  • Report:  #78523

Complaint Review: Warner Healthcare -- Avlimil -- Wagner - Cincinnati Ohio

Reported By:
- 04609, Maine,

Warner Healthcare -- Avlimil -- Wagner
10891 Millington Ct Cincinnati, 45242 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
WARNING!!! Warner Healthcare, the sole administrator of Avlimil is preying on women to bilk them out of potentially MILLIONS of dollars in unauthorized credit card charges.

I called the 800 number from a nationally advertised TV commercial to get information about this product which is marketed solely to women (MEN get really rx companies to fix their little sexual performance problems, women have to rely on quack "science" and charlatons to try to get help for their, JUST AS LEGITIMATE, concerns), thinking that I was calling a pharmaceutical company that had FINALLY come out with a pill that women could take to aid their libido.

I asked for the free trial packet, but was EMPHATIC about not wanting to enroll in the monthly managed plan until I had read all the information I would receive with the sample.

I was told that I could certainly choose to do this, but would probably not see (feel?) any results for up to 90 days. In fact, my operator said that she, herself, had taken it for 60 days (before results), but it was different in all women.

I was NOT directed to the website for more info, I was NOT informed that, while my operator was telling me one thing, she was not telling me the TRUTH, and so my call was ended. I thought I would receive the sample packet, and then be able to make the informed decision I was told I had the right to.

I received the information and sample, only to find that there is ABSOLUTELY NO INFORMATION as to the veracity, efficacy, etc., on this "natural supplement", only "name changed" testimonials, and blanket statements supporting their claims.

I decided I would not continue using Avlimil, and therefore did not call to enroll in the "managed" supply plan.

I was really surprised when a month later I received a new month's supply of Avlimil in the mail. There was no statement of billing my credit card, in fact, there was NOTHING in the box, just another packet of the little purple pills. I told my husband that they must be sending it to me gratis, because I had NOT given them authority to charge me for it, and since there was no statement included, I had no way to know that they were FRAUDULENTLY charging my credit card.

A few weeks went by, and lo and behold, my credit card bill arrives, with a charge of $30.00 for Avlimil. I was LIVID. I called the number listed on my statement. The first time I got through, as soon as the words "I want this charge taken off my bill, I didn't sign up for the monthly pills..." the rep hung up on me. The second time I called, the same woman (voice-wise to me)answered, yelled at me that I wasn't giving HER a chance to explain, and laid the phone down on her desk, where I could here her laughing derisively about me to her coworkers. I shouted into my phone that I could hear what she was saying, and she hung up on me.

Now, by this time, I am NOT HAPPY at all. So, I called again, remained on hold for 10 minutes, finally got a different rep, who acts like I am crazy for suggesting that folks in her office aren't the most helpful, loving, generous, intelligent, perfect people in the universe, advises me that I had better calm down because SHE, HERSELF has never talked to me before (therefore, I am automatically lying about the rest of the company), and tells me to send back the unwanted packet, and then the charge will be credited to my account.

I told her if I had the f***ing address (which sent her into paroxyms of "I won't allow you to talk to me in that language"; I apologized), I would gladly tie the packet to a brick, and send it C.O.D. via China if at all possible, and that I considered this a fraud case, and would be contacting my Attorney General, and my cousin (a nationally known newsanchor) to launch an investigation into this racket being perpetrated against women.

Suddenly, there was silence on the line, again. I yelled "you better not have hung up on me!" She replied, "I am getting a supervisor." A man's voice comes on the line with the usual "what is the problem (little lady)" line of interference. I stated my EXTREME dissatisfaction with his company's customer service, my EXTREME frustration at trying to rectify what had been done TO ME, and that I really was not going to take it any more, that I would press this as far as I had to to make sure that no other women were abused by his company.

I was told to send in the packet, and he would personally make sure my card was credited. I asked him for the address, repeated my "tie it to a brick" epithet, and asked for his name to include in my letter of complaint. He answered, "***n" I said, "Well, ***n, so you have a last name?" He hesitated, then said, "S**th" I was hysterical by this point, I laughed and said "Really, ***n S**th. How original, I bet there are quite a few of you working as supervisor at ol' Warner Healthcare aren't there?" I was told by Mr. "S**th" that I was a "very low person" to resort to making fun of someone's name. I replied that it was not as low as stealing from someone, and, suprisingly, we ended the call shortly thereafter.

I have contacted my state's Attorney General, also the AG of Ohio.

My immediate advice to all women interested in this product to NOT trust that Warner Healthcare will adhere to any request you make regarding ordering Avlimil from its trial offer--they WILL automatically enroll you, and you WILL have to jump through hoops to get them to reverse the charges. Further, I would go directly to their website to view the ordering information, and NOT GIVE any of your personal info to them until you are SURE that you want to sign up for a monthly, or 5 month supply. They WILL charge you. I cannot vouch for the pill inself, obviously, I will not be using it any more.

I had to cancel my credit card to insure that no further charges will be made to my card. I urge anyone who is suffering the same obnoxious run-around with them to do the same.

I will pursue justice in this case, and will also write the AMA to question WHY women's health issues get such a short shrift in this country.

Thanks for listening,


04609, Maine

CLICK HERE to read about Credit Card Scams... find out how to get your money back. *Rip-off Report Investigation provides valuable information.

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