  • Report:  #31105
Reported By:
- Monmouth, Maine,

Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Can You help me, please?

Gulf War veteran with slight facial paralysis suspended from Pat Robertson's religious law school for, of all things; "having a demon".


It's with the greatest respect that I herewith request your thoughtful intervention in this unjust matter. Succinctly, I'm a veteran who served honorably under combat conditions in the Persian Gulf War and who developed Bells Palsy facial paralysis during my freshman year at the defendant institution.

Thereafter, a religiously zealous classmate, who was in a position of student gov't there, informed me that in her opinion, I was suffering from a spiritual problem called transferrance; which she thereafter defined as a curse from God for having a demon. With the help of a classmate who fraudulently claimed to be a Medical Doctor, she incited sufficient fear in our fellow classmates to have me expelled for being a potential danger to myself and to others which, according to my classmate, resulted from my, curse from God for having a demon. Unfortunately, mine is not the only complaint of abuse by this institution. With the encouragement of others, I have filed a $1.5 million dollar complaint with the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia at their Norfolk branch. My case has now been in the Court for over 6 months and I'm proceeding forward to trial by jury on July 25th.

Although the school claims to be private, it receives the clear majority of its funding from Federally subsidized student loans. In short, Mrs. Clampitt's defamation of my character has been so successful that I may never again, gain admission to another ABA accredited law school, and have now been rejected by 4 law schools because the defendant institution has withheld my letter of good standing. Although 7 of my classmates have written recommendations as to my honesty and my integrity, and although 21 have signed a petition in my behalf, my law career is ostensibly over, and has been prematurely murdered, because a religiously frenzied classmate claimed that my Bells Palsy facial paralysis was, in her opinion, a curse from God for having a demon.

Since she no longer felt safe with me in the classroom, and because the a*s't Dean, himself a man of questionable integrity, had an administrative error to hide, Ive been suspended.

Apparently, if I attempt to transfer, no ABA accredited law school will take me without a letter of good standing from Pat Robertson's religiously extreme and newly accredited school of law. Hence, I've been officially informed that my law career is probably over; not for cheating, stealing, or assault, nor for abusing various substances mind you; all of which I've seen happen at this newly accredited law school with selective impunity, but for having a demon. Regrettably, I am NOT kidding.

In fact, it's a matter of public record that two years ago, Virginia Beach Atty. Kevin Martingale, successfully defended a third-year law student from being expelled from Regent a few short months prior to his graduation for, living in sin with his girlfriend, while off-campus. An area civil rights attorney has advised me that they're unaware that their legal authority over students ends at the edge of their campus. To their discredit, this school has sustained a plethora of successful litigation since their recent ABA accreditation.

Furthermore, Virginia Beach atty. Kevin Martingale has informed me that the local legal community there is HIGHLY reluctant to hire Regent graduates because of their well-known reputation for religious extremism and intolerance. In fact, according to one other atty., Regent's tendency to infuse all of their affairs with such extreme religious zeal is precisely why their initial ABA accreditation was provisional and why the Virginia Beach legal community was apprehensive about their obtaining an ABA accreditation to begin with.

From a legal standpoint, my sudden suspension without a hearing was a violation of the school's own student handbook procedures regarding their disciplinary process and of my 14th Amendment Constitutional right to procedural due process. There have been 12 cases recently, between the First and Fourth Federal Districts, wherein graduate students have successfully sued private institutions under a breach of contract theory. Ask me, and I will send you a synopsis of, and legal citation for these cases ( See: Federal Court decisions in: Fellheimer v. Middlebury College, 869 F. Supp 238, 244 (D. Vt. 1994), wherein a US District Court held that the private college was contractually bound to provide students with the procedural safeguards that it promised in its publications and in Schaer v. Brandeis University, 735 NE2d 373, 381, (Mass 2000) concluding that, Brandeis did not substantially conform its disciplinary process to its own procedures, as outlined in the Rights and Responsibilities section of its student handbook, which serves as a contract between the student and the school and in Hahn v. Vermont Law School, 698 F2d 48 (1983) noting a cause of action for breach of contract, Coveney v. Pres. of Coll. of the Holy Cross, 445 NE2d 136, 138 (Mass 1983) holding that, [] private university, college, or school may not arbitrarily or capriciously dismiss a student, and in Ahlum v. Adm'rs of the Tulane Educ. Fund, 617 So 2d 96, 98-99 (La Ct App 1993 ) ruling that, The disciplinary actions of a private school may be reviewed for arbitrary and capricious actions and in, Tedeschi v. Wagner College, 404 NE2d 1302 (NY 1980) concluding that, When a university has adopted a rule or guideline establishing the procedure to be followed....that procedure must be substantially followed.

