The Point is a mobile five star resort, and is a member of the Relias Chateau chain. I have worked there since the end of august, but since january, we hae been really slow.
Since I was the last to be hired, that meant that during the slow times, i was the first to be laid off. I told Ladina, our head server and my boss, that it would not be a problem because i had just found another full-time job, six days a week, so i would be ok, and to call me if she gets in a jam.
well on february ninth, Ladina called me and told me that she would need me for the next few days because there was a group taking over the property.
i had to rearrange my schedule at my new job, The Park Smokehouse, so that i could also work for Ladina.
well, most of the days that i had to work at The Point, i also had to workd at the Smokehouse. on the days that my smokehouse schedules clashed with the point's schedule i would have to leave the point to go to the smokehouse.
ladina new about my new job. she also knew that she wasn't going to be able give me any hours until the end of april.
on february 20, i had to leave the point at 10am to go to the smokehouse. this was unexpected, so i called ladina and told her the situation. she told me that i could leave, but she was very upset.
ladina called me later that night and told me that she was taking me off the shedule and was not ever going to put me back on because i was not reliable for her, and that i chose my other job over her.
now, i had to get this second job because ladina layed me off. the smokehouse paycheck is the check that is going to be paying my bills. ladina was going to need me again until the end of april.
was i supposed to quit my new job because ladina needed me for a total of sevend days in two weeks?
i did ladina a favor by rearranging my schedule and coming in to help her with the group that took over the property. i hadn't worked at the point for almost a month and a half before she called me for a whopping seven days in two weeks.
so ladina, you can take your five stars and shove them up your a*s sideways. its your fault that i had to get this job, and you fire me because of it. well, piss on you, i will get plenty of hours where i am appreciated.
April Roscoe
Tupper Lake, New York