  • Report:  #244206

Complaint Review: Uniway Of Charleston - Charleston South Carolina

Reported By:
- Charleston, South Carolina,

Uniway Of Charleston
1000 Dorchester Road Charleston, 29404 South Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Imagine your excitement when going to your mailbox finding a KEY that could open the lock to a new car.

As you read on, the flyer guarantees " you will not go home empty handed you will recieve two FREE gifts " just for listening to their one hour sales pitch.

The list of offered FREE prizes are $200.00 in cash

A 7 night sand and sea cruise of your choice

A 35 mm camera including 100 rolls of film

or a satelite dish system.

Your curiosity gets the best of you, as you draw near a lamp in hopes you can see through the card, to reveal the prize you may have "WON".

Lo and behold the prizes show through the scratch off seal. your prizes are roman numeral I and numeral V which match the number for the satelite dish and $200.00 cash. How could you lose?

You agree to set up an appointment. after all you will be $200.00 richer for your experience. or come home with a satelite dishWell my friend the UNIWAY sales rep paints a very convincing picture.

After sitting through the hour long sales pitch, and touring the warehouse you are convinced of the money you can save. the most gracious rep-presentative escorts you back to her office and delivers the "catch"

Membership is $1800.00, which they reduce to $1600.00 if you supply names addresses and phone number of 12 friends.

The deposit fee is payable ONLY on the day of the meeting no second chance to join if you don't shell out (or set up a payment plan) on the spot.Even after paying the initial LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP fee there is an additional yearly fee of $75.00 to renew your "Lifetime" membership.

You can't try the key untill the sales pitch is over, there is no vehicle to try the key. The rep leaves the room and returns with a crude wooden box complete with a common door lock. needless to say the key doesn't fit, no wonder, all four who went with me had the exact key.

The scratch seal doesn't reveal the fact that your prizes are chosen from a GROUPED List of numbers matching the various prizes. yours may or not be listed among those numbers in the specified column.

nor does your peeking ( as they knew you would) show the hidden word "through" meaning you have a chance at I "through" V if those FREE prizes come up on the list you have won from.

If you didn't JOIN you can rest assured you will go home with two useless FREE gifts .Did I say FREE???

Even if you "WIN" the 35 mm you don't walk out with a camera. you are presented with a gift certificate of which you must send in to claim your PRIZE,

you pay $10.00 shipping and handling for the camera.

the film is sent as a ploy to get your processing done through the film processing agent. who also supplies the camera.

The camera is of the same quality as one from the dollar store complete with manual film advance .

( if you want flash attachment that will set you back another $10.00.

The Cruise is "conditional" upon sending a $50.00 "room guarantee" deposit. Didn't they say guaranteed room ?

reading further you see the room reservation is "subject to availability ." If you cancel before 2 weeks prior you will be fined $15.00 cancelation fee. If you have to reschedule or seek additional information another $15.00 will be charged.

The very fine print here is mini vacations inc. states that "the hotels and motels shown on the brochure are used only ,"to show examples of hotels used by MVI " end quote,

Please don't be fooled into thinking you will be staying at a luxury hotel.

Check it out closely my friends if you recieve solicitations from UNIWAY by phone or by mail.

Keep in mind :

If it smells like a skunk, If it sounds too good to be true It Usually Is."


Charleston, South Carolina

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