  • Report:  #774788

Complaint Review: The Watershed Addiction Center In Florida - Delray Beach Florida

Reported By:
Robert - Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, United States of America

The Watershed Addiction Center In Florida
200 Congress Park Drive Ste.100 Delray Beach, 33445 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My brother has a addiction issue so I did research and turned to the Watershed for help. They talk a big talk but are not honest at all. They told me over the phone they would reimburse me for the money I spent on the plane ticket to get my brother to Florida for treatment. They never did that. They also told me that when my brother was discharged by a doctor, they would pay his plane ticket back to Tennessee and give him a ride to the airport. They did not do that either.

You either have to stay long term, until they drain the pockets of your insurance company or family, or they will not do what they promised. I spent $203 for my brother to fly to Florida. I had to use my Delta Airline points to fly him back which was 25,000 points, which is actually $554.40 if I had to pay for the ticket. Now, since my brother is being thrown out on the streets after discharge, he has to pay around $50 out of his own pocket to get to the West Palm Beach airport. These people do not do what they say. It seems they worry more about the money than the patients then LIE to get you there

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Watershed Honesty

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 24, 2014

Before Leaving to Watershed.  Send yourself money via money transfer company.  Use a password in form of being able to pick it up.  That way you dont need a I.D.  Send enough so that if you leave you can survive for 4 days.  You can then go back to the watershed and retrieve your belongings.  Then you can jump on a plane and go home.  

This place is packed!!!  Way to many clients with minimal Dr and Theropist.  You get 1 to 1 treatment every other day for 30min.  That is is!!!  

The medication they use to help withdrawls were very very helpful.  Very comfortable detox.

When the watershed picks you up from the airport you will not be able to stop anywhere.  The driver takes you straight to the facility. I dont suggest that you leave treatment but I think you should have that right.  This is just a suggestion so you dont have to live on the streets and depend on strangers for help.

The food was amazing and you get a good meal 3 times daily.  You have access to snacks throughout the day.  Coke and drinks are available 24-7  All the food is included in the cost of your treatment.

I have only been to treatment once.  That was enough for me!!!  I have heard of other places being more of a spa package but honestly I dont need anyone catering to my needs to get sober.  I was there for 1 reason and that was it.  

I am not saying it was fun being there and they are there to make money.  They are a business and that is how they make a living.   I think there are places out there much worse then the watershed.  Take it all in stride.  Make the best our of what they have to offer.  If you sit and gripe the hole time you are there you get fixated on when you are leaving and not getting clean.

I think I have given honest views from both sides.

Watershed Ashling

Delray Beach,
From The Watershed

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 09, 2014

We are sorry that your experience was not to your liking and we would like to see if we can come to a solution. Since we do not have the specific details of your situation, we would greatly appreciate it if you could contact us at [email protected] or call us at 1-800-861-1768. Thank you for taking the time to express your concerns. We hope to hear from you soon.


Kindest Regards,

The Watershed


[email protected]


United States of America
My Husband is currently in The watershed

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2012

He's been there 5 days, of course i dont have contact with him as i expected. my problem is no one there is giving me info, i'm a nurse myself and the nurses caring for him cant seem to give me an accurate picture of his progress, i do not find the words "oh he's doing fine" adequate. was suppose to have a conference call yesterday, no one called, no therapist has called..i have tried every one in that building and no one will give me any information, they just keep saying oh, well so and so should have called you...or we're sorry so and so is usually on top of that, the only person who has called me the the man wanting the insurance deductable money.....when i explained to the financial person i needed to make plane reservations in advance he said "well hes dicharge date hasnt been set" well, yes it has my husband signed up for 30 days...end of story...he hung up on me! i dont know what to do! any suggestions from anyone would be appreciated.


United States of America
Online Reviews being removed.

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, September 09, 2012

I am posting reviews from: http://westpalmbeach.citysearch.com/profile/35993538/delray_beach_fl/watershed.html
Reviews are safe here on ripoff report. The seem to be getting removed lately from citysearch  "The watershed rehab reviews" Mar 25, 2011 Price: $16,000 for 30 days

1. Traveler33

March 12, 2012

DO NOT GO TO THIS FACILITY FOR TREATMENT!. Please read this thoroughly!!! I am a 45 year old female who recently stayed at the Watershed in Boca Raton. From what I was told from the counsellors that called my cell on a minute by minute basis the Watershed was state of the art! All LIES!

