  • Report:  #1438695

Complaint Review: Total Trivia - Minneapolis Minnesota

Reported By:
Monroe M - New Jersey, United States

Total Trivia
901 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, 55402 Minnesota, United States
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All of the comments in the following RIPPOFF REPORT are my personal opinions based on my experiences playing on Total Trivia (TT) over the last year. My user name on TT is “Rusty-Star”.

I wasted thousands of dollars and a year of my life playing on TT!! I wish I knew a year ago what I know now. People should DO THEIR HOMEWORK. That being said, positive reviews about TT are suspect because they are rewarding customers with as many as 11,000 free coupons to leave reviews on various sites! TT even disabled the REVIEWS section of their own Facebook page. Before its deletion, it was overflowing with negative comments that are no longer visible. Thank goodness that there are sites like this where one can read honest reviews for any company including TT and its sister site, DealDash. Here in the USA, we are so lucky to be protected by the FIRST AMENDMENT and can express our opinions FREELY!!

TT has allowed their site to be used by certain individuals as a medium to harass me and other players. For the past year, TT has allowed instant upload of avatars.An avatar is a user provided photo that a player displays next to their username on the site and is visible to EVERYONE who visits the site. I have screenshots of players using avatars to sexually harass and intimidate me and also screenshots of avatars that display racial and homophobic slurs, nudity, and other offensive gestures.

For my avatar on the site, I initially uploaded a personal photo which ended up being stolen from the site and used to DOX me...

(Doxing is defined on Google Dictionary as “search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.) 

Two different MEN stole my picture from the site, wrote messages directly addressed to ME (on MY photo) and then uploaded it to the TT site as THIER own avatar to make sure I saw it!!! Not only was it UPSETTING to see my photo abused in that way, it was UNNERVING to see my OWN photo staring back at me after it had been MISUSED and ABUSED by a MAN!! I contacted TT Compliance and spoke with Joshua who seemed to think I was over reacting and that it was no big deal??? This company knew I was being targeted and abused by MEN on their site, and they didn't give a crap!!.. I never expected to be sexually harassed in an online Trivia game!! ....#METOO 

In one particularly disturbing incident, a player opened a new account and created a username called “fckrstyndgrnd” which is clearly intended acronym for “F*** RUSTY and DGRAND” (dgrand6470 is another successful player on TT)… I am aware that several other players who also saw the offensive user name reported it to TT Compliance and nothing happened, in fact, the same player went on to issue a death threat against Dgrand6470 using an instant upload avatar with a DEATH THREAT HANDWRITTEN in the avatar. This was reported to the Police and while I was not the target of the death threat, I am undoubtably the TARGET of a player who issued a death threat as evidenced in his username which targets myself and Dgrand6470. That alone is REALLY unnerving!! I assume the player was kicked off the site, but it is scary to think about that person is OUT THERE with ill intent, and we have no idea who they are or where he is!! SCARED!!

For months harassment issues continued for no other apparent reason other than I was a very successful player on the Total Trivia site!! TT ignored my pleas for help and in some cases, they incited anger against myself and other successful players through their responses to customers in emails and in their responses on their own FaceBook Review page which has since been disabled. 

TT’s Terms of Service (TOS) page currently has 8,383 words. Each player is responsible for reading the TOS before playing on the site. Based on scientific data the average person reads 250-300 words per minute. Therefore, the average person would take more than 30 minutes to read the TOS in its entirety. This company has changed their TOS SEVERAL times in the past several months without always sending notification to customers. Even then, TT expects their customers to read the TOS in its entirety EVERY TIME they make a change, even if its a MINOR one. Never do they send a summary of just the changes. Of special note is their RETURN POLICY. Their TOS state the following:

"Total Trivia will refund the purchase price of the product but will not refund any Discount Coupons used in winning or consumed during the Tournament. Only the checkout price will be refunded. Total Trivia will not refund the Discount Coupons which a user has used to enter the Tournament. The user is responsible for the full shipping costs back to Total Trivia’s distribution center or office location...."

Anybody who gives any thought to their Return Policy will quickly realize it makes no sense. All wins on TT are FREE and Discount Coupons are not considered part of the purchase price, so based on the Return Policy as posted on TT's site, when you ship an item back to them you will get ZERO DOLLARS refunded!! TT gets the item back and KEEPS ALL the money spent by the customer on discount coupons to win the item. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO ANYONE other than them???

After winning a few of the luxury “brand name” products that TT offers consumers it became clear to me that these are not true luxury brands at all; They are cheap, generic brands that are only sell through TT and its affiliates such as DealDash ( also can be found on eBay by TT players reselling merchandise they won) . TT represents its products as top-of-the-line, luxury brands that ordinarily command price tags in the hundreds or even thousands of dollars per item. A cursory look at some prominent online sites will quickly show a tremendous disparity between the retail values and the prices for which these items are being offered for sale.

I wondered who are these LUXURY BRANDS that I had never heard of before?? Based on google searches it appears that most of TT’s tournament merchandise consists of brand names created only within the last few years by TT’s founder and controlling owner: William Wolfram of Finland.

I experienced numerous errors in their APP that affected tournament outcomes causing ME to lose large amounts of money!! I reported these issues to their customer service, only to often have them insinuate that I was LYING about the errors EVEN when I had taken screenshots as PROOF that it happened!!

When I signed up for this site approximately a year ago, I paid $50 for 1000 coupons. Since that time, they have DEVALUED my purchases NUMEROUS TIMES by offering more and more coupons for the same money. A few days ago I noticed that $50 fetched 65,000 coupons. How does a customer who paid $50 for 1000 coupons compete with the customer who paid $50 for 65,000 coupons? THEY CAN'T!.... If you buy coupons today at the 65x bonus rate, you had better be prepared for 100x coupons tomorrow......  Edit        

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