  • Report:  #189753

Complaint Review: Von Fenwald Kennels - Cindy Hiemenz - Wonder Lake Illinois

Reported By:
- Naples, Florida,

Von Fenwald Kennels - Cindy Hiemenz
8310 Howe Road Wonder Lake, 60097 Illinois, U.S.A.
815-728 - 8010
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Our family dog, a German Shepard named Bono, was diagnosed @ 11months old as having Canine Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency.

This life threatening defect is hereditary in nature and is carried by a ressesive gene. When bred, both male and female must be a "carrier" of this gene to pass the defect along to thier offspring. "Carriers" show no outward signs or symptoms like that of EPI dogs. Some of these puppies may inherit the gene and have EPI itself, showing the effects of this disease, some puppies will be " carriers " like the parents and some puppies will be " clean ".

Any dog that has EPI should not be bred. Any dog, sire or dam, that has produced an EPI puppy should not be bred any further. That dog is a "carrier" of the defective EPI gene and will continue to affect the longevity of the GSD. Any puppy, sons, daughters or granddaughters have the potential to be "carriers" of this defect and should not be bred either. Remember, a "carrier " will show no outward signs.

As a breeder, Ms. Hiemenz, you had an opportunity to discontine using these dogs. A moral obligation.

My husband and myself notified you, Bono's breeder, immediately when we first learned that he had EPI. The test was confirmed by using a TLI test procedure. We let you access Bono's veterinary report so that you, in good concious, could discontinue your breeding program with Xya Von Fenwald, Jupiter Vom Monchberg and any offspring that were produced including others from different sires/dams.

This test was reported to you December 11, 2003. You knew from that day forward that Jupiter was a "carrier" of the hereditary defect EPI. Although you assured me both dogs, Xya and Jupiter, Bono's parents, were retired after his diagnoses I have found that to NOT be the case. You played the odds and continued to breed him.

After posting on this website,I recieved information that Jupiter continued to be bred by you, Ms. Hiemenz, until he was finally retired in 2005 by his new owners.

Did you feel you had to lie to me because I questioned your ethics on your decision to continue breeding Jupiter and his offspring? Is it because they have the potential to be "carriers" and that you have willfully allowed this defective gene to be further spread into the GSD population as hip dysplasia has?

On your website you have puppies for sale. Both of these females, one daughter and one grandaughter of Jupiter Vom Monchberg were bred. They both have the ability, if they are "carriers", to have mated with another carrier thus, producing another EPI dog. Are you going to say to those new puppy owners "I had no idea?" or "I don't have EPI dogs?" Funny, those words sound all too familiar.

I harbor no resentment towards you Ms. Hiemenz in recieving a puppy with a hereditary defect. We never asked you for anything, we just loved and took care of Bono until his death in August of 2005. What I have is an overwhelming disdain for your greedines, ignorance or would it be both to have kept breeding these dogs after having been given the resourses to do the ethical and responsible thing and stop breeding any dog that has EPI in it's line. Will all the GSD one day be required to take pig pancreas with their meals to survive?

Interestingly enough, I have found that I am not alone in owning a Von Fenwald German Shepard Dog that has EPI.

This female dog was a 1/2 sister to 'Xya' Von Fenwald, Bono's mom. The common link to these two females was the sire, Kayos Vom Felsenwehr, this would be Bono's grandfather. Both female dogs had different mothers. The two different mothers and Kayos were "carriers" of EPI. Xya went on to be bred and produced a litter of puppies December 22, 2002. Bono's litter, the "Q litter" Von Fenwald. You were informed prior to that date that the female dog, Xya's half sister, sired by Kayos in 1999, had EPI and yet YOU STILL BRED HIS LINE. Another EPI dog was produced, my dog Bono.

As for my opinion, are you an ethical breeder? Greedy?

I'll let the people who buy your puppies, especially the granddaughters of Jupiter Vom Monchberg for sale right now decide. Maybe they will have EPI, maybe they will be "carriers" or maybe they will be "clean".

Only Time Will Tell.

Natalie a.

Naples, Florida

8 Updates & Rebuttals

Natalie a.

Karmic Justice

#2Author of original report

Tue, June 22, 2010

Ms. Hiemenz,  you harbor an aversion to the truth.  Your slanderous and libel statements posted on this website regarding a deceased dog and my children is pathetic.  


Karmic Justice.....  Are you feeling it yet? 





Wonder Lake,
Tatra was NOT a CARRIER! Liz is Confused!

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, June 22, 2010

Just saw this report and immediately called Lisa Ficarelli of Glenview, Il who just celebrated her Von Fenwald dog's 10th birthday.  Her dog does not have EPI.  On the phone she stated to me that she didn't write that her dog has it.  She doesn't even know what it is.  Why she would respond on this website is unclear to me.  Her dog Wesley as she calls him has Never beed diagnosed with EPI and has been healthy.  Her dog is not related to Natalie dog. 
Tatra was NOT a Carrier nor were any of her siblings, nor was her father or mother or Grandparents. Tatra's sister just passed at the ripe old age of 14 years & 7 months. Her other sibling lived to 14.  2 other siblings are still alive. The average GSD these days is dying between age 8-10.  Her lines are well surpassing the average life expectancy.

