  • Report:  #218149

Complaint Review: URBCO - Kirby Vacuum Distributor - Brunswick Ohio

Reported By:
- Oberlin, Ohio,

URBCO - Kirby Vacuum Distributor
1676 Pearl Road Brunswick, 44212 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is, unfortunately, another Kirby vacuum story. On October 25, 2006 I was out of town on business. My wife called to tell me that a Kirby salesman was at the house and she was impressed with the vacuum. I was immediately concerned because I have heard much about their shady sales tactics. Sure enough, he was giving her a great deal. Claiming that this Kirby Sentria carried a retail price of over $2100.00 but he was going to make her a special deal of $1599.00. I quickly got online and let her know that $1599 was actually the suggested retail price. He then made the famous call to his boss and came back with another and then another offer...finally getting the price down to $1,000.00. She finally put him on the phone with me and I told him that if she really wanted the unit, we would pay $800.00. He told me that he would just pack it up and take it back to the shop to which I replied "fine". A few minutes later my wife called me again to tell me that he had come down to my $800.00 plus tax. I told her to do whatever she wanted.

Now, my wife was going out of town the next morning for a few days visit with family. When I got home later the next day though, I found that she had signed the "Notice of Cancellation" form. Soon after, I got a call from her telling me that after she had thought about it, she decided that she didn't need a $800.00 Kirby and asked me to contact URBCO inc to let them know. I called URBCO and was told by a lady who answered the phone that she would have her boss call me back and that it would be no longer than 5 minutes.

After not getting a call back for more than an hour, I called back and the lady told me that she had not been able to find her boss. I was immediately concerned so went straight to the post office and mailed the "Notice of Cancellation" forms with next day delivery. The following day, I was notified by the post office that the letter had been delivered. I waited until the next day, the 28th, and called again. This time I spoke to a man who told me that they had received the form but that they knew that my wife was going out of town and so I had to have forged her name. I explained to them that she had signed the form before going out of town and he basically called me a liar and that I would need to have my wife call them when she got back.

I called my wife and had her call them. They were rude but told her that they would return the sweepers that she traded in and bring us a refund. They told her that they had 6 weeks to do so.

I again called URBCO and they denied that they told her 6 weeks but said that they DID have 20 days. I told them to read the cancellation contract which states, and this is according to Ohio law, that they had 10 days to return our trade ins and money. At that point, I was told "well then...we still have 9 days and you are harassing us".

It is distributors like this that will eventually bring an end to the Kirby company as it now exists. I am lucky in that we did not need their financing and paid with a check. I immediately called the bank and put a stop payment on the check so I have no doubt that they will indeed show up with our trade ins. Ohio law is very clear on these matters. If our trades are not returned in the same condition they were in when taken, the consumer can keep the new product until the issue is resolved.

My main reason for writing this is as a warning to others. Be sure that you know your rights and your states laws. I think that in most states, as in Ohio, a telephone call is not sufficient to cancel such a contract. You MUST get it to them in writing and it must be postmarked prior to the time that the 3 days is up.

It's a shame that Kirby allows their products to be represented in this manner. I think that they probably have a very good product but we will now NEVER own anything that they manufacture and we will spread our story to as many people as possible. URBCO and Kirby has lost more than just one sale.


Oberlin, Ohio

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Kirby Vacuum

13 Updates & Rebuttals

John Conway

Wichita Falls,

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, July 17, 2017

To Amber:  Ever bought a new car?  Somebody else probably drove it before you and I'm sure it had some miles on it  Idiot.  all new Kirbys are covered by a full warranty from the date of purchase whether they've been demoed before or not.



#3Consumer Comment

Sat, February 05, 2011

To the person who said, "I weigh about 230lbs., Mom is about 130, and Dad about 150lbs. This klunker must have weighed about 60lbs.! Can you imagine two elderly, frail people pushing this unwieldy piece of junk around on the rugs?? Absolutely unreal. Even with my weight and strength, this thing was not all that easy to push around."

These vacuums are equipped with Tech-Drive Power Assist. There is a pedal on the back that you have to step on to turn on the power assist. When the pedal is in the ON position, the vacuum is self-propelled and takes very little effort to operate. The pedal must be in the OFF position to move the vacuum when it is turned off, or it will not budge. I agree that their sales tactics are unscrupulous and heavy-handed, but it is definitely a good product. I have had mine since Oct. 2002 - almost eight and a halfyears, and I have never even had to change the belt. When I first bought this thing, I hadsecond thoughts about spending that much money for a vacuum, but now I am very happy with it. The Hoover Wind Tunnel that I traded in for it was constantly burning up or breaking belts.

