  • Report:  #501351

Complaint Review: Vonage VOIP - Internet Internet

Reported By:
SV - , Illinois, USA

Vonage VOIP
www.vonage.com Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was really excited when Vonage came out with a $24.99 plan for unlimited international calling for over 60 countries. But when I was about to place an order, after giving my address, and credit card details, the estimated monthly charges that I was expected to consent to was $38.53 a month! BTW, this does not include the monthly recurring sales tax! Here is the break up of costs :

Monthly Recurring Charges
Vonage World Plan:$24.99

Estimated Taxes & Fees

State Communications Service Tax: 4.23
Local Communications Service Tax: 3.62
Federal Program Fee: 2.41
State Telecom Infrastructure Maintenance Fee: 0.30
Regulatory and Compliance Fee: 1.49
Emergency 911 Service Fee: 1.49
Total Monthly Charges:$38.53

Estimated Taxes and Fees do not include monthly recurring sales taxes.

I did go thro a referral and the first two months was supposed to be free. but the estimated charges for the first free month was $9.49!

Here is the break-up for the first fee month:

First Month Charges
Vonage World Plan:$24.99
Refer-A-Friend Credit (Referee: Month 1 of 2): -24.99
V-Portal Phone Adapter 
($79.99 Value):
Activation Fee: 0.00
Shipping & Handling: 0.00

Taxes & Fees

Local Communications Service Tax: 1.82
Federal Program Fee: 2.41
Sales Tax: 0.00
Regulatory and Compliance Fee: 1.49
Emergency 911 Service Fee: 1.49
State Telecom Infrastructure Maintenance Fee: 0.15
State Communications Service Tax: 2.13
Total Charges Today:$9.49

So, it's not completely 'free' either!

I think Vonage VOIP is a complete rip-off!!!!!

26 Updates & Rebuttals


San Diego,
Taxes & Fees Are Not Government Taxes

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, June 14, 2013

Note that telecom companies are famous in misleading 'taxes' and 'fees' that look like government imposed charges, but are frequently company invented names for adding revenue to their bills. What is a 'Regulatory, Compliance and Intellectual Property Fee" or a 'Federal Program' fee? Something they invented to charge you extra. They may as well add in a 'ripoff fee' and an 'executive bonus fee'.

Just remember to account for all these 'fees' when comparison shopping.


Phenix city,
Vonage employees needs some hearing aids

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, January 10, 2010

Vonage employees need,  some hearing aids.   Because they play,  I can't hear you game.

They just do this,  on purpose.  To torture you somemore.


Vonage Agreed to Its Promotion

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, December 14, 2009

Like everyone else on here has stated.  It's the taxes that drive up the final cost of the monthly fee.  Between the federal, state and local governments, taxes can add a significant to a telephone bill, including VOIP, a regular landline and a cell phone.

I know it's very frustrating, but it's not Vonage's fault.  Complain to your elected officials.

mary griges

mt prospect,
United States of America

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, December 09, 2009

     If you live in Illinois, our Attorney General is gonna go after them like the mangy dogs they are!  LISA "The Pitbull" MADIGAN is gonna get 'em and believe you me, they'll know they been got!     They are goin' down, down, DOWN and then down some MORE!


Phenix City,
Stacy needs to quit bothering people on rip-off report

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, December 07, 2009

I have not done anything to stacy,   I don't even know her!.   All she does Is post to peoples reports,  & to degrade them.   Then she doesn't like when people,  tell her off.

Her opinion doesn't count.  The she tell me to go away she has,  no right to tell people to go away.  This website Is for everybody. 

Who cares what she has to say,  all she does Is post hate full comments.  To people on rip-off report.  She Is nothing more then  a bully.



Phenix City,
All stacy does Is attack people

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, November 30, 2009

Stacy don't post rebuttals,   she post hateful comments to people.   I have a right to post comments just like she & everybody else does.

But they hate It when I post rebuttals.


Phenix City,
People are to stupid and ignorant

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, October 12, 2009

People are to stupid and ignorant.   Their goal Is to harass & attack,   people who have a problem with vonage.   So they can continue to steal from people.    People give me more crap.

They zero In on me.   People don't never give up,   then new strangers assault me.


To Charles the rocket scientist

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, October 11, 2009

Guess what a*****e??? I can type anything I want period! Ever heard of the First Amendment?? OH that is right - you did not finish high school

Vonage is a FOR profit company - and YES they charge taxes as does the gas company, the electric company, the cable/satellite company etc etc - That is the way the world works get used to it

Grow up Charles - I have every right to make a rebuttal if I want


Down the Shore,
New Jersey,

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, October 10, 2009

You are so right about NOT giving Vonage your credit card or debit card information (also, DO NOT give them your checking account information). I was a former Vonage employee and it was terrible what their outsourced reps put the customers through. Some people were on the phone for hours trying to either cancel or trying to get an issue resolved. I urge everyone I know, who has Vonage, to put a ficticious credit card or checking account information on their account. Then when I get the email that my payment has failed, I go in and do a "one-time" payment to pay my bill. This way Vonage cannot take more then they are entitled to! Which they do! I left Vonage due to the fact that the company is run by a bunch of bumbling jackasses (yes, Citron is included in that statement).  I only pay Vonage what they are entitled to and not a penny more.


