  • Report:  #270248

Complaint Review: Time Warner Cable - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- Dallas, Texas,

Time Warner Cable
timewarnercable.com/Dallas Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Where to begin? I was happy with my service in Lewisville, TX with Comcast. I had digital cable and a cable modem. Time Warner takes over and suddenly many features are gone, yet my bill remains just as high. Disappointed, I cancel digital cable.

I move to Dallas. I am told to take my cable modem with me for setup at my new home. I receive a bill for unreturned modem.

I schedule intial setup of service for basic cable and cable internet on June 24th. Tech arrives. Internet never works correctly - intermittent service at best. I call the tech back as he instructed. He says give it 30 minutes and call him back. I call him back. Leave voice mail. He never returns my call or answers his phone. I call TWC and talk to tech help. They can't get a signal for me on their end. They schedule another tech call for July 5th. They call on July 4th and state they are on their way. Um. No. I state that I had scheduled for the 5th, and despite that, they cannot come back out til the next week.

Fine. Appointment scheduled for the next week. They only replace the modem despite being told we are sure that was not the problem, and that we had used that modem without problem for a year. He seems in a hurry and doesn't want to bother with any other solution. Leaves. Guess what? It still doesn't work.

Call back. Make appointment. First available is another week later. Fine. Make arrangments, again, for someone to be there during a work day. Had a 1pm - 5pm appointment. They call that morning to confirm. We confirm. 4pm rolls around. No one. So we call and are told that he came by and received no answer. We were waiting at home the entire afternoon. They say they came to a red house with a brown door. I have a white door. Even though we were still in the window of our appointment, they would not return. Getting really angry.

Reschedule for another week later. No working internet for weeks now. Had an 11am - 2pm appointment. Make arrangements for someone to be there during a work day... again. Call that morning to confirm. We confirm. 2pm rolls around. No one has come. We call. Are told he is running late and we are "next". They didn't bother to call and say he would be late. We had to call. 3pm rolls around and still no one. Finally give up and HAVE to leave after 3pm. We get a door tag that says they came at 3pm. Our neighbor actually saw them there at 4pm.

I call to cancel my services. I ask for credit back for all the time (over a month) that I paid for cable services I wasn't getting. I refer to their "On Time Gaurantee" that is plainly listed on their website. I had inquired about this guarantee via email and was told I would receive a $20 credit for any late arrival or no-show on an install or service appointment. On the phone, I am told that it is only for installation, but if I fax them the email, they will honor it. I cancel all services with Time Warner. I fax them said email.

On Saturday, we return the modem (there was no way I was scheduling an appointment for them to come get it - who knows how many times that would take?!). There, we are told by them that we needed to be sure to call and cancel services because the account was still open. *sigh*

I call back to inquire as to why my account is open. They have record of my call, but nothing was done. No credits for the guarantee had been placed on my still open account. Am told that I will NOT get them. He says he will have to ask his supervisor, gets a call back number, says he will call back in 20 minutes. No call was received.

Call back next day, was told that the previous call was listed as a "lost call"... aka, he had no intention of calling me back or following up. Really really peeved at this point. I again inquire about the guarantee credits. Am told it is only for installation. I quote their website, which reads, "The On-Time Guarantee means that our technicians are guaranteed to show up on time for installations and service appointments." (Read it for yourself here: timewarnercable.com/Dallas/Customer/ ) I read this to her three times. She continues to tell me they do not guarantee service appointments.

Fed up. Ask to speak directly to supervisor. Am told there is no one there at the time I can talk to. I say I will wait on hold while her supervisor finishes a phone call. I wait. Am later told I will have to leave a voice mail and that is my only option. I leave a voice mail. No one calls back.

Call again. Get someone nicer. He assures my account is closed. Looks up my service appointments. Sees the late arrivals and no-shows and says he will apply the credits to the account. Guess it just depends on who answers the phone as to what the policies really are.

Now, I have to call back this week to see if they TRULY closed my account. I just received a bill for NEXT month's services, with no credits applied. I am hoping this is just a paperwork issue.

I hate Time Warner Cable.

Jennifer F.

Dallas, Texas


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We need to get a class action suit against the corrupt Time Warner Cable

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, January 06, 2008

Thank you for filing your report against Time Warner Cabe! I too have suffered months of unbelievable frustrations and outright criminal billing from Time Warner. They are an EMBRARRASSMENT to DFW!

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