Wake up

u wanna know,
United States of America
I let my wife make decisions..

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, November 26, 2010

So im just going to make this short..  I am a current owner of a kirby..  Thanks to my wife while I WAS OUT OF TOWN she had a guy come to the door and show us a kirby..  Now i have been buying vacs to please my wife for years..(we like a clean house)  thousands of dollars spent and nothing to show because the all die..  Yes this guy was going door to door with or with out a permit i don't know..  My wife calls me and says hey hun i have an offer..  i said uh oh of course as we all know this leads into good or bad mostly bad haha  Tells me the whole deal..all the dirt...  dust mites...  hair...dead skin..Than tells me the price..  yes it was scary lol  1500 bucks!  now unlike people in Oberlin i married my wife one because I love her and two because she is very smart..  So of course if she thinks its best i said get it.. My wife and I have been very happy since we got it.. clean house...and i havnt had to buy a vac yet..  its been 8 years!!  I paid 1500 plus tax...some got offered $800 and didnt take it..  thinking your getting scammed!  No its because some cant handle there wives making decisions well there gone at work..Kirby I found has been around for 100 years... so guy who wants to try to destroy them one friend at a time i say good luck  haha pathetic!


Denal AIN'T just a river

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 23, 2009

That claim is quite true although done for Kirby's benefit. It would be believable if there was not any contact with Kirby. Anyway the mentality of many Distributor locations and OR individuals receives it's input from HDQTR'S. The quality of the equipment has never been in doubt or in question from me. But rather the deceit and shameful business practice's are completely unacceptable. Three-Day Cooling Off Law In response to the fraud so commonly associated with home solicitations, Illinois has passed laws that protect consumers from home solicitation and other fraud including campground memberships. The most important of these protection laws is commonly called the three-day cooling off law. This law covers anyone offering consumer goods or services away from their traditional place of doing business. This includes traditional door-to-door solicitations and other sales made at temporary locations, such as county fairs or in hotel or motel rooms. Phone solicitations and person-to-person solicitations may also be covered. A sales person covered by this law is required to tell the consumer, before saying anything else, his or her name, the name of the company represented, and the product or service he or she is selling. It is against the law to misrepresent one's identity as a salesperson. A salesperson cannot misrepresent the true purpose of the deal or the true identity of the company and cannot misrepresent the true cost of the good or service by failing to mention additional hidden but required costs. The seller is required to provide a copy of any contract the consumer signs and must give notice of the buyer's right to cancel the contract (if for more than $25) within three business days. To cancel the contract, the buyer must give written notice to the seller within three days. Written notice of cancellation is best sent by certified mail with return receipt requested so that the consumer has proof that the cancellation was sent and received. The three-day cooling off law does not apply to real estate, insurance, or securities or commodities by a registered broker-dealer.

Jaquaxlo In Cleveland

Fairview Park,
Kirby Distributors do not work FOR Kirby

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, July 02, 2009

My brother worked for a Kirby distributor in the Cleveland area a few years back. I find it interesting that most people who have posted here are very eager to slam Kirby the company, confusing them with Kirby Distributors. Everybody needs to understand that each Kirby distributorship is an independent distributor and are not employed by Kirby, the company. I do not at all dispute that there are very shady, aggressive and dishonest distributorships for Kirby, as there are for many other companies that use the independent distributorship to sell product. That does not in any way make the Kirby company bad, immoral or unethical. I happen to own a Kirby and absolutely LOVE it. I've had mine for almost 15 years and have had no problems with it at all. My aunt has and a Kirby for over 40 years and she says it runs as well today as the day she bought it. There are not very many products that can be said about today. Yes, they are expensive but take and add up how many Hoovers or Bissels you would have to buy over the lifetime of a Kirby and you will very quickly find out the Kirby is by far the best buy. Again, I am not defending any of the distributorships but it would be nice to see somebody take a step back and realize that the Kirby Company is not the immoral, unethical entity here.


