  • Report:  #1074680

Complaint Review: United States Postal Service - Fort Worth Texas

Reported By:
Raymond - Fort Worth, Texas,

United States Postal Service
3020 S. Cherry LN, Fort Worth, 76116 Texas, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


I am reporting what I suspect is theft of prescription medications sent via the USPS from the V.A. hospital in Dallas Texas to me.  Last year I went through a period of time when many of my prescriptions were delivered by my postal carrier that were torn open and missing high dollar medicines.  I reported this to the post master general in Washington and the local police neither did anything to remedy to situation.  After some months of complaining, the post master general in Washington instructed the local branch to hold my medicines at the branch and notify me and I went to pick them up.  No more thefts since then.  Until now.  I received a notification slip today, dated yesterday.  I went to pick up my meds and found that no one at the branch knew where they were or where the carrier was and could not contact him.

I tried to notify the postmaster general’s office and was, after 20 minutes (recorded) finally transferred to a bowling alley where a very nice oriental woman said she would look the number up for me.  I tried twice to reach the office of a postal examiner to no avail.  None of the numbers listed went to the offices that were listed.  I continue to get the run around. Now I am contacting the media for a follow up story to the last one.

Is it common practice for postal workers to help their selves to other peoples medicines?  Are they stealing for resale of them?  No one in the Postal service seems to know or care about their customers nor do they care about felonious actions by some (or more) of their employees.  There was no investigation the last time, I was told that they would look into it but I never heard anything about it nor did I get any replacement medicines from the VA.  It appears that inhalers are the HOT commodity these days.  Along with hard narcotics shipped in three month supplies.

It is no wonder the postal service is losing money and their reputations; they don't act like professionals and only protect the thieves.

I welcome any and all news agencies to follow up on this story.  I have copies of letters and recorded conversations with the postal service and the local police and the VA in Dallas and Washington.


I went back to get my med's but was informed they didn't have them.  The clerk tried to keep my pick up slip.  I got my slip and left without my medicines. 


I went back to see if my med's were there and after a while the man came back without my slip and said the "manager" wanted to speak to me, then waved his hand at me as if to say move on down there somewhere. I waited and waited, then spoke to the first young man; I told him that I could not wait all day and I wanted my slip back.  He said ok but did nothing for a few minutes.  He was busy with other customers.  Then another employee of the post office walked by and he waved at her to take my statement.  I informed her that I was waiting on the manager and that I wanted my slip back as I could not wait all day on him.  She walked off and got him.

A few minutes later a man named Mr. Ed Brown came out of the back.  He started by asking anyone in ear shot: "Where is he? Is this Hm?" His tone was threatening and demeaning (recorded) the other postal employees pointed me out to him as I was the only person standing at the counter.  Mr. Brown then asked what do you want?  What can I do for you?  I replied about my medicine being missing.  Throughout this conversation his attitude was demeaning and degrading.  He finally informed me that they were not responsible for the package or medicines and that I should have the VA send the package with a tracking number as it was the only way to know where the package was.  I told him that he was responsible as the package was delivered into his hands and he replied "you can't prove that!"  I told him I certainly could prove it and proceeded to do that very thing. 

I held up the claim slip the post man left for me at my mail box.  I informed Mr. Brown that the package was in his hands at this office and that this slip proves it.  He said it doesn't matter we don't have it.  Then he started to threaten me with calling the police if I did not leave his property!  I told him to call the police and I would make my federal theft complaint right now.  He refused to call.  But continued to threaten me with the police.  I asked Mr. Brown if he was the branch manager and he hesitated, then said no, I am a supervisor.  Supervisor of what I asked?  He would not say.

Then he followed me out to my suburban and wrote down my license plate.  I offered him a copy of my driver’s license which he refused.  I told him if he was calling the police I would wait for them.  He huffed and puffed and said nothing.

As I was driving off I told him that I wanted him there at the branch on Monday morning as I was bring federal inspectors back to speak with him.  He yelled at me and asked if that was a threat?  I told him to take it any way he wanted to but I stated that I was bringing the feds in on Monday.  He slinked back inside the post office.  I drove off the property and waited for the police to arrive but they never came.

Mr. Ed Brown from the Cherry Lane station at 3020 S. Cherry LN in Fort Worth Texas 76116, just made a series of statements that put the postal service in a very bad light, legally speaking in my opinion.  Denouncing their responsibility for the parcels and mail they handle, specifically the prescription medicines sent through their service.  They can take our medicines and do not have to answer for it and it was recorded.  Great spokesman in my opinion and it will do wonders for the litigation forthcoming.

Now I will follow up on Monday with the federal officers and the VA center in Dallas to see what if anything they will do about theft of government mail, hard narcotics and the attitude adjustment Mr. Ed Brown needs so desperately.



