  • Report:  #909382

Complaint Review: Western Sky/Cash Call - ANAHEIM California

Reported By:
TerriLZ - Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Western Sky/Cash Call
P.O. BOX 66007 ANAHEIM, 92816 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
 We found out from the PA. department of banking that it was illegal for Western Sky to give us the loan & when they turned it over to Cash Call which is in Anaheim,CA.they told us don't make the last 5 payments you have.payday loans,cash advance's & the loans western sky& cash call are illegal in PA.

 Our senator's passed a bill not allowing these type of loans in our state,& we were told they knew it. So check with your states department of banking & your senator's& see if those type's loan's are allowed in your state.They may threaten to sue you but the minute you tell them a senator will gladly tell the judge & so will the department of banking that it is illegal,they back off

24 Updates & Rebuttals


Erroneous info

#2General Comment

Wed, March 27, 2013

1. Western Sky is not licensed in PA. Which is a requirement. Otherwise the business is not supposed to offer a loan at more than a 6% interest rate.

2. It is not just payday loans that are illegal in PA. It is also any loan that charges exorbitant interest rates. PA sets a limit which Western Sky goes way beyond.

3. Western Sky is not owned by the tribe, merely a member of the tribe which makes a big difference.

4. The connection between Western Sky and CashCall has proven to be problematic for the two businesses.

5. No matter the negative opinion that is held regarding the originator of this forum or anyone else who became embroiled with Western Sky, the facts remain that Western Sky and other tribal lenders like it have lost and are losing a growing number of lawsuits against them.

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
go find stacie iamnogood

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, March 16, 2013

 u live next 2 her, just go 2 d drivethru @ mickey d. usually she works d night shift so she can make useless rebutts like u during d day


Fort Worth,
Jeffrey? Is that the best you can do?

#4General Comment

Thu, March 14, 2013

Wow, your 6th grade education really paid off  huh?  I bet you and Jethro Bodine both took 5 years to get out of 6th grade.

Anyway, your come back was pathetic, and weak.  Just like you.  People like you make all kinds of mistakes, and then hide behind others and blame others for your issues.  That is exactly why people like you will be LOSERS for the rest of your life.

Let me ask you, when you surf porn, do you pretend that some woman "loves" you when you climax all over the keyboard?  Then after  you are done do you feel bad because the "Woman" you were jacking off over, was nothing more thana digital image on your 14" computer monitor?

Maybe you and The Outlaw Jose Wales should get together in real life, and you can have sexual encounters with him.  Judging from the posts coming from him, I think you two would make a great pair.

BTW, I have a real  job, what do you do?  Collect food stamps, and get your free Assurance Phone, blaming Wall Street, and the bankers because no one will hire you?

And since you have decided to resort to making threats, tell you what, Tell me what city you actually live in, and I will make arrangements to come and meet you, and show you the REAL USE OF POWER, my pansy little friend.  I would give you my address, but I figure you are so broke that you dont even have the money to make a long distance phone call, much less make a trip down her to Fort Worth Texas.  


New Hope,

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 14, 2013

oh yeah youre such a big boy...so big and tough sitting behind your computer screen acting like some tough guy.  I bet youre nothing but some weak little pissant that would probably get his a*s handed to him if he actually talked like this to someone in public.  Look you little pissant, no one cares what you think.  youre a beuracratic TOOL.  So do everyone a favor and go shove another stick up your a*s you deadbeat TOOL

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
no iamnogood

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, March 13, 2013

u r d loser, a big loser


Fort Worth,
To Jeffrey

#7General Comment

Wed, March 13, 2013

This "Name Calling" that you resort to is EXACTLY the response I figured that you would respond back with. 

I give you facts, back them up with other websites, and information , and you still dont see it do you.

There is only 1 explanation for it.  YOU ARE A MORON!!!!

You must be stuck at home all day, sitting behind a desk looking at porn all day, masturbating your skinny little pecker, and then typing your MORONIC responses to my Rebuttals with c*m soaked fingers.

Perhaps you should stay off this site, and let the BIG BOYS try to set things straight, and you keep on surfing porn. 

You should stick to that because you suck at every thing else.



