  • Report:  #976567

Complaint Review: The Tycoon Group L.L.C. - Beverly Hills California

Reported By:
chopperwerks - Palmetto, Florida, United States of America

The Tycoon Group L.L.C.
433 N. Camden Dr. 6th Floor Beverly Hills, 90210 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
If you hear the name Curtis Brown or "The Tycoon Group" head in another direction.

Curtis Brown owner of "The Tycoon Group" contacted our business claiming he could provide $500,000.00 investor funding for our manufacturing business. He falsely claimed he already had $200,000.00 worth of investors lined up and could disburse at least $200,000.00 worth of funding immediately if we just sent him a $5,000.00 deposit that would be refundable if we were not funded or were unhappy with The Tycoon Group's service. Though I was skeptical, we sent the requested refundable $5,000.00 deposit via our credit card so we would be protected against fraud.

Curtis Brown was easily accessible by phone BEFORE we sent the $5,000.00 and constantly telephoned us. AFTER Curtis Brown received the $5,000.00, he was either to busy to talk, wouldn't answer his phone, or had someone in his office and was unavailable. He wanted to communicate AFTER receiving the $5,000.00 by email only.

We have received no funding from Curtis Brown and TTG as of this date and it was two months ago when Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group received our $5,000.00 refundable deposit. The alleged $200,000.00 worth of investors disappeared and we received an email from Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group stating because of the election results investors were not investing and he had no investors. I also finally received a phone call from Curtis Brown stating he was closing his doors because he had no investors but would get me funded anyway by November 30, 2012. Of course that never happened.

Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group claim they have an office on the 6h floor of the Wells Fargo Bank building located in Beverly Hills, Ca.. My business banks at Wells Fargo, so I asked my Wells Fargo banker here in Florida to verify if Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group really had an office located in this Beverly Hills, Wells Fargo building. My Wells Fargo banker in Florida had a Wells Fargo employee in the Wells Fargo Bank in Beverly Hills, Ca. where Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group's office is alleged to be located verify if the office really existed. The Beverly Hills Wells Fargo employees made numerous trips to what were described as an "obscure" very small unit. At no time, were any lights on or any employee or person present during working hours at the location. The Wells Fargo employee who conducted the inspections stated it looked like the office was never used as there was nothing in it. Just a door with a plaque stating The Tycoon Group.

After several lies and misrepresentations by Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group, I requested an immediate refund of our $5,000.00 deposit as our written agreement required.

Bottom line :

a. Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group NEVER had any investors as he represented.

b. Curtis Brown and The Tycoon NEVER funded my business anything.

c. Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group have not refunded our $5,000.00 refundable deposit so we are meeting with the Federal and State of Florida prosecutors for criminal interstate bank fraud charges against Curtis Brown and his so-called The Tycoon Group, L.L.C..

d. We are also filing complaints with the State of California as well as the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission as well as the BBB in California.

e. If you search the name Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group you will see their names come up on another scam that took place where someone was scammed out of money.

57 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

#2Author of original report

Thu, February 21, 2013


You never quit lying. Why would PayPal have to re-open a credit card dispute you claim you won recently posted on The Rip Off Report using an alias. Remember that Curtis ? You posted on The Rip Off Report you won our credit card dispute. Opppppps, you mean you lied Curtis ? You didn't win did you ?

First, serving someone through the mail in Florida is NOT proper service by law.

Second, you already emailed me claiming it would cost you to much money to come to Florida which would have jurisdiction in any dispute between you and I so you were going with my credit card dispute which you already lost.

Third, I postred PayPal's decision ruling against you. I have also spoken to PayPal and they told me they aren't re-opening anything. I have attached PayPal documents showing the case is still closed with today's date high lighted in yellow. However, even if PayPal were to re-open your bogus claim the credit card issuer has already closed the case and will not re-open it. The credit card issuer is the ruling decision maker in our dispute. So that only means one thing Curtis Brown, if you want to continue with your bogus claims your going to have to file suit in Florida which we both know won't happen. Hopefully by then you are in jail due to all the people you have cheated out of money.

Fourth, have you told everyone here on The Rip Off Report Cassandra O'Donnell whom you cheated out of $5,000.00 she bank wired to you, that she is now filing criminal charges against you ? How about that fact Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC.. What about Bill Yeager whom you did the same thing to ? What's the matter Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC., the cat got your tongue ?

More hot air and false claims from Curtis Brown. The beauty of all this is each time a post is made with your name it goes right to the top in internet searches.

Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC, I think it's safe to say that everyone that has read your lies being exposed here on The Rip Off Report would say anything Curtis Brown would claim has no credibility. Wouldn't you agree Curtis Brown ?

Report Attachments

Tycoon Group LLC

United States of America
Not So Fast Robert Rowe

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 21, 2013

Robert Rowe and Custom Chopperwerks, Inc.  I have served you on February 11, 2013, but you won't pick up your certified mail.  Interesting...

Well, I was going to keep this between us, but since you just want to put your dirty laundry out the public should also know that on February 20, 2013, Comerica Bank had finally traced those two checks that FedEx and deposited into your Wells Fargo Account.  We sent the those traced checks and proof of deposit and Comerica Bank's letter to Paypal.  Paypal immediately accepted and reopen their investigation based upon previous conversation and conference calls with my bank.

It turns out Paypal is sending it to your Credit Card Company.

So, in fact Paypal has reopened the investigation that was closed.  So here's where you get to go to jail for credit card fraud.  You filed a dispute, then subsequently submitted evidence that you were not refunded, when in fact you were.  That's credit card fraud.  That's a felony and that's jail!!!  Comerica Bank Blasted you for this.

You are not only a con man and hypocrite, you even try to get Cassandra O'Donnell in on your conspiracy.  This parts speculation, but I'm willing to bet she got compensated part of that extra $5K.  So, here's what in store for you Robert Rowe.  The $5K will go back to Paypal, there just no doubt about that.  Paypal is going to close your account for that stunt.  Your credit card company will close your account and could even file criminal credit card fraud charges.

I never seen anyone like you that loves to race to get into so much trouble.  It's both fascinating and sad.  You get what you reap though, it's a universal law. 

In the end, we never stole your money, fraud was never committed on our part and all this was to make yourself look good for a few, because you didn't get funded.  You ruined a business, try to get others to join in with you, and not one save maybe Cassandra O'Donnell our little opportunity seeker, (looking to get paid) who was never a client, used by Glen Llyes probably got compensated by you with that extra $5K you temporarily have.  And, make no mistake it is temporary.

I've let it be known to Paypal's legal and fraud unit that for all the damage and destruction you've cause that I would endorse criminal credit card fraud for misleading Paypal and the credit card company.  So, you will have sanctions emposed, how severe is the question.

I will be putting up another post once the matter is truly closed.  You've wasted a lot of people's time.


United States of America

#4Author of original report

Tue, February 19, 2013

Curtis Brown using an alias above lied (nothing new) stating he had won the credit card/ PayPal dispute with Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. / Robert Rowe. As you can see by the attached document Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC LOST and must return the $5,000.00 he attempted to steal.

Unfortunately, Cassandra O'Donnell and Bill Yeager aren't as fortunate as they each bank wired $5,000.00 to Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC. and Curtis Brown has not returned their money.

Don't ever send Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC any money for anything. You'll never get it back. Curtis Brown's business Tycoon Group, LLC folded it's tent and went out of business after he was exposed on The Rip Off Report. Now he's opened a new business he calls Curtis Brown USA, LLC.. BEWARE, BEWARE, BEWARE.

Hopefully, I get to post Curtis Brown's mugshot this week. Federal authorities really move at a snail's pace.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC., Curtis Brown USA, LLC., now talks to himself (aliases)

#5Author of original report

Mon, January 28, 2013

Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC. (oops, they're out of business) and Curtis brown USA, LLC.,

So this was just brought to your attention huh ? According to your post Curtis Brown, you have instructed you, as Manser to stop making comments. In other words, you are admitting on The Rip Off Report that you talk to yourself ? LOL, LOL.

Curtis Brown, you are such a phony and liar. You just got caught posing as the alias Manser (which everyone here knows) filing a complaint on The Rip Off Report against Ms. Kim Burge of the California Better Business Bureau because Tycoon Group, LLC went out of business and the California Better Business Bureau issued a CONSUMER ALERT on TYCOON GROUP, LLC. 

Ms. Kim Burge of the California Better Business Bureau is the agent that was assigned the complaint I filed against Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group, LLC for fraud and gross unethical business practices. You Curtis Brown failed to respond to my complaint with the California Better Business Bureau. You failed to respond because you have no defense of your unethical and illegal conduct.

All these people you claim are supporting you on The Rip Off Report are you posting as an alias. It's so easy to see through and is quite common with scammers like you. When you sent me emails posing as Malou Alford and Suzanne Turner that was very transparent also.

Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC. and Curtis Brown USA, LLC. you lie to clients and cheat them. You took $5,000.00 from Cassandra O'Donnell and I as well as the investigators have a copy of the bank wire from her bank account showing it went directly to you. You took money from Bill Yeager who bank wired $5,000.00 directly to you. You asked for this money they sent you in order to obtain a loan. THAT IS ILLEGAL. When they asked for their $5,000.00 back you refused to return it, although you never provided a service. That is called interstate bank fraud and is a crime (felony).

I told you I was going to do everything in my power to keep you from cheating another innocent consumer and I meant it. I will not rest until you are behind bars Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC. and Curtis Brown USA, LLC. and that day is coming. Trust me.

Tycoon Group LLC

Beverly Hills,
United States of America
Manser and Others Admonished

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 27, 2013

To all concerned.  Something has been brought to my attention that warrants my immediate response.  Mr. Manser is a relative new client of ours whom I confided some information to and made him of aware of Robert Rowe as a matter of certain limited disclosures in the client relationship.  Mr. Manser has been responding to Mr. Rowe on this post, without my knowledge.

I have condemned his actions in responding to Bob Rowe and Mr. Manser has been warned not to do it again.   This goes for comments about Kim Burge.  Neither Mr. Manser nor anyone else can or does speak for Tycoon Group or any companies owned by my group.  Steve Peterson and Toshi Anzai are the only two with whom have spoken to me about posting anything.  Any one going onto this site is subjecting himself or herself to possible legal consequences from either myself or Robert Rowe.

As I've stated earlier, I appreciate the offers and suggestions of others wanting to get involved.  But, this needs to be said publicly, as well as I've been saying privately.  No thanks.  Bob Rowe has placed himself in the exact position we want.  We have purposely allowed him to continue.  I do not want anyone to touch his businesses, make remarks about his businesses on the internet, or pay him visits.  I am encouraging Bob to work hard, be safe and stay out of trouble and try to make his businesses work.  If I were really concerned about Bob Rowe's new found hobby or sport, or we would have pursued much faster resolutions.  We are actually not the least concerned about Robert Rowe's threats of this or that.

So I want to be very clear to all supporters, have some patience and don't say or do anything.  Thank you. 

Finally to you Bob Rowe, I have no problem talking to you direct.  I choose not to, because I know what you're really all about.   ICurtis Brown


United States of America
Curtis Brown caught using the alias Manser

#7Author of original report

Fri, January 25, 2013

Hey Manser,

So you keep denying you are Curtis Brown right ? You're a liar. As a matter of fact your lying is pathological.

You just posted on The Rip Off Report a complaint against Kim Burge of the California Better Business Bureau calling her a racist among other names. The person filing the complaint against Ms. Kim Burge and the California Better Business Bureau uses the name Manser.

Manser states in his Rip Off Report post that Ms Burge slandered the business MANSER OWNED because Manser felt Ms. Burge was biased regarding the complaint I filed against the Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown. Ms. Burge was the California Better Business Bureau agent that was assigned the complaint I filed against Curtis Brown and Tycoon Group, LLC.

Look up the name Kim Burge on The Rip Off Report there you will see a guy calling himself Manser objecting to the rating the California Better Business Bureau now has for Tycoon Group, LLC owned by Curtis Brown.

It was easy to figure out and no surprise. Manser is Curtis Brown.

Curtis Brown, they don't come any dumber than you. LOL, LOL.


United States of America
Curtis Brown ofThe Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC playing Manser

#8Author of original report

Thu, January 24, 2013

Hey Curtis Brown Manser,

Your story sure has changed. You first posted you didn't know Curtis Brown, now you are best of friends. LOL
No, I'm not Exposeonlinefraud. It's funny how a guy named Manser on another forum you linked here on The Rip Off Report was bad mouthing Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. and you just happen to have the same unusual name. Curtis Brown alias Manser.................. no one is buying that.

If you notice there is another victim of Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC that has posted on The Rip Off Report about how he was scammed out of $5,000.00 by you (Curtis Brown alias Manser).

Also for a guy that claims he's only a client of Curtis Brown, Manser seems pretty upset about Curtis Brown being exposed for the fraud that he is. In addition, if Curtis Brown has all this money why did he close up his business Tycoon Group, LLC and head out of town ? Why would a successful business close it's doors ? LOL, LOL. We both know the truth on that one don't we Curtis Brown alias Manser DUDE ? LOL.

Curtis/ Manser you have really gotten pathetic with these bogus posts trying to salvage Curtis Brown's image.

One other point. As to your hollow threats regarding a lawsuit ? The latest victim of Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC just confirmed in his Rip Off Report what I've posted here on The Rip Off Report. So has Cassandra O'Donnell whom Curtis Brown also threatened to sue.

Curtis Brown has no valid legal claim and he knows it. In addition, he's been threatening to serve me with his bogus lawsuit every week and that it was on it's way. Guess what, it will never happen. Although I would welcome such a lawsuit because I would prevail on my counter-claim.

Curtis Brown has also claimed he was going to file it in "Superior Court" in California. Since he's to stupid to know the law, although he tries to play lawyer, jurisdiction would be Florida NOT California. California has no jurisdiction over me. Besides, it's stated in our contract Curtis Brown signed that venue is Florida. That being the case, I doubt if Curtis Brown can afford the airfare to fly from Beverly Hills, Ca. to Long Beach, Ca. let along Florida.

If I were this Curtis Brown DUDE, right now I'd be worried about a federal arrest warrant. 


United States of America
D.O.J. Catches Robert Rowe, Aka Exposeonline Fraud

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, January 24, 2013

Well, Chopper Dude Curtis has advised me not to talk to here, but I come see that you are resorting to Aliases because you hate silence.  I see you continue with your cover up lies, deceit, and ill deeds. 

But here's your problem IT for Brains.

First, Manser is my last name.

Second, I had initial real concerns because I too put up money for a PPM.  And while I didn't get all the private investors I wanted, I did get enough to proceed.  I understood there were no guarantees.  I understood I was paying for a PPM.  But, I was real interested at first what you were saying.  Until it made a whole lot of sense what you were really up to. 

Third, you're game is over.  Try this on for size.  They got confirmation of your finger prints on those cancelled checks from the Department of Justice.  Yes, it takes awhile.  This along with your email of receipt.  This along with the series of digits on the bank letting them know when and where you deposited your full refund.  This along with famous Fed/Ex tracking numbers.

Fourth, yes, don't worry just have more patience.  You can expect to be served court papers next week.  Sorry, I don't have the exact time or date for you.

Fifth, if I'm you now I'd be contacting your credit card company and set things straight with them.  Because his Curtis' lawyer get to them first by supposedly today, you will be the one going to jail.

Sixth, you seriously thought Curtis has no money.  Man you ARE "F'd up".  You are one nervous, compulsive BSer!  I like Curtis.  He's real cool in dealing with you, yet he's as legally lethal as the come.  You slandered both his companies for your sick pleasure.  Here's a hint, it's the second one that's nailing you.  In California, everyone knows even a one man LLC is a legal sovereign entity.

