  • Report:  #121734

Complaint Review: USBI - ESBI - OAN - INTEGRETEL - ALYON - PREMIER PREMIUM - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Waldron, AR,

Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have had it up to my eyeballs, folks. Every time I turn around, I have yet another bogus charge on my company phone bill. And, reading these reports, it is interesting to find that many of you are fighting the same battle.

Not too long ago it was Integretel billing on my phone bill for some company called BestwebUSA for an unfindable website. Wrote the FTC, wrote my AG, got them off my bill and (hopefully) out of my life for good.

This month's scam bill is OAN, billing for a collect call from Houston. Never happened. This company has an iron-clad rule, NO ONE accepts collect calls here, EVER! No one here even knows anyone in Houston. I might think it was a wrong number, but we were billed for NINE minutes. No one would talk to a wrong number for nine minutes!

We do not get these crap charges on our home phone bill, I think because it is unlisted and is rarely given out. We even use our work number on our checks because that is where we are during business hours. Therefore, our home phone number is in very few databases.

This veritable plague of these bogus charges are the newest form of identity theft. Although we can hide our home phone number, it is impossible for a business to do that. We must have a phone and it must be accessible and listed in the phone book.

We have locked up our bank account numbers, hidden away our credit card numbers, won't give out our social security numbers. We are a nation of "Number Paranoid" citizens because of the criminals who can and will use them to rob us.

Phone numbers are the last bastion of scammers. Here is a number we cannot hide, a number that has to remain public. If they can find it, they WILL bill it.

I suddenly realized that I have spent several hours over the past year making calls and writing letters trying to get the bogus charges off my phone bills. I still feel like I have a pack of hungry wolves at my heels. I know they'll be back in some form or fashion, padding my bill and stealing from me with modem hijacks, phony website services, and/or bogus collect calls.

I just got off the phone with the phone company getting a third-party and collect call block put on all my lines. Which, of course, costs ME!

The phone company representative said something that brought me up short. She said "As long as the FCC allows third party billings, these problems will continue." She hears it all day, every day and agreed that there is a huge increase in this crime.

We are victims of a form of identity theft. Identity theft is a crime.

As soon as I finish this report I am writing a letter to the FCC. The FCC is enabling and encouraging identity theft by allowing this.

I may even report the FCC to the FTC for allowing our modems and phone lines (that we pay for ourselves) to be used as a vehicle for scammers to try to pick our pockets.

If you are as sick of this as I am, here is your info:


Federal Communications Commission

Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau

Consumer Complaints

445 12th Street, SW

Washington, D.C. 20554

PHONE: Toll Free: 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322) voice

TTY: 1-888-TELL- FCC (1-888-835-5322)

FAX: 202-418-0232

Note: Not all FCC complaints result in fines or meaningful actions, but voicing concerns via the federal agency will ensure that disputes and inquiries are recorded and responded to.

I suggest US Mail over phone or Internet complaints. Bury the FCC in paper. At least enough to equal the number of BS bills received by citizens this year.

I intend to let them know I have had enough. This lunacy must be stopped, this crime must be ended once and for all. Third party billings must go the way of the dodo and disappear. I am tired of being held up in this manner by any moron with an online phone directory.


Waldron, Arkansas

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