Phenix City,
Stacy needs to mind her own business

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, October 10, 2009

Stacy opens her mouth once again.   Stacy you really need to quit bothering,   people who don't do anything to you.    I have NEVER done anything to you.   And who are you to tell me I am not entitled to anything.

Then you are not entitled to anything else,   you should shut your mouth up to me & others on rip-off report.

And this Is to the last person,   who made a comment.   I do not owe any outstanding money to vonage.  I did not give them permission,  to take any money from my checking account.

People these days have no feelings,  or compassion for people.   Stacy continues to harass me,   because she & other people know they can get away with It.  Stacy Is  (b***h).

Stacy Is the one who started s**t with me,   I have never said one thing to her.   Stacy defends these crooked businesses,   because she Is crooked.


Phenix City,
Quit making excuses for vonage

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, October 10, 2009

Quit making excuses for vonage.    I did not like vonage so I wanted,  to cancel the free trial.  

I also did have money In my checking account.   Its not fair for you or anyone else,   to blame me for everything.

Stacy must work for one of these businesses,   she always defends them.   You should see how talks to people who file complaints.   I will never do business with vonage again.

And this Is to all vonage defenders.    People don't give up do they.  

Vonage just loves ya'll,   so they can go victimizing more people.   Like how james or who ever he Is,  trying to victimizing people.

But vonage does steal from people,   this Is what the problem Is about.   And I don't care what people say.

And this Is to the last person,   that made a comment.   It must be ok for businesses to taken advantage of people,   & steal their hard earn money.   To make themselves rich.

You are just helping them do It,  to alot more people.


Oak Ridge,
Just a few comments.

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, October 10, 2009

Okay, I have a few things to comment about.

First of all, I can understand how you would be upset that your "free" trial ended up not being entirely free. But, as has been stated by previous comments, there are taxes and surcharges with almost EVERY utility. Phone, Cable, Car Payments, Etc. I am still unable to understand why you were shocked that you had to pay taxes on your free trial. And if you are upset about your bill I will gladly let you pay my ATT bill for international calls and I will pay yours. *smile*

Second of all, Charles, I am not here to belittle you but I do have some helpful advise for you. You stated that vonage ripped you off costing you over draft fees and so on right? If it was not a valid debt to begin with they would not have continued to try and retreive payment.

It is not fair for you to blame them if you did not have the money in your account to cover your outstanding debt to them. You may want to contact them and try and settle up with them and they will stop trying to process your account for payment.


And to James... How nice it must be to work to defend a company you believe in, making good money to do something you would probably be doing anyway... way to go... and how does someone go about getting a job like that *wink* I know I could use a job like that.

And again to Charles. Good luck sorting out your issues. You sound like you need all the luck you can get.


Once again

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, October 10, 2009

Charles - you have no right to anything! YOU have to EARN IT - Grow up! No one stole from you - you (or mommy) did not pay the bill, got cut off and that is that - STOP using people and companies then blaming then when the consequences happened - Oh BTW you still cannot spell my name right and cannot even SPELL -



Phenix City,
Do not give vonage your debit or checking account information

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, October 10, 2009

Do not give vonage your debit or checking account information.   They will abuse It for sure.   And they will cause you over $100 In overdraft fees.   Also vonage employees are hard of hearing.

They always say they cannot here you,   they are just playing games with you.   They are a sorry piss poor company.   I only signed up for the free trial,  they was giving away @ the time.

People are just trying to torment me on this site.   They also have rude & hateful employees.   This Is a warning do not give,   them or debit card info  or checking account info.

People don't give up do they,  about messing with me.   New people line up to assault me on rip-off report.            


James Webb

Rockville Centre,
New York,
Hi Charles

#16General Comment

Sat, October 10, 2009

Hi Charles,


I am paid by Vonage's public relations department (quite well I might add) to sit at home in front of my computer filing rebuttals to negative reports about Vonage. Its an easy job and actually pretty fun. I can honestly tell you that I am in fact the only person Vonage employs for this particular task so all other people responding to your complaints (Stacey et al) are NOT in fact Vonage employees. Well, on behalf of Vonage I urge all consumers to make sure to read the contract before signing up for service and remember that we cannot control taxes. Charles, you seem to have an axe to grind about Vonage and have seen that you have files anti-vonage rebuttals to many other consumer reports. Is it just that you have nothing better to do? See, unlike you I am getting paid to sit around all day reading rip-off report.