Now let me guess.  You're going to continue along the lines you were not refunded and fraud was committed against.  You're going to continue along the lines Curtis is posing as me.  You're going to give us lessons on piercing corporate veils.  You're going to gamble to bet what I've written is not the truth and so you will not contact your credit card company and say it was all a misunderstanding.  That's really fine, I'd personally prefer you do that.  So, that Curtis' attorney can play show and tell with them today.

Well, had you not gotten your money back, had you provided actual proof of fraud, (and, listen, sharing office space is never a crime), I would have some sympathy for you. 

Dude, at the end of the day, you have wasted a lot of time and ultimately money.  And, it's amazing you don't realize how much or bad you've slammed yourself.  I think Steve Peterson above summed it up just right about you wolf man.  I'd give you an academy award, but you're not going need it, as you are the one who committed bank fraud with your very own bank by claiming a dispute when you already got refunded and apparently Paypal said they were satisfied you got paid.  That's some sick and twisted stuff!

Well, I better not talk to you anymore.  Curtis is alright with me.  You're just the last to find out what's really up.  But, I get it, you have to keep going on and on because you think you won't get caught with faking out your own bank, you have to prove to others you were harmed so won't have to pay back those I.O.U.s, that Curtis has no money, you haven't been watched and that you're not going to get served.  Well, you are sick and twisted.  And, let's just say - you've been being watched.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Cutis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC

#10Author of original report

Thu, January 24, 2013


Thank you. Not to worry I'm not backing off one bit quite the contrary. I served as a judge/ commissioner on the State of Florida BPR which is the judicial arm of the Florida Secretary of State. Curtis Brown claimed it was a low level job. Actually it's a governor appointment and our job was to go after unethical businesses.

I'm anticipating and pursuing federal charges against Curtis Brown. Another victim just posted on another thread that Curtis Brown took his $5,000.00 also and he received nothing in return. It was the same scam he also pulled on Cassandra O'Donnell. The latest poster posted a retraction because Curtis Brown threatened to sue him which is a joke. The guy still didn't get his money back as I spoke to him this morning.

That's how Curtis Brown operates he swindles people out of money, then when they complain, he threatens to sue them. Curtis Brown has threatened to sue me. You have no idea how I wish he would but Curtis Brown is liar and all hot air.

That kind of tactic doesn't work with me. Besides my business partner as well as a friend is a heavy hitter attorney. Curtis brown knows I'm coming at him that's why he went out of business and formed a new business under Curtis Brown USA, LLC. The corporate vail will not protect him when it comes to criminal conduct. 

I'll keep you posted. When they issue a warrant for his arrest I'll post it.


Curtis Brown Investigation?

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, January 24, 2013

Chopperwerks, keep up the good fight.  Something is really suspicious here with the Curtis Brown character.  It seems to me that its an advanced fee scam. The FBI has a warning posted on their website, warnging consumers on advance fee fraud.  Don't let Curtis scare you either saying he knows kravmaga.  Please update us on here if Curtis gets arrested.  If he does, what jail he was booked into, and so on.


United States of America

#12Author of original report

Wed, January 23, 2013

The silence is deafening. I guess Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC. ran out of names to use as aliases.

Now that another victim of Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group and now Curtis Brown USA, LLC has come forward with the fact that he was cheated out of $5,000.00 also by this fraud, it looks like Curtis Brown has climbed under a rock hoping this will all blow over. Unfortunately for Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC, it's only going to get worse.

Now that the names of Curtis Brown, Tycoon Group, LLC., and Curtis Brown USA., LLC are plastered all over the internet, no one with their head screwed on straight will have anything to do with Curtis Brown, and the fraud businesses he operates. 


United States of America
Curtis Brown/ Manser still lying

#13Author of original report

Wed, January 16, 2013

Curtis Brown/ Manser,

Of course you didn't ask me to post those official documents Curtis Brown filed with the California Secretary of State for Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC. Why ? Because they prove again you are lying. Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown, USA, LLC use virtual offices in the same building. In a virtual office they give you different address numbers for mailing but you are in the same building. Go ahead, Google it. Those addresses are in the same building. You are such a liar and you certainly aren't very good at it.

Why would a guy who claims he doesn't even know Curtis Brown tell me to lawyer up. For a disinterested party Manser seems pretty upset about all this. LOL.

My business partner is a lawyer and one of the best, so I'm set in the lawyer department. You're the guy (Custis Brown/ Manser) that is going to need a lawyer but since you are now out of business and don't have any clients Curtis Brown/Manser can't afford one. Maybe you can hire a lawyer pro bono. You can tell the judge when they arrest you that you can't afford a lawyer and the Court will assign you one.

It's so easy making Curtis Brown (alias Manser) look stupid and the fraud that you are., If you think opening up a new business and calling it Curtis Brown USA, LLC that people aren't going to know your past scams and how you cheated people you better think again.

You can't produce one document to support your lies. I've posted plenty that prove Curtis Brown is a scammer and fraud. I see those documents from the California Secretary of State really hit a nerve. Oh and again how is your business rating with the California Better Business Bureau doing ? LOL.


United States of America
Robert Rowe Caught Red Handed Lying

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, January 16, 2013

Chopper Dude, you need glasses, but that's not all you need.   In you desperation to make even a small a case you lie again.  You present Exhibits no one is asking for.  And, when we ask for something you can't deliver.  Look more closely at the addresses and you'll see they are different.  Sure same street, but different addresses.  

My advise to you now is "lawyer up" and shut up.  You defame companies that had nothing to do with you.  You're not in any position to give any advice.  You've got real IT for brains and it shows.  The problem you have is, you don't know who is who and who has who.  It's hilarious, it's like a big brother sticking out his arm, while the smaller one keeps swinging in the air.

Focus on salvaging your business that should be your priority.  And make nice with the people you owe.   Then, Curtis can share some of that success in the not so distant future.


United States of America
Page #2 Curtis Brown/ Tycoon Group, LLC/ Curtis Brown USA, LLC, using the name Manser and lying again

#15Author of original report

Wed, January 16, 2013

I dont have any IOUs Curtis Brown. You contacted me Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. remember. We were looking for a $500,000.00 loan which you claimed you had the ability to obtain. We were expanding our business internationally as you know. However,  your  false promises of obtaining the funding were nothing more than lies, fraudulent claims, etc.. For you to claim we have IOUs is funny as to be qualified for a $500,000.00 loan a business has to be very successful as well as pay its bills. By the way, we were approved for the $500,000.00 loan and were able to obtain the loan from a reputable lender not some business like Tycoon Group, LLC located in a virtual office.

By the way, how is the Tycoon Group LLC business rating with the California Better Business Bureau now ? I went to their website and it states there is an ALERT for the business Tycoon Group, LLC and that the phones are disconnected and the business (Tycoon Group, LLC) appears to be out of business. The California Better Business Bureau also revoked its rating regarding Tycoon Group, LLC.. I wonder why that happened ? Mmmmmmmmmm

Geez, Curtis Brown/ Manser, Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. has an A+ rating with the Florida Better Business Bureau. Thats the highest rating the Better Business Bureau can give. Tycoon Group, LLC never had a rating that good when it was rated. Of course that rating for Tycoon Group, LLC was before Tycoon Group, LLC went out of business right ?

A few more issues I d like to address. How come all your aliases are poor at spelling ? All your aliases seem to have that same problem in common. Another question, have you received the filed FNRA complaint against Curtis Brown yet ?

Finally Curtis Brown/ Manser Im very disappointed that I havent been served with this lawsuit you keep claiming you are going to file. Very disappointed. I guess the only explanation for that is its just another Curtis Brown lie.


United States of America
Curtis Brown/ Tycoon Group, LLC/ Curtis Brown USA, LLC, using the name Manser and lying again

#16Author of original report

Wed, January 16, 2013

So you are a concerned citizen using the name of Manser huh ? Why would a concerned citizen want to defend a guy he claims he doesnt even know so obsessively ? This Manser guy seems to have all this inside information including claiming the two addresses for Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC were never the same. Really ? Well lets expose this lie first Curtis Brown alias Manser.

Attached are two documents from the State of California Secretary of State. Exhibit N which are the LLC filings for Tycoon Group, LLC show the business is located on N. Camden Dr., Beverly Hills, Ca.. The second document Exhibit O are the LLC filings with the California Secretary of State for Curtis Brown USA, LLC which show the business located on N. Camden Dr., Beverly Hills, Ca.. The building location there rents what are called virtual offices which in some areas you can rent for $50.00 a month. These offices are just a sham technically which questionable businesses use just to say they have an office. This fact confirms what was posted earlier regarding what the Wells Fargo Bank employees stated about the Tycoon Group, LLC office. So Curtiss Brown alias Manser you have just been proven to be a liar once again.

By the way Curtis Brown, you utilize the name Manser which you got from a HD forum when you were attempting to find dirt on Custom ChopperWerks, Inc.. On that forum a guy named Manser was complaining about one of our dealers because the dealer refused to give him the part until Manser paid for the part. For the record, I supported the dealer on that forum. However, the interesting point here is that Manser is living in Belgium, thats Europe Curtis Brown in case you are unfamiliar with geography. Now why would a guy living in Europe take an interest in Curtis Brown, Tycoon Group, LLC, and Curtis Brown USA, LLC ? Doesnt make sense does it Curtis Brown ? So my suggestion Curtis Brown the next time you choose an alias make sure they live in the USA to at least attempt to give it some credibility.

Curtis Brown, I know you arent the sharpest tool in the shed. I also know, no one will ever accuse you of being a rocket scientist, but choosing an alias such as Manser off a forum and not checking before you used it that the guy lives in Europe is pretty.............. stupid.

As far as your legal rhetoric, quit trying to play lawyer, you arent smart enough, and I seriously doubt you even finished high school, In addition, you are badly misinformed on law and your legal theories are seriously flawed.

Cassandra ODonnell bank wired Curtis brown $5,000.00 and received only $500.00 of it refunded when Curtis Brown/ Tycoon Group couldnt produce what it promised. You provided no services for Cassandra ODonnell and failed to refund the full amount. Thats called interstate bank fraud. In addition, you requested money up front to procure a loan which is illegal. So quit your lying again Curtis Brown/ Manser.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Robert Rowe Is Exposed as a Big Cover Up

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, January 16, 2013

Hey Chopper Dude,

At one point I was actually starting to believe your postings here.   I wanted to know and make sure I wasn't being ripped off myself.  I thought you were actually doing some good here alerting
others.  But, then when I started checking things out myself, and especially after asking questions directly Curtis, visiting his office and taking a peek at some documentation and doing my own web research - it all really made sense why you going through all this trouble.   You just had to.  You screwed up with your I.O.U.s with others.

Its not hard to see your company is actually NOT successful at all.  You've proven you need the money, you've proven you've got a great deal of time on your hands.  The funny part is Curtis and his crew actually want you to be HIGHLY successful.

I would suggest that confess to the people you owe money to and stop slandering
Curtis' new company.  His new company had done nothing to you, but along
that point neither did Tycoon Group.   Aren't you aware that Curtis' new company now
has causes of action against you now?     Naaa, on second thought keep talking
about Curtis' other company like you have. 

Here's another example of your lie:  You said above, "By the way,
if you do an internet search of Curtis Brown USA, LLC which at one time used
the same address as Tycoon Group, LLC, you will see Curtis Brown USA, LLC can
now be seen on The Rip Off Report so consumers can be alerted Curtis Brown,
Tycoon Group, LLC, and Curtis Brown USA, LLC, are all related. Consumer

Once again, I did some fact finding and checked your statement regarding the
addresses and they are different NOT the same.  Never once were the
addresses the same.  With all your lies and slants you'd think you were
running for public office or something.  But, you're just IT for brains.

Regarding alias, Curtis strikes me as the type of guy who
has no problem talking directly to you. 
But, you tried to make believe I am him. 
Boy oh boy.

There is not one single thing in my own through investigations that I see that Curtis
committed any misrepresentation, fraud or the like.  Like I said Curtis is
not a friend, but he is someone I am doing business with.  Curtis was very forth coming regarding what actually transpired between you two.   And, believe me, I was certainly
looking because of my own interest at stake.  I am completely comfortable
with Curtis and I understand that there are no guarantees in his line of
work.  You knew it to - and that's why you took out the insurance policy
with Paypal which I understand rejected your claim.  But, you had to let others know you were
ripped off to cover your BIG FAT I.O.U.s

Say Dude, your lies also explain why you need Cassandra O'Donnell so bad. 
You can't do this by yourself can you?  The unfortunate thing for you,
according to Curtis' version of events is that she was never a client and was
never asked to give money to his company.  Oh sure, prove me wrong, go
ahead, put up the contract, engagement letter or what NOT used.  I know
you enjoy these blogs because you even said so, perhaps they're high profile,
and you like a little 15 minutes of fame.  But arent you curious why Curtis Brown is so quite?  Lets just say the lessons you will have learned will come from a more authoritative source than an internet blog, so those the lessons sticks.

Here's another example of your lie:  You said above, "By the way, if you do an internet search of Curtis Brown USA, LLC which at one time used the same address as Tycoon Group, LLC, you will see Curtis Brown USA, LLC can now be seen on The Rip Off Report so consumers can be alerted Curtis Brown, Tycoon Group, LLC, and Curtis Brown USA, LLC, are all related. Consumer beware."

Once again, I did some fact finding and checked your statement regarding the addresses and they are different NOT the same.  Never once were the addresses the same.  With all your lies and slants you'd think you were running for public office or something.  But, you're just IT for brains.

There is not one single thing in my own through investigations that I see Curtis committed any misrepresentation, fraud or the like.  Curtis was very forth coming regarding what actually transpired between you two.  And, believe me, I was certainly looking because of my own interest at stake.  I am completely comfortable with Curtis and I understand that there are no guarantees in his line of work.  You knew it to - and that's why you took out the insurance policy with Paypal which I understand rejected your claim.

Say, your lies also explain why you need Cassandra O'Donnell so bad.  You can't do this by yourself can you?  The unfortunate thing for you, according to Curtis' version of events is that she was never a client and was never asked to give money to his company.  Oh sure, prove me wrong, go ahead, put up the contract, engagement letter or whatever was used.  I know you enjoy these blogs because they're high profile, and you like a little attention, but when it's all over -  the lessons you will have learned will come from a more authoritative source so that the lesson sticks.


United States of America
Manser alias Curtis Brown

#18Author of original report

Mon, January 14, 2013

Hey Curtis Manser Brown,

I have plenty of proof of fraud, and everything I have stated here on The Rip Off Report is true, so there is no defamation or slander claim that you (Curtis Brown) can make. You (Curtis Brown) using aliases on the other hand have made false and slanderous comments about me and I do have a claim of defamation against Curtis Brown as well as the following civil legal claims just to name a few :

a. Fraud in the inducement.

b. Misrepresentation.

c. Breach of Contract.

Cassandra O'Donnell also has several civil claims against Curtis Brown but we are both waiting for criminal charges to be filed against Curtis Brown, then we will deal with the civil aspect. So if you want to file suit against me be my guest and come on down to Florida, I'd love it. Of course we both know your hollow threats are nothing but hot air just like your false promises and representations you made regarding my business Custom ChopperWerks, Inc..

Curtis Brown it's obvious that Manser is Curtis Brown. You aren't fooling anyone. One fact Curtis Brown can't argue with. My business is thriving and open for business. Curtis Brown's business Tycoon Group, LLC has closed it's doors and is out of business according to the California Better Business Bureau. Not only that but Curtis Brown failed or refused to respond to our complaint to the California Better Business Bureau. Why ? Because Curtis Brown had no defense against our claim.

By the way, if you do an internet search of Curtis Brown USA, LLC which at one time used the same address as Tycoon Group, LLC, you will see Curtis Brown USA, LLC can now be seen on The Rip Off Report so consumers can be alerted Curtis Brown, Tycoon Group, LLC, and Curtis Brown USA, LLC, are all related. Consumer beware.