New Hope,

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, March 13, 2013

Youre nothing but a passive aggressive LOSER @$$ troll.  If anyone is a deadbeat, its you.  Why dont you go take your ugly @$$ to a hooker or something and get laid.


Fort Worth,
This country is full of enablers.

#9General Comment

Wed, March 13, 2013

First.  I checked into the claims that loans such as Western Sky are Illegal in the Author's home state.  He is wrong.  PA bans payday loans, and Western Sky is classified as a "Installment Loan". So the Author's claim that he should not have to pay is just outright WRONG!!! 

Second.  Western Sky's rates are high, Yes high enough to make a Loan Shark Blush, but not Illegal, as Western Sky is located on a Indian reservation.  Yes ladies and gentleman, being located on a Indian Reservation almost makes them a soverign nation, not subject to US Usury Laws.

Third.  Western Sky makes no bones about the loan being expensive.  Their web site warns about it, so do the commercials on the TV.  So the enabling by the last 2 posters is meaningless, trying to justify the Author of this post, showing he needed money, and was Forced to go here.

Again I say, the Author did not KRY WIKE A WITTLE BABY when he got his check.  The Author did not  KRY WIKE A WITTLE BABY when he put the money in the bank , and then spent it.

Again I say, the Author starts to KRY WIKE A WITTLE BABY when he starts to pay it back, and has long since spent the money, furthermore he had 5 payments left, and decided not to pay because "PayDay Loans were illegal in his state. 

Read this web page about Western Sky loans, and they describe Western Sky loans as INSTALLMENT Loans. This means they are not Illegal Loans in PA, so debtor get your act together, and make your payments.

To  the detractors who will go out of their way to help this DEADBEAT avoid  his creditors, you are no better than the Debtor, actually, you are worse.

And to Jose Wales, go F@#@#@#k yourself, and do us a favor, and take your keyboard and shove it. 

And to Western Sky Loans, if you are reading this post, I would advise you to get ahold of your attorneys, and sue the Debtor, he is trying to intimidate you saying "A Senator will tell the judge that this loan is Illegal"  I would not BACK OFF , as this DEADBEAT IS sure of you doing so.  As Western Sky is located on an Indian Reservation, Wage Garnishment may circumvent PA Law.

Further, I plan on sending this post to Western Sky, and will advise them to sue this DEADBEAT.  When they read it, I know they will be able to ascertain who the debtor is, no matter what name is is using, or the fact he is hiding behind a keyboard.

To All detractors of my post, I could care less what names you call me.  When you are enabling these debtors who REFUSE to pay, you are making the cost of borrowing much higher for the rest of us.

Finally, I stand behind my statement that sub prime borrowers caused the great recession of 2008, as their REFUSAL to pay their mortgages brought many a Investment bank to it's knees.  The reason that property values fell to begin with was that when these SUB PRIME DEADBEATS defaulted on their loans, it put these properties back on the market, making all property values worth less.

Defender of all that is Good, and defender of those of us who take care of our obligations, and dont try to hide behind laws that they imagine exist.

BTW,  here is the website

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
c iamnogood

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, March 12, 2013

not everyone cares 4 ur useless rebutt. now u go cry in d corner


New Hope,

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, March 12, 2013

You seriously need to get a life you POS troll.  Have you ever seen the amount of interest these predator companys charge?  How dare you call people deadbeats?  Number one, its NOT their faults for the collapse.  The COLLAPSE was because of homes dropping in value and people could not pay them any more because of the ridiculous loan terms banks made up.  Learn your facts you idiot, before you go around insulting people.  As I said GET A LIFE.  No one cares what you think, all everyone on here thinks is that youre a rat B%st@rd that needs to get a effing clue.  So go to h*ll


Fort Worth,
this is directed to STUFFHAPPENS

#12General Comment

Thu, February 28, 2013

First:  The Original Poster to this story, borrowed money, he was in a bind, and because he had previous credit problems, had to go to a place like this.  This was a result of his previous credit history.  He only has himself to blame for this, but at least they were there to loan him the money.  All he needs to do is pay it back.

