  • Report:  #307210

Complaint Review: Travis Blount Carla Yzaguirre Carla Blount Blount Motorsports Classic Auto Transport - Hot Springs Arkansas

Reported By:
- Edmonton, Alberta,

Travis Blount Carla Yzaguirre Carla Blount Blount Motorsports Classic Auto Transport
126 Adcock Road Hot Springs, 71913 Arkansas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was never paid for the vinyl ordered and then his wife accused me of flirting with her husband. Her husband saw my pic on my website and made a comment about it saying my husband was lucky. See emails below

She accused me of sending him multiple pictures of myself and I never did. I told her that he saw the one on my website and this is what she said.

From: Carla Yzaguirre [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 17:20 PM

To: [email protected]

Subject: thanks

Thank you for clarifying that up for me. I saw the pic, short dark hair ect...and the message that went back and forth. I know he asked for the pic and called you cutie and stuff. He did the same with me. I have been with him for 10 months now but most of the time he is gone. We are suppose to get married and we live together. It just really screws me up when flirting and pics are going back and forth on a professional business transaction. I truly do not understand that and I know for sure that if I were to do something like that he would leave but not before he would do some real damage to the other person. So I have to ask...why would you send a man a pic of you and have conversations like you did...which I read yours too, especially if you have someone and you know he does too? I know there is nothing there and I know you both were just flirting and messing around...but I guess it bothers me that he feels that is ok and you fell that is ok. No one needs preaching that is for sure in todays world but all I know is that I was married for 21 years with a man that I started dating when I was 10. We had been together for 31 years before my three kids told me he was cheating on me with a 22 year old. I forgave him and then again my kids caught him with my best friend. Just because we are not insight and not there all the time there has to be trust...I got burned and my kids crushed over stupid sexual wants. Now I find Travis who swears he would never do that to me especially since his wife of 20 years that he dated since they were 15 did the same thing. He caught them. He left and he is still hurt. But I would never hurt someone in that way. Katie I am just asking you think before you flirt and send your pic out. It can hurt something that a couple has tried to build for a long time. And especially if kids are involved. Life is hard and boy is it hard being 40 and single and trying to trust people again. But I knew that was you in the pic especially since I had just read all the emails back and forth. I also have my doubts at times about trust at all. I would like to be able to start my life without interference of other women stepping in. If that is ok with you. Please think about what I said. If I explode then I am sure it will be over between Travis and me, but if I look at the bigger pic a 49 year old man talking to a young girl and she flirting back making him feel wanted and all that well all I can say that I have been there and done that with my ex. I know how it ends. I just feel sorry for the kids. They do not understand even though mine were 15 and 16 and 9 all they wanted was to save me, but now they wished they could take it back so he and I could still be a family. I am trying to start a new family now...please just think about women like me...and think before you flirt and send pics. I know it is not all your fault, but think about us...you will be in the same boat one day I promise. Go through me from now on about the money owed to you. He lied when I saw the pic and said it was not you. So I now know he did want more and he knew what he was doing was wrong or he would not of lied. It hurts. I just want him to love me...I guess I am finding out that does not exist. If you were here I would take you out for a drink and just talk. I am not mad. Just so hurt it happened and he lied. Thanks for telling me the truth. Please do not call him any more. I will pay you with my and the kids money. I will take care of it.

Thanks so much,

Carla Yzaguirre

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My response

I am truly sorry that you feel that way. You have to understand that I work in the car industry and all men act like that. It is nothing new and they mean nothing by it, I honestly dont even notice it as flirting. I honestly just thought he wanted to know who he was talking to. In this business, people often want to know that they are talking to a real person and it's not unusual for me to get requests for photos, both from men and women. If you think that your partner was flirting with me, that's something that you'll have to bring up with him. On my end, there was no flirtation happening whatsoever. I am a very friendly person, something that all of my friends know me for, and if you knew me personally, you would not have seen my emails as being at all flirtatious. My boyfriend is aware of all correspondence that took place between myself and your partner, and he feels no insecurity about it because he knows that I'm simply a friendly person and I mean nothing by it. I'm certainly not the type of person who would hurt someone else, and I'm very aware that cheating, whether over the internet or in person, is wrong.

Your partner sent me photos of his cars for later use on the website, he happened to be in one of them and if I remember correctly I asked him if that was him. He said yes, but I don't think he was purposely sending me photos of himself, he just happened to be in one.

