Tupper Lake,#2REBUTTAL Individual responds
Thu, July 04, 2002
I don't know what ya'll are talking about. But when I was in the 10TH grade, I was having a hard time adjusting to my newly developed sexuality. She noticed that my grades were slipping and wasn't paying attenton in class as much as I should have. One day she saw me by the water fountain and asked me to come to her class room. She didn't have any classes that hour. She told me she was worried about my scholactic career and asked me what my problem was. Well, I told her how I beat the $hit out of Eric aka "Digger" because I caught in my back yard trying rape my dog and how Christy was being a prude. Well, after that she told me she understood and and started undressing and starting undressing me, before I knew what was going on, we were having sex. Well, after that I forgot about all my problems with Christy. So, get off Miss Chapin's back, you losers.
Tupper Lake,#3REBUTTAL Individual responds
Thu, July 04, 2002
I don't know what ya'll are talking about. But when I was in the 10TH grade, I was having a hard time adjusting to my newly developed sexuality. She noticed that my grades were slipping and wasn't paying attenton in class as much as I should have. One day she saw me by the water fountain and asked me to come to her class room. She didn't have any classes that hour. She told me she was worried about my scholactic career and asked me what my problem was. Well, I told her how I beat the $hit out of Eric aka "Digger" because I caught in my back yard trying rape my dog and how Christy was being a prude. Well, after that she told me she understood and and started undressing and starting undressing me, before I knew what was going on, we were having sex. Well, after that I forgot about all my problems with Christy. So, get off Miss Chapin's back, you losers.
Tupper Lake,#4Consumer Comment
Tue, July 02, 2002
I think everyone has misjudged Miss Chapin from the beginning. I agree that she does need some work around the edges, but so did Ms. Staves, and they just sent her down to the seventh grade to screw up even more kids. I don't believe the math II problem is all her fault, I believe it is the result of a math program that is screwed up throughout middle and high school in Tupper Lake. I believe the problem in Math II, especially with grades on standardized testing, is also a result of kids who really don't care about their grades. Most kids in Math II (and being a student in the class I have some idea of what is going on) have given Miss Chapin problems from the beginning of the year simply because she was a new teacher. Most Math II students have enjoyed sitting in class and paying no attention whatsoever, and as to the claim that she helps only advanced kids, It's simply not true. I myself could be considered "advanced" and yet, I have often had to wait to have her answer a question of mine, because she is helping someone who struggles or simply was there first. I believe the low regents scores are partly the results of a teacher who had never administered a Math II regents (REGENTS exams don't exist in Texas), but I believe the results are more the part of a shaky math program and kids who could care less about grades and simply like to make trouble.
East Brunswick,#5Consumer Comment
Tue, July 02, 2002
What the hell is up with the people of tupper lake? I have been reading this sight's comments for a few months. Tupper Lake has had more comments than any other 3 or 4 locations put together. Don't you people have anything better to do than to bash each other? From what I've read, tupper Lake definitely has an education problem. The spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is the worst I have ever seen and you are complaining about math. Obviously math is not the only subject not being taught properly in T.L. Stop the in-breeding!
East Brunswick,#6Consumer Comment
Tue, July 02, 2002
What the hell is up with the people of tupper lake? I have been reading this sight's comments for a few months. Tupper Lake has had more comments than any other 3 or 4 locations put together. Don't you people have anything better to do than to bash each other? From what I've read, tupper Lake definitely has an education problem. The spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is the worst I have ever seen and you are complaining about math. Obviously math is not the only subject not being taught properly in T.L. Stop the in-breeding!
East Brunswick,#7Consumer Comment
Tue, July 02, 2002
What the hell is up with the people of tupper lake? I have been reading this sight's comments for a few months. Tupper Lake has had more comments than any other 3 or 4 locations put together. Don't you people have anything better to do than to bash each other? From what I've read, tupper Lake definitely has an education problem. The spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is the worst I have ever seen and you are complaining about math. Obviously math is not the only subject not being taught properly in T.L. Stop the in-breeding!
East Brunswick,#8Consumer Comment
Tue, July 02, 2002
What the hell is up with the people of tupper lake? I have been reading this sight's comments for a few months. Tupper Lake has had more comments than any other 3 or 4 locations put together. Don't you people have anything better to do than to bash each other? From what I've read, tupper Lake definitely has an education problem. The spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is the worst I have ever seen and you are complaining about math. Obviously math is not the only subject not being taught properly in T.L. Stop the in-breeding!
tupper lake,#9Consumer Comment
Tue, July 02, 2002
I agree with what Sarah is saying. Even after all the complaints to the school about her teaching, still nothing was done. You would think after the school seen numerous failing greades on the mid-term that something would be done... instead they do nothing and now many of us will be forced to attend summer school. I know there will be close to 75% of all her students who will be attending summer school. ISN'T THAT TELLING YOU SOMEHTING??? She isn't doing something right! (do something about it)
The one she LOVED to hate... S.A.