Furthermore, as a breeder I would never breed a dog that I know has a genetic problem.

FYI...EPI is now being linked to nutrition...actually a lack of it...dog food being the culprit!

Lisa asked me why I do not respond to all this junk every time.  Well here goes...

Bono's parents did Not Have EPI, nor did his grandparents.
Natalie of Illinois's dog Bono apparently did have a problem.
Natalie's yard, a favorite spot for over 100 geese to hang out was covered with geese droppings and she allowed her young dog Bono to eat as much as he wanted to on a daily basis.  I told her not to allow him to and immediately to call a service who could help her rid her yard of these birds which bring many diseases.  I told her that Bono will get sicker if she doesn't remove him from that situation.  Yes, her dog did have loose stools...and so would any dog or pup who was allowed to do that.  I told her to walk him.  She was too lazy to walk the dog.  As to be expected his problem got worse.  She chose to have him put down before she moved to Florida rather than finally allowing him a chance to heal.  Perhaps she had more than she could take dealing with her 2 daughters serious life threatening genetic health disorders which were directly passed on from Natalie herself to her daughters.  Natalie & I had long conversations about the problems her daughters were facing, and how she knew the problems would be passed on prior to conceiving.   Interesting how Natalie would point the finger at me as a breeder regarding her dog when she knew herself that her condition would be passed on to her child.  Several years later Natalie had another child whom of course was also diagnosed with the same thing.  I suppose it's easier to point at someone else than to face yourself in the mirror Natalie.  Was Bono EPI positive?  Or were his symptoms created by the bacteria filled goose droppings.  He did have chronic loose stools according to Natalie. But so would any dog who dined daily on goose droppings.  Natalie chose to put him to sleep rather than allow him to heal.  Natalie did not offer me the dog back, nor did she contact me with the decision to put him down.  That is Unforgivable!  Shame on her! 

Konnie Thessin of Michigan has been remarried 3 times since the days of Dieta von Fenwald.  Now remarried yet again she lives on a farm in Connecticut.  Although Konnie has a desire to have animals around her she is extremely careless and negligent.  Let's talk about Dieta von Fenwald.  The Best Dog She ever owned, she excelled at everything she did... Search and Rescue being her love she made Konnie  a shining star with her incredible abilities to do Cadeavor Seaching, Water Rescue, Wilderness Searching, etc. and always being the most breathing dog in both looks and temperament.  Konnie had a tendency to feed really cheap food.  When she ate good quality food or Real Food she was always fine! Konnie bought a small 10 acre home in the woods and called me.  We had a long talk about how never to leave your dogs out unattended. She had no fence.  I told her how to construct an inexpensive fence and also offered her a free standing kennel to borrow.  All she had to do was come and get it.  Our conversation went on for several hours.  How did Konnie repay Dieta for all of her dedication.... she left her outside in an unfenced yard even though we had discussed what could happen.  Dieta wandered away.  Konnie immediately called me, and of course said she never did construct a fence.  I told her how to try and find her.  3 days later Konnie found her on the Train Tracks.  She had been hit by a Train!  She did not die of EPI, nor did she ever have EPI.  My gorgeous Dieta was smashed by a Freight Train.  I will never forgive Konnie.  She had been forewarned.  She wanted me to sell her another pup.  I told her I did not have anything suitable (I was being polite).  She continued to pester me until I finally told her that I felt she wasn't suitable to care for another Fenwald Dog.  Dieta's untimely and tragic death was due to her negligence.  In good conscience I would not place another dog in harm's way.

You can see Dieta on my website under K9's & owners she is the Icon and also she is with a baby raccoon on the K9's & Critters page.  Dieta had rescued that orphaned baby Raccoon and cared for it as if it were her own.  What happed to the Raccoon?  Once again..Konnie failed to provide it with a secure environment.  Konnie's other dog KILLED IT!  She new her male  dog didn't like it and yet she left the raccoon & the dog both in the garage alone.  Dieta was not in the garage to Rescue the Raccoon from being mauled to death by her male dog (not a gsd).  How very sad for that poor Raccoon. 

I realize that accidents can happen.  I understand that.  Other accidents have happened to our clients and they have apologized and we have cried together.  And I have allowed them to get another dog from me.  Konnie knew better.  She failed.  And regardless of what lies she writes I would never place another beloved pup in her care.