This internet site The Rip Off Report was a great idea and many consumers read it and are able to avoid unethical businesses.

Stick a fork in Curtis brown, Tycoon Group, LLC, and Curtis Brown USA, LLC.


United States of America
Robert Rowe You're Caught and Now You're Just Boring

#19Consumer Comment

Mon, January 14, 2013

Hey IT for Brains,

Of course anyone can call Curtis Brown.  I even gave you the telephone number.  But of course you already had it since you started slandering Curtis Brown's other company.  You had it from the FNRA/SEC website where it's been for the past several weeks.  Not so smart are you, when you talk too much?  And, I finally found out this morning why the name change out of Tycoon Group, and you fell for it, hook line and "no jurisdiction" sinker.  Yes, there is a God. 

The nice part, you think everyone is an alias on the blog accept for you.  Sorry, no so  IT for Brains.  Have good life, somewhere.  You ARE busted.  Defamation without any proof of fraud, misrepresentation and the like.

Maybe you can now bust another person's chops.  The last question I have is when are they finally getting you into court so you can shut up.


United States of America
Curtis Brown/ Manser, same person

#20Author of original report

Sun, January 13, 2013

Curtis Brown/ Manser,

You claim you aren't friends with Curtis Brown and now you claim you called Curtis Brown. Are you brain dead ? This is hilarious. A poster by the name of Manser posts on The Rip Off Report that he's just trying to find out the truth.

This so-called Manser who claims he doesn't know Curtis Brown yet posts details like I haven't dropped the credit card claim only Curtis Brown knows.

This Manser guy claims he called Curtis Brown which is even more absurd as the California Better Business Bureau (BBB) states on their website his (Curtis Brown's) phone has been disconnected and the BBB can't get in touch with Curtis Brown and that Curtis Brown won't respond to the BBB.

So inquiring minds want to know... if Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group can't be reached by telephone according to the BBB how was this guy calling himself Manser able to call Curtis Brown ?

The answer is obvious....... Manser is Curtis Brown. This also proves Curtis Brown/ Manser is an idiot.

No one is going to have anything to do with Curtis Brown no matter what he calls himself after reading The Rip Off Report. Curtis brown is nothing but a fraud. That's the bottom line.


United States of America
Curtis Brown alias Manser

#21Author of original report

Sun, January 13, 2013

Hey Curtis Brown alias Manser,

I've already proved my accusations stupid. The documents have been posted here. Each document was a rebuttal to what Curtis Brown attempted to lie his way out of on The Rip Off Report. The documents that have been posted, prove Curtis Brown and his aliases got caught lying.

If you notice Curtis Brown didn't respond to the California Better Business Bureau regarding my complaint. Go to the California Better Business Bureau website. There is an alert stating the phones have been disconnected. No legitimate business would do that. Only a business that scams people operates like that.

I thought you were going to check back in a couple of days there Curtis Brown/ Manser. The fact is you are watching The Rip Off Report because :

a. You are worried about what is going to happen to you (Curtis Brown) next. You have good reason to worry I'll give you that.

b. You obviously don't have anything else to do now that you went out of business.

By the way, why would you close your business if you had all these investors as you claim ? I think we all know the answer to that.

As for your claim of a planned move from Beverly Hills, to Long Beach, Ca. ? I'm sure it was planned after being exposed as a fraud, as the move puts you closer to the Mexican border so you can make your escape. LOL. That's funny.

No one is buying all these aliases you are using Curtis Brown/Manser. The beauty of all this is, since the Curtis Brown U.S.A. L.L.C. and Curtis Brown name have now been stated and posted on the Rip Off Report anyone looking up the name Curtis Brown, The Tycoon Group, or Curtis Brown U.S.A., L.L.C. will be steered directly to The Rip Off Report. See Curtis Brown/ alias Manser, there really is a God.


United States of America
Curtis Brown alias Manser

#22Author of original report

Sun, January 13, 2013

Hey Curtis Brown alias Manser,

I've already proved my accusations stupid. The documents have been posted here. Each document was a rebuttal to what Curtis Brown attempted to lie his way out of on The Rip Off Report. The documents that have been posted, prove Curtis Brown and his aliases got caught lying.

If you notice Curtis Brown didn't respond to the California Better Business Bureau regarding my complaint. Go to the California Better Business Bureau website. There is an alert stating the phones have been disconnected. No legitimate business would do that. Only a business that scams people operates like that.

I thought you were going to check back in a couple of days there Curtis Brown/ Manser. The fact is you are watching The Rip Off Report because :

a. You are worried about what is going to happen to you (Curtis Brown) next. You have good reason to worry I'll give you that.

b. You obviously don't have anything else to do now that you went out of business.

By the way, why would you close your business if you had all these investors as you claim ? I think we all know the answer to that.

As for your claim of a planned move from Beverly Hills, to Long Beach, Ca. ? I'm sure it was planned after being exposed as a fraud, as the move puts you closer to the Mexican border so you can make your escape. LOL. That's funny.

No one is buying all these aliases you are using Curtis Brown/Manser. The beauty of all this is, since the Curtis Brown U.S.A. L.L.C. and Curtis Brown name have now been stated and posted on the Rip Off Report anyone looking up the name Curtis Brown, The Tycoon Group, or Curtis Brown U.S.A., L.L.C. will be steered directly to The Rip Off Report. See Curtis Brown/ alias Manser, there really is a God.


United States of America
Robert Rowe ChopperWerks

#23Consumer Comment

Sun, January 13, 2013

I wanted answers from Curtis Brown and I called him.  You betcha!  Not difficult at all.  Curtis says he'll gladly share his story of what happened privately to investors and clients as the have the right to know.  But won't do so publicly in a forum such as this.  The legal term idiot suits you well Chopper Dude.


United States of America
What a Clown Robert Rowe Is

#24Consumer Comment

Sun, January 13, 2013

Wong again Chopper Guy.  Let me spell it out for you.  Curtis Brown wasn't giving up any information or sharing with us his side of events.  I had his number and I called him, because I wanted to know some things.  He said he would talk with anyone who called him to privately speak and put out his version of events, but that he would not be doing so in this forum. 

So, for those that want answers.  And, I mean real answers Curtis Brown invites you to call him at 562-477-3130.  He'll even tell you where they're at in the lawsuit proceedings.

Wow... Talk about an idiot.


United States of America
You Didn't Answer the Question, Rather You Can't Give Up the Charade

#25Consumer Comment

Sun, January 13, 2013

So I was right.  You would call me Curtis Brown and you did...  Hot "diggity dog", no surprise Chopper Dude, but it's real funny.  LOL!!!  Well, are you going to answer the questions, or not from me and others who have posted here?

Or are you going to just continue to stick to the alias charade to avoid the questions and to hide the fact, that you owe money to people and all this was a cover up because of your I.O.Us. Yes, I saw Curtis closed Tycoon Group too.  That both good news and bad news for you I am sure.


United States of America
Curtis Brown just got caught posing as Manser

#26Author of original report

Sun, January 13, 2013

Hey Manser,

This post will demonstrate just how stupid you (Curtis Brown) is. You just got exposed again.

You posted under the name Manser stating that I had not withdrawn my credit card claim. That is correct, and the only person that would know that would be Curtis Brown. You also made other statements only Curtis Brown would be aware of.

You claimed in your website summary you had a degree in digital electronics. That must translate to mean you play XBox360 and PlayStation 3 because you certainly aren't smart enough even under an LD program to be admitted into any accredited college.

Now you can't come on here after the fact and state Curtis Brown told you that information because you also stated in your post you are not friends with Curtis Brown. Curtis Brown, you make it so easy to make you look stupid.


United States of America
Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group using the alias manser

#27Author of original report

Sun, January 13, 2013


No you aren't friends with Curtis Brown, you are Curtis Brown posing as another alias.

Anyone that would attempt to defend Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group after seeing the documentation evidence I posted here is either stupid or Curtis Brown himself.

As for the wheels of justice there are two prosecutors involved in the Curtis Brown case. State and federal. They must fully investigate not only for interstate bank fraud but for other charges which I anticipate happening. I'm confident Curtis Brown will face several counts and charges against him. My business and Cassandra O'Donnell are not the only victims of Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group fraud.

Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group has told the California Better Business Bureau (BBB) that he is now out of business and has shut his business The Tycoon Group down. Why would Curtis Brown do that if his business was so successful and he had nothing to hide ?

The California BBB has put an alert on his business review seen on the California BBB website. As a previous poster stated the website for Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group has been shut down. You can easily confirm this by going to their website or just Google The Tycoon Group and click on the BBB Business Review of The Tycoon Group. It's there for everyone to see.

As soon as I exposed Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group for the fraud and scammer he was he closed his doors and got out of Dodge. One of the posters has posted Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group only had a virtual office which confirms what I posted regarding his fake office.

Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group IS NOT REGISTERED with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as he claimed on his BBB review and told me. Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group is a member of FINRA which is basically a private club with no ties to the SEC. Look up FINRA on the internet. Anyone can join and it's a private organization. Curtis Brown has a license as a real estate agent in California. Curtis Brown has no federal licenses.

I filed a credit card dispute on the payment I sent Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group. Because of that my money will be refunded. Cassandra O'Donnell and others weren't so fortunate.

Curtis Brown it appears has now opened a new business called Curtis Brown, U.S.A., L.L.C. and relocated from Beverly Hills, Ca. to Long Beach, Ca.. That won't help him from a legal standpoint at all. Curtis Brown belongs in jail, which hopefully comes to fruition soon.

The fact that Curtis Brown shut down his business so quickly after being exposed as the fraud he is says a lot. Anyone that would even attempt to do any business with Curtis Brown would be extremely foolish.


United States of America
Concerned Citizen II Looking Hard for the Smoking Gun

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, January 13, 2013

Hey Exposefraudonline,

I have re-read the threads completely today.  I'm thinking you're not going to get a straight simple answer form Chopper Guy regarding your very good questions.  I'm thinking at first Chopper Guy didn't get refunded, next authorities are verifying the checks so he must have gotten refunded, but then he had filed a dispute with his credit card company, which he hasn't withdrawn.  It is confusing at first.  Then Chopper Guy pretends he has great care and concern for this Cassandra O'Donnell.  I would like to see where and how Curtis Brown asks Cassandra O'Donnell for money if reportedly she wasn't a client .  Where's that engagement contract?  Next, it should only take a few days for those checks to have cleared.  If those checks had bounced I'm sure we would have herd about it.  I'm also curious and have a lot of questions too.  Probably other people reading this also, feel things don't add up.  And, why did Curtis Brown aka Tycoon Group move?  Did he really get run out of town, or was it a year end planned moved, like the lease expired?  Does anyone know?

Usually, Chopper Guy is very quick to respond, whenever anyone posts anything here.  Maybe Exposefraudonline, he thinks you're Curtis Brown aka Tycoon Group aka Curtis Brown USA?  I noticed he doesn't call anyone an alias when he thinks they're on his side.  Watch, he'll call me Curtis Brown.

Well Exposefraudonline, I'm just going to assume you're not an alias.  One thing I have read and seen, and that is FNRA/SEC are EXTREMELY quick to shut someone down for doing half the stuff reported on this thread.  I checked and so far today that hasn't happened.  The FEDs shut down first, then investigate - ask questions later, no matter if someone changes their name, address, etc... their still going to have the same CRD number.

I have questions of Curtis Brown, but I know he won't respond here.  I just have a feeling we're not getting the full story from Chopper Guy.  One thing is very clear and obvious.  Chopper Guy was, or still is desperate to prove to someone that he was ripped off.  So I'm willing to bet he "pre-spent", or gave an I.O.U. to someone regarding the funds he thought was coming to him before he actually got it and thus got his %$#@! in a jam.   Someone had to take the fall, and it was all too very easy and convenient to make Curtis Brown that target. 

I'd like to see a contract with this Cassandra O'Donnell and the full contract with Chopper Guy.  I personally think he's somewhat playing all of us.  He shows you only what he wants you to see.  I'm reading that the deal was that Chopper Guy would get funded, or he would get refunded for whatever he paid for his private placement.  Doesn't anyone reading doubt that Chopper Guy got refund?  I've come to the conclusion this Chopper Guy has played us, so that he could look good before somebody.  I'm thinking Curtis Brown was the necessary sacrificial lamb to catch the ax to cover your behind.  It explains why you had to move so fast to do all you did.

 Exposefraudonline, Mary Daniels, Toshi Anzai, Steve Peterson, Iamh1 and myself see right through Chopper Guy.  Because.  Where's the written or sign commitments?  Obviously Curtis Brown is licensed and as it shows right on the FNRA/SEC web site, what was that lie you put out about?  Obviously, you got refunded, so now you are committing fraud against your own credit card company?  My my my....  I not saying I believe Curtis Brown - mainly because he hasn't said much, but I for sure ain't believing anything Chopper Guy is saying without proof.  At least without any real proof.   An office with no lights on and no people, versus a virtual office.   Look I checked the website, and it does appear Barristers shares office space on the 6th Floor with other people. So???  I see no crime with sharing an entire office floor.  If Curtis Brown is really no good, we'd all really like to know and see real proof now.  If Curtis Brown is no good I'm the first that would want him to meet and greet Bubba.

To Chopper Guy if you did all this just to look good because you gave out I.O.U.s when you shouldn't have.  And, that's what I precisely suspect this is ALL about, then I gotta believe Curtis Brown hasn't been sitting on his hands.  Or, he's truly afraid of you and hiding.  Which, let me think about that one.  The fact that he's been very quite does bother me though.  Nevertheless, I am somewhat familiar about these types of private fund raises and there's never any guarantees until funding has funded.  There are usually conditional pledges before signed commitments.

So, Exposefraudonline, I'll check back in a few days and see if you have gotten any further with answers, such as a YES or NO from Chopper Guy.  One more thing.  Everyone knows the FEDs don't take holiday breaks to investigate crimes such as these purported, especially the FBI and SEC.  So, over a month now I'm not seeing nor hearing about any arrest, no license suspension, no actions taken, no nothing from an official.  Just an awful lot of talk on this site from mainly one loud mouth dude who pulled an OJ Simpson move to steal back his own property, got popped for it and released.  Justice just ain't that slow for this kind of stuff that Chopper Guy is claiming Exposfraudonline.  At some point Chopper Guy will just have to admit he spent money he shouldn't have and that Curtis Brown had to be the fall guy.  And do Chopper Guy should pay back all that money he owes people.  Because that's what ALL this is about.  And, Curtis' silence didn't help which in fairness evokes that question to be answered. 

Good luck Exposefraudonline.  I am not a friend of Curtis Brown, but let's say I do have an interest to know if he's wearing the white hat or black hat.  If he's wearing the black one, I'm taking him out myself.  But, I think you'll get just more hot air, smoke and mirrors from Chopper.  I checked and hardly anyone else on Rippoff goes on and on like this dude...  for a man that is.  Maybe he thinks if he has the last word everyone will start to believe him.  But, the opposite has happening, because the more he talks the less I believe him.


To: Copperwerks, Re: Curtis Brown AKA: Tycoon Group LLC, Curtis Brown USA LLC

#29Consumer Comment

Fri, January 11, 2013

You are very welcome for the info, I will try to share more with you as I decide to take it to light.  Yes that is a virtual office.  Now using a virtual office isn't illegal, but at the same time causes concern when someone is not disclosing that fact in their correspondences with others, like emails, company letter head and so on.  A potential investor or entrepreneur that is seeking funding should have the facts made known to them that this Beverly Hills address is a virtual one.   But in the end this is just all smaller piece of the bigger picture.

