  • Report:  #1075061

Complaint Review: Universal Travel Network - Kansas City Missouri

Reported By:
FAB - Fort Collins, Colorado,

Universal Travel Network
435 Nicols Road Suite 200 Kansas City, 64112 Missouri, USA
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I received a fax at my job advertising a list of vacation destinations at unbelievable costs.  I called to ask about them and decided to move forward with a Hawaii vacation Condo/airfare for $600.00.  They stated I would receive a package in about 10 days and it would come certified mail.  They noted I would have to pay an additional $69.00 fee per person for booking. 

Once I received my package it was evident I had not bought a vacation but was buying a discount vacation program with a bonus vacation.  In order to receive my vouchers for my "bonus" vacation I had to send in a form with my chosen destination.  I looked into the company who would fulfill these vouchers and they seemed ligit so I went forward.  I was definetly dismayed but did not want to loose what I had already put in. 

As promised by the travel center I  received my vouchers - one for a 7 night hotel not condo which in order to use I had to sent an additional $400.00.  I also received a brochure for a pick my dentination which where several choices for hotel, cruises, airfare ect.   This was I guess for my airfare.  I then would have to activate the brochure/voucher by paying additonal 100.00.  Once activated then I would have to pay an additional 50.00 on top of that. 

I decided at this point I would look into each of these companies.  I found alarming information on both.  Mainly where they were not prompt in getting back to customers with dates and not able to fulfull dates asked for so on and so fourth.  Also people were having a hard time being refunded when dates were not available. 

After researching I decided this was too risky and decided to ask for a refund from the travel center who fulfilled the vouchers.  In addition, I contacted the Universal Travel about a refund.  The travel center responded promptly and stated if I returned the vouchers they would return $88.00 of the money sent but would have to keep $50 for processing.  I received the refund on 8/09/2013.  In regards the Univerasl Travel Network has only responded once with a very unprofessional demenor and no closure.  Please find that correspondence below:

Dear Travel Network

As I have not heard from you, I will seek further legal action.  

Francine B

From: Francine B [xxxxxxxx]

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 8:07 AM

To: '[email protected]'

Subject: RE: Refund on Hawaii Vacation

Dear Universal Travel Network,

I wanted to let you know I received a refund check in the amount of $88 today from the Travel Center after returning my vouchers.  You are welcome to contact them to verify this information.  At this point I am asking that I receive a refund of $600.00.  A detailed description is listed below that was sent to you on July 26th, 2013.  I am also attaching a more recent email I sent to you regarding this matter that you never responded to.  I would appreciate a prompt response to my request.



Prior email correspondence between the your company and myself.

Dear Refunds  Department:

I will be sending the vouchers back today to the travel center and will receive a refund from them.  

I have sent a separate email copying you on the email they sent but am also attaching it to this letter below.



IE:  Message from The Travel Center.

Dear Traveler,


We will be more than happy to process your refund request. Unfortunately because we have sent out the vacation vouchers to you the only way that we can offer you a refund is if you have not registered, written on or used those vacation vouchers in any way and can return them back to us here at the Travel Center in the same condition that we sent them to you. If you can do this, we can offer you a partial refund minus the cancellation fee of $25.00 per person which will bring your total refund to $88.00.

 Unfortunately if you have used these vacation vouchers or tarnished them in any way, we cannot provide you with a refund because as it states on the form that you signed and sent to us, in order to receive those vouchers, we do not provide refunds once the vouchers are sent out.

Please let us know what you would like to do.

Thank you.


Overall rating

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Francine B wrote:

Dear Customer Service,

I recently received my travel vouchers on 7/15/2013.  After researching the providers I would be working with I am very concerned.  To begin, Grand Incentives has had 366 complaints to the BBB in the last three years with 185 in the last twelve months.  These complaints involve not getting dates requested, long wait times, and when asking for a refund which they advertise they are not getting anywhere until contacting the BBB.  In addition, Infinity Travel also has complaints through Ripoff reports.  Due to these complaints and reports I do not wish dish out more money that may not be refunded in the event the trip does not work out.  I would like to return the vouchers to you for a full refund of $138.00.  You cashed my check of this amount on 6/26/2013; check #1694.  I appreciate your understanding and quick response in this matter.


Francine B


** Travel Center Staff  **

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 3:05 PM

To: Francine B

Subject: RE: Refund on Hawaii Vacation

Has the Travel Center refunded your activation fees?

