  • Report:  #1413829

Complaint Review: Tom Caferella - Wakefield Massachusetts

Reported By:
Steven - Irving, Texas, United States

Tom Caferella
20 Del Carmine St Wakefield, 01880 Massachusetts, United States
(781) 209-6025
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Be aware! This group has a very convincing sales pitch regarding their motivated seller leads. Unfortunately I handed over $7,000 to this company for 90 days of worthless leads. I'm an experienced real estate investor and have seen my share of individuals like Tom Caferella pitching their latest and greatest programs all based on convincing you that their model will help you grow their real estate business. Throughout my years in the business I'm proud to say that I've been wise enough to not ever get ripped off. Unfortunately I'm now a victim. Here's the pitch that this guy used to sell me: Promise: Numerous quality motivated seller leads directly fed to your email on a daily basis Actual: Numerous leads did get sent to me but all leads were terrible! I followed the plan provide by Caferella which was based on immediately calling any lead that came in. I dat in front of a computer and called every lead that came in. I called every lead that came in while I was mobil. All leads led nowhere! Many of the leads that I called said they were promised a free property valuation. I knew nothing about this.

I called Tom Caerella and requested to see the ad that they were using via Social Media (Mostly Facebook) and that request was never fulfilled. I never knew what the prospects were seeing. Either way after repeated calls and hours of wasted time calling bogus leads. Many of the prospects never answered the phone, returned calls etc. Many callers were upset about the call. Many said they were not selling their house and were not sure why they were being contacted. The prospects that were interested in selling were all pretty houses that were looking to sell retail, highest price and avoid Realtor commissions. In summary after wasting my time on all the bullshit leads provided I decided to focus elsewhere for leads as all the time wasting activity was hurting my business. Not only was I out $7,000 I was hurt my business by focusing on something that yielded zero prospects, zero appointments, zero deals. Closing comments: Basically this group is placing ads on FB that reel anyone in that might be interested in understanding what their house might be worth. At least that's is what it appeared to be after my phone conversations with prospects that were looking for retail offers. I really didn't have time to sit and provide CMA's to sellers with pretty houses. In my past, a few years back I tried Zbuyer as well. Zbuyer leads never yielded a deal either but I will say that the few leads that I actually ended up speaking to were selling distressed properties. I didn't find Zbuyer to be worthy of my marketing dollars either but I will say Zbuyer provided real leads... Tom Cafrella did not! I contacted Tom and requested a full refund. Obviously like any of these guys that sling bullshit Tom's response was based on blaming me for not following the system - Haven't we heard that before! Typical national guru stealing from others. I feel bad for all the newbies that he stole from. Myself I'm experienced in this business and very successful so I'm still afloat. Stay away from this guy!

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