  • Report:  #2187

Complaint Review: Uncle milty's auto sales - phoenix arizona

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Uncle milty's auto sales
2701 E. Bell Road phoenix, 85032 arizona, U.S.A.
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on 03/30/00 my neighbor got a 1992 pontiac grandam stock#3105 from uncle miltys auto sales.she has had nothing but problems with this car.on 3/30/00 when she was getting ready to leave the lot the radiator cap blew off and the car lost all it's water and coolant.the dealer had a new cap delivered.on the way home her temp gauge registered 220% all the way home. she called and was informed by the dealer that , that was the normal running temp for that car.the next day 03/31/00 she drove it to work,It shook all the way there,so bad her hand's were numb by the time she arrived there.she also stated it was nearly impossible to keep the car in one lane.again the temp was between 220-240.she has tryed to use her high beam light only to lose all light, she was able to get the low beams to work again,now she's scared to even touch the light's. she took the car over to a local shop to find that the AC did not work,well in phoenix az AC is a must here.she also had them check to see why the car shook and was all over the road to repair the AC and fix the front end problems she was given an estimate of $900.00. then she also learns that the transmission also needs attention.She then take's the car over to uncle miltys to confront him with the lemon of a car he sold her.she was told by mr milton fishman owner of uncle miltys auto sale's that her father didn't know what he was talking about and that the local shop was trying to rip her off.At this point she informed mr milton she was leaving this car there.mr milton replyed that he would seek a judgement in court.at this point the son of mr milton state's leave the car here and we will have our mechanic take a look at it. the car was back on there lot, 31hours after I bought it and remained there until 4/7/00 on 4/8/00 I drive to work and again it overheats.on 04/10/00 the car is again taken back to uncle milty's for AC and overheating for the AC they charged her $88.00 for which she paid$30.00.he again stated there was no problem with the cooling system.on 04/15/00 I drive the car to work it is smelling worse then ever and now the temp is 240%I fill ed the radiator again to come home and the temp this time goes to the red zone.she then calls a tow truck to get this car home .so she decides to get another shop to look at it also.radiator needs flushed, full of bars stop leak.waterpump is shoot,heater core gonzo also her floor is soaked &has green slimmy water on it.she is paying $220.00 a month plus car insurance on a car she is terrified to drive.I wish I would have known she was going to uncle miltys because back on 01/25/00 me and my partner looked at a 84 five ave that he had and we took it for a test drive, he stated oh this is a real nice car only 86000 miles on it well that was a lie and I told him so that car overheated also going on a 2 mile test drive.also the gas petal showed at least 186000 on it we laughed and left.If I would have known I would have stopped her from going there.so now Im trying to help her get out from under this lemon and we are willing to do whatever it takes ed to do that. please call or email me for a more detailed version. Thank you very much

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