  • Report:  #24139

Complaint Review: Toyota Motor Sales Inc. - Torrance California

Reported By:
- Vienna, Virginia,

Toyota Motor Sales Inc.
19001 South Western Avenue Torrance, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Has Toyota notified you about its "Customer Support Program" for "Engine Oil Gelation?"

Who: Owners of 1997-2002 Toyota and Lexus vehicles with 3.0L IMZ V-6 engines and all 1997-2001 Toyota vehicles with the now discontinued 2.2L four cylinder engines. Nine models are included.

What: Engine oil sludge accumulation in the oil pan, valve covers, and/or cylinder heads with possible symptoms such as blue smoke on cold start up and oil consumption. Toyota maintains this "oil gelation" is caused by the owner's improper maintenance of the vehicle! The owners disagree.

When: Former, current, and repeat repairs for sludge-related damage are covered for a period of 8 years from date of first sale or lease with unlimited mileage. This coverage includes all reasonable incidental expenses. If questions, consult with affected owners in the groups listed below.

Where: Effective April 3, 2002. Contact the Toyota hotline at 1-888-802-9436. You'll be asked to show a reasonable effort (not all oil change receipts are required) to regularly maintain your vehicle. Toyota considers this a generous offer especially since the owner is at fault! Proceed cautiously.

What if you have received no letter? OR, you want more information?

1) First, notify Toyota via certified letter with return receipt requested and give your case details. Let it know you have NOT received your letter. Ask it when you will get your letter, too.

2) Notify the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration at http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov and the Federal Trade Commission at http://www.ftc.gov. NHTSA: 1-800-424-9393.

10) Read other stories and post your own at http://www.RipOffReport.com under "Toyota" or "Lexus."

11) ((POST A REBUTTAL)) to discuss other concerns with your Toyota vehicle, customer service, or warranty issues. Network with other owners to stay informed on these auto consumer matters and to work collectively! Stay-tuned ....


Vienna, Virginia

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