Upon entering the Watershed.. which I was led to believe had state of the art medical care, was on the beach with a beautiful pool, state of the art fitness facility, as well as beautiful grounds. WRONG ON ALL ACCOUNTS! The Boca Raton facility is in an office park in a building that used to be a nursing home. It is decapitated. The rooms are nothing but a horrible bed and a bureau. As for the the "gym" it is in a room the size of a closet.. there aren't any windows... also in "closet" like room are lockers for the employees and anything else they can store in there. STATE OF THE ART?

Upon check in everything in my possession was removed. My license, my credit cards, my cell phone everything. I was immediately given a stack of papers to sign my life away. Once you sign on the dotted line.. they own you. I was then injected with a medication... given more oral medication... stripped searched and put into my horrible two person room.. which was three instead.

I spent the next several days being given medication for "detox" that turned me into a walking zombie.

After a couple of days I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting Michelle who was to be my counsellor. I have never in my life met a more unprofessional control freak in my entire life. This woman made calls to my husband claiming that I was "angry" and in need of extensive care. She made every session like a visit to hell. Everything I did she ridiculed. Anytime I needed to ask her a question she quickly dismissed me in the rudest fashion. She clearly stated to me that she was going to make my time at the Watershed "tough" on me. This is counseling?

On day 10 my "counsellor" stopped me in the hallway stating that I was going to PHP. I asked her if it was some kind of field trip for a class. WRONG AGAIN! My husband had already called explaining that I really didn't need to be at Boca Raton and they were moving me to a half way house to finish my program. I signed on for 21 days at Boca... WRONG AGAIN! They will keep you as long as your insurance will pay for it! Like it or not.. they will send you there against your will!

Completely unaware that this facility was going to be in my recovery program I was shipped over to PHP where I met yet another "counsellor". In our initial meeting my new counselor told me my new lodging would be at a building that was a refurbished crack hotel in the ghetto. But not to worry! It's surrounded by a chain link fence.. did I mention the drug dealers on the other side of the fence? This facility was the most disgusting place I have ever seen. The Watershed will give you $40.00 a week for food... all which was stolen prior to my arrival because THEY WON'T LET YOU LOCK YOUR DOORS! W were made to sit in crammed classrooms for hours while the 20-25 crowd ran the classes and laid on the floors while the instructors sat there and did nothing.

As a bonus when I approached the director and asked to be discharged per their 72 hour policy that was clearly posted, I was told it only applied to mental health facilities and that it would be at a minimum 10-14 days before consideration. Then again why is this a surprise as most of the other patients were told after their 28 day stay that they would have to stay for anywhere from 5 weeks to 3 months more... depending on what your insurance will continue to pay for. I spend every 5 minute break listening to other patients scared that they would not see their families for months.

I could go on and on... Please don't make the mistake of being sold on the Waltershed for "superior... world class treatment"... It is a LIE! You will be their next prisoner!

2. Russell B. Joined 6 months ago (city search)

February 22, 2012

PLEASE READ THIS FOR YOU OR YOUR LOVED ONE. I am a 40 year old highly educated professional who needed help and I was not only treated like a criminal I was locked up with many of them. I was a patient at Watershed and had the worst experience of my life. It is purported to be "dual diagnosis". I spent 5 mins a day IF that. Within a couple of days I was given very strong anti-psychotic medications creating terrible hallucinations and seizures and 3!! visits to the hospital. Diagnosed in 15 minutes total while detoxing?

I read some of the positive reviews and I find it very unlikely they were written by someone who actually went there and this is my actual experience. The first one and glowing review is right from the Watersheds brochure and if you google his name you'll find he's affiliated with the watershed and has dozens of links all over the internet on non-medical sites directly to the Watershed website. I find this repulsive.

Due to the nature of some of these medications I also had several seizures and it's widely known you can die from being taken off of these meds without a gradual reduction.

Although the Watershed chose to initiate dialogue with my parents when my parents called to express concern as well as MY DOCTOR they refused all of their phone calls. Again, they would not speak to my Psychiatrist about the non-controlled substances I had been taking for years for depression and a sleep disorder nor would they tell anyone what medications I was being given despite my permission. Although I didn't know what I was being given most of the time. The only reason I believe I am here to write this is due to a group of nurses who risked their jobs by telling me to refuse my medication no matter what the consequences, which there were, and within days I stopped the severe side effects.

To be clear, I didn't want to go home as I didn't feel I was ready I just wanted to go to a different facility where I felt safe and was under true medical supervision and treated like an adult with a disease.

