  • Report:  #1290829

Complaint Review: WebDev.Guru - Dubai Other

Reported By:
Adam - Santa Clara, Utah, USA

Dubai, Other, United Arab Emirates
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I posted a job on Elance to get bids for building a website, and after viewing a lot of portfolios and job histories I chose to have WebDev.Guru (TeamIntel) do the project.  The total cost was going to be roughly $3500 USD, and it was supposed to take 3-4 weeks to complete.

The project started off well, and progress was made fairly rapidly.  I paid for a few portions of the project as they were finished, but I was holding onto a majority of the funds until the project was complete.  

Before the project was complete, Njit Singh, who was the project manager, told me that had a family emergency and asked if I could do him a "personal favor" by releasing the remaining funds early so that he could take care of the emergency.  Since the project had been going very well up to that point, I agreed, and he said that he would make sure our project was finished up very quickly once he got back from taking care of the emergency.

A few weeks later Njit returned, and said that the prject would be all the way finished the next week. But the next week came and went without any progress, and then the next came and went as well. So I asked what was going on, and Njit said that the developers in the United Arab Emirates get a mandatory 1 month vacation, and that all of his developers were going to be out for the next month.  Say what?!  My three week project was now going to be a 2-3 month project.

So, I waited the month and then asked for progress updates, but Njit was very slow to respond and when he did respond he said that the guys weren't quite back yet. So I waited a few more weeks.  Then Njit said that the project was being worked on again and it should be done within a day or two. Yay! Or so I thought.  The day or two turned in another month with no updates.

And then a new person (Ronit S) was assigned to work on the project and he told me that it would all be finished within a couple of days.  A few weeks passed, and when I inquired as to the status I was told that he hadn't been in the country for the last couple of weeks, but that it would be done by "Monday" (said on a Thursday).  So I waited for Monday, but that came and went without any word from them.  Then the next passed. And the next.

It has now been six months since the last update, and six months since I paid in advance as a "personal favor" to Njit Singh.

I don't have their email addresses since we did everything through Elance (which later migrated to UpWork), but their company profile can be found here: upwork.com/freelancers/~01893f8f62080e11db and here upwork.com/companies/~019c91771a8df45434 and Njit's skype name is njit75.


5 Updates & Rebuttals


United Arab Emirates
Don't agree with this

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, December 02, 2016

Well, You are free to do what you like to do Adam. You tried to reflect here that we have not done the project and ripped you $3200. That is completely false. That is my point. 

I just have few simple points to make and request you to honestly answer them, so people can also make their decision we are bad or good.

  • There were three milestones in your project. Two for Project and one for Backend. Did you close those first two milestones by your self (i am referring the project, not backend) 
    • Answer :
    • You close first two milestones.
  • Yes, i agree we requested you to close the third milestone in advance. So when you close the third milestone in advance, did we cheat you. Or run away with your money.
    • Answer
    • No, We did supported you. you was listing more changes and we were fixing them. And that was Oct 2015. And Till April-2016 we were supporting you. Yes, there was holidays and vacation during this. But still almost 5 months we suppoted you. 
  • Did we told you to give us 4.9 out of 5 as feedback?
    • Answer
    • No, it was your experience of working with us for more than 2 months.
  • How many points you raised in total and how many were resolved?
    • Answer
    • AFAIK it was around total 80 changes you added time to time in those months of your testing and mostly were done.
    • The last few poitns were left where you was saying some javascript issue is coming and we told you we could not replicate it. We also asked you, if you can tell us exact point how it is happening?
  • When we gave you final patch, and asked you to test and let us know. Did you refuse to test or not? (Mar 09 on your chat)
    • Answer 
    • Yes, You refused 
  • When we send you Final patch in April, What issues you reported after that? 
    • Answer : Nothing, you never raised any issues, so how we know it is not working. We kept that working demo on our server for a month.

so conclusion is,

  1. We never refused to support you. There were delays happened during vacation in Dec and when fire incident happened. Nothing else. We finished project on time and you gave us 4.9/5 Rating. 
  2. We did not run away after you gave us money in advance (just one milestone), but keep supporting you.
  3. There were many additional things we added, we did not charge for that.
  4. When we gave you final patch with all your changes, you never reported back anything to us.
  5. I even contacted you yesterday too, when i came to know about this report, even after one year, that if you need any support, you did not replied there, but continue this report here.

