mentioned that I was going to invest some of my retirement money into this company before I found out about the bad name that ITC carries. #6 I am very aware of what it takes to run a profitable business. I own and run my own business and have been for 10 years, it's doing very well, thank you!!! #7 I never said I was going to make millions or even expected to with ITC's package. I would have found your rebuttal interesting if you had something to say about what I had investigated and reported about ITC. Your rebuttal was just a vicious attack on the submitter with no true defense of ITC. I find that you calling me trailer trash with only $59.00 to my name and that all I was capable of doing was weed removal, howdy neighbor service, plant service, chimney sweep, pet sitting or doggie dudie removal a bit childish. Maybe someone needs to knock you off your high horse and bring you back down to the world of intelligent speaking people that actually have something to say!!! Denise Irwin, Pennsylvania


Boy were we SUCKERED!! by greed to get rich off $59.00

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, October 15, 2002

Denise from Irwin, Pennsylvania believed she was going to make millions for her start up $59 business. She watches to much late night TV, she orders every TV get rich quick business out their, then only expects to pay opening cost then turn her late night investment into millions. People who watch to much TV get these ideas, they should stick to the lotto. The Treasure Chest has no affiliation with Lease Comm/Themewear corporation they belong with a company the tool box from the TV show no longer in business. People without a clue trying to doing real world business in the USA, should try a part time hobby, or should take some classes if they do not have any real world business experience. When you live in a trailer and only have $59 to your name I guess you'll say anything to make your point. Or get sometime for FREE. Their is not an real time merchant account company out there on the internet that will give a FREE merchant account, to anyone without top notch credit. Anyone who has every ran a business or was an owner of one knows what it take to run a sucessfull business. Hard work and a investment, if it was as easy as ms. backwards Irwin, Pennsylvania belives then everyone would be selfemployed owning their own business. She needs to do some investigation into the stats for any start up business and the cost of starting one in the USA. Ms Denise Irwin, Pennsylvania if your looking for a cheap start up business, here's a quick list: weed removal, howdy neighbor service, plant service, chimney sweep, pet sitting, or doggie dudie removel. Good Luck in your next business venture!!!

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