  • Report:  #2311

Complaint Review: Virtual Computer Store - Pipersville, Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- Sour Lake, Tx,

Virtual Computer Store
6907 Easton Road Pipersville,, 77659 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On February 3rd, 2000, I ordered a computer system from VCStore, which was to deliver in 3 to 5 weeks from order. At the end of that time all I had was a monitor. The scanner came in at around 6 weeks and the computer at 9 weeks. Lace this all with numerous calls to VCStore. Finally at the end of April, the printer arrives. Two weeks later when I get the time to install it, I discover that the printer is bad and Lexmark advises me to ask VCStore for a replacement. The customer service takes a minimum of 30 minutes on hold, but when I finally got through all they could do was take the info and get back to me 4 days later. The final straw is that this "State of the Art" equipment is discontinued so I can take my choice of another printer or $150. credit. My response was , "No, I've had enough, I want to make arrangements to send the whole thing back, since the 30 days are not up on receipt of the full system". A supervisor called me back within the hour and told me that I would not be allowed to send the system back, since the computer had actually been here since the first of April. I informed myself on the brand I was buying, but not the company. Dumb, dumb mistake. They are rude, unco-operative, and the service dept. is a joke. Beware.

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