  • Report:  #68692

Complaint Review: United Credit Solutions - williston Vermont

Reported By:
- Redmond, Oregon,

United Credit Solutions
29 Taft Corner Shopping Ctr. #101 williston, 05495-2023 Vermont, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Boy do I feel stupid. United Credit solutions (which was a name I swear I thought I saw advertised on T.V) took me for 319.00 promising me in two weeks my card will arrive, I called and belived them since they were still answering. 3 months went by after calling and still same thing It went out this week.

why didnt I just stop payment? I really needed that card to boost my small business. I waited and then this nice man got on there to help me. "I said I want a refund well we cannot do that as the cards are coming from a seperate company we just get paid for advirtising he says I will sure get this figured out" he said call tomarrow if I havent recieved it. I never talked to him or got ahold of him again,

The next time I called i asked for a manager and they said he is gone. Dah, dah, dah, blah, blah, blah. so, I reported it to the better bus bureau and told them I was going to (which again I did) I also called williston police, asked them to drive over to that address and let me know if a real business exsisted. No answere from the police, thanks guys for all your help you could have caught them in a scam.

But more than likely there was never a 29 Taft st. I started the process of a suit but no one is there at that number anymore. I guess I should have gone with my instinct. I do feel stupid do not do what I did. I recieved a card with all the information all the numbers and confirmations on this card. It looked legit. I am not giving up. If I can find my ancesters I can find this company and my money.

If anyone has gotten any further than I am on United Credit solutions where abouts please let me know.


Redmond, Oregon

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