Please answer some questions for me.  There has been a lot of discussion on this thread and I haven't had time with all the other matters I am dealing with to read every tid bit, but read a lot of it.  You are claiming there was a fee for you to pay to get this return on your investment/venture.  It sounds like you never got paid back.  Did you actually get your money back, or have you never seen it? 

What exactly did Curtis tell you before you parted with the money?  Did he make you believe the investment money was there?

Did Curtis ever give you any names of investors?  Do you have all theses name and contact info for them?  Were any of them real or fake investors?  Have you researched any of them?

Did Curtis find you by answering an ad online looking for funding?  How did you come across Curtis Brown?

Did Curtis Brown tell you he was using a virtual office?

Did any of the material Curtis or his associates send you ever get sent to you US Postal Service?

I would also suggest you report to your local FBI office ASAP and give them a copy of all the materials you have on this case of yours and others you have come across.

I remember one guy back in the 90's running an investment scam......he thought he was so slick, he ripped people off from NY to California, heven bragged to his friends he would not ever get caught.  Guess what?  He got caught.  He is now sitting in a Federal prison in Texas, with a roommate named Bubba.  Bubba isn't afraid of people saying they know Kravmaga either.   Bubba also likes reading poetry to his cell-mate and having his back rubbed.


United States of America
Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group is now Curtis Brown USA, LLC

#30Author of original report

Wed, January 09, 2013

What a piece of work. Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group L.L.C. it appears has moved his virtual office from Beverly Hills, CA. to Long beach CA. and is now Curtis Brown USA, L.L.C.. Different location same old scam.

Curtis Brown USA ? Are you serious ? I'm surprised you didn't call your new scam business Captain America Curtis Brown. I think the old saying you can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl applies to you Curtis Brown. Lying and swindling people out of their money just seems to come natural to you.

Could it be Curtis Brown that they ran you out of Beverly Hills, CA. ? I must say one thing you sure folded your tent real fast when you were exposed on The Rip Off Report for being the scammer you are.


United States of America
Response to Expose On-Line Fraud, U.S.A. in regards to CURTIS BROWN/ THE TYCOON GROUP

#31Author of original report

Tue, January 08, 2013

Dear Expose On-Line Fraud U.S.A.,

Thank you for your comments here. So Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group has a virtual office ? LOL, that doesn't surprise me at all. That probably means Curtis Brown is a virtual person and The Tycoon Group, L.L.C. is a virtual business, with virtual investors. Your post confirms what I posted here about the Wells Fargo Bank employees that stated his office was basically a phantom office.

Yes, Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group promised lots of things but never delivered to answer your question. He lied, and misrepresented just about everything he told me.

In addition, Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group L.L.C. took a $5,000.00 deposit from Cassandra Odonnell and never provided her a service and only refunded $500.00 of her $5,000.00 she sent Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group. Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group atempted the same thing with me but I filed a credit card dispute which is still in process.

At this time I'm waiting for authorities to file criminal charges against Curtis Brown as he and his virtual business are under investigation. Now that the holidays are over they will move forward quickly to prosecute Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group.


Curtis Brown DBA: Tycoon Group LLC AKA: Curtis Brown USA LLC

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, January 08, 2013

I have been finding this forum on Curtis Brown and Tycoon Group very interesting.  He does have a registered form ADV with the SEC on file, it's him but not the virtual address in Beverly Hills.  Yes the address he list for Wells Fargo building is a virtual address.  If you search the web "433 N. Camden Dr. 6th. Floor virtual office" you will even find a site or two that offer to lease a virtual office to you at that address.  You can also rent a conference room for an hourly fee.  But the address on his FORM ADV is as follows (This is from the SEC website, Investment Adviser Public Disclosure, search);

(((Here is part of the public search result from SEC, this is not private or confidential information)))


OMB: 3235-0049


Primary Business Name: CURTIS BROWN USA, LLC

IARD/CRD Number: 149743

Rev. 10/2012


Complete this form truthfully. False statements or omissions may result in

denial of your application, revocation of your registration, or criminal

prosecution. You must keep this form updated by filing periodic amendments. See

Form ADV General Instruction 4.


1 Identifying Information

Responses to this Item tell us who you are, where you are doing business,

and how we can contact you.


Your full legal name (if you are a sole proprietor, your last,

first, and middle names):



Name under which you primarily conduct your advisory business, if

different from Item 1.A.:


List on Section 1.B. of Schedule D any additional names under which you

conduct your advisory business. 


If this filing is reporting a change in your legal name (Item

1.A.) or primary business name (Item 1.B.), enter the new name and specify

whether the name change is of

your legal name or  your primary

business name: 


(1) If you are registered with the SEC as an investment adviser,

your SEC file number:

(2) If you report to the SEC as an exempt reporting

adviser, your SEC file number: 


If you have a number ("CRD Number") assigned by the

FINRA's CRD system or by the IARD system, your CRD number:


If your firm does not have a CRD number,

skip this Item 1.E. Do not provide the CRD number of one of your

officers, employees, or affiliates. 


Principal Office and Place of Business


Address (do not use a P.O. Box):

Number and Street 1:



Number and Street 2:








ZIP+4/Postal Code:



Telephone number at this location:



Facsimile number at this location:




He does have a State of California registered LLC under the name Tycoon Group LLC. 

I would be very interested in hearing from any more people out there that had dealings with Curtis Brown, DBA: Tycoon Group LLC or Curtis Brown USA LLC?

How did Curtis approach you? 

Did you post an ad seeking funding for a business plan or idea? 

Did Curtis ask you for money (remuneration) in exchange of a loan or securing funding for you? Did he come through?

What name or business name did he go by when he contacted you?

Did you send him money?  Did you get the funding you needed?

Did Curtis ask you to offer securites for sale without registering them with your local state and the SEC?

Did Curtis advise you on selling securities (stocks, bonds, shares)?

Did you send Curtis money?  How much?  Did you ask for refund if he did not provide what he said?  Did he provide the refund?

Does anyone know why Curtis took his website down?

I am just a concerned citizen that would like to know more about Curtis Brown, DBA Tycoon Group LLc, Curtis Brown USA LLC. 


United States of America
Is Curtis Brown of The Tycoon Group a cross dresser ?

#33Author of original report

Thu, January 03, 2013

Hey Curtis Brown,

I guess its possible you could be a cross dresser or transvestite and use the name Mary Daniels. Are you ? You really are stupid Curtis Brown/ aka Mary Daniels. You think Im rude ? Ok, I think you are not only a fraud, but an idiot for using all these aliases and posting your incoherent rants and lying claims on this forum.

Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group, you are a liar again. I was never arrested, never read any Miranda Rights, never detained, never put in hand cuffs, lying must be a natural reflex for you just like breathing.

The Hernando County prosecutor who was going after the guy that stole $80,000.00 worth of our property and knowing the thief that stole our property filed a false police report to avoid arrest, arranged for me to go to the local law enforcement agency (Sarasota Sheriffs Dept.) to start the process of having the false police report vacated. The prosecutor did this instead of having me drive two hours to Hernando County.

The internet website is a for profit website and as it states on this website the information may not be correct. But you knew this Curtis Brown because you had the documentation regarding the false police report before I ever signed any contract with you. You also stated I had no criminal record in the Private Placement Memorandum you prepared. That fact makes you a liar, and guilty of slander and defamation.

Again, our BBB rating is A+ which is better than Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group has right now, and will be way better than The Tycoon Groups rating when the BBB investigates the current complaints against The Tycoon Group.

I havent influenced the the hit count at all. The fact is Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group has become entertaining with the use of all the aliases. Its also obvious Curtis Browns tactics arent scoring any points.

Since you seem to be scouring the internet to dig up dirt on Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. with all these links, it seems you have a lot of time on your hands. That would make sense though, as I doubt anyone will do business with Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group after reading The Rip Off Report. This is a great forum for the consumer.

Ive already proved Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group is a liar, swindler, fraud, etc.. The documents I have posted make that very clear. Curtis Brown, you know you threatened me with extortion with your letter. As I said, the authorities have that letter. However, Ive also posted your letter that threatened Cassandra ODonnell which you have cheated out of $4,500.00.

As for Curtis Browns hot air claim of defamation ? He has no claim as everything Ive posted here is true regarding Curtis Brown. Curtis Brown is a coward, and knows he has no claim, nor would he dare come here to Florida to file a lawsuit. Florida would have jurisdiction in any lawsuit, not California or its inferior court. Although Curtis Brown would also lose any claim in California if California did have jurisdiction.

Mary Daniels

Los Angeles,
United States of America
Robert Rowe / Cutomer ChoppWerks Can't Support His Claims

#34Consumer Comment

Wed, January 02, 2013

Robert Rowe /Custom ChopperWerks, my message earlier this morning did not seem to go through.  So, I'm re-writing it.  So now you're calling me Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group.  Mr. Robert Rowe /
Custom ChopperWerks I dont believe anything you have to say.  You are very insulting, loud and rude! 

Are the following bloggers Aliases too:





I can also count very well.  You have 7 complaints on your BBB record and youre not even an accredited business.    I checked also that mugshot website, and the fact is you were arrested.  It doesnt matter for how long.

So, 30+ people are watching your posts and indicating your post are helpful in the span of a couple of hours.  REALLY!!!   You must have lots of time on your hands to F5 and/or delete your cookies using your browser and click, click, click away to get those kind of results.  You're calling that kicking butt, right?

You've gone on a tear on this site and it appears you are down to only two complaints, because the others I've checked myself, such as the office and FedEx shipments and your own posts and have come to the conclusion you only have two remaining beefs and that's looking pretty slim my dear: 

1) You have stated Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group LLC has misrepresented themselves as to regarding their license.  OK, Show us that Sir!  Youre saying it just doesnt make it true.  Prove it! So show us where there is the discrepancy with the license of Curtis Brown as a Registered Investment Adviser.  And, show us how they misrepresented themselves as far as their capabilities.   You like to repeat yourself like a broken record, but can you show us?  And, show us the Private Placement Memorandum that was prepared on your behalf.  Why dont you stop playing these games with these partial emails that twist the truth about Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC.  You even want to call me Curtis Brown.  Well, frankly he's got about 100lbs on me and about a foot taller.  Three other people besides myself.  I imagine if aliases were used they could be used to start garbage against your business on Ripoff Report, but I haven't seen that.  Frankly, what you say about aliases doesn't wash my dear.   But, like a broken record you'll keep clinging to that, because I can see you got no choice. 

2) You are now somehow representing Cassandra O'Donnell, right?   Whyyyy?  Judging from posts of many other people, they don't like you either.  You strike me as someone that only cares about himself.  Do you feel you need a little extra ammunition to go after Mr. Curtis Brown?   OK, can you show us that Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC has requested at least one penny from Cassandra O'Donnell or that she was even a client.  Show the request, demand, contract or whatever it is... 

All other claims you had such as not getting the money back for the PPM, or the Wells Fargo employees not finding a real office were BIG lies.  The same goes for you manipulating the helpful buttons on this site.  I should report you to RipOff Report myself and get you kicked off this site for wasting everyone's time.  You are one shady character, aren't you?

Robert Rowe / Custom ChopperWerks, you have made loud and very aggressive,
false and egregious assertions backed by partial emails and a one page of an
apparent multi-page contract.   If I can figure out whats going on, then so can others.  All things you have done were designed to deceive reader for your own purposes.  The way you talk, you would have thought Mr. Curtis Brown had slept with your mother.  You just talk a whole and have gone through a heck of a lot of trouble in my opinion to do your own self in the end.  My whole experience with Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC has been nothing but professional and they have fully explained the risks.  I just bet you are a poor listener aren't you?  Anyone intelligent can tell too you just have a chip on your shoulder, because you didn't get the funding you assumed was a guaranteed done deal. 

Regarding me putting up Exhibits and the like, as was not part of your dealings on this issue.  I'm merely putting together what happened - so that I could make the decision to forward doing business with Mr. Curtis Brown.  I'm being prudent.  I'm not the one claiming I've been scammed or a victim of fraud.  This site was design for legitimate people to warn others, or to force the other party to take corrective action(s).  With that my dear, you have to prove your case.  You're taking and no one refutes that.  But, in actuality haven't proved what you're saying.  That's a heavy burden that falls squarely on you, which you have repeatedly failed to deliver.  Threats!  And, I haven't seen Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC make one threat against you.  Oh, I'd say you've made plenty against Curtis Brown  / Tycoon Group, LLC. 

All, I can say is, as someone really seeing this happening - you deserve whatever judgment gets handed to you on the defamation.  

Mary Daniels
Los Angeles

Mary Daniels

Los Angeles,
United States of America
Robert Rowe Custom ChopperWerks Claims Unsupported

#35Consumer Comment

Wed, January 02, 2013

So now you're calling me Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group.  Mr. Robert Rowe / Custom ChopperWerks you are very insulting, loud and rude!  So, now you go that way.

Are the following bloggers Aliases too?:





I can also count very well.  You have 7 complaints on your BBB record and your not even an accredited business.   I checked also that criminal mugshot website, and the fact was, you were arrested before.  Whether or not you were found not guilty in a court is another matter.  But, the fact is you got yourself in that predicament to begin with.

So, 30+ people are watching your posts and indicating your post are helpful in the span of a few hours.  REALLY!   You must have lots of time on your hands to F5 and/or delete your cookies using your browser and click, click, click away to get those kind of results.  You're calling that kicking butt, right?  Remember, women have better memories than men.

Putting all that aside, I need you to stay focused.  You've gone on a tear on this site and it appears you are down to only two complaints, because the others I've checked myself, such as the Tycoon Group's office and FedEx shipments and your own posts and have come to the very confident conclusion you only have two remaining beefs and that's looking pretty slim my dear.  So, let's just have you focus on those two things and those two things only.

1) You have stated Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group LLC has misrepresented themselves as to regarding their license.  OK, Show us that Sir!  And, show us how they misrepresented themselves as far their capabilities.  Show us your full contract, the Private Placement Memorandum that was prepared on your behalf.  Let's stop playing these silly boy games with these partial emails that twist the truth about Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC.  I started out completely neutral with regards to you and Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC, but your nasty-nous and missteps gave me cause to pause and really think through the garbage you are putting out.  Your response yesterday took the cake.  You want to call me Curtis Brown.  Well, frankly he's got about 100lbs on me and foot taller. 

2) You are now somehow representing Cassandra O'Donnell, right?  Why?  Oh, you need additional ammunition am right?  OK, then show us that Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC has requested at least one penny from Cassandra O'Donnell or that she was even a client.  Show us that Agreement Sir!  

All other claims you had such as not getting the money back for the PPM, (which appears very timely according to Toshi Anzai, Steve Peterson and FedEx) or the Wells Fargo employees not finding a real office were a lie.  The same goes for you manipulating the helpful buttons on this site. 

Robert Rowe / Custom ChopperWerks, you have made loud and very aggressive, false and egregious assertions backed by partial emails and one page of a multi-page contract.  And, all designed to deceive for your audience.  My whole experience with Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC has been nothing but professional and they have fully explained the risks.  I will proceed with them.  I just bet you are poor listener are you?  Bet that's gotten you into a lot of trouble before hasn't it?  Anyone intelligent can tell you just have an ax to grind because you didn't get the private funding you assumed was a guaranteed done deal. 

Regarding me putting up Exhibits and the like.  I'm not the one claiming I've been scammed or a victim of fraud.  I do see an injustice though and that's why I'm posting.  But that ultimate burden of proof is fully on you my dear, which you have failed miserably, so far.  If I were Mr. Curtis Brown, I personally would have no problem putting things up on this site, of whatever I had.  I can only assume he may have better plans.

I am very convinced now that you are the wolf is sheep's clothing.  It took a few days to figure out what you were up to.  I must admit, I almost believed you.  And, I'm sure you are HOT and ticked now....  Are you going to attack me again, call me Curtis Brown again?  I wonder.  But, if you would be sweet heart and just focus on the two items above, (I've numbered them for you) that would be nice.

