  • Report:  #67090

Complaint Review: TreeHouse - Turley-Thompson - Monterey Financial Services - Provo Utah

Reported By:
- Thornton, Colorado,

TreeHouse - Turley-Thompson - Monterey Financial Services
5252 N Edgewood Dr. Provo, 84604 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I ordered this diet pill unfortunately. When I received the box, there was no invoice for the price, when they mailed it and what date I would be charged for it. There was no information on returning the product if I was unhappy or if there were no results. I tried to call, but I was sent in circles.

When I saw that the charge ($229.95) went through I called the phone number listed, which was for Monterey Financial Services, they told me that they just do the billing and don't have any information for me. I tried to find out more but I didn't know where to look.

I found another charge on my bank statement for $29.95 on 8-28, and called the number listed. This number is non-stop busy.

So I called Monterey Financial again, and they amazingly found a phone number for me. I called it and it was a voice mail for a Jason Turley. So I called back to Monterey and told them, and I called the number again and it was answered by someone. They put me on hold for 10 minutes and then a lady in CS answered and I think she even used a fake name, because she had a hard time spelling it for me. She gave me a fax number so I can cancel any further shipments and charges. We've also cancelled that credit card and are getting new numbers issued out to us because of this.


Thornton, Colorado

1 Updates & Rebuttals


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#2Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2009

They are listed with the BBB.org as: Business ID: 1186-0009000136 Name: Monterey Financial Services Inc Address: 4095 Avenida De La Plata City: Oceanside State/County: CA Zip/Postal Code: 92056 Federal Trade Commision 600 Penselvania Ave, NW Washington, DC. 20580 877-382-4357 Both Monterey Financial Services and Monterey Collection Services are the same company at the same address witht he same phone numbers. Don't let them to continue illegal fraudulant practices.

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