Second:  The Original Poster decided after he got the money, that the terms were too harsh, so he decides he is going to stop paying.  This is EXACTLY the type of decision that put him here with this kind of lender to begin with.  So  he trys to hide behind some real, or imagined law that says this type of transaction is ILLEGAL,  so now he doesnt have to pay.  I Say BullSh*t!!!!!  He borrowed the money, he got the check from Western Sky, and now he is legally, and MORALLY obligated to pay it back.

Third:  I wonder how "liberal" you would be if the Original Poster borrowed this money from you, instead of Western Sky????????

Finally:  This post I made has nothing to do with being blessed, it has more to do with the fact that he made an AGREEMENT , and signed a Binding CONTRACT to  pay for money  that Western Sky gave him, and then decides he is not going to pay any longer.  In my mind, that tells me EXACTLY what kind of person the original poster is.  He is a DEADBEAT.  He is a person who has no Morals, and will not live by his word.  This story had nothing to do with him NOT being able to pay because he had no money, but that he wasnt going to pay because the state said this type of loan was ILLEGAL.  So if it was sooo ILLEGAL, why did he take Western Sky 's Money from them?

You and your other "liberal" friends need to stop enabling people like him, and start shining the spot light on people like them so we can make them scurry around like cockroaches in the kitchen in the middle of the night when you turn on the kitchen light..

Lets read your liberal rebuttal now, IDIOT A**


United States of America
Stuff happens

#13General Comment

Thu, February 28, 2013

Hey( Mr. I AM GOOD ) , I am so happy you live a Great life where nothing bad ever happens to you that you can't get out of. But your a cold blooded individual that probably works for one of those of companies that prey on people in a tough bind.

But maybe the day will come when you have financial problem that you can't get out of, no family , friend or( fair) loan institution will help. And you may have to seek out a payday other high interest loan. And then you have hard time paying it back because of the problems your having whether it's medical or unemployment, etc.

The problem with you is your narrowed minded , not everyone is blessed like you, bad things happen to people in this world all the time, so bad that you obviously cannot comprehend. Don't call someone a deadbeat unless you really know their situation.

If you can't understand this, you then you have never really been severely challenged financially before, but beware it can happen to you at anytime, and when it does you won't be cold hearted ! Believe it !


United States of America
Western Sky

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, February 02, 2013

Maybe predatory lenders should not be giving loans out to people in States were they know it is illegal to do so! So if the Lender is Dumb enough to give a loan out that is illegal than to sad to bad!!


Fort Worth,
typical liberal enabler response.

#15General Comment

Fri, February 01, 2013

I stand by my original comments. The Poster who placed the terms of the loan on rip off report for every one to see, clearly shows that Western Sky went OUT OF THEIR WAY to let the subprime borrower know that their loans are EXPENSIVE.  Even their ad states that on TV, "Yes... The Money is Expensive, but it is there if you need it". 

So the author went and borrowed the money any way.  The Author did not Kry Wike A Baby when Western Sky deposited the money in  his checking account, only he started to Kry Wike A wittle Baby when he started to pay  back a huge premium for borrowing this money.  He borrowed their money, and he MUST pay it back.

Now to the poster who said that the Investment Bankers were responsible because they were encouraging Mortgage originators to loan money to subprime borrowers, Yes they did.  These sub prime lenders were known as "2nd Chance Lenders", and of course the DEAD BEAT SUBPRIME borrowers proved to be true to the label that the Regular Credit Institutions placed on them, they defaulted on the loans. 

So, If these people had not defaulted on their obligation to pay, the bail outs never would have been needed, and a financial crisis could have been averted.

To have some Liberal enabeler come in, and have the Audacity to Blame the Wall Street Firms who bought the loans from the Mortgage Companies who put these DEAD  BEAT'S WITH ABSOULTELY NO MORALS ABOUT THEM AT ALL, into home loans, and further BLAME the Investment Banks when these DEADBEATS signed a loan application where they knew that the $$$$ amount of income was a complete lie is a complete load of bull krap.

Further, these subprime DEADBEATS should have been procecuted for lying on a loan application.  In all States this is considered a Felony, and the applications state that at the bottom of the application, that making false statements on a loan application is a crime.