Kirby's Unethical Tactics

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, May 17, 2009

Interesting to read all of the complaints regarding this company. A couple of years ago, my elderly parents were conned by two Kirby door-to-door slimeballs. My mother had recently been released from the hospital with pneumonia (she's in her 80's), and my Dad (in his 90's) was taking care of her at home when these two cons from Kirby came a-knocking at their front door. They start out with some spiel like: "would you like to have your rugs cleaned for free?" My Dad, under stress from my mother's recent illness/hospitalization, agreed. I think he spent something like 1300 dollars for this junk. After their "demonstration," he bought the vacuum they were touting with a huge box full of "accessories." When I next came to their house for a visit, Mom showed me the machine they had purchased. I weigh about 230lbs., Mom is about 130, and Dad about 150lbs. This klunker must have weighed about 60lbs.! Can you imagine two elderly, frail people pushing this unwieldy piece of junk around on the rugs?? Absolutely unreal. Even with my weight and strength, this thing was not all that easy to push around. It's pretty obvious to me that the folks at Kirby are an unethical bunch, more interested in conning elderly folks out of their hard-earned money, and foisting off their junk on the unsuspecting. It's a shame I wasn't there when these two lowlifes showed up, or they'd be escorted off the property by the local police. If these cons come knocking on your door, don't open it. Steer clear of the Kirby ripoff artists!


To those who would defend Kirby

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, May 16, 2009

I have my own horror stories about my short employment with 'Kirby'. I wont get into them, but I will cover what may likely be argued against me, that I just didn't 'stick it out'. No, I didn't. I didn't want to. Why is easy to see. Here's the fact of the matter. For Joe, from California: If you ran your vacuum over the carpet after the Kirby went over it a million times, you'd be able to pick up what IT missed. I've seen it done. And your Kirby was not brand new. This I can promise you. What Kirby dealers are trained to do is demo the vac and leave it if you buy. If you don't, we pack the thing up after dusting it off, and put it in the van for the next demo. Your Kirby was probably used a few times, in other people's houses, before you became the owner. Jaceb79 sounds like another one of the brainwashed idiots I had to sit in a meeting with every morning. I know they may see it as enjoyable, but if I'm going to work, i expect to work. not sit through a two hour lecture that spouts the same crap daily in a half-witted attempt to keep you 'pumped' for Kirby. Kirby DOES use horribly immoral tactics to get into houses and even more horribly immoral paths to force a deal, especially on elderly people, whom we were taught to really focus on. Whatever it takes to get inside, kill their vacuum, put them in the market, make sure the Kirby is the only viable option. I still have a list of sales clinches they handed out during my unpaid training. At first, they hire you and tell you they just want you to be friendly. You aren't a salesman. Whatever. After your first day out, you begin to understand that they expect serious aggressive sales. My friend, who rode out on her first day, couldn't force her way into people's houses and they LEFT her there, an hour's drive from where she lives.


Kirby a ripoff? Not by any means, they just use sly tactics.

