  • Report:  #24109

Complaint Review: Wilson Leather Goods - Brookln Park Minnesota

Reported By:
- Ojibwa, Wisconsin,

Wilson Leather Goods
7404Boone Ave North Brookln Park, 55428 Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was injured at a Wilson leather goods store in carlsbad california. I was unloading a very heavy store fixture when the guy on the other end on the ground dropped his end and I went down. My right arm was inside in the peice to get a gripe and became stuck.

I have had neck reconstructive surgery 1 year and 8 months after my injury because from day one their insurance company and Wilson's associates filled my file with all kinds of documents latter proven to be untrue at hearing in March of 2000.

At that time my employer admitted under cross examination to perjury in previous hearing and several documents were not true.They pribed the theropist and 4 Doctors it's called insurance insentives to keep cost measers down completely legal.

They all said I was faking it yet the medical evidence MRI, needle and shock nerve conduction test, etc. I finally got their Dr to let me give me a referral for surgery after he realised after a year and a half I was get way worse than the date of my injury because of injury not being addressed.

I have lost almost everything including forcloser because of there crimminal acts. I have documentation to prove more than 12 counts of perjury and took it to the Local DA in Wisconsin were I live. To prove their power of these big corporation they are now prosicuting me with calling and threating them.

I had a jury trial and it was a hung jury because one female juror stated I wouldn't be here if I wasn't guilty . This is the influance they put on people and now I'm being retride.

I have $7000 in fighting this bogus charge proving my innocence and I have to start over. My Lawyer will end up with my whole settlement because Wilson is powerful enough to be above the law.

Know they are tring to start from scratch stating I never got hurt at work already admiiting this after denying it for a year and a half once before. Wilson Leather Goods are a band of CROOKS>


Ojibwa, Wisconsin

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Ex employee defends company

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 08, 2003

I used to work for Wilson's. I believe they are a fair company. I think you are partly responsible for the ACCIDENT that happened. The other person that is responsible is the person that was at the other end of the fixture that you were trying to carry/move. If I tried to lift something that is too heavy, I would get one, two, or as many people as needed to help me. You need to take on some of the responsibility of getting hurt. If it has been 4 years, it's time to settle and move on.

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