So not only did these DEADBEAT MORON'S borrow money on a house, and not pay it back, they are Criminals as well for signing a loan application that overstated their income. 

The federal government, after they paid the Investment Banks this bail out money, should have FORCED the investment banks to file criminal charges against the Lying DEADBEATS who screwed the banks out of billions of dollars.




United States of America
Western Sky

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, February 01, 2013

To the person who blames dead beats for the Economic Collapse of 2008 on subprime loans and blames it on the consumer you clearly have no ideal what you are talking about! It was the Big Bank Investors like Goldman and Sachs that Were sponsoring subprime lenders to originate loans to anyone and everyone Just to get a prommisory note to turn it into a mortgage back security And inflated appraisal fees to make it look like the security to investors was more Than it was actually was worth and created credit default swaps and bet agains the same Loans they had pooled in The securitization trust. They finally got what they deserved when The people that had been lied to at the closing table started to default on there loans, by the way which Was paid for several times over and in the end the homeowner lost there houses to the fraud that The Banks commited! So don't be calling people dead beats when you don't know what there financial situation is!!!

Smart Cincy Consumer

United States of America
Be informed of Western Sky's Terms of Use

#17Consumer Comment

Sat, January 26, 2013

I saw the ad for Western Sky Loans early this morning, and decided to look up the web site and see what it was about. After going there, and viewing their terms of use, I was SURE that there would be Rippoff Reports on this company, so my next visit was to this site. (I learned a long time ago that anything offered on TV needs to be investigated thoroughly before conducting business with any company, or buying any product. 9 times out of 10, you don't want to go there.)

I'm 1/16 Cherokee Native American Indian, and I was interested in what Western Sky was offering as a loan, just out of curiosity. I have two internet-based businesses, and thought that maybe a loan could help me take care of a few debts incurred before I started my businesses, and also help me expand my businesses in order to be able to generate more income. As a rule, I am a "cash and carry" type of gal, and started living by that policy BEFORE the banking crisis occurred in mid-2007. I made the decision to become self-employed then, and just barely got myself established before the banking crisis in Spring 2008. To date, I have been able to make a living on my own, and have not had to borrow a penny from anyone. Before the banking crisis, my businesses were collectively pulling in about 65% more income than they are now, and I was systematically working on paying off old debts until the financial rug got pulled out from under everyone...including a lot of my clients. The last two years have progressively improved, but not enough to save any money back to expand to a larger work facility. Thus my interest in this loan offer.

After looking at the Terms of Use on Western Sky's web site, I decided that this was not a viable option for me. Their interest rates are outrageous...up to 139% APR. (That is for a $2,600 loan, and it is not stated what the interest rates are for larger loans.) And I'm fairly sure that those type of rates are illegal in most (if not all) US states. Those are loan shark rates, folks. And unless you have a huge settlement or inheritance coming in that you know FOR SURE will arrive before your loan date is due...well, most normal working people could not pay those types of rates.

Here is a copy of Western Sky's Terms of Use that I copied straight from their web site:

"Western Sky Financial, LLC, is a Native American-owned business operating within the boundaries of the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation, a sovereign nation located within the United States of America. Western Sky offers personal loans of up to $10,000. Personal loans that are not secured by personal property or collateral like a home or car. You can have your loan proceeds wired to your bank account in one business day after you provide all required documentation and pending credit approval.

The interest rate on a typical loan of $2,600 is 135% with an APR of approximately 139%. Borrowers may prepay their loans at any time without penalty. There are no upfront fees. If you are approved and your loan is funded, we will collect a $75 loan origination fee from the proceeds of the loan.

In order to apply for a loan, you must be at least 21 years old and have a valid bank account. Western Sky accepts applications from residents of all states except California, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, South Dakota and West Virginia. To apply for a loan with Western Sky, you must complete the loan application. Western Sky will pull your credit report to enable us to make a credit decision on your application. We will usually provide you with a preliminary decision via e-mail minutes after you have submitted your application no matter what time of day or night you apply.