Report Attachments


United States of America
My dog's mother was a carrier - whelped 06/19/2000

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, June 13, 2010

I am very upset to learn that Ms. Hiemenz continued to breed Tatra Von Fenwald if AFTER being notified that her dog(s) were possible carrier's of Canine Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. I am wondering if she knew Tatra was a carrier at the time of my dog's breeding. He will be turning 10 years old this June and for the most part has been a very healthy, loving, intellegent dog. I was actually looking for her in order to consider purchasing another pup. It's hard to distinguish from this comment if Tatra was the half sister you are speaking of in 1999, but it sounds like this may be the case. I would be interested in confirmation of which female dogs were known carriers of EPI at the time my pup was whelped in June of 2000. It was the "W" litter...which is after the letter "Q" obviously..... thank you for any further info on this topic.


EPI puppies

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, December 26, 2006

Thank you for your response regarding Dieta. I am so glad your puppy was healthy. I've often wondered what happened to her 5 littermates. I would love to see photos of him and hear how his personality compared to sweet Dieta's. I did not mention either way whether or not I obtained a replacement puppy from Fenwald for Dieta. The issue of replacement puppies has no bearing on the issue of breeding EPI carriers. As I said in one of my previous posts: "I personally am not out to destroy Ms. Hiemenz reputation. If that happens, it will be done of her own accord. I just wish to prevent other dog owners from experiencing the same frustration, heartache and expense that I did." I continue to urge Ms. Hiemenz to avoid breeding EPI carriers.

Mary Kay

Dieta's Brother does not have EPI

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, December 11, 2006

I own Dieta's brother, D litter 1999. He is and has always been healthy. I am sorry that Dieta was diagnosed with EPI, and suprised that since she was diagnosed in 1999 at Purdue University that you did not seek a replacement puppy.


Lake Barrington,
Further Jupiter descendents - Canine Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency 2001-02

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, July 21, 2006

Please see my own story just entered today - Lake Barrington Illinois. Aksel died at 10 months due to the same thing. It was heartbreaking. My children miss him much!!! I cannot believe she continued to breed Jupiter after Aksels vet talked with her in 2002. She would not believe that any of her pups would have this. Yes she yelled too, all these stories I have read, really hold true for her. This is really unbelievable behavior!!!

Natalie a.

clarification, more disturbing news

#8Author of original report

Sat, May 06, 2006

Previously, I have outlined how Canine Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency is genetically involved within the GSD.I have stated that " the two different mothers and Kayos were "carriers" of EPI'. I would like to clarify that the "known carriers" were Kayos Vom Felsenwehr and the dam, Tatra Von Fenwald whose litter produced the EPI puppy, Dieta Von Fenwald in 1999. The disturbing information involves a breed pair consisting of a "carrier" and a normal/clear dog. This ALSO has the potential to pass the defective gene onto the offspring, making them potential carriers themselves. Therefore, I can not conclude that the dam, Ziwa v.d. Norriswand, used to breed with Kayos Vom Felsenwehr, a "carrier", was in fact a "carrier" herself. She may have been a normal/clear dog that was bred with a "carrier" who in turn produced the daughter, Xya Von Fenwald. Xya Von Fenwald is a known "carrier" being that she has produced an EPI pup. The only way to confirm if Ziwa was an unwilling participant in the spread the hereditary defect, EPI, would be to research Ms. Hiemenz breeding program and any other breeder that has used her. If you are a breeder of GSD's please use this information in these postings to make informed decisions whether your breeding programs have been compromised by Cindy Hiemenz of Fenwald Kennels, Wonder Lake, IL. If your kennel has experienced a litter with an EPI puppy or if you are the owner of an EPI dog, please register with the EPI Database. More information can be found by searching canine epi. A very good article regarding information about autosomal recessive genes may be found online also by searching canine epi.


More Information on Fenwald EPI dogs...

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, May 04, 2006

My dog, Dieta von Fenwald, daughter of Kayos vom Felsenwehr (sire) and Tatra von Fenwald (dam) was a 1999 "D" litter Fenwald puppy. As a puppy, she was diagnosed with EPI by two separate tests (my local veterinarian and Purdue University) late in 1999. I immediately reported this information to Cyndi Hiemenz. Although research at the time of Dieta's diagnosis indicated EPI had a STRONG genetic component, Tatra was continuously bred until her untimely death. I do not know the further breeding history of Kayos. This means Ms. Hiemenz knowingly bred a dog who was a carrier of the disease. According to the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, "Affected dogs, and in German Shepherds, their parents (considered carriers), and siblings (suspected carriers) should not be used for breeding (1998)." It is considered an autosomal recessive trait. One in five dogs will not respond to treatment (meaning they will essentially starve to death regardless of the amount of food given). For those that do respond, treatment is life-long. The disease is not curable, but can be managed by enzyme supplements. Additional research continues to support the genetic nature of EPI. It is disheartening and frustrating to find out that other Fenwald dogs suffered the same fate, especially a fate that was preventable. I stronly urge everyone with an EPI-afflicted German Shepherd to register their dogs with the EPI database for German Shepherds. And I strongly urge Ms. Hiemenz to do the right thing and stop breeding carriers of EPI.

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