Thats what i have to say. Let people understand with their wisdom. If you want report back anything, it is assumed it is working.





False rebuttals are worse than no rebuttal at all.

#3Author of original report

Fri, December 02, 2016

The transcript in my post was edited for brevity and it did not to alter what transpired or what was said.  The dates are exact, and the conversation is as it was.  If you would like me to post a PDF of the full transcript from elance, I can do that as well but what you will read in that is the exact same thing as what I summarized. Your version of what happened is not real.  Go back and read through our conversations yourself.  What you think happened, didn't happen.  Or maybe you don't actually think your version happened, but you are instead just trying to make yourselves look better by saying it isn't true.  Rather than come on here and post a false rebuttal, the better to have done would have been for you to simply say "Yeah, we screwed up on this one and we're sorry about that." 

I initially posted this to Ripoff Report because I felt you had ripped me off.  That's the point of the site.  I posted the report in late February, which was 4 months after your last update to the application.  Before I posted the ripoff report you told me many many times that the project would be finished "tomorrow" or "on Monday", but you never followed through with it and multiple times you went weeks between responding to anything.  The backend you provided in April was the non-finished/buggy version of the application that hadn't been tested by anyone.  Saying that I should have told you it wasn't finished is ridiculous; at that point I was so tired of waiting for you to finsih *anything* on it that I wasn't willing to keep that conversation going.  

In any case, I have the full transcript and file history from elance to prove my side of things is accurate. You can't prove your case because it didn't happen the way you are saying it did.  I am not trying to "harm your image", I am simply reporting what happened. If your actions caused harm to your image, then that is on you and not me.  Maybe you have done a fantastic job on every other project you have ever worked on, but on this one you didn't follow through and you dropped the ball. 

If you would like the entire transcript from elance posted in PDF form, let me know and I will do that.




United Arab Emirates
Don't agree with this

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, December 02, 2016

Well Adam,

So it looks like your all intention is just to harm our image. No problem, let people know, we have nothing to hide.

  1. This whole chat you edited as you want to present with your own wordings. I never said on April 19th that we are delivering to you and we don't know what it is.
  2. I even contacted you yesterday, that if you have any issue let me know, but you prefer to write here with edited chat snippets, rather than write me back on elance.
  3. Did you ever write back since April 19th when we deliver you final changes you needed? Did you ever reported any missing functionality after we delivered?
  4. Project milestone payments were released as work was finish, we never asked you to release in advance. You was satisfied with work then only you gave 4.9 out of 5 Rating to us.
  5. Only payment which was asked to release in advance was for backend and that was also delivered.
  6. You listed issues and we fixed them. You listed more again and we fixed again.
  7. We re did everything for you, even after we lost lot of stuff in fire in our office building, we did not charge you any extra for support. Only thing we asked is to check and let us know, but you refused to test it (Mar 09 in your chat).
  8. You file this Ripoff in Feb, but till April you was getting work from us. And we were not even aware of this RipOff report and you never told us. This is your honesty? One side you already damaging us and other side taking services from us. You did not even told us for this report, only yesterday we came to know.
  9. No freelancer can provide you unlimited revisions on limited budget. But we still did it to our best.

I don't need to prove to anyone what we do and how we deal with our clients. Out of 100s of clients one you has posted this, People will understand by them self.

I was wrong to reach back to you even yesterday and ask if you need any support. As your only intention is to satisfy your personal grudges and revenge. May God help you with that.

Good Luck.



Complete history

#5Author of original report

Fri, December 02, 2016

Well, since you seem to want to have the world see the details and see how the project was mismanaged and not completed, I will detail it out for everyone to see. Here you go:


Sep 22, Me - Provided the developers with login info to put the site on our server.

Sep 23, You - We will place final code for frontend project on the server today.

Sep 23, Me - Thanks! Would it be possible to get the backend done as well?

Sep 24, Me - Original frontend project is complete and when the source is provided I will release the funds. On the backend, how much would you like for it?