If your application is conditionally approved, you will be asked to fax in a copy of your driver's license, bank statement and a voided check so that the loans proceeds can be funded to your bank account. You will then have an opportunity to review the payment terms and make a decision whether to accept or reject the loan offer. If you decide to accept the offer, you will complete an on-line loan agreement and execute the loan agreement electronically by checking the appropriate boxes using the mouse on your computer. You must execute the online loan agreement in order to receive your loan proceeds.

All loans will be subject solely to the exclusive laws and jurisdiction of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, Cheyenne River Indian Reservation. All borrowers must consent to be bound to the jurisdiction of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Court, and further agree that no other state or federal law or regulation shall apply to this Loan Agreement, its enforcement or interpretation. The loan agreement contains an agreement to arbitrate all disputes in which borrowers agree to waive their right to a jury trial, to have a court decide any dispute, and to participate in a class action lawsuit, and to certain discovery and other procedures that are available in a lawsuit. If you do not wish your account to be subject to this arbitration agreement, you must advise us in writing. It is not sufficient to telephone us. we must receive your letter or e-mail within sixty (60) days after the date your loan funds or your rejection of arbitration will not be effective. in the event you opt out of arbitration, any disputes hereunder shall nonetheless be governed under the laws of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Nation. "

So this Smart Cincy Consumer advises, CONSUMER BEWARE.

ALWAYS  check the business web site's terms of use (normally the small print in any contract), and ALWAYS check with the Ripoff Report before doing business with any internet / TV company. It's simply the smart thing to do.

* Thanks to those who posted in this thread, as it was very helpful. And in case you hadn't figured it out, it's obvious to me that those very critical and unsympathetic comments are from an employee of either Cash Call or Western Sky...so view their criticism in consideration of that.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Not above the law

#18General Comment

Fri, December 28, 2012

First off, I agree with the person who said that really harsh words are being used against the person making this complaint.  That's highly uncalled for.  If you can't say anything constructive, don't say anything at all.  

Second, there's nothing wrong with using the law to your advantage.

I worked for an attorney who at one time represented businesses that offered these types of loans as well as payday loans.  Some of them were actual banks that ended up being forced to stop offering these loans because of the predatory nature of them, i.e. extremely high interest rates, fees, and collection practices that do not comply with government regulations.  Payday loan lenders were virtually shutdown as well.  But most of these lenders are unlicensed in the states where they are conducting business.  He constantly advised these businesses that what they are doing is illegal in most states and it is still considered a form of predatory lending contract or no contract.  These businesses tend to target those who cannot go the normal route of getting a loan from a bank or credit union because of credit or salary issues.  Unfortunately, the internet has made a way for unlicensed payday lenders and lenders of high interest rate loans to stay in business with new ones popping up everyday, many outside of the country (regardless of where the lenders are located these products are STILL ILLEGAL).  He believes that Western Sky (an unlicensed lender in most states) is a front for or in partnership with Cash Call (another agency unlicensed in most states) even though the owner Paul Reddam says otherwise but the truth will come out.  Especially, since the Federal Government is now involved in investigating internet and tribal lenders.  He firmly believes that once any business, tribal or otherwise, conducts transactions away from where it is headquarterd it should be compliant to the laws and regulations of whatever state the customer resides in or they should let people know who try for the loan that they are not licensed or authorized to make loans to residents of that state.

Personally, agencies such as Western Sky, should not even be allowed to advertise nationally until they show proof of being licensed to do business on a national scale.

The best thing to do when you see or hear these advertisements is to do your research and check with your state's department of banking to make sure they are legit and to find out what the maximum interest rate they can charge before applying for a loan with the agency.


Fort Worth,
Neva, you should re read this guys original complaint again

#19General Comment

Fri, August 10, 2012

He borrowed the money.  He knew it was expensive. even the ad's that run on TV say. the money is expensive, but it is there when  you need it.  So, now he pays a high rate, because he let his credit go to hell for one reason or another.

Now he REFUSES to pay, and is hiding behind some real or imagined law.  Now, to me this is wrong.  He took the money from this company, and did not cry about the terms when they counted out his cash, but now after he is stuck paying, and having to live up to his word, he no longer likes the  terms ??? WTF?