2 Updates & Rebuttals


Wow...this is just so exciting! LOL

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, August 17, 2013

So it's been long enough. What's going on? The Fed's shut the place down? The Supreme Court got these guys by the nuts?! Will it be hitting national media soon? Obama is looking for another distraction! Or have you merely become the dweeb that you like to pretend you treat other's like?

My opinion? You live in your own world. Med's? Who cares? Believe it or not, there are a few other things of more importance. Imagine the millions of packages that need to be opened just to determine what's inside, only to have them tossed in a waste bin when discovered it's worthless. If your theory were true, there'd be more postal packages in the post office dumpster than in people's mailboxes. HEY! Did you check the dumpsters yet? I'd go there at midnight so no one will bother you, and see what evidence you can find!!!

Let's just also forget all the other possibilities that can cause this problem. Let's focus on the supervisor at that one particular post office as though he personally lives to make this complainer's life miserable, all because he's on this complainer drugs! 

How many problems does it take before someone requires that signature, tracking, proof of delivery? Even the post office had to stop delivering to this schizoid's address, but he wouldn't quit. Then he wants to bump his dweeby chest with anyone that he has to look at. Pathetic.

If you don't like the post office, request FedEx or UPS. That is of course, unless you get a thrill out of making a fool of yourself. I would guess the employees that see you in action would diagnose your behavior as coming from one that is desperately seeking a purpose for living. At least, that would be thoughts from the kinder-hearted few.

Or....let us know how the big legal action is unfolding! Has it been on the NEWS?! I want to record it! Have you made any videos to put on YouTube? Gosh....I hope this all doesn't just fizzle out and end up being just another worthless ROP complaint written by some ignorant fool that doesn't know what the world is like outside of his tiny bubble. 

Oh and Raymond? Have you ever looked in the mirror and told yourself that you are a perfect person that lives a perfect life so that you can build up the audacity to make such a fool of yourself while trying to fault others? Or is it you're having withdrawal from the meds which other's are undoubtedly getting high on? Or could it be that these drugs have fried your brains? And Raymond, though you know exactly what's going on with everything in the world...you've got every scenario all figured out to a T...are you prepared for the teenie chance that you may be wrong? If that oh so unlikely fact occurred, would you crawl back into the hole that you came out of, or would you apologize to everone for wasting their time? Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Now give us the low down or we'll have to assume that you're hiding in shame. If for nothing else, have a rampage response here! Further validate to reader's that the problem is a daft attitude. Come on...we're waiting!!! Oh....and please excuse my rude facetiousness. I was trying to act just like you so that you could either or that perhaps you would get a dose of yourself. So come on....don't be anti-climatical now!

Raymond banks

Fort Worth,
Missing Medicines

#3Author of original report

Wed, August 14, 2013

On Monday 8.12.13, true to my word, I went back to the post office branch.  I was informed that Mr. Ed Brown was not in today.  I asked to speak to the branch manager, a Mr. Roger Walker.  It only took 90 seconds before Mr. Walker appeared WITH my missing medicines.

There had not been time for the package to return to their main shipping facility and return by this time.  This told me that the medicine was not returned, was not missing and most probably was being withheld from me on purpose for 5 days.

I explained to Mr. Walker that the directive instructing him and his branch to hold my medicines from the VA until I got there was sent by the Post Master General in Washington last year.  He stated that he was not aware of this, but I have proof that he was indeed made aware of last year when it happened in a statement from the Post master general's office.  Mr. Walker did not ask for ID or proof that this was my package, he simply handed the package over.  I could have been anyone asking for medicines from the VA.

When I informed Mr. Walker about the attitude of Mr. Ed Brown, he insisted that he did not, would not act that way toward a customer.  I informed him that I had recorded the entire conversation; Mr. Walker appeared to stammer and stall until he finally stated that he was unaware of this.  I told him that he was now informed.  He had no comment.

In the end Mr. Walker asked if I lived at a certain apartment complex and stated many details (from last year’s directive) to confirm the proper handling of proper medical deliveries.  The information he went through could have only come from the directive sent from Washington. 

In this situation, the medicines were not stolen as they were before, only withheld (illegally I believe) for 5 days.  Harassment by the postal service at its best.  Liars, thieves in the past, and now improper handling of US Government mail which is a felony I am told.  Not to mention what I believe was willful withholding of mail and prescriptions in a US government mail package.  No action will be taken by the postal service.  Mr. Walker did state that he would ensure that all future deliveries would be performed according to protocol, as if I would believe him.

I have sent copies of all recordings and written reports to the Post Master General's office in Washington for review. 

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