Notice there are few details in the positive reviews but the negative reviews are very detailed. "The soft serve ice cream was awesome"? Does this sound like someone who went to rehab or needed it? Read the comment under the review by ChokingV "My son is trying to leave now and is getting the runaround"

The long detailed release I signed I was not allowed to see afterward nor was I allowed a list of medications I was given or medical records after I left. Why would I sign a release? I was drugged with a shot immediately upon entering the facility (was not told what it was and I could not refuse it) and I was completely incapacitated and don't even recall signing papers. I signed on for a 21 day stay and it took me 9 additional days (because my insurance would pay for 30) until they would release me. They then informed me the day I was supposed to leave I had to stay another 60 days. The ONLY reason I was released was due to my insurance not covering an additional stay. Without my permission the facility changed my address and received all of my insurance checks, mail etc after and after 2 years only now did I receive 2 large claims that they were "holding" that had nothing to do with my stay at Watershed.

Regarding NA and AA

They are both amazing programs and I credit them not the Watershed for my sobriety. This place is a disservice to AA and the second A stands fo Anonymous and it was often the case what was shared in an AA meeting to my peers was then told to my counselor and ultimately my family by the attendants that were supposedly there to oversee the meetings. This is against everything AA stands for and I hated AA at first for this until a friend took me to a REAL meeting and I began to trust them. Now years later I am disgusted by what the Watershed calls an AA meeting.

There are so many great facilities please ask the basic questions and go see for yourself. It's life or death

Best of Luck! To thine own self be true

3.  mike d. Joined 8 months ago

1.0January 08, 2012

NOT a good place for you or a loved one. Do your research before going to rehab was the only lesson i learned from my stay at the watershed. 14 complaints against them to the BBB in the past 12 months (way more than anywhere else i have checked since).

First off , do not believe anything the call center tells you, they will tell you anything to get you there, people came in their first day asking where the horse riding was, loool, or golf course, beach, etc etc, all lies, its an old hotel in an industrial park.

as CAAUSI stated you only have 1 hour a day of free time, even in detox, its 12 step groups from wake till bedtime. they take all personal possessions when you arrive,(phone,id's,cash,cards,,anything) so you cant leave ,and they will do anything, and i mean anything to make you stay as long as insurance will pay for it. for example they would threaten to call peoples jobs and tell their employers where they are if they tried to leave, they called CYS on patients whose children dont even live with them, they routinely call family members and harrass them to get them to make you stay telling them things like "so and so isnt cooperating" "if he leaves he will be dead in 2 weeks" they try to make you look like the worst person on earth to anyone who will listen for leverage to make you stay, they have no regard for your anonymity or hippa laws. and all they care about is that you stay until the insurance gravy train stops flowing, then they will bounce you out that day no matter your condition.

the counselors if you can call them that are extremely unprofessional and their behavior juvenile and come across more like cops than counselors they want to argue and compare themselves to you, they were very aggressive and disrespectful, almost seemed they needed therapy more than i did at times. i mean come on, one i had actually said to a person in group after sharing a tragic story "well i had blah blah happen and you dont see me using",this,is not counseling by any stretch of the imagination. but it is the best the watershed has to offer.

now i could go on and on with specifics, but wont here, if this isn't enough to convince you to do more research please feel free to contact me. but you have been warned, GO ANYWHERE BUT THE WATERSHED!!!!


ps several of these reviews look fake to me just by some keywords and phrases you will hear daily at the watershed and i also noticed the negative reviews are long and detailed ,while the positive are very short and mention nothing specific or they "liked the ice cream"??? who in real need of drug rehab is worried about the f-in ice cream, lool, fake.

4. CAASUI Joined 1 year ago

3.0June 13, 2011

BEEN HERE READ CAREFULLY. nice facility, great food. great nurses. Most staff are ok, a couple abuse there authority and get a bit rude. NO FREE TIME BUT FOR 1HR A DAY. Hide your wallett and cash at airport because they take everything from you so you cant leave. They have techs that mark your every move. it gets a bit annoying and makes you feel like your in a prison. If your insurance pays for 90days 30days or 60days you will be required to do every day. they will not let you go until completed. That is why I state PUT YOUR I.D AND CASH , ATM CARD IN LOCKER AT AIRPORT SO IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE YOU HAVE A WAY OUT. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. FLORIDA HAS A LAW IF YOU HAVE NO ID AND FOUND ON THE STREET YOU GO TO JAIL.

Comment:  CALL THE POLICE if they steal your wallet.

oncerned 1.0March 15, 2011

Not a good place. I wouldnt send my worst enemy there, and my reveiws keep disappering. After 2 more weeks It is even worse,they allow patients to do drugs in the watershed apartments.The place is run down and discusting,and there is no order or support when they get back from there meetings.After 10:00 it is a free for all,the staff is useless. Dont send you loved ones there, it will want to make them use even more once they leave the Watershed.

They will want to relapse just to get out of the Watershed Apartments. Stay clear of that place

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