  • Report:  #128582

Complaint Review: Us Bank Lakeway Costcutter Office Bellingham Washington - Bellingham Washington

Reported By:
- bellingham, Washington,

Us Bank Lakeway Costcutter Office Bellingham Washington
1030 Lakwway Drive Bellingham, 98225 Washington, U.S.A.
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usbank consumes my money, mind, soul the devistaing results of payment order and posting dates leaves single mom of infant unable to afford food and rent. insult to injury accurate account status impossible, they decide how and when items get paid then blaming me for bad accounting

i oppened my account in august 2004 since than have in october i started getting overdraft fees i asked how this could happen whene i call the phone service for account info and thouroughly review avaible ballance . i was informed that they update at midnight and what was happening that day wouldnt be avaible untill the next day. i was furous i asked why my account made mony available toi me whene it knows its over drawn. i was told im supposed to keep track of my registry i wanted to know the point of having phone bank info if it was inaccurate they told meto use online banking. i dont own a computer. too bad for me.

so i didnt make anymore purchasess since i was now out 60bucks. when i went to make a deposit to my suprise i was charged 2 more fines for a total of 110 dollars i aske the teller what happened she stated that several of my transactions had not been completed at the time the first 33 dollar chared was assed and that sent things into the spiral of doom.

i told her that the phone said the items were reflected in my avaible ballance she told me that if an item post and isnt asked to be paid then they make the funds availabe again untill it is posted to be paid. i told her that isnt nice and she told me too bad use the online system and keep better records i struggled through that month since im on a fixed income tward the end of the month cautiously aware of the long post times and updte phenomen waited untill i was shure my account was stable.

with 5 dollars in my account i purchased 2.09 dollars in cat food and apparently it was run as credit since tha debit wasnt operating. i paid no attention to the account since i had no money. 9 days later my disibility check was to be deposited and i wrote a check to buy formula knowing that it was possible that it would post before my deposit but desperate being 100$ short in my budget.

on the day my deposit happened i checked my ballance and found that indeed that had happened. i than than usd my avaible ballance paid my rent and got gas and bought food and supplies somewhere around 6 tranactions using the credit part in hopes of reciving perks.wow was i supprised to see more overdraft notices sent to me several weeks later this time i was informrd that it could take up to 10 days for credit purchases to clear and that my 2.09 cat food was paid the morning of the deposit that doesnt update till midnight i freaked that was over 15 days ago well thay have ten days to pay it once the thing is asked to be paid which on credit is up to 5 days thats 15 days that i thought my accout was reflecting an accurate account ballance when in the usbanks private world it was just sitting and vibrating waiting untill my account reached a point whene it could cause an overdraft.

they were ready to pay the purchases made on the day of deposits of funds and since the option of when to pay things is in their control the paid that 2.09$ catfood purchase assesed a fee than lowering my funds and than proceded to pay the largest check, my rent which than overdrafted because of the other fee i was charged subsequently causing all the smaller charges to be assed a fee.

i was told this was a courtsy to me to pay the bigger ones first . i told them they were thieves and were holding funds untill forcing an overdraft and that if the cat food i bought is what started it they shouldnt have done that i told them my ballance reflected it was paid a week ago .

no she says ..i hope you arnt using the phone teler...its not accurate.. than explained how long it can take for a credit purchase to post and be paid. i told her i bought the cat food at that register not even 100 feet from this teller .

she said that didnt matter. i deposited all the money i could find so that noting else would be courtsley paid FOR me since i now had a 240$ error in their favor. 2 days before thanksgiving i couldnt buy the stuff for dinner. i cried alot my daughters behavior got worse as i spireled into anxity.

how am i going to pay rent? i dindt pay rent for october and spent no mony the untillthe day before my disability deposit i bought food and dipers desperatey i used my credit option knowing i had at least 3 days lea way it being credit and all. i had made three 12-to-15 dollar purchases and then checked my ballance knowing it would be midnight untill anything canged to my suprise i had 32dollars in my account i figured this must be true since the card hadent been used for 3 weeks i went to a atm to get cash so that i couldnt get assed any nore charges for widthdrawls.

i acidently hit 40instead of 20 i panicked this was going to cause an overdraft oh no now everthing will overdraft . but i thouht as the machine was thinkin about how much o give me that it will only give me whats availabe wrong.... it gave me the forty ...i freaked out grabbed my kid and sat in the car and called the phone service and for a system that only updates at midnight is shure knew that it had happened cause my account was... O V E R D R A F T E D.

i paniked an started borrowing money to pay the items bought on the credit i was told once i had till 5 pm the day of the first bussiness day of the transactions to deposit mony for banking to be completerd that day. but it was saturday.... monday morning i went in waited for them to open made a deposit bringing my ballance to a possitive number again .

while waiting for the direct deposit to post the next day my ballance reflected the payment and the card purches and the atm widthrawl and my deposit and the direct deposit i was relived. and that i was able to borrow the mony the day before saving my butt because i belived this to be an accurate ballance. i than wrote a check for my october and november rent set up bill pay at the online kiosk budgeted out my month and widthdrew the mony to pay back a loan for the overdrafting scam and then bought my household supplies thus only leaving me a few bucks for christmas .

4 days befor xmas i was checking my account since i was waiting for a deposit from the us treasuary for a reversal in medcaid paymnts it was 0nly 66 bucks but it was christmas dinner and a few presents for us. everything in my account was good and the mony deposited. i bought gas and diapers and went home. the next day checking my account i was 110 dollars overdrewn i called the bamk they seemed to understand told me to talk to my branch manager he was away for the holiday. soooo i borrowed more mony paid the overdrafting brining my ballance positive and cried alot.