Mary D
Los Angeles


United States of America
Exhibits F, K#1, and K#@

#36Author of original report

Wed, January 02, 2013

I had to post these separate which are part of my rebuttal.

Report Attachments


United States of America

#37Author of original report

Wed, January 02, 2013

Mary Daniels ?????? You cant be serious. First of all anyone doing a background check on a business, wouldnt do so on any forum. In addition, if any genuine or real person wanted my input, all they would have to do is pick up the phone and call as its listed on our website. No one on this forum is going to believe the person who posted under the name of Mary Daniels is anyone other than Curtis Brown or a close associate of Curtis Brown.

This latest post by Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group/ aka Mary Daniels, clearly demonstrates everything I have stated on The Rip Off Report is true regarding Curtis Brown and his The Tycoon Group. This latest post by Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group is a classic example of the bogus tactics Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group will do to lie, or cheat, by misrepresentation.

I have already posted documentation that proves Curtis Brown is a fraud. Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group has not, and can not produce one document that disputes the truth I have posted on The Rip Off Report. However, Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group aka/ Mary Daniels, Ill do it again. Ill also take the false statement stated in your latest post point, by point, which will also expose your lies and fraud.

Point #1 : The Better Business Bureau rating for Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. is A+. Let me repeat that A+. The alleged complaints you reference were actually three people who purchased our products through our independent dealers who sell our products. The dealers correctly refused to replace the products for the following reasons :

1. Replace a product that was damaged by the buyer on installation.

2. A buyer that demanded an adapter they were never charged for,    or paid for, and refused to pay for.

3. A buyer that wanted to exchange foot pegs after having possession of the product for four months falsely claiming he had received the wrong foot pegs.

None of these people purchased their product directly from Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. because Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. only sells wholesale to licensed dealers. When these buyers complaints were refused by the dealers (and justifiably so) these same buyers filed false complaints with the Better Business Bureau against Custom ChopperWerks, Inc.. As you can see by the published investigation by the Better Business Bureau the decision came down in favor of Custom ChopperWerks, Inc.. Bottom line Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. has an excellent reputation. In nine years we have sold thousands upon thousand of our products with ZERO complaints about the quality of our products. So anyone questioning our rating with the Better Business Bureau either has a reading comprehension problem, or is just flat out stupid.

Point #2 : Several Wells Fargo Bank employees STATED after going upstairs to The Tycoon Groups office SEVERAL TIMES DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS, that no lights were on, that no employees were present, that there appeared to be no furniture that would be present in an office.

Several people who had no reason to lie confirmed the above. I believe them.

Point #3 : Are you that illiterate ? As I stated I already posted the documents you reference. Just for fun, Ill do it again :

1. Curtis Brown had represented he already had $200,000.00 worth of investment money in place and could disperse the $200,000.00 within ten days if I sent Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group $5,000.00. The total amount to be funded was $500,000.00 which was required to be dispersed in no more than 90 days.

BEFORE, I sent any money to Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group I wanted to confirm in writing what Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group had represented that he would fund Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. the $200,000.00 Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group claimed it had in place to disperse at the time. I also wanted to confirm in writing that if I were to send $5,000.00 to Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group that the $5,000.00 would be refundable immediately on my demand.

I sent Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group a confirmation email (EXHIBIT D) outlining the above requirements before I would send any money ($5,000.00). Read Curtis Browns response to my confirmation email at the bottom part of EXHIBIT D. Curtis Browns response was, and I quote, Your (Robert Rowe) understanding is 100% correct.... Curtis.

This also clearly shows Curtis Brown lied about a $250,000.00 watermark that had to be reached before any funds would be released to Custom ChopperWeks, Inc..

Point #4 : Curtis Brown will lie, slander, defame, and attempt illegal extortion, against any client that exposes the truth that Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group, will misrepresent, lie, cheat, or steal or attempt to steal, money from a Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group client.

1. Curtis Brown using an alias posted on this forum that I was a criminal and had spent time in jail. He knew when he posted that lie, that it was a lie. Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group had the documentation that a dealer had stolen $80,000.00 worth of Custom ChopperWerks, Inc.s products and had filed a false police report in order to avoid arrest for grand theft.

    a.    I was NEVER arrested, nor was I charged with any crime. See EXHIBIT A where the prosecutor filed a NO INFORMATION affidavit which means no charges were ever filed against me. Exhibit A also shows the prosecutor asked the Court to close the case which it did (See EXHIBIT B).

    b.    The Court ordered the record expunged (EXHIBIT C). which means the whole incident never happened and my record is clean.

    c.    Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group prepared a Private Placement Memorandum (PPM). On page 29 of the PPM (EXHIBIT F) Curtis Brown states Robert Rowe has never been arrested for a felony or misdemeanor. So it should be obvious when Curtis Brown using the alias Toshi Anzia that he knew what he posted was a lie which is slander and defamation by the way. Again, the bottom line is Curtis Brown is a liar.    

2. Curtis Brown made an extortion threat to Cassandra ODonnell if she told the truth and posted that Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group cheated her out of $4,500.00 along with Glen Lyles.

    a. See Exhibit K #1 & #2 which is an email from Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group threatening Cassandra ODonnell with a lawsuit. Not only does this lying, cheating scumbag, Curtis Brown cheat Cassandra out of $4,500.00 Curtis Brown/The Tycoon Group received from Cassandra, Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group then threatens this poor woman who was a victim of Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group, with a lawsuit.

    b. Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group made an extortion threat against me in a letter which authorities now have in their possession. He threatened me with a Whistle Blower claim with the IRS. Not      only was his extortion threat illegal, it was stupid since he put it in writing.

Point #5 : Curtis Brown claims he is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission :
    a. Another Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group lie. Curtis Brown using another alias posts a FINRA document attempting to give credibility to his claim Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group, L.L.C. is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

    b.    FINRA is in no way part of the SEC. FINRA is a private independent organization. FINRA IS NOT A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY. Call the SEC, The SEC will tell you they have no The        Tycoon Group, L.L.C. or Curtis Brown registered with the SEC as Curtis Brown falsely claims. Here is the number to call (800) 732-0330. Again, Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group is proven a        liar.

So Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group/ aka Mary Daniels, why dont you post any documents ? I have, and my documents prove you Curtis Brown, are a liar, and fraud.

Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group you can post on The Rip Off Report using any name or alias you wish. However, it will not change the fact that you will lie, cheat, misrepresent, or steal a clients money if given the chance.

Your groundless false claims, and attempts to intimidate wont work with me. I love taking on dirtbags like you Curtis Brown. Im pursuing federal and state charges against Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group, with the SEC, Florida/ California BPR which regulates all professional licenses. One way or another you are going to be refunding Cassandra ODonnells $4,500.00 you cheated her out of and refused to return to her. As I stated in a previous post here. The wheels of justice may turn slow, but they do turn.

I'll have to post Exhibits D, F, K#1, and K#2, in a separate post because they won't fit in this post.

Report Attachments

Mary Daniels

Los Angeles,
United States of America
I Thought Tycoon Group Was Just Terrible, Until

#38Consumer Comment

Tue, January 01, 2013

My name is Mary Daniels.  I am doing my due diligence on Tycoon Group, LLC, as I am considering doing business with them.  I have no history with Tycoon Group, LLC whatsoever, so at this point my approach is cautious, but neutral.  I have no knowledge of you Robert Rowe of Customer ChopperWerks, other than what many bloggers have stated, which appear not flattering about him, and his BBB 7 complaints.  So, at this point I am seeking to know which parties I can trust here between Robert Rowe of Customer ChopperWerks and Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC.

In doing my own little investigations, I can say that I have visited the offices of Tycoon Group, LLC in Beverly Hills, California.  Yes, they are in the Wells Fargo Building on North Camden Drive.  I saw that their name is prominently displayed in the lobby marquee.  I can confirm that they do have their offices on the 6th Floor, shared with other professionals.  Lights are definitely on and people are there.  And, I have met actually with Mr. Curtis Brown personally. 

I should say here that, Mr. Curtis Brown would not talk to me about Robert Rowe of Custom ChopperWerks, other than to say his attorneys are on it, with a serious case of defamation that is nearly ready to be filed against now, and that Cassandra ODonnell was never a client but knows of her because she contacted him for money and subsequently he got an investigator to find out who she is and why she made a post on ripoff report earlier this year against a Mr. Glen Lyles but  involved a Mr. Jim Rhyne and Curtis Brown, as I also read in Cassandra ODonnells post. 

Robert Rowe of Customer ChopperWerks, I believe the public, (me included) deserve to know the truth right now of what happened between you Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC, especially, if I might engage any business with Curtis Brown now or in the future.  I just rather know now than months down the road that I made the right decision.  Im writing here rather than calling you, because I am sure others who read what you have written might be wondering some of the same things that have crossed my mind.  Because, initially your post sounded very compelling again Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group and things sounded very shady on the part of Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, but at a real closer look it seems you are laughing, taunting and I sensed a certain eviliness, especially when I determined for myself that Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group has a real office and is in fact licensed registered investment adviser.

So, Robert Rowe of Customer ChopperWerks I do have some questions, which are very neutral in nature.  And, I want to give you a chance to further prove your claims.  Because, so far you appear to either be purposely withholding more exhibits that further can prove, or disprove your claims of a scam and/or fraud perpetrated by Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group.  I am sure you wont mind answering the below following questions for the public at large.  So, Ill begin.

When you stated on this site that, The Beverly Hills Wells Fargo employees made numerous trips to what were described as an "obscure" very small unit. At no time, were any lights on or any employee or person present during working hours at the location.  Obviously, you have mislead on that point, but why or how may I ask? I visited their office and apparently it's been there for years.

Would it be possible to post all pages of your signed written agreement to show what was the actual nature and intent of Tycoon Group LLCs written engagement with you Robert Rowe of Customer ChopperWerks?  It seems to me at least one page before and one page after the page you have actually posted is missing.  Its important, because you stated, He falsely claimed he already had $200,000.00 worth of investors lined up and could disburse at least $200,000.00 worth of funding immediately if we just sent him a $5,000.00 deposit that would be refundable if we were not funded or were unhappy with The Tycoon Group's service.  I would like to know where Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC has written that he could disburse at least $200,000.00.  Can you show that in your full Agreement, (pages just seem to be missing) or the Private Placement Memorandum that was prepared for you?  And specifically where in those documents?  Being that Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLCs carefully explained their nature and process to me of what they do to me, Im wondering if maybe you agreed to something else in writing versus the email youve presented.  One thing Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group LLC made abundantly clear to me is that there are NEVER any guarantees.  Perhaps the pages of your Agreement could explain things more clearly I think.  And, could you post just the pages of your PPM on this site that explains the procedure for when and how funds could be dispersed to you? 

I really studied the threads of the posts, obliviously, you did get refunded, as you stated in your post: "As a matter of fact, authorities are confirming the funds on the checks you wrote."  Or, I assume you got fully refunded because you stopped requesting for the $5,000.00 in your posts.  Rather you seem to focus on the SEC and Cassandra ODonnell, whom I understand never was even a client of Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC.  Which, is like the only thing Curtis Brown would say.  And, I asked because I was looking for a pattern to either support or disprove your claim.  This Im very curious about.  Could you or Cassandra ODonnell please post the signed agreement with Curtis Brown /Tycoon Group, LLC, whereby Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC agreed to do a loan for her, and with an upfront fee?  I asked Mr. Curtis Brown if he is a bank or does loans, he says absolutely not.  He simply has access to private accredited investors for private equity for select opportunities.  So, I think if I see an agreement with Cassandra ODonnell it would clear things for me and Im sure others as well.

You posted that there was an email stating, my understanding was a $200,000.00 amount would be funded immediately upon receipt.  However, I read your email and it actually says: You (Curtis Brown) and Tycoon Group, L.L.C. have represented that if I or Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. are not satisfied with the Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) documents and other required documents or if Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. is not funded at least $200,000 by Tycoon Group L.L.C. within 90 days the $5,000.00 fee that I am now remitting to you (Curtis Brown) and Tycoon Group, L.L.C for the preparation of the PPM documents as well as other required documents, will be refunded by Curtis Brown/Tycoon Group, L.L.C in full immediately upon demand to myself (Robert K.Rowe) or custom ChopperWerks, Inc.

The way I am reading this, is that you would pay for a Private Placement Memorandum and if you were not satisfied or didnt get funded with the help of Curtis Brown/Tycoon Group, LLC, they would give you the $5,000.00 PPM refund.  Again, could you show us the public the full Agreement?  Id like to know if perhaps the Agreement varies from the email, as actually I am truly looking for the fraud and scam here somewhere.  And, I really want to know, so that perhaps I am not a possible victim.  After all, who does, right?

On my visit with Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC, Mr. Curtis Brown actually took a call from a Mr. Steve Peterson in his office.  After their chat, Mr. Brown tells me about him.  And, it turns out the two have known each other a long time and are very good friends.  So, while I cant vouch for others who have posted here, I can at least vouch for the fact Steve Peterson is not an alias or vice versa.  Can you post any proof that Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC uses any alias? 

Like the other person, (iamh1) and perhaps like many others apparently reviewing these posts, I too naturally checked the status of Mr. Curtis Brown and found that in fact he is a Registered Investment Adviser licensed in California.  It shows a U.S. SEC logo on the upper left.  Zero complaints, actions, trouble, etc  Do you still suggest Curtis Brown does not have an Investment Adviser license?  I am not sure what you are suggesting, can you spell out what you are suggesting?  Is there any proof you have that Curtis Brown has represented himself to you other than a Registered Investment Adviser or Licensed Broker with the California Department of Real Estate?

Robert Rowe of Custom Chopperwerks, I am looking for patterns or evidence of ANY fraud or scamming on the part of Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, LLC, but actually so far what I see are incomplete emails, a partial agreement and incomplete information, anger and then laughter on your part like a game, because you mention that Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group isnt holding any cards.  So on the surface what you have posted does look really bad for Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group, but looking deeply and intelligently one could start questioning your statements and motives.  Would you kindly reply to my queries?  I see many negative blogs about you and Custom ChopperWerks, and several complaints on your BBB record, which Im afraid does cut into your credibility to some extent.  I am sure you can understand why Im not straight away just accepting all that you have said regarding Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group without full or real proof.  Obviously, not everything you have said thus far, has been truthful here, at least regarding Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group's office, licensing, Steve Peterson and Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group LLCs finances, (which was shown their most recent profit and loss and balance sheet).   Also, a couple of your own posts are contrary to your very own Exhibits.  It's sort of like you wanted to go after Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group by whatever means.  Also, you might want to consider this.  Even if Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group LLC did not have two wooden nickels, (which judging from what Ive seen myself is not the case) most post people know defamation suits in California are relatively easy to prosecute, and many attorneys take such cases on a contingency fee basis. 

Perhaps some things that you have stated may be true, but what?  I think posting all the pages of the signed contracts of you and Cassandra ODonnell, as you wish to have her joined, along with pages of your Private Placement Memorandum and that of Cassandra ODonnell's would be a good starter as to whether, or not I can or should trust you, or Curtis Brown / Tycoon Group.  I dont think you speak for everyone, as you would like to believe.  Or, at least you havent earned that right just yet in my estimate.  Thank you for your help or further evidence.

Mary Daniels
Los Angeles


United States of America
Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group lying again with another alias

#39Author of original report

Fri, December 21, 2012

Well Curtis Brown how many aliases are you going to use ? Everyone that has read these posts have come to the obvious conclusion the actual poster is Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group. You are fooling no one and quite frankly exposes even more how deceitful you are.

How about that. You finally post a document as evidence you claim ties you to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The document you posted is meaningless and is NOT an SEC certification registration document. The document you posted is a FINRA document. FINRA is a independent organization and is NOT the Securities and Exchange Commission which is what you falsely claim The Tycoon Group is registered with. Your scamming and false misrepresentations never seem to end Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group. The only professional LICENSE you possess is a real estate license which you are most likely going to lose because of your unethical conduct. You would definitely lose the real estate license in Florida. California is also tough on unethical conduct.

