  • Report:  #102019

Complaint Review: The Smith Girls - Spencerport New York

Reported By:
- Rocheste, New York,

The Smith Girls
The Local Beer Dive Spencerport, 14559 New York, U.S.A.
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This is Deputy Rosco Pe-co Train reporting to you live in Spencerport NY, where them Smith girls have gotten themselves into another fine mess!!

It seems a picture is worth a 1,000 words, and town

drunk/bar fly is what it spells out for Tanya(1,000 - 15 ='s 985 word left--GU GU GU- I'm a Math a ma tician!!). Any local in Spencer county would testify on Boss Hogs bible(which ain't nothin but a old Penthouse with the pages all stuck together. Now don't go blaming Rosco; it was them Duke boys, I tell ya!)that Tanya is one of the biggest hogs in the 14559, if I do say so myself!! Give her 15 shots and a case of Genny, and that girl will squeal like a pig and suck a bowling ball through a straw!!

Now I never did have enough $$ for her powder head sister; Boss Hog never did give me that raise. If I did boy, I would tie her to the bed post and make her call me "COUSIN ROSCO"! Yes sir ree. She is getting a little busted now, seeins how she has a baby in the oven. Yeah pregnanticity will make the cutes girlies ol and raggety before their time. Word has it that the child might be a little slow; since screwing your cousin ain't the best way to have a child with all it's faculties-ab e d a be d- I'm means that kid might have a few extra toes, or sumptin; I ain't no scientist.. So who's to say??

All I know is I ain't never screwed my cousin; and I did not know Ellie May was my sister till she showed me her birth mark, by then I had done the deed.. And besides, we used protection. I had me some pigs intestine handy. I tied the end off; it was just like them lambskin condoms.. YES SIR REE!! Old Rosco ain't having no retarded offspring!! I passed the sixth grade with flying colors; even learned how to count to ten!!

The next time your in Spencerport, go down to Ziggy's. I bet you will find one of them there girls sucking down a shot, and looking for some sugar!!

Them two have a sister, named Amy. She ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, but she ain't not s**t.. I tell you!! She is a cross between "Rain Girl", "Daisy Duke", and an amazon woman. She don't like boys very much; word has it she's a fur trader!! I can't blame her; them two sisters of hers have every guy thinking that the Smith girls are one night pump and dumps. She was "guilty by AS*ociation"! Besides, she can't help it if she got the "Looks genes" and no brains to go with it.

She thought god was saying "Amy, get the trains; you need a train" She said "Lord, I heard them trains are noisy, and dangerous>I'm staying off the train"(She was having a hard time hearing with her two sisters moaning like whores in heat)!! Boy oh boy, you just can't win...

Well, I'm off to fight crime.. Do me a favor an stay away from them Smith girls they a case of crabs, or a stint in rehab in the making!!


Rocheste, New York

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