  • Report:  #103346

Complaint Review: Wendy's Restaurant - North Smithfield Rhode Island

Reported By:
- Cambridge, Maine,

Wendy's Restaurant
Rt. 146N North Smithfield, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Before relocating recently, I lived in RI where I would frequent the Wendy's in nearby N. Smithfield. They would frequently get the order incorrect, but nothing major and nothing that they would not fix IF I caught it before taking it home.

This one particular time, I went throught the drive-thru since I had my children in the car with me. After a less-than-friendly greeting and request for my order, I started giving my 5-item selection. After listing only 2 items, the voice at the other end of the speaker started to rattle on about something incoherant to me. I stopped giving my order and said "Excuse me?" and was told (rudely) that she was not talking to me and that she was listening, finish my order.

I started over again, not truly convinced that someone having 2 conversations would be paying all that much attention to either, and was told with as much sass as I am sure that she could muster up, "I am not deaf. You gave me those things already. Did you want something else or are you done?"

I was stunned to silence for a moment which prompted that sassy voice to again ask, "Did you want something? I don't have all day!"

I told her that she could delete my order and that I would not be returning as I did not appreciate her tone. Now, before someone assumes that I was rude, I did say this firmly but professionally as I am in the company of my children.

I rode around to exit the drive-thru and was greeted by the voice, now a person standing behind a bullet-proof window, with her middle finger extended to me in what I can only assume is her best attempt at a "Goodbye".

This branch of Wendy's is not listed in the phone book, so I called another branch manager (Lincoln, RI)that heard my story and was appaulled. They stated that their branch was privately owned and that the "troubled" branch was corporate-owned. They graciously gave me the phone# for Corporate Headquarters and wished me luck. Before hanging up the phone, the privately owned branch offered me a few free meal coupons for my trouble as he felt bad for the service that I received at another branch carrying the same name! How nice!

I called Corporate Headquarters and, after 2 failed attempts to locate a human being, was told by the secretary that I would need to speak with "Chris" and that he would call me back if I left him a message. Needless to say, I left 2 messages 2 days apart and never received any calls back.

I had never gone back to the "troubled" Wendy's but decided to travel the extra miles and gave my business to the Wendy's in Lincoln up until I relocated!


Cambridge, Maine

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