OK, now that we have your latest lie exposed. How about addressing the $4,500.00 Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group swindled Cassandra O'Donnell out of. Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group made false promises of a loan, had her send Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group $5,000.00. Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group never provided the loan and only returned $500.00 to Cassandra O'Donnell keeping the other $4,500.00 claiming it was for you fees. That's called interstate bank fraud Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group which add to the other laws you have violated and you should be prosecuted for it.

Your lies, conning people, scamming, aliases, etc.. have been exposed Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group on The Rip Off Report, the Better Business Bureau, The SEC, The BPR, Federal and state authorities. When they complete their investigations it's my bet 2013 is going to be a very bad year for Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group.

So Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group when are you going to explain why you stole Cassandra O'Donnell's $4,500.00 and haven't returned it. Then you write her an extortion letter threatening her with a lawsuit if Cassandra doesn't write a false letter stating Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group had nothing to do with the scam that was pulled on her. However, Cassandra O'Donnell has the bank wiring receipt showing $5,000.00 was wired to the account of Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group.

Let's see if you can lie your way out of the Cassandra O'Donnell incident Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group. Using an alias of course.


United States of America
Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group is back using a nerw alias

#40Consumer Comment

Fri, December 21, 2012


The rebuttal you've responded too, is not presented by anyone other than an original article!


Secondarily, as an "actual" consumer of the services provided by the organization which is the subject of your malicious commentary and false statement(s); in support of Curtis Brown/Tycoon Group with regard to those statements, I'd previously sought to verify or disprove, for my self, and thereby any other reader from my previous post (iamh1) "actually" observed, the statements and claims you've asserted are incorrect.  I.E., the location and the SEC!

Follow this link (http://brokercheck.finra.org/Search/SearchResults.aspx?SearchGroup=Firm&IndlText=&FirmText=TYCOON+GROUP%2c+LLC&PageNumber=1).  

Again, in support of the subject of this (these) threads, I've found your claims to be false, and untrue through personal observation.

In closing, this post has been authored by the individual mentioned as the "poster", and not a figment of imagination!

Report Attachments


United States of America
Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group is back using a nerw alias

#41Author of original report

Thu, December 20, 2012

Well Curtis Brown, you lied again. You stated you weren't going to comment further on The Rip Off Report. I see you have a new alias Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group.

I don't need to get on the internet as I've already called the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) twice and they stated there is no The Tycoon Group registered with them. Go ahead, call the SEC phone number I posted here. They will tell you the same thing the SEC told me. By the way, the SEC is investigating you Curtis Brown and your The Tycoon Group.

Quite frankly, I wish you were licensed by the SEC as that would just be another license in addition to your real estate license you are at risk losing. Especially, if you are prosecuted criminally.

I don't buy your response on the SEC so how about telling us all about the $4,500.00 you swindled Cassandra O'Donnell out of. Are you going to return her money Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group ? You should know it is a violation of federal and state law to receive money up front for a loan.

Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group haven't posted one document to support your lying claims. I on the other hand have posted documents on The Rip Off Report that clearly show what you posted here were lies.

You sent threatening letters to Cassandra O'Donnell that if she told the truth about The Tycoon Group you would sue her. You threatened me with extortion stating you would turn me into the IRS under the "whistle blower" program. You were stupid enough to put it in writing which is a crime. What's so funny about your extortion threat is you don't have anything to report to the IRS as my business hasn't done anything wrong. It's like everything else you claim with your alleged legal team, private investigator, etc.. The fact is Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group you aren't hold any cards.

You've gotten away with intimidating others. That isn't going to work with me as I'm going to keep coming at you and put you in a position that you can't swindle anyone else. Like I posted previously, the wheel of justice may turn slow, but it does turn.


United States of America
Tycoon Group

#42Consumer Comment

Thu, December 20, 2012


I would suggest to you (urge you) undertake a FINRA search, followed by a cognizant SEC site search. 

Your depiction of the offices are blatantly false!  Whom ever your contact is, "...in the building..." on this statement, should be questioned thoroughly!


United States of America
Curtis Brown finally appears as Curtis Brown with all talk and no substance

#43Author of original report

Tue, December 18, 2012

Curtis Brown the con man,

Oh, this is really funny. Curtis Brown wants to thank himself and his aliases for supporting Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group ?

You Curtis Brown havent posted on this forum until now ? Really, Sybil ? So you are saying it was one of your multiple personalities that posted all the lies ? Right ?

No, calling you a scam artist isnt false, despicable, or malicious. Its just simply true.

Curtis Brown, you are about as smart as a box of rocks. You obviously have a reading comprehension problem. I stated in an earlier post here you sent a check for less than the $5,000.00 which was supposed to be refunded immediately on my demand. I sent you an email which I posted on this forum that stated your check was not acceptable and that I want my $5,000.00 refunded in full with no deductions.


You have Krav Maga ? Geez, that sounds like some sort of veneral desease. Are you trying to claim you are some sort of martial arts expert here are you Curtis Brown ? LOL, LOL, LOL. Curtis Brown youre killing me. I would put that statement of Krav Maga in the same class as your alleged private investigator, and Road Runner legal team. They dont exist, just like your mirage investors. Now that they have legalized pot in California, have you been loading up on the weed ? Because that has to be the only explanation for your bizaar statements quite frankly.

Yes, you do lie Curtis Brown. You lie quite a bit. As far as calling you names ? I think stating you are a slimeball con man is an accurate and true statement.

You wont slander me ? Youre a liar. You already have with your lies regarding me being a criminal and serving jail time when you knew that was totally false.

You wont be posting any evidence because you dont have any. You cant even post a cancelled check.

You wont threaten me ? You claim youre a martial arts expert, have a private investigator, and a legal team, that is somehow going to file suit against me according to you. HOT AIR CURTIS BROWN, HOT AIR. Curtis Brown you have been threatening me ever since I exposed you for the fraud you are. You even in writing threatend me with the IRS as a Whistle Blower which was really stupid as that is a felony and you check that out with your Road Runner legal team.

Now, why didnt you mention Cassandra ODonnell in your post whose money you conned from her by committing fraud. It is a violation of federal and state law to require money up front in order to obtain a loan which is what you did with me, Cassandra ODonnell, and others. To top it off, you took her money and gave her nothing in return. Thats called fraud Curtis Brown and you committed it.

Lets not leave out the Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group misrepresentation that you are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Call the SEC Curtis Brown. I did, and they told me you are not registered with the SEC.

Finally (for now), Curtis Brown is not being truthful again. It is not thats it and all you will say here. You will post under another alias.

I want to know what you know ? Curtis Brown, if I only knew what you know I would be classified as stupid.

The reason you keep posting is Ive been kicking your butt all over this forum with facts supported by documents that expose Curtis Brown as a fraud and liar.

You will keep posting here Curtis Brown trying to con your way out the facts that stack up against Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group. Then again, why wouldnt you post here. Im sure you now have a lot of time on your hands since no one will have anything to do with Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group as their devious behavior is now plastered all over the internet.

As far as your false claim of people supporting Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group. You might want to look at the bottom of the page in the Yes/No area. Right now Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group is getting their butts kicked 40 to 1. I know the 1 vote in your favor was put there by Curtis Brown.

Tycoon Group LLC

Beverly Hills,
United States of America
Tycoon Group Responds

#44REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, December 17, 2012

First, I want to thank all those who are supporting our firm, who called to find out, review and view the facts for themselves.  I want to especially thank Toshi Anzai and Steve Peterson.  I am truly very grateful for your continued trust in me, to our friendships and the professional relationship we have.

Hello Bob.  I actually haven't been doing any talking in this forum, at least until this point.  I know you are trying your very best to call me out.  This will be one and only response to you on this post.  So, let's be clear, to the matter that you are accusing me to be a Scam Artist - Frankly, it is false, despicable and malicious. 

1) Per my attorney and private investigator, we have overwhelming evidence you were refunded fully and very timely.   You said it yourself, above on the #10 Update By Author.  You said in paragraph four, "As a matter of fact, authorities are confirming the funds on the checks you wrote".  You said that Bob, but WAIT why would anyone confirm funds on a check I wrote, if they hadn't gotten anything?

2) Next, Bob you deposited the checks, but purposely without your signature on it, so you could claim on this website you never signed or endorsed them.  The fact is, lots of people deposit checks into an ATM and accidentally forget to sign/endorse the back of the check and they still get cashed.  In your case, one would reasonably determine, that you did not forget, as you said yourself, above on the #12 Update by Author.  You said in paragraph four, "A signature endorsement is required by any party cashing or depositing a check which everyone knows."  So, you knew the right thing to do, but failed to.  This is why talking too much is not a good thing.

3) And, having those cancelled checks now in our possession further allowed us to examine the computer generated numbers on the back of those checks to determine, when and where those checks were deposited.  This along with the FedEx shipment receipt confirmation you signed for receiving them and your email acknowledging the receipt of one of the check are just more facts. 

4) I am sorry you think I wouldn't pursue this.  I am sorry you thought I didn't have the financial resources, didn't have a office, or that I was somehow afraid of you.  Where in this world you EVER got ANY those ideas and others, I'll perhaps never know.  What I do know is, even though I've been practicing Krav Maga for a very long time - I'm not going around looking for fights.

5) No, no, no, I don't lie, I won't call you names, I won't slander you, as you have done over and over with me - I'm just watching you - like my attorney advises until the investigator completes his work.  I know you want to suck me into a verbal confrontation here, but no thanks.  I'll just calmly and plainly say, that you are going to court for Defamation, as you were never ripped off.  That's just a fact, no drama, no empty promises, no threats there.  Just a fact.

6) No, we won't be posting our evidence, or answering any of your questions here.  You simply want to know all of what we know at this point.  We are not going to oblige.  I am not doing anything to jeopardize our successful outcome in court.  So, that's it.  That's all I will say to you here.   Tycoon Group, LLC - Curtis Brown


United States of America
Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group still using an alias to lie

#45Author of original report

Sat, December 15, 2012

Hey Curtis,

I see you cant provide a cancelled check with my endorsement on the back can you ? No surprise there. You dont have the courage to post on here as Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group so you post lying accusations using an alias like Steve Peterson.

Youre nothing but hot air and have not posted one document to back up your lies. Ive posted plenty of documents that have exposed every one of your lies.

You still wont talk about Cassandra ODonnells $4,500.00 Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group cheated her out of. You cant defend it can you.

The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) is investigating Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is investigating the complaint I filed and is waiting for you response which everyone who has read your bogus posts knows will be a lie. The BBB is also getting a complaint from Cassandra ODonnell about how you cheated her out of $4,500.00 and committed fraud.

Last but not least, I am waiting for an arrest warrant to be issued for Curtis Brown which when I get a filed copy I will post here on The Rip Off Report. Then it will be interesting to see if you still want to run your mouth. You should have given Cassandra ODonnell her money back that Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group cheated her out of.

As for your hot air talk regarding your Road Runner legal team ? LOL,  I laugh every time I hear your threat of lawyers. I dont believe Curtis Brown could even afford to retain a lawyer. Its been my experience that most scammers and frauds like Curtis Brown and his Tycoon Group couldnt rub two wooden nickels together. LOL

Another reason Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group wont be able to afford an attorney is because no one will do any business with Curtis Brown and his Tycoon Group after they read all these complaints about how Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group lied and cheated them.

Truth Maker

United States of America
Robert Rowe Falls Hard

#46Consumer Comment

Fri, December 14, 2012

Robert Rowe, you out did yourself.  Thank you for providing me, Tycoon Group, their attorneys and the world your discovery, with THAT answer.  I am happy to say, you are the biggest con man.  But, don't take my word.  The BBB, Paypal, your credit card company and SEC have all sided against you also.  And, that's just the ones I know about.  And, I knew you wouldn't call me, or email me personally.  They said your type couldn't stop puffing yourself up.  I didn't believe them.  I do now, so of course you won't retract anything.  Curtis never committed fraud and you know it.  My job was to let you talk and talk (not to trap you) and you have cornered yourself.  Now, go back review what you've posted, you even contradicted yourself on a key issue. 

Well, I thank for answering my question.  You have cooperated with exacting precision to my surprise.  My job is done and they won't let me write you anymore.  You get to see Curtis' discovery in court, as apparently you have some assets.  See ya.   Steve


United States of America
Curtis Brown The Tycoon Group and his aliases lying again

#47Author of original report

Fri, December 14, 2012

Hey Curtis Brown, Wile E. Coyote here.

Yeah, Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group it is you again using an alias. You can use whatever name you want, but it still boils down to you cheating and lying to people. Your posts here on The Rip Off Report are a classic example.

I have provided written documentation that every false accusation you have made is nothing more than a lie, lie, and more lies. You don't post any documents to support your lies because you can't.

You keep dodging this question which is ; When are you going to return the $4,500.00 you scammed Cassandra O'Donnell out of. You have cheated here. It is a violation of federal and state statutes to demand or accept money first in order to loan someone money. Cassandra O'Donnell received nothing from Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group which she was promised and Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group just stole her money. Curtis Brown lied to Cassandra O'Donnell, Curtis Brown threatened Cassandra O'Donnell with extortion to force her to write a letter that Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group knew was false. Basically Curtis Brown, you and your business The Tycoon Group have lied and committed fraud. Cassandra sent me the documents and emails with Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group which should result in Curtis Brown being indicted and charged with federal and state crimes.

Now as far as the checks you reference and claimed are cashed. There is a simple way to prove I cashed them. POST THE BACK OF THE CANCELLED CHECK ON THIS FORUM "The Rip-Off Report". If I cased them my endorsement signature MUST APPEAR on the checks you reference. A signature endorsement is required by any party cashing or depositing a check which everyone knows. I HAVE NEVER ENDORSED ANY CHECK WITH YOUR NAME OR BUSINESS NAME ON IT.


So there is your challenge Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group. No more hot air lies. Provide document proof of your lying accusations. I've provided plenty of written proof here on "The Rip Off Report" that exposes you as the liar and scammer you are.

Oh, and what about your lying claim being registered with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). You haven't even attempted to defend that false claim here on this forum. As I stated in a previous post here, I called the SEC and they told me they have no The Tycoon Group or Curtis Brown registered with the SEC. I called the SEC twice to confirm and they told me the same thing.

It;s the 14th Curtis Brown/The Tycoon Group and if you've noticed I haven't retracted one thing I have posted here which your deadline ultimatum letter demanded. So bring on this lawsuit by your "Road Runner" "legal team" (what a joke) you keep threatening me with. The fact is you are to stupid to realize what is coming at you. I'm not going to quit coming at you until authorities see fit to charge you with crimes, revoke any license you have, and basically prevent Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group from hurting, lying, and cheating anyone else.

Truth Maker

United States of America
Robert Rowe Answers the Big Question or Does He

#48Consumer Comment

Thu, December 13, 2012

Robert Rowe, so you think my friend Curtis Brown is me still.   Hmmm..... Oh well, wrong again.  I'm involved because what you did was so very wrong.

Quick question for you.   Did you, or did you not receive the $5k refund from Tycoon Group nearly two weeks ago according the Fed/Ex envelope shipments we all saw nearly two weeks ago?  I just want to satisfy my own curiosity.  If you don't want to say here, you can call or email, as you have my contact.  Steve


United States of America
Curtis Brown lying using the alias Steve Peterson

#49Author of original report

Thu, December 13, 2012

See Curtis Brown you lied again. In your last post using the alias Steve Peterson you said you weren't going to post on this forum again. Curtis ............. you get a Pinocchio for lying like that.

Curtis Brown, this is getting comical. You expect people to actually believe one of your clients is posting on this website to defend you ? Have you lost your mind ? You're an idiot. Actually my IQ is 160 so I guess I do qualify as a genius since you refer to me as one.