#9UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 11, 2009

I just currently was hired by M&M Distributing in Davenport, IA to perform Kirby Sentra demonstrations. That is my only real background on this subject, but I have some knowledge about how these distributors work. First thing is first, the Kirby Sentra is one of the most advanced vacuum cleaners I have seen on the market, and I have looked into a lot of them recently (since it would help benefit myself as a salesman). There is NO doubt in my mind that the money that you spent is worth what that vacuum has to offer, it all comes down to whether or not such an advanced vacuum is needed and affordable within your family. Second off, we don't ALL get paid next to nothing, stop making false accusations. What you make truly depends on who you are hired by, as Kirby has MANY distributors of their vacuums across America that all do the same thing but under different company policies. With my company I will net $450 a week just for completing 18 demos. At the age of 18, with nothing but a high school diploma, you can't beat pay like that, I have never net $450 in TWO weeks at these tiresome 16 year old jobs, let alone having a net pay of $450 in ONE week. On top of that, if I successfully sell enough vacuums to surpass $450s worth of commission in a week, I make that instead. On top of that, many of these distribution companies have great opportunity to move forward within that company if you work hard. Honestly, when I look at what you were presented with, I just think you had a bad salesman. Of coarse they are going to try to sell to you for higher than the vacuum is really worth, they are a door to door salesman. If you don't have the mental capacity to haggle a price, don't deal with a door to door salesman. Fortunately for you it seems you actually got a pretty darn good price for the beast that is the Kirby Sentra, especially when you consider Kirby's amazing background of reliable products. My own family has owned a Kirby vacuum for over 25 years, and I must say for as basic as that old model is, it is durable. Remember those old kids movies "The Brave Little Toaster"? There is a reason why that vacuum in the movie is named Kirby, and why he hasn't broke down through the entire life of the child who grows up throughout the movie (and every other movie they have made since). Their vacuums have a reputation for living in a home longer than one child often does, as this will be the case for our own as soon as I get the funds to move out... Kirby vacuums LITERALLY last that long. As I mentioned before, my folk's Kirby is older than I am, and they have used it every week for the last 25 years. When I think of the average life span of your average vacuum cleaner, THAT is astounding. For just a measly thousand dollars you bought a vacuum cleaner that would live up the the rigors of an ENTIRE generation of children? Children are half the reason you need a vacuum in your house, they make those things work hard. Other vacuums will likely break down, and cost much more to repair than they are really worth. In the case of a Kirby, were yours to break down, repairs aren't THAT expensive, and you are paying to repair a vacuum that is WORTH repairing... The one my family owns has been in the shop 2-3 times since I was born almost 19 years ago, and that is nice. All of that being said, can you TRULY blame all of your problems on Kirby, the manufacturer of said product? As much as we would all love for them to incorporate traditional methods of product sales, it truly would not work out for them. I sold Lawn/Garden/Hardware at my local Sears before this job, and our biggest and best equipment NEVER make it to the floor. They are ALWAYS on reserve for order from some book, we didn't even carry our biggest size of socket in our normal stores because not that many people NEED that big of a socket (or any other product). Kirby relies on third party distribution companies, most likely what the salesman from your experience was working for. They run their business just like everybody else based on loose guidelines provided by Kirby for product sales. Your individual sales experience ALL varies depending on the distribution company you purchased from AND the individual salesman that demoed the product at your house. Please, do not try to bring down the name of one of the best and most expensive vacuum cleaning products on the market just because it did not fit your budget and you had an experience with one bad distributor. While I find it unfortunate that you had such difficulty returning your product through your distributor, don't bring us ALL down just because some kid messed up your paper work. This is the real work we are talking about after all, things don't always go as planned. Not that I hold you completely responsible for this issue, but perhaps if you had waited to make a better decision before you purchased your product, you would not have had to return it? Your wife always could have asked that they demo the product to you again once you got home to make sure you liked it as well, in the case that your disposition helped her make her decision to cancel her purchase. Buying one of the most sophisticated (and yet most expensive) vacuum cleaners on the market doesn't have to be all in an hours time, any company worth anything would jump on an opportunity to sell to a customer who previously declined. Your family made an on the whim purchase of the most advanced vacuum cleaner I know, and then you feel you have the right to complain on the internet when the product was hard to return? Perhaps you should have been a better consumer, and KNEW the product before you decided to buy it. In my short sales career I have seen all too many people walk on to a sales floor, buy the biggest and baddest piece of tech on the market, and then return it in a week because it is entirely overkill for the simple tasks that they hoped to accomplish. I am certainly happy that Ohio law covered your butt THIS time, but next time maybe spend more responsibly? I am only 18 and I can handle that concept quite maturely....


Des Moines,
how to protect yourself against kirby

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 11, 2008

As a former employee, I have noticed that certain towns and suburbs dont get much if any solicitation from Kirby, One.) is some townships who are on a regualr basis (once a week) solicited by Kirby, have talked to the local sheriffs department and have a very strict "no, get off my property" policy. Like getting escorted out of town or after multiple times, arrested. These neighborhood associations are avoided by supvervisors/bosses and two.) Theres not much you can do in some situations, except tell them have a nice day and close the door. For some you will always get this nuisance, if you live in bigger cities, there are multiple dealers in you areas that don't want to travel outside the city because of weather or their events. Great product, that will outlast most other cheap ($50-250) vacuums, but the price will draw you back to reality, unless you really need one. The warranty is quite good, a lifetime rebuild plan, includes in case of fire. In which for as long as you are the original family signor, they will honor a same value replacement, or rebuild of you current model. Sometimes hazy but you have check beforehand. I rant on and on and on, but as Always check with your local police department, and if you let them in, you can still kick them out, or have them arrested or take to jail for a few hours at least. Todd Iowa, USA


