  • Report:  #26007

Complaint Review: Tom K. Smith - hunt Texas

Reported By:
- San Antonio, texas,

Tom K. Smith
BOX 127 hunt, 78024 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On May 20, 2002, Tom Smith wrote up a contract to paint my house with a new type of product called ceramic guard. The estimate was for $7,500. I paid half ($3,500) up front and agreed to pay the other half upon completion. It is now August 2002 and still I can not get to do the job.

I have called him many, many times but all I get is an answering machine message saying he will call you back. Of course he never does. I do not have a physical address for him so I can't go looking for him. I think he lives in the Kerrville or Hunt area.

If anybody can help me with some information on finding this guy, please do. And make sure you never deal with this "person", if you can call him that because I don't think a real person can do that to somebody and sleep at night.

By the way, this guy is about 55 years old, white, about six foot tall, and drives a mini-van.


San Antonio, Texas

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