  • Report:  #46794

Complaint Review: UNITED EXPRESS VANLINES - Miami Florida

Reported By:
- WEBSTER, Florida,

11340SW28thWAY WEBSTER, FL.33597 Miami, 33313 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
my husband and i were quoted by phone, $1,200.00 in a bank cashier m/ $1,084.80 upon delievery total costs: $2,284,80 with a down payment of $571.00 includes 75 boxes, also had mentioned to the sales repersentive, judy that there was an outside shed, with belongings that had to be removed as well, she stated no problem well the two guys left all of our things and its brought emotional distraught that we have to now worry of going to back to Lyons, GA to pick up the rest of our belongings! and up to date we had recently found out, that some of the things have been taken from the yard!

When the two guys came to the door, they said a 3rd man, wife was in labor and couldn't be here so its just them i had found out the report i had seen mentioned only two drivers so they lied to us. My husband had to go out and hire 4 mexcians, to help the guys! $80.00 extra out of pocket of my husband.

My husband and i are attending to sue united vanlines for personal and emotional damages! We want an apprasier to come out to the house to look at the damaged caused by this moving company at their cost, not ours! also to be compasated of these other charges as well.

Hearing from you soon!


kimberly & raymond Fxxxxx

WEBSTER, Florida

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