Des Moines,
Not all that bad, for some

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 11, 2008

Being a former employee, I don't think that the company as a whole is a scam or hoax. yes their recruiting technique is a bit "too good to be true". what they do is start you off at do so many demos a week (15 for me), and you get paid so much money whether you sell or not ($300) for me. And no I didn't get paid the first week, but as a dealer in the Iowa area that had been running for 15 plus years, they were proud of what they were doing, liked their jobs, and wanted you to have positive attitude about going door-to-door. A usual day at the office starts at 9 am, but after meetings and travel it really starts at 11.0 in some town up to 75 miles away from central Iowa. What really bothered me was going door to door, at 11 am, with single mothers, old folks, sick at home folks, that wanted to have some peace or do errands while having the day off. But I kept on to the second week, and third day in I made a sale, 1100 some dollars, then two days later, another, 900 some dollars. I got paid for anything over $900, first was $200 some minus supplies, and an automatic $50 for second, no supply cost (being that I actually didn't make any money, dealer policy). Oh and taxes were not take out, being that I was a "self-employed" contractor. Yes, there are prizes like trips offered in the spring, after you make a sales quota for the month. Mine was a trip to the Bahamas, with the company state dealers, and dealer owner and wife. Breaks and lunches were almost always on the road in the van with food from home or from gas station, sometimes at a restaurant like Wendy's or McDonald's. Everything was at your expense. You can take your cell phones with you but were told to turn them off when in a customers house, and to call the office you had to use the house owners phone, to prove your actually in a house as opposed calling from you cell phone and pretending to be shampooing a home. For this month I made 10 sales, one short for the trip to the Bahamas, but got my medal for 10plus at monthly meeting- which were held at local halls or hotels presented among other state dealers. Got paid 400 some for third week, and 500 some for last week. For the new month and trip, I started with a bang, 2 with over $400 in my pocket, and one more on a Saturday. Making over 1200 for the week, more than my supervisor (for that week anyway). If a person didn't want to buy the "cleaning system" after 4 or 5 very politely on the spot (now or never) sales proposals (created by the company), we finished cleaning and shampooing the carpet of that room, packed up and on our way to the next house or demo. After doing so for a month and a half, I got tired of it, making around 1000 my first month, and 1000 in a week, and $0, next week. I quit, getting a regular job, by the hour, steady work, with benefits. I do like the vacuums, I have one right now, a couple upgraded their 10 year old model, and after 15 days I was allowed to keep it (after terms of cancellation were no longer allowed, dealer policy). I love it, my family has bought two different ones ($150+ each) since I've gotten mine, and mine being 10 years old still works better then theirs. But I've also heard that not all company/dealers are so well reputable, some will push their way in to your busy day, interrupt your beloveds wake (true story, made a sale, though not me of course), stay for up to 4 hours trying to sell you a model $1500+, bother the whole neighborhood, fake drawings/raffles. But then again some do have actual money offers/raffles besides free shampoo, nice respectful salesmen/women, and did I mention a free near professional shampoo. So if you have about 2 hours to spare, need a free cleaning and don't mind being asked the same question over an over again, why not. But common sense should prevail, after all. Todd Des Moines, I.A U.S.A.