As far as your trust issues go, I am sorry you were hurt in the past. If it would make you feel more comfortable to deal with me directly that would be fine with me. However, I still need to remind you that the payment is now 4 months overdue, and that the vinyl was sent out 4 months ago. The due date for payment was in July, 2007, and I have not received any of it. Therefore, this must be taken care of immediately. If I do not receive the payment in full by October 31, 2007, I will have to send this bill to a collections agency. I have mailed you another invoice with a self-addressed envelope enclosed. Please send it to me in that envelope to avoid any further complications.

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact me via phone or email.

Katie Karpetz


I still have not received anything.


Edmonton, Alberta


Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Blue Haven Pools

7 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
poor katy

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, December 29, 2011

i am sorry your hurt after sending the nude photos and  i told you from the beginning that i was seeing someone, would send the photos back if you like. here is my favorite one. 


The above complaints are not false.

#3Author of original report

Thu, December 29, 2011

Why would I and the other business that you failed to pay, take the time and bother to register an account and post false claims?

You are a shady business person, that has still not paid their way overdue bills. The above emails that I have posted have all been archived and are timestamped from when you sent them. If anyone coming to this site wants more information or wants the emails that Travis Blount (Carla Yzaguirre, Carla Blount, Blount Motorsports, Classic Auto Transport) sent I would be more then happy to forward them. 

Travis Blount is a liar, that does not pay his bills. 

That's great you got new business from this website, maybe now you can pay your overdue accounts.


United States of America
rip off report thanks

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, December 27, 2011

Thanks to the false information in Rip Off Report we have 3 new customers this month and hope this continues next month, at first i was mad that a site as false as this one would let anyone say anything. But it has worked for us. keep up the mess it works. Thanks Travis

Hot Springs Web Design

Hot Springs,
United States of America
Beware of Travis Blount, Carla Blount and Fast Lane Consignments!

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, June 01, 2011

I also share a similar experience in dealing with Travis Blount, Carla Blount and Fast Lane Consignments of Hot Springs, Arkansas. This couple is by far the most deceiving and non bill-paying people I have ever met. Please do not do ANY work of any kind for them without collecting money in advance as you will never, EVER get paid.

We were also burned by them and never collected for our time, resources, content, images, training, etc.. To make matters worse, they had us come out and spend several days training them on how to use our products and yet they had no intentions on paying.

The beautiful thing is our company specializes in putting information on the front page of search engines for the world to see, so just do a search for Travis Blount, Carla Blount of Fast Lane Consignment in Hot Springs Arkansas and take a look at what comes up...

Report Attachments



#6Author of original report

Fri, November 19, 2010

The above email that I originally posted was from you. Nothing was edited nothing was changed.

Not only did you NEVER pay pay Bonded-Design, you and your husband were sent to collections.

There was nothing wrong with the quality of work, you ordered vinyl stickers that were sent. YOU NEVER PAID! If there was a problem with quality this should have been addressed as soon as you received the product not years later when your feelings are hurt because your name is popping up on Google for bills that still remain unpaid to this day.

I conduct business just fine, if you want to read client testimonials you can do so on my website.

If you would like to make this report disappear, pay your bill.




#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, November 18, 2010

The above email that I originally posted was from you. Nothing was edited nothing was changed.

Not only did you NEVER pay pay Bonded-Design, you and your husband were sent to collections.

There was nothing wrong with the quality of work, you ordered vinyl stickers that were sent. YOU NEVER PAID! If there was a problem with quality this should have been addressed as soon as you received the product not years later when your feelings are hurt because your name is popping up on Google for bills that still remain unpaid to this day.

I conduct business just fine if you want to read client testimonials you can do so on my website.



Hot Springs,
Not Entirely The Truth

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, August 02, 2009

I did not feel this report needed a rebutal, but several correspondances were left out leaving everything one sided. After rereading the personal information that was posted on this site between myself and Miss Katie I realized that companies that need to sale products by sending pics back and forth via texts or emails are not very professional. Sending her picture to my husband with flirtatious comments, which of course I seen and read is not what a professional business should be based on. I am so happy that she is a friendly person and that her partner knows that she does this and has no worries. But I feel most women would not approve of their spouses recieving this treatment for a sale of a product. Also of course she did not send a rebuttal telling the reader that we did pay for her services with a money order over a year ago. Her product was not what we had expected and there were correspondances that went back and forth of the quality of the work and what was agreed upon and this was the main reason for the disagreement that of course was not mentioned.But we let that go and did finally pay. It was never sent back and she never sent us a reciept. Life is full of so many obstacles you would think that a successful business would not have to offend a person while doing business on this level. My suggestion to all business owners...keep it business and conduct yourselves in a professional manner. It is only right, even in the car business! And to the women out there remember...you do not have to flirt and send pics to get a sale...just be a good sales person and be professional; if you have a good product it will sale.

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