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Refund on Hawaii Vacation

From: "Francine B"

Date: Fri, July 26, 2013 6:13 am

To: <[email protected]>

To Whom it May concern:

I am requesting a refund in the amount of $600.00 on a Hawaii Vacation with Comp Airfare purchased from your company on 6/1013.  To begin, after I received the documents after purchasing this vacation it was evident I had purchased a vacation program and that I would receive a complimentary bonus vacation.  When I first called your company I was told I would receive a vacation not a vacation program or a bonus for signing up.  I feel this was very misleading.  Despite the language used, I sent for my voucher’s.   I recently received my vouchers from the Travel Center  who sent two separate vouchers from 2 separate companies.  One is a hotel room for 7 nights and does not specify my destination.  First of all, I was told I would receive a condo which is not what my voucher says.  Second there is no guarantee that I will in fact get a hotel in Maui if stock is low.  Second, I have received a brochure from Grand Incentives for a choice of 5 different choices of vacations one being airfare.  Before I can even get the tickets I must sent in a processing fee of $100.00.  After talking with the company, once I receive my travel plans in the mail after making this payment I will be subject to another 50.00 after that!!  I am very concerned about putting out more money after reading alarming reports about each of your providers.  T0 begin Grand Incentives has had 366 complaints in the last 3 years and with 185 of those in the last 12 months.   These complaints include travelers unable to receive dates requested after several requests and long wait times to get a response.  When asking for a refund they were given the run around and it wasn’t until they contacted the BBB that they finally had the issues resolved in only some cases.  In regard to Infinity Incentive Group I read several reports from Ripoff reports with the same concern of not having quick response and dates not being fulfilled or companies asking for additional monies was evident.  Lastly, I was never told I would have to deal with two separate companies just to take a vacation who do not work in conjunction with one another.  This leaves the very high likelihood dates will not work in conjunction, ect.  Due to this investigation, I am planning to send back my vouchers to the Travel Center and request a refund from them as well.  Due to the concerns I have listed above I am requesting a full refund.  I would appreciate your quick response in this matter.

Francine B


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 3:05 PM

To: Francine B

Subject: RE: Refund on Hawaii Vacation

Has the Travel Center refunded your activation fees?

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Refund on Hawaii Vacation

From: "Francine B"

Date: Fri, July 26, 2013 6:13 am

To: <[email protected]>

To Whom it May concern:


I am requesting a refund in the amount of $600.00 on a Hawaii Vacation with Comp Airfare purchased from your company on 6/1013.  To begin, after I received the documents after purchasing this vacation it was evident I had purchased a vacation program and that I would receive a complimentary bonus vacation.  When I first called your company I was told I would receive a vacation not a vacation program or a bonus for signing up.  I feel this was very misleading.  Despite the language used, I sent for my voucher’s.   I recently received my vouchers from the Travel Center  who sent two separate vouchers from 2 separate companies.  One is a hotel room for 7 nights and does not specify my destination.  First of all, I was told I would receive a condo which is not what my voucher says.  Second there is no guarantee that I will in fact get a hotel in Maui if stock is low.  Second, I have received a brochure from Grand Incentives for a choice of 5 different choices of vacations one being airfare.  Before I can even get the tickets I must sent in a processing fee of $100.00.  After talking with the company, once I receive my travel plans in the mail after making this payment I will be subject to another 50.00 after that!!  I am very concerned about putting out more money after reading alarming reports about each of your providers.  T0 begin Grand Incentives has had 366 complaints in the last 3 years and with 185 of those in the last 12 months.   These complaints include travelers unable to receive dates requested after several requests and long wait times to get a response.  When asking for a refund they were given the run around and it wasn’t until they contacted the BBB that they finally had the issues resolved in only some cases.  In regard to Infinity Incentive Group I read several reports from Ripoff reports with the same concern of not having quick response and dates not being fulfilled or companies asking for additional monies was evident.  Lastly, I was never told I would have to deal with two separate companies just to take a vacation who do not work in conjunction with one another.  This leaves the very high likelihood dates will not work in conjunction, ect.  Due to this investigation, I am planning to send back my vouchers to the Travel Center and request a refund from them as well.  Due to the concerns I have listed above I am requesting a full refund.  I would appreciate your quick response in this matter.


Francine B

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