2 days before christmas another 60 dollars came along and the reasoning this time was ...no its not credit, you should have taken the mony to the bank because the atm gave u a curtosy thinking you needed the mony rember were open till 6 on sundays.consequently whene i got that mony my nely created negative ballance caused all the credit purches to be posted and paid on a sunday and befor the update of the phone teller and therefore the charges werent applied yet that was untill my account was negative and again due to the fact they paid my bills in the largest to smallest order.

(i was told to quit using the phone system.) i said so eventhough the phone teller said things were ok they wernt? cause yet another tranaction was lurking around in my account. when the ballance was changing the bank posted the charges and waited to pay them the moment my account got to a place where it would cause a string of overdrafts and then all was paid. the day before xmas the branch manager told me the bottom line was i spent mony i didnt have .

i told him i didnt have it cause of his bank. he said hed close my account if this countined i wished him a merry christmas. and so i once again gave them all my mony. spent nothing.. wrote out my rent check for dec and set up online banking to pay januarys rent. for 20 days my account had 760 dollars in it. for some reason my landlord hadnt cashed my rent so i went to the bank teller to check on the absolutefor shure status of funds and the bank manager told me that everything was good i had an availabele balance of 760 i said no i have about 20 dollars granted no hidden transactions come posting along he assured me their wasnt and once again informed me of my ballance. two checks unpaid .

i figured my landlord probly was holding one of them because i cant live in my home because the housing authority says its unsafe untill they declare it safe i am ;living elsewhere i needed mony desperatley being 600 dollars in the whoile i had pawned everything of value. i was to see my landlord this wednesday afternoom and was going to reafirm the not cashing of the check for january since i was using that to live away from my home. and on tuesday had considered spendin 30 dollars on a stoppayment on that check.

but way too broke buut desperate .sunday i had used an atm an got 100dollars than made an online purchase that posted than and paid on tuessday and than i bought gas . that wednesday morning. today is saturday i recived notices of overdrafts again everthing was paid a curtosy to me oh thank u bank.in a typical revers payment pattern the bigget to little posted and somehow the monies that should have been deducted imediatly from my account which would have only cauzsed one overdrafrt chareg on the one rent check...because i learned my credit purchase lesson.

the atm widthrawls had not been deducted and i had 4 overdraft charges of 34 dollars each pluss the paying of the checks leaving my ballance a negative 362$ at this moment on a saturday early sunday i will be closing my accounts as soon as i finish writing this and notifing ssa of a change to not deposit monies and ironicly what littel credit i should have earned has been destroyed. they were blackmailing me into keeping my account with them because i probly wont be able to get one anywhere else.

my landlord was wrong to spend that mony and whene he pays it back and the overdraft fees assoiated with it than us bank will have their mony.

i will probly have to go to court to get the monies from the landlord. in the mean time my home is still not safe and will probley have to move i am now 1000dollars in debt and cannot afford to pay deposits or buy gas or buy food or anything else for that matter my brain is frazzled my feelings hurt my family dusturbed and no where to go.

us bank has left me looking bad and boarding insanity. i detest them and that weasle of a branch manager, who smugly smiles as he knows i dont have the credit rating to even get a account elsewhere. i am toatly broke and toatly alone and totaly at a loss as to what to do. PLEASE HELP. i think monday i will make a sign and stand outside the bank god knows i cant afford do anythig else else.!!!!!


bellingham, Washington

2 Updates & Rebuttals


The debit card is NOT your friend.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 23, 2005

You already know this now but debit cards are tricky. Unless you're Donald Trump and you can count on having a few thousand left in the account at the end of the month, don't use it. It is just too hard to keep track of exactly when and where the money goes and then you have an overdraft. Instead, write checks for monthly bills and take cash out of the ATM to pay for everything else. Withdraw cash only once a week or so. This makes it easier to keep track of how much money is in the account. And you have to keep track yourself, the amounts reported over the phone or on-line are for the most part USELESS. Set up a register and keep your balance on paper, account for every deposit and every withdrawl and add them up immediately. By using cash for the most part you simplify this task a great deal since there are many fewer transactions. When you write a check, consider the money GONE immediately. Subtract it from the balance in your register. You don't know when it will be cashed, so it will mess you up if you spend the money again. If someone isn't cashing your check, either put a stop payment on it or ask them to give it back to you. Until that happens, the money simply isn't yours to spend again. If a bank account is just too complicated, you might consider a prepaid or stored value debit card instead of one with a conventional bank account. A stored value card truly won't let you spend money that you don't have, thus there is never an overdraft fee. However they do charge about $10.00 per month in fees regardless. These cards are sold to anyone without checking their credit rating. Be sure to shop carefully though since some of them are a really bad deal.


Bank Overdrafts

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 23, 2005

Hello, Unfortunately, this is how most banks do business. I know my bank is set up to deduct highest to the lowest. And yes, if you overdraw multiple transactions it could cost you a couple hundred of your pay. Also, it is important to remember that Debit Card transactions are tricky. I know with the banks I have done business with, the amount is immediately debited and then the next day the amount is reposted to the account, so your account balance increses again, until the merchant submits final verification. So, phone records will not be accurate in this matter. The only way to keep accurate records is on paper. I do hope things go better for you. Take Care,

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