Sep 24, You - Yes, we can do the backednd. Pay what you think is fair since most of my guys are in training.

Sep 24, Me - Would $1000 be enough to finish it up?

Sep 24, You - This amount is fair. I assure you you will receive very good & formatted code.

Sep 26, You - Source code is provided

Sep 26, Me - Paid for frontend project, despite some bugs remaining since you said they will be fixed.

Sep 27, You - The backend is almost done.

Sep 27, You - Application backend is almost done. We will be able to set it by tomorrow.

Sep 28, Me - No changes have been put on our server since the 22nd.. anything being done?

Sep 28, You - We had a holiday but front changes will be done today and backend will be done within 24 hours.

Oct 1, Me - Any update on this?

Oct 2, You - I'm still waiting on the updates and for the site to be brought live.

Oct 2, You - Forgot that it was a weekend today. Tomorrow our morning time, which is 7 hours from now, it will be set on your server.

Oct 3, You - We can't connect to your server

Oct 3, Me - The login info provided works correctly

Oct 4, You - We were trying the wrong protocol, but it works now.  Site has been uploaded.

Oct 4, You - "I would like to make a personal request, I got some very urgent need for some cash. It is emergency and i need to raise $xxxx urgently. I know, you might not even have checked the backend yet, and i should not make this request to you, but if you can release the payment for backend, it will be big help to me this time. This is just personal level request, if possible. I assure you we will support for any issue you found in backend, its not about work or support, but it is personal need."

Oct 5, You - "If you can release this payment now, i am really in bad need. I promise you, will support any idsues, if any you found."

Oct 5, Me - "I have released the payment on good faith, anticipating that the project will continue and be completed as soon as possible."

Oct 5, Me - There are a lot of bugs in the site you provided. Please fix soon.

Oct 6, You - We will solve the issues mentions in spreadsheet.

Oct 8, Me - Update please?

Oct 8, You -  Tomorrow for sure all changes will be set on your server. 

Oct 10, Me - There have been no updates. I am feeling foolish for releasing funds early.

Oct 11, You - Sorry for the delay. We will start working on this again today.

Oct 12, You - Developer will make changes to your site now in few hours. 

Oct 14, Me - Getting tired of hearing that there will be updates, and then nothing is done. I haven't even seen the admin site at all, and your demo site just displays a "coming soon" type of message.

Oct 14, You - Site is done, and bug spreadsheet has been updated.

Oct 14, Me - Site is not done, and I have updated the spreadsheet to show what still needs to be done.

Oct 14, You - We will work on the items that still need to be finished.

Oct 21, Me - It's been a week since your last update. When do you expect to have the remaining items finished?

Oct 22, Me - I haven't received a response... you around?

Oct 23, You - Sorry, I was traveling and the developers are on vacation. We will get things fixed by Monday.

Oct 26, Me - It's Monday.... no update?

Oct 27, You - Developer is on vacation, I will get it done today.

Oct 28, You - I am sorry, it could not be done yesterday. but i am on it, i will get it done in next 24 hours for sure.

Oct 30, Me - No updates?

Oct 30, You - The developer is on vacation for a month. We have put someone else on it, and it will be done by Monday.

Nov 2, Me - It's Monday... no update?

Nov 4, Me - Hello? Anyone around?

Nov 7, Me - It's been a week since your last response...

Nov 9, You - Sorry, I could not get it done, But the developers are returning back on 14th.

Nov 18, You - Developer is back, and will finish this in 1-2 days.

Nov 24, Me - I haven't received any updates; is this being worked on?

Nov 24, You - Developer looked over the spreadsheet yesterday and will start work on it soon.

Dec 1, Me - No updates still... 

Dec 4, Me - No updates and no emails or responses. :(

Dec 5, You - I will update tomorrow. There were some problems on our side.

Dec 7, Me - Still no update and no follow-up.

Dec 7, You - The problem was a fire which caused no work for 6-7 days. I will get with developer tomorrow to see how it is coming along.

Dec 9, Me - No updates.... *sigh*

Dec 10, Me - Still no updates...

Dec 11, You - Sorry for the delay. Give me till Monday and for sure it will be done.

