  • Report:  #68873

Complaint Review: Webland#1 - Internet

Reported By:
- sabina, Ohio,

[email protected] Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am retired and thought I could make a few extra $'s doing this recovery thing. I couldn't even get the Internet to find this place.

I am on a fixed income & felt that I could make a little extra $ by doing this so called "EASY JOB". Well, believe me,if you can't even find the place to go to in order to start this job then you sure can't make a d**n dime. If one were to make anything off of it you probably will never see a penny of it, since ya can't find them anyway. I am very pissed off, however I'm sure they are all probably having a GREAT time with my money and everyone elses. Don't get suckered into this, no matter how great they say it is, it's nothing but a big colossal SCAM.


sabina, Ohio

1 Updates & Rebuttals


TO GOOD TO BE TRUE. a big joke.i guess we are all a little gulable

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 22, 2004

Got a bunch of paper work sent to me.Signed on got some in formation.then i had computer problems crashed and burned.got a new one hope to go a house a fire with it,now i have learned this is a big joke.i guess we are all a little gulable attimes.S would like my money back.Why it sounded so good becaues tracked reg.mail this way.I read an artice about this so i thought it was ok.########## so it it togood to be true

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