Kirby - Not a RIP off, Piroritize what you NEED in LIFE

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, October 02, 2007

Hi, I recently bought Kirby Sentria on 10/01/2007. It was usual as any salesman would try to pull the sales pitch for any other product on the streets. Just about a week before that, I had to stop using my KENMORE ELITE Canister vaccum ($225 + tax) cleaner that I had been using for 6 years and bought the famous BISSEL Home Clean System for $250 + tax from Sears which the now famous upright vaccum next to DYSON, which my Carpet company had cautioned me not to use on my upgraded carpet, if damaged would not be covered under the 15 year carpet warranty. I cleaned my entire 3400 sqft home using the new BISSEL just about 30 minutes ago, not knowing that the sales guy would end up at our door. By the way I have seen how KIRBY works before 2 years back at my friends house. I was impressed by the system and not the price. The sales guy ended up with the regular sale pitch and I told myself that I was not in the right mind to buy anything for the day as we had already spend quite a few bug bucks for flooring and other appliances for the new home about a month ago. Demo started and he did the following. 1. He cleaned a portion as usual with the baking powder demo on the carpet. 2. Ran my BISSEL 15 times on the spot where the baking powder was put -usual. 3. Ran the KIRBY Sentria just 2 secs on the very same spot to prove his point and what KIRBY does. 4. Later ran the KRIBY on my wood floor with the brush tool, AMAZING results which no other VACCUM cleaner I have seen can do.. 5. Sales guy started the price at $1595 with tax - I was not interested. 6. Reduced the price for the months promotion to $1365 - I was hesitant 7. Reduced the price again as I had not shown any interest to $1265 - I said I will talk to my wife. 8. I asked him what is the best deal - He calls the BOSS and gives me $1085 - I did not want to waste any more time, as My wife and myself wanted KIRBY. 9. Offered $1000.00 with TAX payment with CHECK. 10. Deal was closed. 11. We got the entire KIRBY Sentria (All BELLS & WHISTLES) 12. Checked with the sales guy more than couple of times, if it is a BRAND new KIRBY out of the BOX. YES ! it is BRAND NEW out of the BOX...I have to TRUST him for this WORLD CLASS PRODUCT that he is backing with. All you Home Owners who have invested money for HARD Wood flooring would really LOVE to see KIRBY bring out the SHINE and LUSTURE of your WOOD Floors. (This does apply to HOME OWNERS who have wood flooring). Now both points were a STRONG selling point and NOT a SELLING price to me. We had spend around $45K on flooring with upgraged carpet, wood floor and tiles. Like I said earlier, when I look at KIRBY, I think it is a priority for us to do preventive maintenance for what I own and enjoy..and KIRBY is the right APPLIANCE to OWN. So to spend $1000.00 on a WORLD CLASS Vaccum (after all the Demo) to maintain my $45K investment, is it something more like a PRIORITY to us or measure what the sales guy's pitch was or how log headed some consumers are. NOT THAT I HAVE THROW AWAY MONEY STASHED AT MY HOME, but I do not want to throw money away for products that are not doing the work (according to some consumers who have/had BISSEL, EUREKA, KENMORE are fine with the way they clean for the price). Once again I was BOUGHT the best in TOWN BISSEL just about a week ago, thinking it was the BEST vaccum ever.... Best and Good things in LIFE cost a little more than the normal and usual stuff. My word on it - If you have upgraded flooring in your home, kids crawling on the KNEES, PETS and Kindergarten and a HAPPY WIFE(I have all of them at home) you would REAP the HARVEST out of KIRBY.



#13Consumer Comment

Sat, September 15, 2007

I have a Kirby and yes its a great vacuum. Why they just don't sell them at Dillards or Macy's,? I don't know. Perhaps the price may turn people off but I have seen other pricey vacuum's in their stores. Anyway I feel if a person really wants a Kirby, look them up in the phone book or go online and then you won't have to deal with the scamming salesmen that the distributor had no business in hiring in the first palce.


Huntington Beach,
Free labor sound good?

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 13, 2007

Do you know why such inferior salesman are with Kirby? Because it is the Dealer who gets screwed; No quality salesman stay around for such small profit. Everyone consumer is so afraid that someone is going to make a profit off of them. Average profit a dealer makes off of four sales in a week: 200 dollars. Cheap or Free labor: priceless. Sound fair? Okay...Guess who owns Hoover now? The Chinese. Remember when the guy that did the work made the money? We used to call it the American way. Now if we want to make a profit, we are scam artists. Just because there is "discrepancy" in price, do not assume the salesman is making money at each price. Believe it or not, most salesman never make a dime with Kirby, because they are conned into selling it for no profit, just to earn "free" trips (yes, they really do give them trips, and that is about all). All those lowball prices are Kirby's dirty little secret: free labor. Take human labor out of any product: You arive at half price. The salesman are forced to sell it without profit. Sound fair? Then maybe people should pay a decent price for it. Otherwise, go shop at Walmart. The Kirby is the best vacuum in the world, period. You have no idea. There are no "tricks" to the demo. Any jackass can sell them, and that is why they do. Let's see how a "cheap" vaccum (Wind Tunnel, for example) functions, if at all, 5 years after purchase; 10 years; 20 years. The Kirby cleans EXACTLY the same as it was when it was new, better that anything new. Then tell me after you have replaced your Wind Tunnel 4 times (at $279 Each) that the Kirby is a "ripoff". Long after I have stopped selling Kirbys, I will never own anything else. This is my honest opinion...not a "sales pitch"...Show me anything that compares remotely to a Kirby in quality. And while you're so worried that someone is going to buy it cheaper, say goodbye to American Enterprise.

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