What are you talking about Curtis ? PayPal giving you a hard time are they Curtis ? Good, couldn't happen to a nicer dirtbag. Yes, I filed a credit card claim on the 29th of November. When I filed the dispute I had not received anything from you or my $5,000.00 refundable retainer to be refunded by you. You were jacking me around telling me it was in the process of being sent. Bull. We both know you were stalling hoping the 60 day period for me filing a credit card dispute would expire. I'm a lot smarter than you Curtis, and I've dealt with a lot of scammers like you. I filed my credit card dispute at 54 days. Six days before my rights to file a credit card dispute would expire.

I have not endorsed any check by you as of this date 12/12/12.That is a fact. As a matter of fact, authorities are confirming the funds on the checks you wrote. If the checks are bad, you get an all expense paid trip to Florida with free room and board in a small room with a lousy view.  I'm not in any trouble with anyone. However, the same can't be said about you Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group.

When are you going to give Cassandra O'Donnell back the $4,500.00 you've scammed and stolen from her ? I'm confident she'll get it back from the prosecutor's office after you're charged with inter state bank fraud.

One other matter, I noticed you avoid the subject regarding the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the fact they have no Curtis Brown or The Tycoon Group registered with them as you claim Curtis Brown. Care to explain, or why don't you have one of your aliases explain it.

You come on this forum making false claims and lying and all it is is talk. Unlike you, I have submitted written legal documents and posted them on this forum that prove without a doubt you and all your aliases are lying. This credit card BS by you is the latest.

Truth Maker

United States of America
Robert Rowe in BigTrouble with Credit Card Company

#50Consumer Comment

Thu, December 13, 2012

Robert Rowe I just couldn't help my self.  When Curtis told me about the email he got from Paypal today, I just couldn't believe it.  Curtis had to waste time proving you actually filed a false complaint.  What, you didn't think he had the cancelled checks?  You really thought you could get away with getting paid twice?  Wow, you are a genius.  Oh well, they'll add that to your list of transgressions.  Hey, keep bringing them and keep talking.  Afterall, apparently, you think Curtis is just hot air and won't do anything about defamation.

Curtis said someone on his legal team even said today, "you are the gift that keeps ON giving."  Personally, I say you are better than "Wil E. Coyote", because you constantly try to trap, trick, divert attention, run a muck, hustle, scam and destroy someone, while killing yourself in the process.  At least Wil E. Coyote took commercial breaks.  Robert Rowe I saw the pdf of the cancelled checks of Tycoon Group you cashed and now just yesterday you tried to file a claim through Paypal and your credit card company to get another $5K.  Did I give you that idea?  By now you got the email that the bogus claim was cancelled.  Yes, you are a super genius.  You try to hurt my friend.  We know something else is coming from you, because you just don't know when to quit, and neither did Wil E Coyote?   I saw your police photo and you look the type.  Everything is a joke, slick or easy to you.  Well, I can't wait to see your sign, "Oops!"  You have no idea how bad I want to tell you what's coming, but I can't.

Oh, you want to wish I was Curtis don't you?  I don't know who you are trying to impress, but your too slick to know you got a problem.  

Please continue with your ACME tricks, and while my friend Curtis/Tycoon Group won't speak to you outside a courtroom, I personally love what you are doing, because you continue to destroy your credibility (not that you apparently had any) and yourself.  It's entertaining.  To give you some prospective, you are like al-Qaida declaring Jihad on the U.S.  Are YOU serious....  You are just wasting people's time, but please don't take my word for it.  Go on, you're on a roll.

The only thing Curtis did wrong was choose you for a client.  I admit he needs to be a lot more careful who he tries to help.

But, I do admire Curtis for staying calm and cool during your smear campaign.   We would all love for you to stop all this nonsense, but that's just too easy for you.  it's just not good business.  You are a bad man for claiming fraud against my friend and you take great pains to continue to do so.  You need an attorney just to protect you from yourself.  Yes, but of course, you can have the last word again.  I insist because you are a super geninus, Wil E Coyote and it would be difficult to exercise your right to remain silent. 

Steve Peterson


United States of America
More lies Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group

#51Author of original report

Sun, December 09, 2012

Hey Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group, there are no investors named Steve Peterson, or Toshbi Azkai as you claim. All these rebuttal posts are you. I should call you Sybil with all the multi personalities and aliases you use. No legitimate business would allow its clients to become involved in any dispute such as this.

I dont need an alias Curtis Sybil Brown/ The Tycoon Group, I have always admitted who I am. I see two other scam victims of Curtis Brown and his The Tycoon Group have now posted here.

Ive read your threatening extortion emails to Cassandra and have provided them to the appropriate authorities as well as your recent letter containing extortion threats regarding the IRS which is a crime and a felony by the way Curtis Brown.

Cassandra can confirm this, but the appropriate authorities want to speak with her regarding the $4.500.00 you have refused to return and have attempted to cheat her out of. Just for the record, prosecution of your conduct is still within the statute of limitations both criminal and civil. In addition, jurisdiction will be here in Florida.
Your claim of filing suit against me in California is all hot air for the following reasons :

a.    You have no claim of defamation or slander as everything I have stated is true.
    California has no jurisdiction over me or my business.

b.    The contract (Exhibit I) you signed stated ANY dispute arising out of our contract     we be settled in Florida. You wrote the contract remember ?

c.    You would have to produce all these bogus investors you claim exist and they would     have to be able to demonstrate with financial documentation they actually had the     money to invest. We both know these investors you claim you had are nothing     but smoke and mirrors and dont exist.

I on the other hand, do have a claim for slander and defamation against Curtis Sybil Brown, The Tycoon Group, and all his aliases for claiming I have been :

a.    Convicted of multiple crimes which Curtis Sybil Brown/ The Tycoon Group knew to     be false.

b.    Curtis Sybil Brown/ The Tycoon Group claimed I have served time in jail which     Curtis Sybil Brown/ The Tycoon Group knew was blatantly false as Curtis Sybil     Brown even stated in the Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) Curtis Sybil     Brown/ The Tycoon Group authored that Robert Rowe had never been convicted of     a misdemeanor or felony.

c.    I have posted the legal documents here which clearly demonstrate Curtis Browns     false accusations he stated on this forum about me are all lies.

Now as far as your lying regarding the refund ? Thats not true either because :

a.    The email (Exhibit D) I sent Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group (before I sent any     money) to confirm our agreement states, the $5,000.00 I was to send Curtis Brown/     The Tycoon Group was a refundable deposit and would be refunded immediately     upon my demand. Curtis Brown responded by email confirming this. I made several     demands for an immediate refund and was jacked     around. Curtis Brown/ The     Tycoon Group didnt voluntarily send my refund back. It was only after I sent an     email (attached Exhibit H) on November 29th stating I was meeting with a federal     prosecutor to pursue interstate bank fraud charges against Curtis Brown/ The     Tycoon Group and gave Curtis Brown a deadline that Curtis Brown sent a check.     When Curtis Browns check arrived it was NOT the $5,000.00 amount that was     to be refunded.

b.    Your claim Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group had 90 days to refund my money is     another lie. The email (Exhibit D) and the contract (attached Exhibit I) clearly state I     could request (which I did) a refund within 30 days of receiving the PPM if Im not     happy (which I wasnt).    

c.     The money was sent via PayPal and should have been refunded through     PayPal. Your claim you were trying to save me fees is a lie. When a refund is issued     through PayPal, PayPal refunds their fees.    

Now as far as your hope that Im not getting anywhere with authorities ? You are wrong again Curtis Sybil Brown as there is a surprise on its way to you hopefully next week  which I dont think youre going to like. Ill post the filed copy here as soon as I receive it. As for these attorneys you claim to have ? You might want to contact them because I think you might need them. The wheels of justice turn slow Curtis Brown, but they do turn.

You reference, the Road Runner and  Wylie Coyote cartoon characters in your post. You seem to be a little old for cartoons Curtis Brown. Then again, cartoons would match up well with your IQ.

Tim, if you would be so kind as to contact me through The Rip-Off Report staff with any documentation you have outlining your claim Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group cheated you out of money. There are people that wish to talk to you and if the statute of limitations hasnt expired can probably get your money back as they have a Victim of Crimes Fund here in Florida.

Tim, if Curtis Brown has threatened you or threatened you with extortion in any way in written form as he has Cassandra, and myself, please email that information to me. Dont be afraid, as Curtis Brown and his The Tycoon Group is all hot air and cant do anything to you from a legal standpoint.

Ill bet the farm more victims of Curtis Brown and his The Tycoon Group will be coming out of the woodwork soon regarding Cutis Brown and his The Tycoon Group scams.

In any event, no one will be doing any business with Curtis Brown, alias Steve Peterson, alias Toshbi Azkai (or whatever), alias Susan Turner, and alias Malou Alford (the female aliases are Curtis Browns feminine side) and his The Tycoon Group. The Tycoon Group ? What a corny name.

Report Attachments

Truth Maker

United States of America
Robert Rowe Busted Again

#52Consumer Comment

Sat, December 08, 2012

So now Curtis is me. If anyone is using aliases it's you.  I havent had that good of a laugh since I dont know when.  Thank you.  Curtis tells me you cashed your checks finally that you in possession all this time, but you don't even have the decency to post that do you?  I wasnt going to respond, but I see you struggling with the reality and some unpleasantries coming due your way shortly.  You are the one that really thinks everyone is stupid.  Unlike you, my friend Curtis has a real attorney telling him not to fall for the very thing he is prosecuting you for.  THATS WHY CURTIS IS NOT RESPONDING HERE.   Do you get it now?  Did a light just come on?  Do you still think Im Curtis?  Unlike you, Curtis has real friends that he can call upon.  And, that loyalty only comes from years of doing the right things and building trust.  Which, Ive known Curtis personally for many years.  So, Im not just an investor.  Curtis would do the same thing for me, if roles were reversed considering your gross lack of veracity.  Apparently, friendships are foreign to you, arent they?  You really remind me of the Wile E Coyote/Road Runner cartoons.  You keep digging your holes and plotting, but end up just getting nailed in process.

Apparently, you race around all time thinking you are smartly setting traps which end up not working at all and you end only hurting yourself.  You are hilarious, and by now  no one is taking you serious.  Lets take a tally: 

Theres a reason why the Business Bureau removed your complaint?

Theres a reason why the SEC wont even hear your complaint?

Theres a reason you go no where with any state or federal agency?

Theres a reason why you cant get anybody to take you serious.

There's a reason you have to resort to aliases.

There is a reason why you are the one being sued.

Now you are the one coming out with all these aliases.  Did you know ripoff report uses analytics?  Do you know what that is?  Do you know they can be subpoenaed?  So, the ONLY THING YOU CAN DO is what you are doing now for the time being, (spending your time managing a smear campaign on the internet) ironically building your own case against you because your smart, when you should apparently be working on trying to save your business.

Heres how things work Robert Rowe, you buy something with a guarantee and if doesnt work, you let the merchant know and you get your money back, usually thats within 30 days.  In your case you set out for a 90 Day.  Yet, everyone knows, 97% of your money was back to you within 24 hours, before you launched your smear campaign, (now using aliases) and the other 3% (Paypals Fee) was on the way to you the very next business day.  Curtis could have played hopscotch for 90 days and your deal was still either to get funded or refunded.  Why was that difficult?

So, like Wile E Coyote, I do really want to fly down and see that look in your eyes for myself, when myself and apparently one other investor comes into the courtroom.  I can only imagine you holding that famous sign like Wile E Coyote, in the court room, saying, Oops!, (with your eyes swelled wide open.).  Well, I am not responding to your follow up on this.  And, I guarantee Curtis doesnt hold any aliases Super Genius.  So, yes, you can have the last word.  Im done. 
Sincerely, Steve Peterson.

Tim Undisclosed

United States of America
Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group will cheat anybody they can

#53Consumer Comment

Sat, December 08, 2012

I knew it was a matter of time before Curtis Brown and his The Tycoon Group would be exposed for what he is. Curtis Brown is a complete fraud. He too $5,000.00 from me also and never refunded it. He never did anything for my business. Curtis Brown lies constantly. He steals peoples money, he makes false promises none of which are true. I'm glad Curtis Brown is being exposed for what he is which is a fraud.

What goes around comes around Curtis. People don't ever send Curtis Brown one cent. Curtis Brown will just steal it from you.


United States of America
Curtis Brown Up To No Good Again?!

#54Consumer Comment

Fri, December 07, 2012

I also have a post concerning Tycoon Group, but please disregard the post that claims Tycoon Group and Curtis Brown are innocent or even reputable, because I was forced to post that by Curtis Brown, he even sent me a cease and desist letter, when I had every right to post MY DOCUMENTS and they were not altered in any way. I lost $5,000 of my money, it was wired to Curtis Brown and I only got $500 back, still want the other $4500 of my money returned. I've been waiting nearly two years! Hey Curtis, the truth will not set YOU free, it will lock you up and throw away the key. Curtis Brown Ripped off Glen Lyles and Cassandra O'Donnell of $5,000 on an investment mentioned in the other Tycoon Group report I filed previously( click on link below to read it) go read it, then read this one and tell me Curtis Brown is an innocent man. Now Chopperwerks, who is next?



United States of America
Curtis Brown/ The Tyccon Group alias Steve Peterson

#55Author of original report

Fri, December 07, 2012

Slow day at the office Curtis ? 4 Pinocchios ? Username of Truth maker ? Come on Curtis, you must have the IQ of a grape if you think people reading these rebuttals you post think its anyone but you Curtis.

First, it was some investor named Anzai or something like that, posting rebuttals here on The Rip-Off Report, now its an alleged investor calling himself Steve Peterson who just happens to have emails, contract agreements, federal express tracking numbers, checks sent, dates and times, etc. between Curtis Brown/ TTG and my business only Curtis Brown would know. In addition, this alleged investor Steve Peterson has an email I sent Curtis Brown/The Tycoon Group (TTG) stating Curtis Brown/TTG committed fraud. Yes, I did send that email Curtis Brown alias Steve Peterson, as you well know. The real funny part is this Steve Peterson states at the bottom of his post that he is 100% with TTG. I think that was a typo and he meant to say Im 100% TTG.

Curtis Brown wont post on The Rip Off Report ? No, hell just use an alias.

Curtis alias Steve Peterson, you posted on here that Ive served time in jail, have numerous arrests, and been charged with several crimes. As you know Curtis none of that is true. As a matter of fact Ive attached Exhibit F from the Confidential Private Placement Memorandum TTG authored to go along with the legal documents already posted. It states on page 29 and I quote The officer (thats me) has NEVER been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor. Ive highlighted it on Exhibit F. Those were your words Curtis on a document created by Curtis Brown /The Tycoon Group. So you knew when you posted all those lies about me being a criminal that what you were posting were flat out lies. So you want to talk about defamation and slander Curtis ?

The bottom line is this :

The Watermark as you call it was always $200,000. See attached Exhibit D which is an email I sent Curtis Brown/TTG before I sent the $5,000.00 refundable deposit. You can see that I state my understanding of the deal was that at least $200,000.00 (not $250,000.00) would be funded to my business. At the bottom of that email you see where Curtis Brown responded and stated Your understanding is 100% correct.
 Curtis Brown alias Steve Peterson, you claim TTG had $200,000.00 in place to  disburse to my business, Exhibit D clearly shows the watermark as you call it was $200,000.00, so why didnt TTG fund my business ? There is only one answer..... there were no investors and no $200,000.00 in place as Curtis Brown and The  Tycoon Group represented. You lied Curtis alias Steve Peterson, its that simple.