Dec 14, Me - It's Monday, and no updates still.

Dec 15, You - Developer worked on this and it is done. Just some final touches and QA testing is pending.

Dec 16, Me - Still no update to the site...

Dec 18, Me - Hello? Anytime now.

Dec 21, Me - Still no updates...

Dec 31, Me - Still no updates...

Jan 22, Me - Your lack of response is appalling. Still no updates.

Feb 1, You - (New Project Manager) The old manager is no longer available. Please tell me what you need done.

Feb 1, Me - Here is the list of items still needing to be finished...

Feb 5, Me - No response? No updates? This is feeling very much like the old project manager.

Feb 8, You - I will look at your bug list today, and tomorrow I will send you a link to the completed site.

Feb 15, Me - No updates, no link, no emails in the past week. same as things have been going for the past few months.

Feb 17, Me - Still no updates...

Feb 18, You - Sorry, I was out of the country. I will send you your files on Monday.

Feb 22, Me - It's Monday, and no updates.

Feb 25, Me - So... any updates coming any time soon?

*** Feb 29, Me - Filed a RipOff Report. No updates for 4 months, even though I already paid? Yeah, that's a ripoff. ***

Mar 1, Me - Nothing? Really?

Mar 5, Me - I guess you've decided to simply not finish.  Very sad. :(

Mar 7, You - We're setting up the development environment and we will send you a link.

Mar 8, Me - Please send the link.

Mar 8, You - Here is the link to the development site where are changes will be displayed.

Mar 9, Me - Great! Let me know if you have questions as you work to finish it up.

Mar 9, You - I'm not sure which version of your site they put up the development area. Please test everything and let me know what needs to be finished still.

Mar 9, Me - Test EVERYTHING again?! You don't know what is there and what isn't? It takes hours to test everything, you should know what is there. I don't have time for restesting everything.

Mar 9, You - We had hard drive failures and don't know what version was recovered. We will have someone on our end test it tomorrow.

Mar 23, 2016 - Since there have still been no updates, I don't want you do anything else. I just want the source, and I will be done with you.

Mar 28, You - We will get you the source today.

Apr 19, You - Whoops, just noticed that we never provided the source.  Did you somehow get it anyway?

Apr 19, Me - No.

Apr 19, You - Here are the source files for some version of the site that we aren't sure what is done on it. Bye!



And that was it.  Tell me, where in this entire conversation did you complete the task or provide any level of support? Nowhere.  I hope that your rebuttal causes more people to notice this ripoff report, because now that I have provided the entire conversation and history of the project they can see exactly how you do business.


United Arab Emirates
Don't agree with this

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, December 01, 2016

We came to know about this report today only. This is wrong to mention that project was not complete and payment was relesed in advance without any work. There was two parts of this total project. Frontend which was actual project and backend which client agree to take after frontend was delivered to him.

On Project We finished all the milestones and we supported client for the project. We fixed almost 60-70 chanegs asked by client. 

After this job client also purchased from us the backend of the project. Our job was only to build frontend. But later on client also agree to take our backend. We gave him that too on quite discounted rate. And this is the payment which we ask him to release little advance. And Client knows that backend was already done and it was already tested during project.  This payment was released in Oct / Nov 2015. and We supported client for all his continous changes till April 2016.  

Yes, Developer went on vacation too as project was delivered and issues were fixed. Client did not report back any new issues till that time. And also there was fire incident happened and our office was also affected. It was widely prined in all newspapers reports of those days. We did not make any execuses to client.

We worked for client till March/april and completed most of the requestes / changes. What i remember last that there were some new minor issues were raised by client and those were also fixed and it was updated in Client's Google worksheet and also to client and we gave the full updated code to client again in Apr - 2016. And this report is filed in Feb 2016. We dont; know why client post this or why he did not take this back. We have contacted client again on this today. 

If there was still any issues left, client should have contacted us on elance workroom. Client never reached back after we delivered him code and today only we came to know that this report was filed.

Project was complete and delivered to client. Attached is the feedback of client which he left for us on this project. We still ask, if client has any issues, he can reach us back. 

If anyone needs more clarification on this Ripoff report, he can contact us back.

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