  • Report:  #1111818

Complaint Review: TrueBuild Credit - Corporate Credit Network TRUSTED BUSINESS | Verified™ Safe …businesses you can trust. A leader in business credit industry. TrueBuild credit benefits business with credit approvals using the TrueBuild program without personal guarantees. 100% customer satisfaction and money back guarantee. TrueBuild Credit gets credit & financing for businesses. - Newport Beach California

Reported By:
ED Magedson - Founder, Ripoff Report - Tempe, Arizona,

TrueBuild Credit - Corporate Credit Network TRUSTED BUSINESS | Verified™ Safe …businesses you can trust. A leader in business credit industry. TrueBuild credit benefits business with credit approvals using the TrueBuild program without personal guarantees. 100% customer satisfaction and money back guarantee. TrueBuild Credit gets credit & financing for businesses.
2618 San Miguel Dr. #190 Newport Beach, 92660 California, USA
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Ripoff Report REVIEW / TrueBuild Credit Commitment to Customer Satisfaction

TrueBuild Credit joins Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program -- a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and business alike.

Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program -- a program that benefits the consumer, which helps to increase consumer satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business Verified By Ripoff Report.

When a company or individual joins the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Program, they must make a commitment to us – in writing – to 'doing whatever it takes to make things right with their customers.' What does that mean? It means that Ripoff Report expects that members of our Corporate Advocacy Program will review and respond to ALL customer complaints promptly. It means that every complaint will be taken seriously and every customer will be treated fairly and with respect. It means if a customer did not receive what they expected, the company will work with that customer to fix the issue. It means that if a customer requests a refund and if there is any reasonable basis for that request, we expect the customer will be given a prompt refund (some refund requests may not be reasonable, so this does not mean a refund is guaranteed in every case). “Making things right” can mean lots of different things to different people, but our point is this - by working closely with the company or individual to resolve any disputes, Ripoff Report can track the footprints of customer service to ensure that our Corporate Advocacy Program members are doing everything they can to treat customers fairly and to increase their customer satisfaction.


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Ripoff Report Verified™ .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

By Ripoff Report

TrueBuild Credit approached Ripoff Report with the intent of resolving any and all customer issues and reports posted on Ripoff Report. As a Part of the Corporate Advocacy Program the member business allows Ripoff Report to send an email to all of those who filed a complaint in the past, letting the customer know, the member business wanted to make things right with them, whatever it takes to do so. Ripoff Report always monitors these emails to insure the member business does what they agreed to. The people at TrueBuild Credit did just that.

TrueBuild Credit has gone to great lengths to insure that they resolve any and all customer issues through their improved commitment to customer satisfaction. TrueBuild Credit has joined the Corporate Advocacy Program because they want customers to know that they will do whatever it takes to resolve any and all issues that arise. They never want their clients to feel as though they were put in the wrong hands. TrueBuild Credit knows that each and every client has a different set of goals and strives as a team to meet those goals for their customers. TrueBuild Credit vows to commit themselves to their client’s success and do whatever it takes to achieve results.


"TrueBuild Credit has been around for over a decade and we have helped tens of thousands of small companies build their credit profiles to compete in their industry. We continue to assist clients who signed up years ago because we build a relationship and report with each client that persists despite the promised results that have been achieved for their company. We care about our clients and will continue to help them with their financial endeavors and goals outside of the program. In this industry, it’s easy to feel disillusioned at times but our support staff works long and hard to make sure every client is spoken to and has their needs met in a timely fashion to avoid that – that is what sets our company apart from the industry standard.”

“My name is Stephanie and I have been an employee at TrueBuild Credit since 2007. Working here has been a pleasure for the past 6 years. It is very rewarding being able to help a client that has just started their company and watch it grow and become a success. It’s not easy starting a business it can be tedious and overwhelming. Being able to help our clients understand how to structure their business properly and help them build their business credit is a wonderful experience. When a problem comes along with a client we like to take a look at why there is a problem and what we can do to change it. We understand we cannot please everyone. However, we do our best to accommodate everyone."

Client Testimonials

"I knew this was the way to go after I had an expert look at my business credit. I had two tax liens that paid on my Experian file. I was totally clueless until I went with the program from Corporate Credit Network and had no idea that I was getting declined because of bad information.The free credit report and analysis was worth my 5 minutes of time but the $100k in Business Credit I received after having professionals on my side to fix things I didn't even know about was worth it's weight in CASH! Get your free report, trust me, I'm glad I did!” ~ Madison Interior Exterior Painting - FICO Score 670

"When I found the TRUEBUILD Credit Program, my business was on the verge of collapse. Sales had slowed down and my expenses were on the rise. I decided to give them a shot. I immediately started getting approvals for dozens of retail credit cards. I had an 80 Paydex within 30 days, $50,000 in approvals within 60 days, and I was approved for a $150,000 loan two months later. The TRUEBUILD Credit Program really saved my company.” ~ Minds Eye Design - FICO Score 710


"As the founder of the business credit industry, TrueBuild Credit has seen some disheartening things come and go over the years. What often happens to entrepreneurs that sign up with the competition is that they either receive an outdated eBook or pay very large sums of money to companies with no support staff at all. They are given little to no direction on how to proceed with building their company’s future, and as a result they lose faith in the industry altogether”, says TrueBuild’s owner Mike Berrien. “My job is to reestablish that faith and reassure my clients that they are in the best hands for the job.”

Mike wants his fellow entrepreneurs to be extremely vigilant of false information that his competitors use to build their reputations. “A staggering number of companies simply outsource their reputation to people who will put up false reviews for pay. If you are knowledgeable of the industry, these fake reviews are obvious but for those not as well informed, they can seem convincing at times. That is what scares me. These people, at their very core, lie for profit so how can you trust doing business with them?” He insures, “We have never once considered paying for false testimonials. Our results are real and we have no need for paying others to post false information.”