Regrettably, as a student, I don't have the necessary skill or money to defend myself. A female classmate knew that I'm a combat veteran and told my classmates that I had a demon and that with Y2K coming, I might snap and become, a potential threat to myself and to others. She had no basis for saying this. I have no criminal record, whatsoever, have never before been accused of being a threat to anyone and the female classmate very definitely has no experience in the field of Psychology.

I sincerely wish that I were joking in this matter, but, unfortunately, I am not. I'm firmly convinced that we all have a responsibility to maintain the integrity of the legal profession and to stop this kind of unethical, religiously fanatic discrimination; against veterans and against all students. If you'd like to review it, I can email you a complete copy of my complaint to the US District Court in Norfolk, Virginia. Furthermore, I have a tape recording of my sudden and unanticipated suspension meeting, made with the dean's permission, which evidences the dean's reference to a student's concern that I might have a demon.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions from you regarding where I can obtain public exposure of the facts in this matter and/or legal help with this problem. For the integrity of the legal profession and for the well-being of future law students who may be similarly victimized by these same practices, I'd like to thank you in advance for your help in this matter.


Saco, Maine

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Virginia Beach,
Racism, I had the same experience

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, February 29, 2004

I was a student at Regent University School of Law in LL. M program. I had the same experience to me. Now Thomas M. Diggs has been removed and LL. M also has been shut down.


Near Regent University,
North Carolina,
Been there, done that with Regent U.

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, May 16, 2003

I am very interested in seeing a detailed copy of your complaint-if it isn't too late. I once studied at Regent University while a legal student at another college-we were allowed to use the law library for research. (I live about 45 minutes away from the school) Our group was quiet-and even used one of the private study rooms for groups. We worked very hard, knowing that we were among a suposedly "prestigious" group of people. While the door was closed, I hit my elbow on the edge of the table and a book fell onto the floor. I merely mouthed the word "d**n"-knowing that I couldn't say that outloud. The next day, we were notified that our group would not be allowed to return because of my "cursing". Are there cameras that observe every movement of your mouth?? This place is a mess-it's not the only story, there are soooo many more. That's what makes your story believable-it runs along the same lines as everything else I've heard about the school since my incident. Any questions? just post them and I will respond so eveyone can benefit. Thanks,


The School worships the god of money.

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, April 02, 2003

Herb, Christians would not do this. Regent University Law School obviously worships a different god than the rest of us: the almighty dollar.


Grand Haven,
Lawyers should be knocking down your door for this case!

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, January 03, 2003

Herb, you need to hire an attorney right away! You seem to know your stuff somewhat, and have even gone so far as to prepare a case. Find a good attorney in the proper jurisdiction and show him what you've come up with, I don't think you'll have a problem finding a lawyer to take this case for a percentage of the settlement/ judgement (as opposed to an up front fee). Your first concern may be, however, to judicially wrestle a reccomendation from Regent so that you may continue your education elsewhere. Regent struggles to bring in students with high UGPAs and LSAT scores. The threat of bad publicity may be enough to at least give you your letter. Best of luck to you in all your endeavors!


You will win that lawsuit!

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, December 28, 2002

My God! Your story is almost unbelievable, but I believe it. You will win your lawsuit, have faith. What they are doing is illegal and is discrimination. Good luck!


I am so sorry

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, September 26, 2002

I am so sorry that you have to go through this and feel so alone. Maybe this is serendipity at work. I was in the military, on call at the time of the gulf war. I just can not believe that with the God that I know this would be allowed to take place in AMERICA. Keep praying and believe you are going to set ground breaking law someday, I know this and feel this for you. I want you to keep the faith knowing that I call you friend and am no zealot but believe that you are worthy of all the concern that I can muster. I will continue to pray for your plight. God is blessing you, right now with a test. Keep in mind that God will not give you more than you can bear, lift your head and go forth and fight diligently knowing that I blelieve in your strength of courage and I shed tears because I feel your pain. As you look on remember that the Bible will inspire your path. Believe me, I believe in you. Godd bless you in all you do . You are stronger than you know. I was inspired to write this to you to tell you to FIGHT you will win. Stay on the side of justice you will prevail. Love and peace, Be blessed today,

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