  • Report:  #68031

Complaint Review: WLI Reservations - Reservation Rewards - Internet

Reported By:
- parma heights, Ohio,

WLI Reservations - Reservation Rewards
www.reservationrewards.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
After buying airline tickets on priceline.com I was offered a $10 rebate on next purchase by "registering" with reservation rewards--no charges explained that I noticed.

I registered thinking that $10 is $10, and there was no mention of charges.

After reviewing my credit card bill, I notice $7 charges coming from "WLI"--good idea of them to disguise name so I can't determine where charges originate.

I called 888.688.5995 and cancelled and had the most recent month's charges credited.

This place is a scam. I am emailing priceline.com to urge them to discontinue the association.


parma heights, Ohio

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