I have a heart, but if someone signs a contract, they should be expected to live by it.

I will bet if he did some work for Western Sky, and was owed money from them, even if he gave them less than favorable terms for the work he did, and they decided  later they were not going to pay him because he was too expensive (after he already did the work), I bet the OP would be the first one to come to this site again, and complain that  he did work for somebody, and now they wont pay him.

So look at his "problem" in this light, and I bet you change your tune.  That is what I did, and that is why he got the response from me that he got.



#20Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2012

I read about this company because I have seen reports about how they do hurt people in dire financial straits.  When I read about this lady's situation I felt sympathy for her and her family.  Then I scroll down and Wow...Just Wow. 

When has people become so hardened and judgmental to each other.  To type dead beat when you have no proof of that.  Those companies do prey on people who are in a bind.  Any no, I do not have a loan with them, nor was I contemplating getting one. 

I hope everyone who is so nasty and rude to other people grows a heart.

Jon Doe

New Jersey,
United States of America
Do Not Pay Them

#21General Comment

Fri, July 13, 2012

These loans are only legal on the Indian Reservation where Western Sky is located. Cash Call knows that but they bluff to try and get you to pay them interest on an ILLEGAL loan. they can only sue you in Tribal Court and also they can't damage your credit report if you dispute them because the credit agencies don't cover illegal and foreign debt. once they see that the debt originated from outside the U.S. they will strike it from your report. 

all they can do is call you and harass you so just keep informing them in writing that you do not want them contacting you by phone. then ask them to produce a letter of debt validation to prove that what you owe is a legal debt. when they can't give you that (since it's not), send them a cease and desist and threaten to sue them for harassment if they keep contacting you. they know that they can't legally get the money but their whole business model is based on bullying people into paying them.

you have no moral or legal obligation to pay these people, as they're all crooks. and to the CC employee who says this country is in bad shape because of dead beats, the country is in bad shape because of companies like Cash Call that dodge the law to take advantage of people who make poor financial decisions. 

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
Rebutt sounds familar

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, July 11, 2012

 Wonder which one of the team changed name and location, Booby from Irvine?????

Report Attachments


Fort Worth,
Hey Subprime:L

#23General Comment

Wed, July 11, 2012

Ms Subprime Borrower:

Your post indicates that you have no intentions to pay any more.  You are trying to hide behind the law.  If you have to borrow the money to pay them back from family then you need to do so. Why should someone else do without just because you signed a financial contract, and then decided not to pay!!!!!

D E A D   B E A T !!!


Mount Pleasant,
United States of America
I was more tha n willing to pay my last 5 paymentments

#24Author of original report

Wed, July 11, 2012

But my husband got sick,& is now on a family medical leave act! I tried to work out payment arrangements with them,but no they didn't want to listen.I don't have the money coming into the house like I use to.And I don't know when my husband can go back to work.And before you say anything, I can't work.I have seizures,3herniated disc's in my back& and a damaged radial nerve in my right arm arm.Social Security told me the only way I would get SSD  OR SSI is if I was 68 yrs old or my husband died! sorry i do want my husband around for awhile cause I love more than anything.

WE had idtheft & this is how we found out about how payday loans,cash advance's & our loan with western sky/cash call was illegal! we do believe in paying our bills.Right now my main concern is getting my husband's heart better to have thyroid surgery he needed a month ago & getting his heart fixed so he can go back to work.We are people who do believe in paying our bill's! the pa department of banking & our 2 senator's were just trying to help take some of the stress off of us,when they they told us it was illegal to have a payday loan,cash advance,or a loan from cash call or western sky in our state! my main concern is my husband health,& all he want's to do is get back to work!


Fort Worth,
so we know now why you have to go to places like this to get money

#25General Comment

Tue, July 10, 2012

We know why you are now forced to go to places like this to borrow money.  You borrow their money, pay a little bit on it, then when you find out the loan was illegal, you fall back on the law, and tell Western Sky you wont pay, and  they cant make you. 

Well, you are a subprime borrower, and it is people like you who brought the banking industry to it's knees back in 2008.

I hope you are proud of your self.

D E A D      B E A T

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