  • Report:  #69054

Complaint Review: Truckaddons.com - Lexington Kentucky

Reported By:
- mesa, Arizona,

1098 East New Circle Road Lexington, 40505 Kentucky, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In June of 1999, I ordered accessories from truckaddons.com (a division of trailblazers), which included: a manick grill brush guard ($750.00), matching tail light brush guards ($195.00), and blackout healdight covers ($65.00).

I made sure the salesperson was aware of what year and model truck I was ordering these parts for (1988 Dodge Ramcharger) because I was having trouble finding parts for it. The salesperson assured me that he knew what vehicle I had and that they did carry the parts I was looking for.

The shipping fees were added and my card was charged. I was told I would receive the parts in 2-3 weeks.

After two months, I started contacting the company and was told that they no longer carry the tail light brush guards, but that the fee I was charged for them and their shipping would be needed to pay for the shipping of the grill brush guard, since it had ot be trucked due to size. I was also promised that they would pay any additional fees if any were incurred.

After another month, the guard finally arrived while I was at work and the trucking company (yellow truck) charged a family member shipping, claiming that truckaddons.com did not pay the fee (another 195.00).

I shortly found out that the part was not for my truck, but for a compact SUV (a Montero) and would not fit my truck.

I contacted truckaddons.com and they refused to correct the situation until I contacted BBB, FTC, and the KY attourney general, then, they contacted me and told me they would refund me the base cost of the guard if I returned it to them.

I explained that I had already spent over $300.00 for shipping fees, and by the time I retuned it, I would have spent the amount of money that would have bought me two and they told me, "tough, that's the deal".

FTC, BBB, and the AG were of no help because they found this an acceptable deal.

I feel that as a consumer, I should not have to pay for the mistake of a company, and feel that I have been ripped off!


mesa, Arizona

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