  • Report:  #644430

Complaint Review: Whirlpool - Benton Harbor Michigan

Reported By:
Arbitrator - West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States of America

2000 N. M-63 Benton Harbor, 49022-2692 Michigan, United States of America
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Whirlpool offered a rebate promotion with local appliance dealers of $100 for buying a qualifying Whirlpool Cabrio wash machine through the local retailers for purchases taking place during the Month of May 2010.  17 days following the date of purchase of both a Whirlpool qualifying Cabrio washing machine and Whirlpool dryer (about $1,500), I received a letter from Whirlpool requesting that I call-in a serial number for the washing machine, and immediately called and provided serial numbers for both machines the day I received the letter.  My fiance helped as she related the numbers to the CSR while I was in the laundry room yelling out the numbers.

Following communication of the numbers, we were thanked for calling so promptly and advised that we would receive the check in 6-8 weeks. 

Ten weeks went by and no check was received.  I called Whirlpool to find out when the rebate check would be sent, and to by absolute shock and surprise, I was told that since I had never called to provide the serial number, and the number had to be provided before August 16, 2010 under the terms of the rebate offer, I was "SOL".  I requested that the CSR please double check the Whirlpool database and was abruptly told that the CSR was not going to re-check the database and there was nothing further to discuss; I politely advised the CSR that I had, and would gladly provide copies of my phone records reflecting the calls to the Whirlpool rebate number the day of receipt of the correspondence requesting that I call and provide the number, but I was again rudely told that I had not called the numbers in at all (let alone timely), and was again advised that I was out of luck.  I asked if I could speak with a supervisor, but my request was refused. Unbelievably, the CSR either abruptly hung up or disconnected the call.

This situation was particularly irritating because two weeks before I called to check on that status of my rebate, I received in the mail, 4 offers to purchase service contracts (2 for each machine) and I am fairly certain the information of each solicitation contained the both the model number and serial number for each machine. The entire situation was an absolute nightmare.

I called the store where I purchased the set, told the store manager what had transpired, and he admitted that I was nowhere near the first person to call the store and complain of the very same practice by Whirlpool.  I was promised that the store would send me the $100 rebate in several weeks.

Aside from the absolute BS which was communicated to me, I am curious whether any other purchasers were subject to the same conduct.

If this practice by Whirlpool was not intentionally done, it certainly appears to indicate, at minimum, disregard for the rights of it's customers and possibly worse.  More importantly, I will never buy another appliance manufactured or distributed by Whirlpool, as I strongly believe that in the event I have to make a warranty claim, I will similarly be told that the registration information which was provided to Whirlpool shortly after taking delivery of the machines, was never received.

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