  • Report:  #23779

Complaint Review: VALVOLINE INSTANCE OIL CHANGE - Indianapolis Indiana

Reported By:

5859 GERMAN CHURCH RD Indianapolis, 46236 Indiana, U.S.A.
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HI, my name is Barbara Patton. I Took my 1998 Dodge Neon to VALVOLINE Located at 5859 German Church RD INDPLS, IN 46236. I had an oil change about 2 months ago.On SAT 6/29/02. I tooked my car back to VALVOLINE for an oil change. THEY inform me that they could not get the oil pan screw out because it was strip & damage so bad.I told them that they were the one who did the damage and that is the reason I brought it back to them.

The manager direct me to a guy name Pete who is specialize in strip screws & bolts. I WAS TOLD TO GO TO Indy lube at 62nd Keystone. They informed me that they can not do any thing about messing up my car, because they have all new crew. I'M a single mother with 2 kids struggling. WHY should I have to pay out money for Valvoline mess up? I'm already in debt, and I need my car to get back & forth to work and also to take the kids to the Doctor.If noone is able to correct Valvoline mess up, I well be buying a motor soon. God is going to get them for ripping people off.

Thank you,


Indianapolis, Indiana

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