Tupper Lake,#10Consumer Comment
Tue, July 02, 2002
Ok, this is the part which I like..I like to make people mad, and piss people off..and ironically Ms. Chapin is the only candidate to fill in that category. Honestly I can't figure how she even graduated from college..and actually got a teaching job. But of course...good ol' Tupper Lake decided to hire her. Her and I haven't gotten along from day 1. She dislikes me, just because I'm NOT afraid to voice my opinion..and if i do say so myself, I think i do a good job at it. Throughout the school year, people have suffered in failing averages, complaining how she doesnt grade right, low test scores, and HORRIBLE mid-term grades. Wouldnt you think that the school system would pick up on these problems, nope..not in the least. 10th graders had to put up with a teacher who cant teach the material, talks to fast, and fails to help when asked. Then when the regents came around the school realized how many people WOULD fail and they hired a previous math teacher (Mr. Brooks) whom I give major credit to..because he taught me more in 3 days, then Ms. Chapin did in a full school year. Oh and she has the nerve to call parents an tell them their kids wrote in pen, oo big deal.. Her social skills are poor, and she has a tendency to put people to sleep...yea, and they are keeping her!! She needs to work on her fashion sense, her social skills, and her math teaching ability..then maybe JUST maybe I wouldn't make fun of her AS much!! Anywho...the school system needs to realize that there is gonna be to many kids in math 2 next year, and they should reconsider..and not keep her!!
The one she LOVED to hate... S.A.
Tupper Lake,#11Consumer Comment
Tue, July 02, 2002
Ok, this is the part which I like..I like to make people mad, and piss people off..and ironically Ms. Chapin is the only candidate to fill in that category. Honestly I can't figure how she even graduated from college..and actually got a teaching job. But of course...good ol' Tupper Lake decided to hire her. Her and I haven't gotten along from day 1. She dislikes me, just because I'm NOT afraid to voice my opinion..and if i do say so myself, I think i do a good job at it. Throughout the school year, people have suffered in failing averages, complaining how she doesnt grade right, low test scores, and HORRIBLE mid-term grades. Wouldnt you think that the school system would pick up on these problems, nope..not in the least. 10th graders had to put up with a teacher who cant teach the material, talks to fast, and fails to help when asked. Then when the regents came around the school realized how many people WOULD fail and they hired a previous math teacher (Mr. Brooks) whom I give major credit to..because he taught me more in 3 days, then Ms. Chapin did in a full school year. Oh and she has the nerve to call parents an tell them their kids wrote in pen, oo big deal.. Her social skills are poor, and she has a tendency to put people to sleep...yea, and they are keeping her!! She needs to work on her fashion sense, her social skills, and her math teaching ability..then maybe JUST maybe I wouldn't make fun of her AS much!! Anywho...the school system needs to realize that there is gonna be to many kids in math 2 next year, and they should reconsider..and not keep her!!
The one she LOVED to hate... S.A.
Tupper Lake,#12Consumer Comment
Tue, July 02, 2002
Ok, this is the part which I like..I like to make people mad, and piss people off..and ironically Ms. Chapin is the only candidate to fill in that category. Honestly I can't figure how she even graduated from college..and actually got a teaching job. But of course...good ol' Tupper Lake decided to hire her. Her and I haven't gotten along from day 1. She dislikes me, just because I'm NOT afraid to voice my opinion..and if i do say so myself, I think i do a good job at it. Throughout the school year, people have suffered in failing averages, complaining how she doesnt grade right, low test scores, and HORRIBLE mid-term grades. Wouldnt you think that the school system would pick up on these problems, nope..not in the least. 10th graders had to put up with a teacher who cant teach the material, talks to fast, and fails to help when asked. Then when the regents came around the school realized how many people WOULD fail and they hired a previous math teacher (Mr. Brooks) whom I give major credit to..because he taught me more in 3 days, then Ms. Chapin did in a full school year. Oh and she has the nerve to call parents an tell them their kids wrote in pen, oo big deal.. Her social skills are poor, and she has a tendency to put people to sleep...yea, and they are keeping her!! She needs to work on her fashion sense, her social skills, and her math teaching ability..then maybe JUST maybe I wouldn't make fun of her AS much!! Anywho...the school system needs to realize that there is gonna be to many kids in math 2 next year, and they should reconsider..and not keep her!!
The one she LOVED to hate... S.A.
Tupper Lake,#13Consumer Comment
Tue, July 02, 2002
Ok, this is the part which I like..I like to make people mad, and piss people off..and ironically Ms. Chapin is the only candidate to fill in that category. Honestly I can't figure how she even graduated from college..and actually got a teaching job. But of course...good ol' Tupper Lake decided to hire her. Her and I haven't gotten along from day 1. She dislikes me, just because I'm NOT afraid to voice my opinion..and if i do say so myself, I think i do a good job at it. Throughout the school year, people have suffered in failing averages, complaining how she doesnt grade right, low test scores, and HORRIBLE mid-term grades. Wouldnt you think that the school system would pick up on these problems, nope..not in the least. 10th graders had to put up with a teacher who cant teach the material, talks to fast, and fails to help when asked. Then when the regents came around the school realized how many people WOULD fail and they hired a previous math teacher (Mr. Brooks) whom I give major credit to..because he taught me more in 3 days, then Ms. Chapin did in a full school year. Oh and she has the nerve to call parents an tell them their kids wrote in pen, oo big deal.. Her social skills are poor, and she has a tendency to put people to sleep...yea, and they are keeping her!! She needs to work on her fashion sense, her social skills, and her math teaching ability..then maybe JUST maybe I wouldn't make fun of her AS much!! Anywho...the school system needs to realize that there is gonna be to many kids in math 2 next year, and they should reconsider..and not keep her!!