  • Report:  #68159

Complaint Review: Warrantech - Bedford Or Euless Texas

Reported By:
- Athens, Texas,

www.warrantech.com Bedford Or Euless, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
3 weeks ago our transmission went out on our 2000 Isuzu Rodeo. We took it to the dealership and contacted the warranty company. They gave us the run around for 2 weeks now.Also the dealership. We have produced receipts and maintenance on our car and they have denied our claim. I personally talked to CLIFFORD in the inpsection department.

He told me that it was denied because it burned up from leaking oil. Something in the transmission failed and leaked oil and they think it's our fault.The check trans light never came on till it got to it's worst point. We were a couple miles from home and it just burned up on us. I took it to our mechanic and he told us what was wrong.

Well, Clifford basically told me to read the fine print in our WARRANTY BUYER'S CONTRACT and I told him we never received one. He told me we should have gotten it from where we purchased the car. Which we didnt. You think if they sell us the car they would send that info to us. We bought this so called EXTENDED WARRANTY (for 100,00 miles) for about $1500. We have never used it and the time we do try to the refuse our claim. Like I said ,AFTER getting the run around for 2 weeks.

The faulty trans was not our fault yet they wont HONOR the warranty at all because it leaked. I explained over and over to them what happened and they refused to listen. We have contacted several sources and may even take it further. I tell everyone I know that If you purchase and extended warranty on your car, MAKE SURE first that it is not Warrantech. If it's something major they will not COVER IT!!!

Don and cari

Athens, Texas

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Don and cari

OK then, if there are worse Tell me How do we contact or Service Advisor?

#2Author of original report

Sat, October 04, 2003

We've explored all the options we know. Warrantech basically tells us we are out of luck. As far as what the warranty covers ,we NEVER received anything showing us what it does and does not cover! Tell me then, HOW DO contact a Service Advisor?


There are worse...

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 03, 2003

I am a independent agent contracted with the best Service Contract Companies and I place these products in Dealerships based on my personal experience as a Service Writer for an Independent Mercedes Facility,filing claims and as a Car Dealer,selling the contracts. The problem may be with your Service Advisor, if it is not clearly explained how the problem occured, and a consice estimate forwarded before repairs begin, many companies will deny coverages. Its best to have a well informed Service Advisor go over coverages and actually look at the contract with the consumer before becomming a loose cannon and filing a claim - hoping for coverage and not determining it. Warrantech has paid tons of claims for me as a Service Advisor-but I had to put a little effort in for my customer AS FOR not receiving a contract - you have rights which vary by State- you have the right to review the policy - and a refund if not satisfied. With Warrantech the contract you signed at the Dealership - is the "registration page" it HAS to be attached to the front cover of the contract booklet to even validate the contract and that has to be given to you at the dealership at time of contract purchase - there is a seals and gasket surcharge of $75 that should always be included at time of sale, if your dealer didnt check that - what a shame. Anyway on your registration page there is a proceedure for refund 100% in first 90 days if no claims have been PAID, and a substantial prorated refund - dealer will hate this - thereafter. Finally, In this booklet(Schedule of Coverages) p.6 there is the "Service Manager;'s Guide to Filing a Claim" after the Advisor has read the coverage you selected - either Powertrain, Select, Deluxe or Ultimate - he/she should know if it should be covered and saavy enough to get the job approved. The blame needs to rest in the correct places - inadept people not taking the time on your behalf to get you what you want as a customer. The warranty is good, you can take the vehicle to a smaller independent repair shop of your choice - and be treated as the VALUABLE CUSTOMER YOU ARE

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