2. When I confronted Curtis Brown and the Tycoon Group regarding where the  $200,000.00 of money Curtis Brown claimed he had lined up before I sent the  $5,000.00 which he claimed would be funded within 10 days, I receive this goofy   email Exhibit G from The Tycoon Group stating they had no investors. I also receive a  phone call from Curtis Brown stating he had no investors because of the election and  he was closing his doors. The multiple excuses from Curtis Brown are unbelievable.
The fact is there never were any investors and the $200,000.00 Curtis Brown claimed his firm had never existed either.

3.    As for all this garbage Curtis Brown and aliases claim regarding refunding my     $5,000.00 ? I had to Confront Curtis Brown with interstate bank fraud prosecution.
    Curtis Brown didnt volunteer to refund anything. He attempted his stalling tactics
    Which I didnt fall for.

If you notice, Curtis Brown and all his aliases dont address what I posted about the  Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding The Tycoon Group. Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group claim they are registered with the SEC. Go ahead and call them (800) 732-0330. The SEC told me last Monday they never heard of The Tycoon Group or Curtis Brown and have no one under those names registered with the SEC.

It should be entertaining watching Curtis Brown use another alias to respond to this post. All these bogus rebuttals are nothing more than a smokescreen to draw attention away from the unethical, dishonest conduct, of Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group.

Report Attachments

Truth Maker

United States of America
4 Pinocchios for Robert Rowe

#56Consumer Comment

Thu, December 06, 2012

Mr. Rowe, this is Steve Peterson.  Remember me?  I'm one of the four investors who gave a $50,000 conditional pledge to TG, on behalf of Custom Chopperwerks. 

In case you forgot, please check your email around 10/24/12, apparently you should have my direct contact, via Malou. 

But, I must tell you Mr. Rowe, that when Curtis indicated that the watermark had not been reached and wanted to know if I would still release early on 11/29/12, based upon the $200,000 level, without reaching that watermark of $250,000, I did declined.  I formally never committed to you.  Nor did I ever transfer my funds to TG to give to you.  I never signed your
Subscription Agreement.  So, you certainly can not say, I was committed to you.  I can't speak for the others, but you did NOT get a formal commitment from me.  From what I hear, not even from TG either.  Pledges and commitments are two different things.  With pledges in the financial world, there is, or are conditions attached to the promise that must be met.  The one major one in this case was, subject to the investor himself - yours truly.  So, in this case, investors' final approval and signature were required.  Did you have that Mr. Rowe?  Did any investor sign the documents necessary? 

Curtis says he also never told you that you had commitments only pledges.  Please use a financial dictionary and look up the words pledge vs. commitment, for that important distinction you accidentally or willingly overlooked.   Then, look at your email very carefully.  I read it.  Does the subject line read "Commitment" or "New Pledge"? Apparently, what you have are exchange statements that if you didnt get at least $200,000, youd get refunded within 90 Days.  By all counts, you did not get funded, and so you even got your refund within 2 business days.  That really should have been the end of it.  But, what you have purposely plastered all over the internet about TG, is in fact a lie Sir, but then you know that.

Furthermore, Curtis has no authority to force me to invest in something I dont want to.  he is not a Broker/Dealer and does not have a discretionary account by me.  Yes, I was interested and yes I was going to.  But, when I heard there werent sufficient investors to get to the watermark to make me feel comfortable, I elected to pass.  That was my prerogative. 
When I heard about the financial funny business later, Im glad I made that decision. 

Id have to say, you did an excellent job of trashing Curtis excellent reputation.  Bravo.  Its just too bad, everything youve said though is totally misleading, wrong and outright fraudulent itself.  Not a trace of truth to it.

Well, Im writing here because, Curtis called me yesterday afternoon and explained whats happening and that he may need my help.  He sent me some of your emails.  I reread the Private Placement Memorandum, and it clearly states 11/30/12 was the time to reach the watermark.  And so, on 11/30/12, Curtis was to either get you funded with enough private investors like myself, or return you back your money.  Actually, I think thats a very fair deal.  And, you were fully aware of that, werent you?

Like Toshi Anzai suggested, (whom Ive never met) I did check those Fed/Ex tracking numbers mentioned and it is consistent with what Curtis told me.   Guess thats why you cant respond to Toshi Anzai.  Curtis told me, he
sent you the first FedEx envelope with a check for $4,854.70.  And, I believe that is a fact because, Curtis sent me your email dated 12/01/12, that reads as follows, which made me speechless.   Heres what you said:


I just received your FedX letter. You sent only $4,854.70 of my $5,000.00 refund. This is not a full refund and NOT ACCEPTABLE and I will not cash or accept this. I am not going to play this game. You, and your firm committed fraud. I meet with the federal prosecutor Tuesday.


Robert Rowe


Do you deny you wrote the above?  Now, on the very next business day, 12/3/12, Curtis sends you another check for $145.30, which according to Curtis was the Paypal fee you incurred by sending money to him through that service.  Which you wanted to use and he got that fee waived for you.  And, he explains he did not refund you through Paypal because he
wanted to avoid another Paypal processing fee, but more importantly upon the advice of his attorney, checks were needed, and they were issued for a total and complete refund of $5,000.00.     

Just as an observer, if your claims were for real, shouldnt you be the one initiating the law suit, not Curtis?  Curtis tells me hes getting the BBB now to investigate your bogus claim for removal, as they are sending over a copy of your entire file.  Shouldnt you have called Paypal first before Curtis reported the incident?  Couldnt you have gone to small claims court, arbitration, mediation per the agreement I saw that has your signature?

Maybe you cant do those things now, because youve started this trajectory.

You would rather start out with multiple and the most heinous lies and you continue.  You are something.

The thing I dont get is, youve been holding one check in your hands for days and the other is in FedExs possession, waiting for you to pick up, after 2 attempts to deliver to your condo.  All this so you can claim you were ripped off.  Wow, thats high stakes poker you are playing and the people that count reviewing the matter see your entire hand.  If this wasnt serious, it would just be hilarious.  But, dont let me stop you, Im only making an observation.  Claiming you were ripped off when you had 97% of your money in your hands in less than 24 hours, the other 3% the next business well before the deadline you set on 12/4/2012.  That dog wont hunt! 

Now that I informed to what happened, the fact is you were fully given your refund by the 12/04/12.  Not only do you have real culpable ignorance in your intent and actions, when all this gets sorted out and you better believe it will, you will have lost time and a lot more than the original $5,000 you started out with and Curtis will have been vindicated.  You are
just brazen. 

One more thing, Curtis will not respond in this forum and he mentioned something about Lexis Nexis (I dont know what that is, maybe you do) but they are just now finding out more about you, which speaks to the heart your credibility.  You have ZERO credibility.  With your existing legal troubles, bonding, more arrests, probation, your failed business relationships perhaps you should stop and really look at what you do.  Good Lord, when will you learn?  You ARE just a brawler, arent you?  Ok, I too amnot going go tit for tat with you either on this website.  Not necessary.  I just wanted you to know, Im 100% with TG.  And, I told Curtis I would write, because he and his law firm wont be responding
here.  I wanted to just let you know Mr. Rowe, (as you apparently forgot about me), Curtis has some good friends and we will back him.  You simply dont have the truth on your side.  You are just doing what youre doing because you can. 
Well, at least for now.  Oh well, I saw your comment, dont worry they are bringing it. 


United States of America
Curtis Brown/ Tycoon Group Is lying

#57Author of original report

Tue, December 04, 2012

First of all this response is from Curtis Brown not from any investor by the last name of Anzai. This was an investor invented by Curtis Brown that never materialized.

The incident Curtis Brown falsely claims occurred regarding me committing some crime is a lie. Curtis Brown was aware of this incident which involved a dealer who stole $80,000.00 worth of our motorcycle products including a motorcycle. This dealer filed a false police report trying to avoid arrest for grand theft. It didn't work. Attached are exhibits from the Court located in Hernando County, Fl. showing no charges were ever filed against me, and the case was abandoned (dismissed) by the Court, and the incident was expunged from the record.

I disclosed this to Curtis Brown when we first communicated and before I and my business became a client of Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group, as I didn't want it being a problem with any investor. Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group knowing the circumstances surrounding the false arrest claim, accepted me and my business as a client. So again, for Curtis Brown to come and post on this website claiming to be an investor making false accusations is nothing more than a smoke screen and shows how desperate he is in avoiding being exposed for what he is. A scammer.

a. Exhibit A is a certified copy from the Hernando County, Fl. Clerk of Court and the Hernando County prosecutor, stating that I was NEVER charged with any crime and no charges were ever filed against me, and the false claim was dismissed.

b. Exhibit B is a copy from the Hernando County, Fl Clerk of Court website that shows the case was "abandoned" again no charges ever filed, case was closed.

c. Exhibit C is a certified copy of the Expungment Order signed by the prosecutor to have all records sealed and that no record of this incident would be on my record. By the way I was NEVER arrested by any law enforcement officer either.

I furnished this information which I have email records of and Curtis Brown knew what he posted here is false. I've never been arrested. This is all just a smoke screen by Curtis Brown and The Tycoon Group to avoid attention regarding the fraud Curtis Brown committed.

D. Exhibit D is an email I sent to Curtis Brown stating my understanding was a $200,000.00 amount would be funded immediately upon receipt. At the bottom of my email you see Curtis Brown's response email stating that my understanding of $200,000.00 being the amount to be released. So as you can see Curtis Brown is lying again about a $250,000.00 "watermark".

E. Exhibit E is an email stating I sent the requested information (bank statements) for this alleged investor Anzai WHO NEVER MATERIALIZED. All I required is this investor whom I never spoke to or knew would not be allowed to keep any copies of our bank statements which is normal and no bank would allow. So this garbage that I wouldn't supply documentation was a flat out lie. In addition, the alleged $200,000.00 in pledges that Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group claimed to have had at the time from other investors, those investors according to Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group NEVER asked for any type documentation. There was no $250,000.00 "watermark" which Curtis Brown claims here, The watermark was $200,000.00 which is confirmed in Exhibit D. Curtis Brown claimed he had the $200,000.00 from investors which was the "watermark" as he calls it. That $200,00.00 was never funded to my business.
So why wasn't the $200,000.00 funded to my business by Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group ? Because it was all a scam and didn't exist.

As of this date We still haven't received the $5,000.00 refundable deposit from Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group. When or if we receive it I'll post it here. This so-called rebuttal posted here from a someone claiming to be a Curtis Brown/ The Tycoon Group investor is so amateurish it's funny. Why would some investor be involved in something that he never became involved with, and post on some website and defend Curtis Brown/ The tycoon Group ? Sorry Curtis, no one is going to believe this anyone but you posted this garbage.

As for your hollow threats of a lawsuit ? Bring it.

Report Attachments

Very Rich

Costa Mesa,
United States of America
Robert Rowe is a True Criminal with Rap Sheet in Florida - Tries to Ruin Tycoon Group

#58REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 04, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, Tycoon Group, LLC and OMelveny & Myers, LLP will be filing a defamation suit again Robert Rowe and thus not responding to the above gross malicious, false, mean spirited comments.  In the meantime, as I was a party to this transaction, and I feel uniquely qualified to tell what really happened.  My name is Toshi Anzai and Im an investor from Orange County, California.

And, it was me, not Tycoon Group who ultimately decided not to invest and thus things started to unravel with Robert Rowe.  And, my decision came about because Robert Rowe refused to properly show the financials of his business, which raised suspicion with me and also Mr. Brown.

So the whole deal was that Tycoon Group, LLC was going to help Robert Rowe to get sufficient private investors to invest in his company.  But, if it didnt work out both mutually agreed that Robert Rowe would be refunded what Tycoon Group, LLC received for preparing the Offering documentation.  So, it was as simple as that, and that point everyone is happy.

Apparently, at the very beginning, after Robert Rowe tried to prepare his own investment prospectus and failed, Tycoon Group, LLC offered to do it and received from Robert Rowe $4,854.70 to prepare a professional Private Placement Memorandum.  Robert Rowe was instructed to send $5,000.00 via wire, but Robert Rowe insisted Mr. Brown to send over a demand payment, via PayPal.  Robert Rowe initiated the idea in case things didnt work out, he could get his money back easily.  (You know, sort of an insurance policy.)  Of course Tycoon Group, LLC was aware this, so no big deal as they had always had full intention to abide by their agreement.  As you will soon see part of the problem is that Paypal charged a processing fee of $145.30, which Robert Rowe would have been aware of at the time of payment.  But, Ill get back to that in a minute.

Weeks go by and Tycoon Group, LLC is at a total of $200K in pledges of the $500K request of Robert Rowe.  The deal was that if Tycoon Group, LLC could get to $250K, (a watermark) then it could be declared and pledges turned into real commitments by November 30, 2012.  The problem arose when I had considered putting in the necessary $50K upon condition of reviewing and my acceptance of the financials.  But, the problem was Robert Rowes WORD document was not sufficient so when I asked for more formal financial documentation, such as bank statements - Robert Rowe refused.  Not only did he refuse, he did even care to offer an alternative such as perhaps tax documents, or anything else.  This seriously concerned me and when I talked
to Curtis Brown about it, he too grew concerned.

Now watch this very careful and you will see what a false, nasty, ugly, malicious and mean spirited person Robert Rowe is.  On November 30, 2012, tycoon group, llc sends a check to Robert Rowe in the amount of $4,854.70.  Remember above the agreement calls for the money to be sent back on November 30, 2012.  The check is sent via fed ex tracking number: #794200889575.  go head go to www.fedex.com and check for yourself.

Next day Saturday, December 1, 2012 Robert Rowe received that check, but emails Tycoon Group, LLCs office on that Saturday morning that he wont accept the check because $145.30, is missing.  Bear in mind tycoon group, ll sent back exactly what they received and had no idea that $145.30 sets Robert Rowe off to write the above purposely hurtful, false and misleading statements.  Check the date of this ripoff report posting above and now check the Fedex date.  As you can see robert Rowe was set on destruction because he did not get funded, not because of the $145.30.

Next, Curtis Brown comes in Monday morning, November 3, 2012 and sees the email and gets paypal promptly involved to forward the $145.30.  Tycoon Group, LLC then promptly forwards a check for $145.30, fed ex tracking number #794189457732.  Curtis Brown tells Robert Rowe that the check is coming via several emails on Mondy November 3, 2012.  Robert Rowe is yet,  just bent on destroying tycoon groups excellent reputation.  i would add Ive know Curtis Brown for over 6 years and he is a stellar person.

But, now lets take a look at Robert Rowe.  He in fact has had several legal and criminal actions against him in Florida.  And, they are of public record.  Hes been issued bench warrants and has even served time in jail.  Robert Rowe is currently even suing his own family now over an inheritance.  Apparently, Robert Rowe used to be a low level judge in Florida.
And, if you view Chopperwerks Better Business Bureau complaints and how Robert Rowe treats his customers it is clear to see who is the bad apple.

In conclusion readers review the Fed/Ex Shipments and you will come to the conclusion Tycoon Group, LLC abided by their agreement with Robert Rowe and Robert is only seeking to tear down a professionals excellent reputation. 

Robert Rowe what you have done is wrong and pitiful.  I have seen Tycoon Group and their attorneys take on the giant real estate firm CBRE and win.  Your arrogance will ultimately pay for your maliciousness deeds.  I will happily testify against you.  And apparently, John Fowler, Betty Nguyen and Steve Peterson.  With the plethora of emails with Tycoon Group, LLCs office and other evidence one has to think what were you thinking Robert Rowe.

Readers check the date of Robert Rowes posting of this bogus blog and check Fed/Ex. 

Robert Rowe shame on you and readers dont you believe anything this Robert Rowe says.
Naturally, he will respond to this guaranteed, but I will not stoop to his level to reciprocate.  But, the
record has to be set straight.

Robert Rowe has a long criminal record.  Here's just one.  http://florida.arrests.org/Arrests/Robert_Rowe_5649696/

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