  • Report:  #68376

Complaint Review: The R.V. Center - La Habra California

Reported By:
- Monterey, California,

The R.V. Center
2250 W. Whittier Bl La Habra, 90631 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We leased our 2002 Fleetwood Terra motor home to Mr Collison at The R.V. Center, Inc. From the beginning, we were never paid our share of the rental fees on time.

We were able to negotiate early lease termination, (July 2003) but when we were to pick up our camper, it had numerous damage to it inside and out. It was obvious the company was not doing proper walk thru's or repairing damage from rental customers. We did a walk thru with the companies RV repair tech and Mr. Collison agreed to repair the damage to the motor home. Several months later our motor home was returned with over 2000 extra miles on it and even more damage.

We immediately called Mr. Collison and he refused to answer any questions. We have called several times and his staff states he is ignoring our phone calls and not to expect him to answer our messages. We have no other alternative but to file complaints here, the BBB, and file with small claims. Please consider this before doing business with this company.


Monterey, California

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