  • Report:  #3040

Complaint Review: VCSTORE (Video Computer Company) - Pipersville Pennsylvania

Reported By:

VCSTORE (Video Computer Company)
6907 Easton Rd. Pipersville, 18947 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
1 800 600 8005
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I placed an order with vcstore in May of this year. I received nothing but a monitor in a three month period. Every time I called to check on the status of my order I was told that there were manufacturer delays or a shipment will be arriving from the

manufacturer in a few days and my order is probably in this shipment.

I have called exactly 14 times to complain and try to put some kind of pressure on VCstore thinking that if I demand some kind of action the "make the customer happy" ethic would kick in and vcstore would expedite my order.

I logged every time I called in, who I spoke to and what the outcome was. I have sent mail to every single email listing I could find on vcstores web page.

It took 3 weeks for a response to (what is now over 30 emails) my questions and complaints.

I received 1 email from a Diane M. in customer service. She asked how she could help. I sent a detailed mail to her

informing her of everything from flat out lies by vcstore reps. to unbelievable rudeness and being hung up on. That email was sent out 2 weeks ago and I have not received a response. I called

to speak with Diane M. personally and was told 4 different times that she is only reachable by email.

I finally canceled my order. One week after doing so, I received a package containing a printer from Canon. Now, it appears that I am responsible for paying for this to be shipped back. I called vcstore again and told them that I absolutely refuse to pay shipping on a product I canceled. Three different people, all claiming to be supervisors, talked, yelled and threatened that I would be charge the full amount of them original order if I did not pay for shipping.

This company it completely out of control. They lie and connive and basically try to keep as much of your money as possible.

I have sent complaints to the Better Business bureau and the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Bureau of Consumer Protection ("BCP"). Although this is a significant step it does not satisfy me.

I will be contacting a consumer advocate from NBC, to help get the message out that VCSTORE are nothing short of scam artists.

This company does not deliver what they claim to. IN fact they don'y deliver anything at all.

Consumer Letter..............

From: [email protected] [SMTP:[email protected]]

To: [email protected]


Subject: VC Store Complaints

Sent: 8/26/00 8:01 AM

Thank you for this website. I have been watching VCS infomercials for 2 years ,just waiting until my budget was ready to handle a new computer. Been ready for several months, but something about VCS was nagging at me but did not know what it was.

Just hit me recently that they don't mention brand names as much as in the past and the names if the systems themselves sound made-up. And the price is always the same, regardless of the "brand". I think you get my drift. Needless to say, I

will NOT buy from this company. Thanks again.

[email protected]

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