  • Report:  #622180

Complaint Review: Vom Zwilling Flusse Kennels - Lufkin Texas

Reported By:
Carole - , Texas, U.S.A.

Vom Zwilling Flusse Kennels
1811 Barto Dr Lufkin, Texas, United States of America
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 I put down a 150.00 deposit on a German Shepherd Dog Pup; SV Standard, German lines only at this kennel. This was on April 6 of this year, I waited til the pup of my "line" was born. This line is highly decorated in Germany as to Sieger awards, SCH3/IPO3 etc. So I thought this is going to be a great dog. I made reservations in advance at a hotel to stay the night since it was a 2.5hr trip for me, and was going to pick up my pup at around 9am the next morning. Well, at 3weeks old, I asked the owner to send me a pic. He sent 4, all at a certain angle where the pup was positioned to where you could see his right side. I didn't think anything of this because it's hard to get a pic of a puppy. After 3 more weeks I packed and drove up to the hotel, spent the night, got up early so I could make it to get my new puppy. I was so excited about having this line from Ursus von Batu..which was his great grandfather.

When I arrived at the kennel the owner was out waiting for me, I'd called ahead to get directions and we met and he proceeded to take me to my puppy. He let him and his sister out of the kennel they were in and he was so tiny (I've had 9 GSDs) for a 6week old pup. But, I thought maybe he was the 'runt' and he ran to me, came up licked my hands as I held his paws, then he wanted to play with my shoes..I was so excited to see my baby..well, I look at him really good. HE HAS NO LEFT EAR! He was deformed! He picked the dog up,try to tell me the mother to the dog must have scratched it. I snapped a pic and sent it in a text to my daughter which is a student in Evoluntary Devolopment/genetics. She immediately called back and said that was a genetic devault and NOT to get that dog!!! I told him about my daughter's information and he lead me to another set of pups that were bred in Czek Republic and were, he said 3wks old; but they were about 2wks and a few days by the way they were acting. 3 week old puppies are up playing, these were not. Anyway. He said I could have a male from this liter. I looked at all the males, they seemed to be without genetical defects, were small; but ok looking. He said to come back in 3 weeks and get one then, it'd be 200.00 more since these were bred in Czek. I told him I didn't have that money, but he said;'You'll be back"..I was very pleasant with this man,he seemed to be a nice man..we talked about dogs, what we liked in a dog, what I wanted in a GSD. And these pups were going to be higher strung GSDs than what I wanted and I told him so, since I had alread been cheated on a inbred GSD that was like a ADHD on PCP kinda animal. Which I gave to a person that could handle him, which inthere loosing 1500.00 then. I had told him about this dog when I first called him, he knew it all and I retold him to refresh his memory.

I won't be back! Like my daughter said, the dam that pup came from needs to be put down, or not bred with those genetical traits and went on about genetics to the point of me not understanding all while I was try'n to find my way out of this wierdly laid out town and listening to my GPS devise and crying because he was so cute, looked just like his dad (which had been a proven-so it was said-breeder) to other moms. And had the temperment I wanted in a GSD.

My deposit is non refundable. It can be used to be put towards another pup..well yea, if they are 200.00 + more depending on which dam/sire it came from.

He knew at 3 wks and if he was a good breeder he'd known at the time of birth, that puppy was deformed and he had all my contact info, he should've called me immediately! NO..he waits til I drive up and spend all that time, energy and effort of preparing for a puppy! Not to say the money involved!

I don't trust someone that is devious and doesn't tell the truth or evades the truth in such a way that he did.

I would not recommend this breeder, even though his website is full of ppl saying how good thier dog is blah blah blah...AKC approved, etc..




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