  • Report:  #1199453

Complaint Review: Txtag - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
Txtagvictim - Austin, Texas,

PO Box 650749 Dallas, 75265-0749 Texas, USA
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My complaint is about the TxTag toll system here in Texas and their criminally horrendous so-called billing system. I had a Txtag sticker for one of my vehicles that my son drives for work. It was supposed to automatically bill my credit card on a monthly (I assume) basis. Last summer I got a statement for almost 500.00 that they had billed me for in just one month's time. I called and told them I no longer wanted them to deduct directly from my credit card but to start billing me by mail. I also instructed my son to try and limit his toll use, which can be difficult nowadays in the area we live (Austin). That was last summer!!! I did not get a bill fron them until just a few days ago---two separate bills in fact, with two separate acct numbers for the same vehicle. One bill was for toll transactiona dating back to October 2014 and the other didn't have any transaction dates. Both state they need to be paid by 1/25/15. When I called to ask why it took so long to send me a bill I just got a runaround, evasive answer about how their billing system was changed and there was a transition period. When I inquired about the bill for over 200.00 with no transactions I was told " We sent you a bill in November." Funny how I never got that bill. And why two separate bills? I was told the second bill included transactions dating back to August...conveniently the same time frame I told them to get away from my credit card. The CSR ( I waited on hold 20 minutes before she answered) really had no explanation that made any sense. When I asked to speak with someone else she put me on hold for a moment then came back with a promised to have someone return my call. I declined. She could have offered to send me another copy of the statement she claims was mailed in November but that seemingly never occurred to her. How can a consumer reconcile transactions when they don't get their bills until months after the fact or don't get a detailed statement at all? And why on earth would there be two separate acct numbers assigned? To make accounting later on more difficult when, hopefully, the State Attorney Genreal finally launches some kind of an investigation into this so-called toll entity. To me it smells to high heaven and it feels like the consumer and vehicle operators are nothing more than a way for criminals somewhere to line their pockets behind the ruse of being a legal arm if a state agency-namely the Texas Department of Transportation. They have no problem sending bills out months after the fact with everything consolidares in one statement then they want it paid in less than 30 days!! They feel no need to be timely in their accounting yet the Texas consumer needs to cough up the money ASAP or face fines. I called Senator Kirk Watson's office and also the Texas Dept if Transportation and left my contact info to file a complaint. We, the consumers, are paying thousands of dollars to an entity that cannot even put a lofficial and efficient billing system in place and then refuses to answer its phones in a timely manner. They transitioned their system last summer and can't get a bill out until December??? Really? Oh, and they only answer their phones M-F from 8am until 5pm. It's pretty obvious to me they want to charge what they want, when they want and avoid any accountability whatsoever. They hire people to "answer" the phones for probably peanuts and I just betcha those TxTag execs are still on their Carribean and Ski vacations on my money. Got to be stopped. Sooner rather than later. I'm still waiting Senator Watson.

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