TrueBuild Credit / Statements from the owner Mike Berrien.

"“When I started TrueBuild in 2001, I did it out of pure passion. I wanted to help entrepreneurs, like myself, expand their companies in ways they weren’t even aware of. I can say with pride that I have accomplished that goal thousands of times over and I have no intention of stopping any time soon. Seeing other people achieve their dreams and knowing that you had a part in it – there’s really nothing like it. When you have clients from seven, eight years ago calling you and thanking you for your work, it really is something to cherish and makes you want to work that much harder for these people. They count on you for your leadership and when you take them under your wing and give that to them, you create a strong relationship that allows not only them to grow, but you as well. That is empowering.”


While TrueBuild never stops striving to be the very best and finding ways to meet each and every of the client’s demands, they realize that with high ambitions come obstacles and limitations. Mike Berrien says, “We’ve had issues and complaints arise over the years, but isn’t that to be expected? With the amount of time we’ve worked in the industry and the amount of companies that we have put through our program, we know that there will always be a client that wants a little more. We are prepared for that. We take a good look each time a complaint arises and from there, we find the most appropriate way to respond, whatever that may be – every client is unique.”

As stated above, TrueBuild Credit is committed to 100% customer satisfaction and will do whatever it takes to insure that each and every one of their clients has a positive experience when they choose to do business with TrueBuild. After speaking with the management at TrueBuild and contacting anyone who filed a complaint in the past, Ripoff Report is proud to give TrueBuild Credit a positive rating. TrueBuild has made efforts to insure total customer satisfaction and the owner, Mike Berrien, has assured Ripoff Report that his new business model features customer satisfaction as the top priority. He states, “People often react defensively when they receive a complaint but in the world of business, that tends to backfire. Instead, while we take every complaint very seriously, we choose to treat it as a way of clients giving us constructive criticism and we go from there. No matter how extreme or how embellished a complaint may be, we can always find some truth in them and when we acknowledge that, we can only improve ourselves.”


"This industry relies so heavily on the client’s relationship with the support staff – it is imperative that there be a level of mutual respect and excellent guidance on the part of our employees. Each client that we take on is enlisting a program and a process that takes months and for some that want to go over and above, years. It isn’t like the retail industry where there is a simple tradeoff between consumer and clerk; it’s an extensive process that requires our support staff to be well informed and have exceptional leadership” says Mike Berrien. TrueBuild has pledged themselves to weekly support meetings to discuss customer service and, as a team, make decisions to benefit their clients and improve their communication. By holding conference meetings involving each member of the support department, this allows their employees to discuss specific client concerns as well as general ideas to improving their work as a whole and provide their clients with a level of customer service that goes beyond the client’s expectations.

TrueBuild has also made improvements by clarifying to customers what qualifies for a refund as Mike states, “This is a service that the clients are paying for and therefore refunds are a subjective matter. It just isn’t as easy as returning an item to a retail store. When an issue arises, we make a point to show our clients that they have strengthened as a company and have made improvements that, in a way, limit what we can reimburse them for but we evaluate their situation extensively and make the appropriate accommodations to the best of our ability and judgment. We always take the word of the client as they are the face of our company and their word, at the end of the day, matters the most.”


"As previously mentioned, several of our competitors in the industry choose to capitalize on fake reviews by paying others to post them. I strongly encourage anyone who is looking into building their business credit to watch out for these by being well informed of the process so they are able to spot information in the reviews that doesn’t necessarily make sense” says Mike. It goes without saying that in every line of business, there are companies that lie to make their profit. TrueBuild is not one of them. Mike commits his company to a level of honesty unlike others in the industry and wants those who are looking to expand their business to be vigilant and aware of how other companies distort the truth to benefit themselves financially. He also advises that credit builders stay away from credit building forums as they are often inaccurate with misrepresented information that has become outdated. Since the industry is growing and changing so fast, Mike knows that it is easy to take the word of others when they seem to be well educated on the process. He hopes that those interested in their company’s financial future make a strong effort to educate themselves before they commit to anyone’s program or advice.

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of Ripoff Report’s Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program should email us at [email protected]

This kind of dedication to customer service means that TrueBuild Credit will do whatever it takes to make sure their customers are properly taken care of.

In the future, if anyone has any complaints or concerns with TrueBuild Credit, you are invited to contact them directly via email: [email protected] (again, please be sure to cc: [email protected] so we can keep track of the company’s response and to insure customer satisfaction). You can call TrueBuild Credit directly at 949-313-7717.

As always, Ripoff Report cannot guarantee that every customer or employee will always be 100% satisfied in every case, but we promise that if you have any concerns with TrueBuild Credit or any of our Corporate Advocacy Program members, we will do everything we can to see that the issue is addressed quickly and that you are treated fairly and with respect. Any issues you think you cannot resolve with any member of Ripoff Report’s Corporate Advocacy Program, please contact us. [email protected]

Remember, just because a company or individual is reported on Ripoff Report does not mean you should not do business with them. Use Ripoff Report information as a tool to your advantage. Be knowledgeable about any company or person you hire. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions and get additional information until you feel comfortable in allowing them to work for you.

Be sure to contact us with your questions and comments about any business that is part of the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. Your questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome and will be considered even if we don't agree with them. Please realize Ripoff Report is chartering in new territory, working to make a change for both consumers and businesses alike. Consumers can feel safe confident and secure when doing business with TrueBuild Credit.

Here's why.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,. And about TrueBuild Credit’s Commitment to Excellence and Consumer Satisfaction.

Consumers should feel safe, confident and secure when doing business with a member of Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, yes, a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Written by,

..Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program team..
..by consumers, for consumers

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