In the telecommunications world, there's no such thing as free!

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, October 09, 2009

Just because the service is free as an introductory offer, doesn't mean that the normal taxes & surcharges don't apply.  It's the same thing as using a coupon at a restaurant for a free meal.  You still have to pay tax & tip the server regardless, for the service they've provided.  There is no ripoff here.  And, I'm just curious what you expect... last time I heard, a flat rate of under 40 bucks a month is pretty darn good for international phone service. 


Phenix City,
Stacy ya'll say nobody owes me a job

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, October 09, 2009

Well stacy sense you & other people on rip have told me,   that nobody owes me a job.

And this Is to you jersey guy,   vonage stole from me.    This Is why these crook businesses,   like vonage.    Get away with with "STEALING FROM PEOPLE".    And victimizing people.

I hope your happy.


Down the Shore,
New Jersey,

#19Consumer Comment

Fri, October 09, 2009

I defend Vonage so much because it is a great phone service, the company itself sucks, but the phone service is great! The thing that ticks me off is when people don't know what they are getting into and try to blame others and/or the company for their lack of knowledge. Vonage advises of ALL their charges in their terms of service, if someone refuses to read it it is not Vonage's fault it is the consumer's.

And, yes you do have the right to say whatever you want, that is what is great about this country. But, along with this right comes a responsibility to actually check the facts before stating as such. You seem to always be jumping on the band wagon every time someone fails to check what they are getting into and blames Vonage. Before you comment on the next Vonage post, read the terms of service at http://www.vonage.com/tos/, this will clear up any "misunderstandings" you may have about Vonage.


Phenix City,
To jersey guy

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, October 08, 2009

To jersey guy why don't you get a life.   I don't have to put up with peoples abuse,   anymore.   I have the right to post comments just like you do.   What gives ya'll the right to treat me how ever ya'll feel like.

People can't seem to answer that one,   I am tired of people messing with me.   And I have not done anything to them.   The people get strangers to insult me,   them thinking they have some right to bully me.

Why are you defending vonage so much?.   I would not have a problem,   If people quit messing with me.   And keep their nasty comments to themselves.   I really don't care If people hate me.

And here come total strangers insulting me,   you just believe what other people say.   I am tired of being "LIED" about.    So If you or "STACY"  sense she Is the most stubborn "B".

And you are the biggest "a*****e".   I will not stop until people leave me the f**k,   alone.   I don't need friends or anybody.

I think Its childish how people will never give up,  wanting to put me down or try to hurt me.   And ya'll are the real "LOSERS".



#21Consumer Comment

Thu, October 08, 2009

Welcome to the real world - all phone companies charge tax!!! As for Charles guess you are not grounded anymore and Mommy let you use the computer - get real - You do not have a job, never paid a bill in your life and  you have the audacity to complain about anything!!! Do us all a favor and go away - you are a taxpayers worst nightmare


Down the Shore,
New Jersey,
Charles, get a life!

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, October 07, 2009

Charles, once again you have no idea what you are talking about! Instead if constantly putting down Vonage, why don't you get out of your parents basement and get a life. Everytime someone has a complaint about Vonage (most are incorrect, by the way), you see the need to put in your 2 cents worth with absolutely no idea what you are talking about! Vonage HAS to charge these taxes, it IS THE LAW. Grow up chuckie and get a life!


Phenix City,
Vonage pays people to say good things about them

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, October 07, 2009

Vonage pays people to say good things about them.   This Is another thing that Is wrong with economy,   these business who scam people.   Making people more poor.

If a business says they will sue people,  for filing complaints agaisnt them.   That only means they have something to hide.   And that means the complaints must be true.

Why do you think the businesses send people,  to attack the poster.   And try to ruin their life.


cheaper than dirt

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, September 30, 2009

AT&T use to charge me over $500 for international calls. thank you Vonge


Tax, tax, TAX!

#25General Comment

Mon, September 28, 2009

You are pulling our legs, right? You think somehow tax law doesn't apply to this communication.

There is a way to avoid  the taxes. Don't have the phone number / phone line connection. That is, VOIP to VOIP only. Yep, that locks out most of the real phone numbers of the world. The taxes are on the "real" portion of your phone call. Send your complaints to your Congressman, and your state legislature.


New York,
Thanx the politicos.

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, September 28, 2009

Thank your politicians for all those fees.  Your local, state, and federal representatives are doing it to you (us.)

Take a look at a cell phone bill if this isn't enough to piss you off.


This City,

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, September 28, 2009

So your complaint is that Vonage gave you the $24.99 plan but you have to pay the same taxes everyone does? 

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