  • Report:  #1055618

Complaint Review: uber.com - Internet

Reported By:
Keith - Los Angeles, California,

Internet, USA
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Uber treats their drivers as lower beings! I feel abused by Uber! Drivers beware! Extermely Abusive and your car will be ruined.

 I worked for Uber for several months. They have a program of providing rides to people through an app. However, The problem with uber is that they have no office or phone number for the drivers. No Real Support! They text us if we stop by their office they will fire us! It's all with email or they text us abusive warnings if we don't improve our score. What kind of company does that? I picked up a couple over the holidays. The husband was very drunk and I didn't realize it. If I knew he drank too much I would have rejected the ride. Sure enough after driving for 30 minutes he vomited all over my brand new car and on himself. He ruined my car! Since it was the weekend and Uber was not around I went ahead and cleaned my car as best as my abilities with my own hands. I did not have the monies to take it to a professional detailer.  Rent was due. I got an email back 3 days later to take a photo of the vomit and send them the bill. I'm supposed to let that sit in my car for 3 days? A couple days later the couple complained about my behavior and uber text me that I was deactivated or in other words fired. I was treated as if I was disspoable and they will continue hiring and firing people with out taking care of their good drivers. My score was decent, and I was a hard worker with all of the other aggrivations that I had with the company including, their app not working and not recording my rides and it took them over a month to fix the problems and to pay me for my work. Do not support a company that abuses what they call partners. This is not a partnership.

Now I am out of a job, I don't have my rent for next month, my car is ruined and Uber is ignoring me.


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