  • Report:  #682211

Complaint Review: Valve Corporation - Bellevue Washington

Reported By:
alexhortdog95 - Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America

Valve Corporation
PO Box 1688 Bellevue, 98009 Washington, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I've attached a copy of the Better Business Bureau Report. It pretty much speaks for its self.


Better Business Bureau serving Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington

Consumer Info:<redacted>

Business Info: Valve Corporation


PO Box 1688

<redacted>Bellevue, WA98009


425 889-9642


Consumer's Original Complaint :

I have been in contact with Roger from their Steam support department.I have two accounts with their software Steam - one under username <redacted> (which was created years ago), and another with <redacted> (which was also created at least a year ago).I have purchased software under both accounts.I have numerous titles from Valve software that I have purchased, and would like them consolidated onto one account if possible, and am being told I cannot do that.I have established identity for both accounts repeatedly, but am being told that per their 'subscriber agreement' that I cannot have the software licenses transferred to one account.I have asked for the section in their agreement that states this, as I understand the necessity to not allow people to share information between two different users, but I am baffled as to why this request will not be honored as I have proven that both accounts are registered to me.

Consumer's Desired Resolution:

I am not looking for a refund.I am only looking to get the software that is registered under account <redacted> to be moved to <redacted>.I think it's ridiculous (as I've never really had a complaint about Steam or Valve Software, it's actually great gaming) that a person has to go through this just to move what already belongs to him to his account.

BBB Processing




Complaint Received by BBB




Complaint Processed by BBB Operator




Send acknowledgement to Consumer




Inform Business of the Complaint




RECEIVE BUSINESS RESPONSE : <redacted> has been using one account since 2007 and the other since 2009, making purchases on both accounts. Unfortunately there is no way for us to move purchases or games registered from one account to another.




Forward Business response to Consumer




RECEIVED CONSUMER REBUTTAL : (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

I am a computer programmer myself.I feel that the company is UNWILLING to move the purchases on my accounts.I have asked the customer service department to show me where in their Agreement that it says that you cannot move the purchases between accounts, but I have yet to receive a response on this inquiry.I have identified myself as the owner of both accounts, and as the company has already identified, I am the owner of both accounts as well.If someone at the company can show me what paragraph in their agreement they are wishing me to abide by, then I would be willing to accept this response.I understand the necessity of Steam due to the nature of software piracy.But that being said - I cannot utilize the software title I purchased entitled Garry's Mod (purchased under account <redacted>) along with my software Left 4 Dead 2 (purchased under <redacted>) because I cannot sign into both accounts and the software cannot be used between the accounts.This is disturbing to me because it limits the software I have legally purchased via Valve's Steam software.




Forward Consumer Rebuttal to Business




RECEIVED FINAL RESPONSE FROM BUSINESS : Unfortunately there is no way for us to move purchases from one account to another. It is a limitation of our system. Mr. Horton can use his purchase of Garry's Mod on the account on which he purchased it.




Forward Final Response to Consumer




CONSUMER REJECTS BUSINESS' FINAL OFFER : (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

On their website, Valve claims to be a company with "a reputation as one of the most highly respected entertainment software and technology companies," as well as having "a decades-long track record in the industry for award-winning games, innovative digital distribution platforms, cutting-edge technologies, and top-tier talent."

Cutting-edge technology and I can't have all my PURCHASED software titles inclusive under one account?

The Software agreement does not state that systemically Valve cannot move account information.I have asked SPECIFICALLY that my instance be pointed out and the only answer I've been given is, "No.We can't do it."

I have a closet full of software that I have purchased that I do not have this problem on.As a software developer myself, I am not as easily swayed as the next person.

I believe that Valve has the ability to do what I am asking, but they are unwilling to do so because they fear that others will cheat the system.

I have done everything I have been asked to prove my identity on both accounts (which has been verified by Valve on more than one occasion now), so this should not be an issue.

As a software solution provider, there are some things that I live by:

A solution provider always has a can do attitude, even when tasks are not realistic.

A solution provider demonstrates proactive thinking, a sense of urgency, teamwork, attention to detail, continuous improvement, and exceeds the customers expectations.

So, I must ask Valve in this situation - are you solution providers or something else?

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