  • Report:  #25241

Complaint Review: ugly duckling car sales - phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- phoenix, az,

ugly duckling car sales
96310 N 19th Ave phoenix, 85021 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a 1986 Pontiac 6000 Wagon in 1995 from Ugly Duckling on 19th Ave. They assured me that the 90-day warranty would cover all repairs needed. After I drove the vehicle for several weeks, I could tell that the automatic transmission was slipping badly. I contacted the lot, and was informed that the transmission wasn't covered by the warranty.

I told them to come get the car, and I wasn't going to pay for it. It wound up on my credit report as a "voluntary repossession". I got quite a few nasty phone calls & threatening letters from their credit co, trying to force me to pay off the balance of the loan. They finally gave up after about 2 years, but the "ding" remains on my credit report to this day. Warning: NEVER buy a car from Ugly Duckling!


Phoenix, Arizona

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