  • Report:  #66406

Complaint Review: Visibility Solutions - Santa Ana California

Reported By:
- page, Arizona,

Visibility Solutions
135 East Alton Santa Ana, 92707 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We ordered a custom tent from these folks at a trade show. When we sent them our logos for the tent, they wanted to charge us more than the agreed price. Jeffery Jacobson told my wife that if she did not like the extra charges that was tough. She would be charged for the tent anyway.

So we canceled the order. Fought the charge through the credit card company and got some of our money back. Since we never got any merchandise we want the rest of our money refunded.

These people are ripoffs. They are unreasonable people to do business with. Their letter to the credit card company was full of lies directed at my wife. They bring new meaning to the term "customer abuse."


Page, Arizona

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